872 resultados para POST-PAID SERVICE PLANS
El objetivo de esta monografía es examinar la transformación de la doctrina de seguridad de la OTAN en la Post-Guerra Fría y sus efectos en la intervención en la República de Macedonia. La desintegración del bloque soviético implicó la variación en la definición de las amenazas que atentan contra la supervivencia de los países miembro de la Alianza Atlántica. A partir de la década de los noventa, los conflictos de naturaleza interétnica pasaron a formar parte de los riesgos que transgreden la seguridad de los Aliados y la estabilidad del área Euro-Atlántica. Por lo anterior, la OTAN intervino en aquellos Estados en los que prevalecían las confrontaciones armadas interétnicas, como por ejemplo: en Macedonia. Allí, la Alianza Atlántica ejecutó operaciones de gestión de crisis para contrarrestar la amenaza. El fenómeno a estudiar en esta investigación será analizado a partir del Realismo Subalterno y de la Teoría de la Seguridad Colectiva.
El diagnóstico de cáncer ha sido asociado con un alto riesgo de presentar ideación suicida en comparación con la población no oncológica, sin embargo se ha considerado al apoyo social como un factor protector para la ocurrencia de esta conducta. La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo identificar la relación entre el apoyo social percibido y la ideación suicida en 90 pacientes oncológicos adultos en Bogotá, bajo la hipótesis de que a mayor apoyo social percibido, menor presencia de ideación suicida. Se midió la variable de apoyo social a través del cuestionario Duke UNC y la ideación suicida a través de cuatro instrumentos: Escala de Ideación Suicida (SSI), Escala de Desesperanza de Beck (BHS), el ítem 9 del Inventario de Depresión de Beck (BDI-IA) y una entrevista semiestructurada. Los resultados mostraron que no existe relación entre el apoyo social percibido y la ideación suicida. Por otro lado se identificó una prevalencia de suicidio entre 5,6% y 22,77%, confirmando que el paciente con cáncer considera el suicidio y es fundamental evaluar esta variable en esta población. Se considera importante continuar con la realización de investigaciones que permitan generalizar los resultados a la población oncológica colombiana.
In this CEPS Commentary, Steven Blockmans notes that a prolonged period of instability lies ahead for Syria, with an on-going risk of spill-over effects affecting the entire region. The author argues that the EU’s plans for a post-Assad Syria should extend beyond the half-hearted responses to the monumental changes that have ripped through other parts of the Arab world. In recognition of the geostrategic shifts in the Middle East and the Gulf, and pursuant to the obligation imposed upon it by the Lisbon Treaty, the EU should plan for the creation of a regional space of shared security. Such a plan would fit well into the current efforts to revamp the European Security Strategy.
After more than a decade of indecision, the EU is finally now set to implement a consistent regulatory architecture for clearing and settlement. Following the agreement on a European market infrastructure Regulation (EMIR), the European Commission has proposed harmonised rules for centralised settlement depositaries (CSDs), while the European Central Bank is moving forward with its plans for a central eurozone settlement engine. This paper analyses three components of the new post-trade infrastructure measures: 1) the regulatory framework for and supervision of central counterparties under the new EMIR legislation, 2) the authorisation requirements of trade repositories and 3) the draft CSD Regulation and the progress with the ECB’s Target 2 Securities project. It then discusses the impact of the new rules, and argues that, analogous to the unexpected impact of MiFID on trading infrastructures, a similar EMIR revolution may be on its way.
Based on interviews with diplomats from a representative cross-section of nine member states and members of the EEAS itself, the research findings of this EPIN Working Paper confirm long-standing traditions and member state perceptions of cooperation with European institutions. The paper also reveals new aspects of the intergovernmental method of foreign policy shaping and making in the European Union; in particular how different national positions can positively or negatively affect the consolidation of the EEAS and the role of the EU as an international actor. As such, the Working Paper makes an original contribution to the existing literature on one of most discussed actors in the European Union’s post-Lisbon architecture in the domain of EU external action.
Compute grids are used widely in many areas of environmental science, but there has been limited uptake of grid computing by the climate modelling community, partly because the characteristics of many climate models make them difficult to use with popular grid middleware systems. In particular, climate models usually produce large volumes of output data, and running them usually involves complicated workflows implemented as shell scripts. For example, NEMO (Smith et al. 2008) is a state-of-the-art ocean model that is used currently for operational ocean forecasting in France, and will soon be used in the UK for both ocean forecasting and climate modelling. On a typical modern cluster, a particular one year global ocean simulation at 1-degree resolution takes about three hours when running on 40 processors, and produces roughly 20 GB of output as 50000 separate files. 50-year simulations are common, during which the model is resubmitted as a new job after each year. Running NEMO relies on a set of complicated shell scripts and command utilities for data pre-processing and post-processing prior to job resubmission. Grid Remote Execution (G-Rex) is a pure Java grid middleware system that allows scientific applications to be deployed as Web services on remote computer systems, and then launched and controlled as if they are running on the user's own computer. Although G-Rex is general purpose middleware it has two key features that make it particularly suitable for remote execution of climate models: (1) Output from the model is transferred back to the user while the run is in progress to prevent it from accumulating on the remote system and to allow the user to monitor the model; (2) The client component is a command-line program that can easily be incorporated into existing model work-flow scripts. G-Rex has a REST (Fielding, 2000) architectural style, which allows client programs to be very simple and lightweight and allows users to interact with model runs using only a basic HTTP client (such as a Web browser or the curl utility) if they wish. This design also allows for new client interfaces to be developed in other programming languages with relatively little effort. The G-Rex server is a standard Web application that runs inside a servlet container such as Apache Tomcat and is therefore easy to install and maintain by system administrators. G-Rex is employed as the middleware for the NERC1 Cluster Grid, a small grid of HPC2 clusters belonging to collaborating NERC research institutes. Currently the NEMO (Smith et al. 2008) and POLCOMS (Holt et al, 2008) ocean models are installed, and there are plans to install the Hadley Centre’s HadCM3 model for use in the decadal climate prediction project GCEP (Haines et al., 2008). The science projects involving NEMO on the Grid have a particular focus on data assimilation (Smith et al. 2008), a technique that involves constraining model simulations with observations. The POLCOMS model will play an important part in the GCOMS project (Holt et al, 2008), which aims to simulate the world’s coastal oceans. A typical use of G-Rex by a scientist to run a climate model on the NERC Cluster Grid proceeds as follows :(1) The scientist prepares input files on his or her local machine. (2) Using information provided by the Grid’s Ganglia3 monitoring system, the scientist selects an appropriate compute resource. (3) The scientist runs the relevant workflow script on his or her local machine. This is unmodified except that calls to run the model (e.g. with “mpirun”) are simply replaced with calls to "GRexRun" (4) The G-Rex middleware automatically handles the uploading of input files to the remote resource, and the downloading of output files back to the user, including their deletion from the remote system, during the run. (5) The scientist monitors the output files, using familiar analysis and visualization tools on his or her own local machine. G-Rex is well suited to climate modelling because it addresses many of the middleware usability issues that have led to limited uptake of grid computing by climate scientists. It is a lightweight, low-impact and easy-to-install solution that is currently designed for use in relatively small grids such as the NERC Cluster Grid. A current topic of research is the use of G-Rex as an easy-to-use front-end to larger-scale Grid resources such as the UK National Grid service.
Introduction The medicines use review (MUR), a new community pharmacy ‘service’, was launched in England and Wales to improve patients’ knowledge and use of medicines through a private, patient–pharmacist appointment. After 18 months, only 30% of pharmacies are providing MURs; at an average of 120 per annum (maximum 400 allowed).1 One reason linked to low delivery is patient recruitment.2 Our aim was to examine how the MUR is symbolised and given meaning via printed patient information, and potential implications. Method The language of 10 MUR patient leaflets, including the NHS booklet,3 and leaflets from multiples and wholesalers was evaluated by discourse analysis. Results and Discussion Before experiencing MURs, patients conceivably ‘categorise’ relationships with pharmacists based on traditional interactions.4 Yet none of the leaflets explicitly describe the MUR as ‘new’ and presuppose patients would become involved in activities outside of their pre-existing relationship with pharmacists such as appointments, self-completion of charts, and pharmacy action plans. The MUR process is described inconsistently, with interchangeable use of formal (‘review meeting‘) and informal (‘friendly’) terminology, the latter presumably to portray an intended ‘negotiation model’ of interaction.5 Assumptions exist about attitudes (‘not understanding’; ‘problems’) that might lead patients to an appointment. However, research has identified a multitude of reasons why patients choose (or not) to consult practitioners,6 and marketing of MURs should also consider other barriers. For example, it may be prudent to remove time limits to avoid implying patients might not be listened to fully, during what is for them an additional practitioner consultation.
Objective. This study investigated whether trait positive schizotypy or trait dissociation was associated with increased levels of data-driven processing and symptoms of post-traumatic distress following a road traffic accident. Methods. Forty-five survivors of road traffic accidents were recruited from a London Accident and Emergency service. Each completed measures of trait positive schizotypy, trait dissociation, data-driven processing, and post-traumatic stress. Results. Trait positive schizotypy was associated with increased levels of data-driven processing and post-traumatic symptoms during a road traffic accident, whereas trait dissociation was not. Conclusions. Previous results which report a significant relationship between trait dissociation and post-traumatic symptoms may be an artefact of the relationship between trait positive schizotypy and trait dissociation.
This paper considers the relationship between value management and facilities management. The findings are particularly relevant to large client organisations which procure new buildings on a regular basis. It is argued that the maximum effectiveness of value management can only be achieved if it is used in conjunction with an ongoing commitment to post-occupancy evaluation. SMART value management is seen to provide the means of ensuring that an individual building design is in alignment with the client’s strategic property needs. However, it is also necessary to recognise that an organisation’s strategic property needs will continually be in a state of change. Consequentially, economic and functional under-performance can only be avoided by a regular performance audit of existing property stock in accordance with changing requirements. Such a policy will ensure ongoing competitiveness through organisational learning. While post-occupancy evaluation represents an obvious additional service to be provided by value management consultants, it is vital that the necessary additional skills are acquired. Process management skills and social science research techniques are clearly important. However, there is also a need to improve mechanisms for data manipulation. Success can only be achieved if equal attention is given to issues of process, structure and content.
The study was undertaken to investigate how willing would farmers be to pay for agricultural extension service in Nigeria. A multistage random sampling technique was used to select 268 respondents. Results showed that most farmers (95.1 per cent) were willing to pay for improved extension service as long as the service remained relevant to their needs. Farmers were willing to pay N1000 annually as their own share of the service cost. The most important factors that influenced farmers’ willingness to pay were states of origin, items originally paid for, major occupation, minor occupation, number of years in school and sale of farm produce.
This paper explores the spatiality of (post)military identities, demonstrating the continuing impact of having been part of the military community despite the passage of time. Our tri-service respondents highlighted the challenges faced even by those deemed to have ‘successfully’ transitioned to ‘Civvy Street’, articulating discourses of loss and separation. While some had achieved closure with their past military selves, others struggled and became stuck in a liminal space between civilian and military lives that perpetuated feelings of isolation. Our work contributes to understandings of military geographies and highlights the importance of conceptualising post-institutional transitions as a process in order to understand how individuals negotiate their identities in changing spatial circumstances.
Detta examensarbete har utförts på SSAB- Tunnplåt i Borlänge under vårterminen 2004 och omfattar 10 veckors arbete.SSAB sköter idag sin kommunikation med distributionslagren via fax, telefon eller e-post. Eftersom detta är ett ganska tidskrävande kommunikationssätt, vill SSAB ha en smidigare och snabbare kommunikationslösning. Den lösning som SSAB vill ha är en extern Web-service-lösning för att upprätta en säker kommunikation med sina distributionslager.Parallellt med byggandet av Web-service-lösningen arbetades en förvaltningsmodell fram. Den beskriver hur förvaltningsorganisationen med dess rutiner kan se ut vid implementering av lösningen.För att skapa en säker förbindelse med Web-servicen skall en webbklient användas som i sin tur anropar en COM+ komponent. Detta för att kunna skicka med certifikatet ifrån webbklienten till webbservern där Web-servicen ligger. COM+ komponenten måste få tillgång till en användarprofil när den kommunicerar med Web-servicen. Detta för att kunna upprätta en SSL-förbindelse i det inledande skedet. SSL-förbindelsen skall läggas i den VPN-tunnel som mVPN tillhandahåller via WSSAL.
In today's society it is becoming more and more important with direct marketing. Some of the direct marketing is done through e-mail, in which companies see an easy way to advertise himself. I did this thesis work at WebDoc Systems. They have a product that creates web documents directly in your browser, also called CMS. The CMS has a module for sending mass e-mail, but this module does not function properly and WebDoc Systems customers are dissatisfied with that part of the product. The problem with the module was that sometimes it didn't send the e-mail, and that it was not possible to obtain some form of follow-up information on the e-mail. The goal of this work was to develop a Web service that could easily send e-mail to many receivers, just as easily be able to view statistics on how mailing has gone. The first step was to do a literature review to get a good picture of available programming platforms, but also to be able create a good application infrastructure. The next step was to implement this design and improve it over time by using an iterative development methodology. The result was an application infrastructure that consists of three main parts and a plugin interface. The parts that were implemented were a Web service application, a Web application and a Windows service application. The three elements cooperate with each other and share a database, and plugins.
Background: Abortion is restricted in Uganda, and poor access to contraceptive methods result in unwanted pregnancies. This leaves women no other choice than unsafe abortion, thus placing a great burden on the Ugandan health system and making unsafe abortion one of the major contributors to maternal mortality and morbidity in Uganda. The existing sexual and reproductive health policy in Uganda supports the sharing of tasks in post-abortion care. This task sharing is taking place as a pragmatic response to the increased workload. This study aims to explore physicians' and midwives' perception of post-abortion care with regard to professional competences, methods, contraceptive counselling and task shifting/sharing in post-abortion care. Methods: In-depth interviews (n = 27) with health care providers of post-abortion care were conducted in seven health facilities in the Central Region of Uganda. The data were organized using thematic analysis with an inductive approach. Results: Post-abortion care was perceived as necessary, albeit controversial and sometimes difficult to provide. Together with poor conditions post-abortion care provoked frustration especially among midwives. Task sharing was generally taking place and midwives were identified as the main providers, although they would rarely have the proper training in post-abortion care. Additionally, midwives were sometimes forced to provide services outside their defined task area, due to the absence of doctors. Different uterine evacuation skills were recognized although few providers knew of misoprostol as a method for post-abortion care. An overall need for further training in post-abortion care was identified. Conclusions: Task sharing is taking place, but providers lack the relevant skills for the provision of quality care. For post-abortion care to improve, task sharing needs to be scaled up and in-service training for both doctors and midwives needs to be provided. Post-abortion care should further be included in the educational curricula of nurses and midwives. Scaled-up task sharing in post-abortion care, along with misoprostol use for uterine evacuation would provide a systematic approach to improving the quality of care and accessibility of services, with the aim of reducing abortion-related mortality and morbidity in Uganda.
Na atualidade os processos de gestão organizacionais nas empresas não podem ser mais concebidos em forma rígida e reativa ás mudanças atuais. Sabe-se que tal conceição errada acarreta conseqüências graves como ineficiência e baixa produtividade no gerenciamento das mesmas. Tais fatos geram uma ineficácia geral das empresas, influenciando negativamente nas políticas das empresas. Em relação á política de Remunerações, a mesma está gerando um forte descontentamento na comunidade trabalhadora e fazendo com que os sindicatos atuem tentando garantir emprego fixo como também igualdade salarial. Um dos grandes problemas que as mesmas empresas enfrentam é, certamente, o da determinação de uma estrutura adequada de salários. Isto porque, se de um lado existe a preocupação de motivar os empregados com salários compensadores, de outro lado existe a preocupação de situar num nível razoável os custos com o pessoal. O salário deixa de ser, para o empregado, o principal motivador, na medida que o próprio empregado considera-se inadequadamente remunerado. Contemplasse pelo menos dois aspectos: o equilíbrio interno e externo. O primeiro se refere a comparação de salário dentro da empresa, e o segundo tem como referência outras empresas do mesmo ramo. Métodos como a descrição e avaliação de cargos permitem estabelecer uma estrutura organizacional congruente solucionando problemas como desequilíbrio interno/externo dos salários. Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo principal identificar e avaliar os planos de cargos e salários do Sindicato dos Trabalhadores do serviço público federal no estado do Rio de Janeiro (SINTRASEF), propondo um plano alternativo de remunerações compatível como sua realidade organizacional atual.