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Direct legislation in the United States is a subject that has received a great deal of attention recently. A large proportion of this attention however has been focused on the potential for direct legislation to harm minority groups. An example of this negative potential can be seen in a group of ballot propositions that were presented to California voters in the 1990s. These initiatives can all be interpreted as targeting various minority groups in California. As California is the state which makes use of the ballot initiative more frequently than any other, this is a cause for concern. There are however several other factors that make it unclear whether direct legislation will more often lead to negative outcomes for minorities. There is also a noticeable effect of direct democracy generally on political participation. Several studies have found a positive correlation between the extent that a state uses ballot initiatives and referenda with political participation indexes such as voting rates. These findings complicate the negative attention that ballot initiatives have recently received.


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This dissertation aims to analyse the development of the deliberative model of democracy in the U.S., both in an empirical and theoretical levels, from its origins in the eighties of the last century until now. In the first part we study the political and historical elements that build the crisis of the Liberal political system in the seventies in the U.S. and its effects on the political behaviour of citizens. In the second part we discuss the origins and development of the deliberative theory of democracy, its main authors, approaches and elements. The key aspect of this model of democracy is to reverse the apathy and strength the political participation of citizens through public deliberation. In the last part we expose the practical level of the deliberative democracy: how this theory of has been put into practice in the American political domain. We describe the main projects of deliberative democracy rose from civil society from the eighties until today. Finally, we expose the James Fishkin’s proposal of deliberative poll. This is the link between the empirical and theoretical levels of the deliberative model of democracy.


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L’oggetto della nostra ricerca è l’opinione pubblica e il comportamento dell’elettore in una prospettiva comparata. L’obiettivo della ricerca è stato analizzare la relevanza degli approcci psicologici per una migliore comprensiore della partecipazione politica, delle opinioni e delle scelte elettorali degli studenti Italiani e Bielorussi. Nella parte teorica, noi discutiamo i modelli dell'approccio cognitivo al comportamento di voto. Discutiamo inoltre il concetto dello stile cognitivo e le sue cinque categorie: stile sintetico, idealistico, pragmatico, analitico o realistico, come descritti da A.Harrison and R.M. Branson e adattati da A. Alexeev and L. Gromova. Nonostante il fatto che la ricerca tratta il caso degli studenti, noi crediamo che i risultati siano pertinenti per un’ulteriore ricerca dell’auditorio più vasto e variegato.


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Vor dem Hintergrund der demokratiegefährdenden Folgen, die eine strukturell verursachte Ungleichheit politischer Partizipation nach sich zieht, hat sich die Partizipationsforschung verstärkt der Frage zugewandt, ob zwischen partizipierenden Bürgern und ihren politisch passiven Mitbürgern systematische Unterschiede hinsichtlich ihrer Ausstattung mit partizipationsrelevanten Ressourcen bestehen. Der Fokus bisheriger empirischer Untersuchungen richtet sich jedoch ausschließlich auf die US-amerikanische Gesellschaft. Allerdings setzen sich auch die deutsche Gesellschaft aus einer Vielzahl von Einwanderergruppen zusammen, die unter der Bezeichnung ‚Personen mit Migrationshintergrund' subsummiert werden können. Laut Mikrozensus besitzen zum gegenwärtigen Zeitpunkt 19,6 Prozent der deutschen Bevölkerung einen Migrationshintergrund. Der Ursprung dieser Einwanderungsbewegung liegt in der sogenannten Gastarbeiterphase, in der zwischen 1952 und 1973 ausländische Arbeitskräfte zur Unterstützung der deutschen Wirtschaft angeworben wurden. Während dieser Ära herrschte in der deutschen Gesellschaft die Annahme, die Arbeitsmigranten würden spätestens nach zwei Jahren aufgrund eines gesetzlich vorgeschriebenen Rotationsverfahrens in ihre Heimatländer zurückkehren. Vor diesem Hintergrund wurde die Frage nach der politischen Integration der Arbeitsmigranten und ihrer Nachkommen in der Integrationsforschung weitgehend vernachlässigt – eine politische Beteiligung der Arbeitsmigranten war gesellschaftlich nicht erwünscht. Obwohl die Mehrheit der Arbeitsmigranten tatsächlich in ihre Heimatländer zurückkehrte, entschied sich ein Teil der Gastarbeiter, ihren Lebensmittelpunkt dauerhaft nach Deutschland zu verlagern und einen Nachzug ihrer Familienangehörigen zu arrangieren. Da aus den Gastarbeitern bleibende Mitbürger geworden sind und ihre in Deutschland geborenen und aufgewachsenen Nachkommen immer zahlreicher werden, kann die Integrationsforschung die Frage nach ihrer politischen Mitwirkung – insbesondere die der zweiten Migrantengeneration – nicht länger ignorieren. In Anknüpfung an die demokratiegefährdenden Folgen, die eine strukturell bedingte, ungleiche Wahrnehmung der politischen Partizipationsrechte nach sich zieht, soll im Rahmen der Magisterarbeit die Frage geklärt werden: Sind in Deutschland geborene Personen der zweiten Migrantengeneration politisch integriert, d.h. weisen sie ein ähnliches Partizipationsverhalten auf wie Deutsche ohne Migrationshintergrund?


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Cezary Trutkowski (Poland). Social representations of Politics. Mr. Trutkowski is an assistant in the Institute for Social Research of the University of Warsaw and worked on this research from August 1997 to July 1999. Research into social representations requires the use of various methods to show the phenomenon from different angles. In contrast with the contemporary trend towards the measurement of attitudes in opinion surveys, Trutkowski examined social representations of politics in order to study the problem of political participation. He thus aimed to study a problem which he sees as social in nature from a really sociological perspective. His research revealed a very distinctive difference between the social representations of politics shared by politicians and by the general public. The former consider politics in general as struggle for power which can be used to pursue their own vision of social order. They perceive political activity as a kind of homage to be paid to the greater idea that they pursue. At the same time, politicians admitted that politics is very often treated by political actors as a means of gaining personal profit, becoming purely a fight for the power to rule. According to voters, politicians should be treated as employees on a contract, the duration of which depends on their performance. Politics is therefore not a homage to an idea but a service to citizens. They did however admit that this is wishful thinking in Poland today. A content analysis of electoral campaigns confirmed the dark side of the representation of politics: politicians spend the campaign making promises and presenting visions on television, and quarrelling and fighting in everyday activities that were reported by the press. Trutkowski sees his research as a contribution to the foundations of a new approach to studying mass phenomena. By reviving some forgotten ideas of Durkheim and the Chicago School and incorporating the theory of social representations with a new methodological programme, he believes that it is possible to build a more social social psychology and sociology.


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This paper presents the first investigation of whether direct democracy supplements or undermines the attendance of demonstrations as a form of protest behavior. A first approach assumes that direct democracy is associated with fewer protests, as they function as a valve that integrates voters’ opinions, preferences, and emotions into the political process. A competing hypothesis proposes a positive relationship between direct democracy and this unconventional form of political participation due to educative effects. Drawing on individual data from recent Swiss Electoral Studies, we apply multilevel analysis and estimate a hierarchical model of the effect of the presence as well as the use of direct democratic institutions on individual protest behavior. Our empirical findings suggest that the political opportunity of direct democracy is associated with a lower individual probability to attend demonstrations.


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Ethnic violence appears to be the major source of violence in the world. Ethnic hostilities are potentially all-pervasive because most countries in the world are multi-ethnic. Public health's focus on violence documents its increasing role in this issue.^ The present study is based on a secondary analysis of a dataset of responses by 272 individuals from four ethnic groups (Anglo, African, Mexican, and Vietnamese Americans) who answered questions regarding variables related to ethnic violence from a general questionnaire which was distributed to ethnically diverse purposive, nonprobability, self-selected groups of individuals in Houston, Texas, in 1993.^ One goal was psychometric: learning about issues in analysis of datasets with modest numbers, comparison of two approaches to dealing with missing observations not missing at random (conducting analysis on two datasets), transformation analysis of continuous variables for logistic regression, and logistic regression diagnostics.^ Regarding the psychometric goal, it was concluded that measurement model analysis was not possible with a relatively small dataset with nonnormal variables, such as Likert-scaled variables; therefore, exploratory factor analysis was used. The two approaches to dealing with missing values resulted in comparable findings. Transformation analysis suggested that the continuous variables were in the correct scale, and diagnostics that the model fit was adequate.^ The substantive portion of the analysis included the testing of four hypotheses. Hypothesis One proposed that attitudes/efficacy regarding alternative approaches to resolving grievances from the general questionnaire represented underlying factors: nonpunitive social norms and strategies for addressing grievances--using the political system, organizing protests, using the system to punish offenders, and personal mediation. Evidence was found to support all but one factor, nonpunitive social norms.^ Hypothesis Two proposed that the factor variables and the other independent variables--jail, grievance, male, young, and membership in a particular ethnic group--were associated with (non)violence. Jail, grievance, and not using the political system to address grievances were associated with a greater likelihood of intergroup violence.^ No evidence was found to support Hypotheses Three and Four, which proposed that grievance and ethnic group membership would interact with other variables (i.e., age, gender, etc.) to produce variant levels of subgroup (non)violence.^ The generalizability of the results of this study are constrained by the purposive self-selected nature of the sample and small sample size (n = 272).^ Suggestions for future research include incorporating other possible variables or factors predictive of intergroup violence in models of the kind tested here, and the development and evaluation of interventions that promote electoral and nonelectoral political participation as means of reducing interethnic conflict. ^


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In his contribution, Joppke justifies his selection of foundational scholars by linking each to what he sees as the three key facets of citizenship: status, rights and identity. Maarten Vink explicitly links his research agenda to the first, status, and outlines why it is so important. In identifying three facets of citizenship, Joppke acknowledges that some academics would include political participation, but he ultimately decides against it. But here we can, and should, broaden citizenship studies by bringing in insights from the behavioral politics tradition in domestic politics - when and why people engage in political acts - and from the social movements literature in sociology. I believe that the American debate on immigration reform, admittedly stalled, would not have advanced as far as it has without the social movement activism of DREAMers - unauthorized young people pushing for a path to citizenship - and the belief that Barack Obama won re-election in part because of the Latino vote. Importantly, one type of political activism demands formal citizenship, the other does not. As many contributors note, the “national models” approach has had a significant impact on citizenship studies. Whether one views such models through a cultural, institutional or historical lens, this tends to be a top-down, macro-level framework. What about immigrants’ agency? In Canada, although the ruling Conservative government is shifting citizenship discourse to a more traditional language - as Winter points out - it has not reduced immigration, ended dual citizenship, or eliminated multiculturalism, all goals of the Reform Party that the current prime minister once helped build. “Lock-in” effects (or policy feedback loops) based on high immigrant naturalization and the coming of age of a second-generation with citizenship also d emands study, in North America and elsewhere. Much of the research thus far suggests that political decisions over citizenship status and rights do not seem linked to immigrants’ political activism. State-centered decision-making may have characterized policy in the early post-World War II period in Europe (and East Asia?), but does it continue to hold today? Majority publics and immigrant-origin residents are increasingly politicized around citizenship and immigration. Does immigrant agency extend citizenship status, rights and identity to those born outside the polity? Is electoral power key, or is protest necessary? How is citizenship practiced, and contested, irrespective of formal status? These are important and understudied empirical questions, ones that demand theoretical creativity - across sub-fields and disciplines - in conceptualizing and understanding citizenship in contemporary times.


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Surveys on voting behavior typically overestimate turnout rates substantially. To disentangle different sources of bias - coverage error, nonresponse bias, and overreporting - we conducted a validation study in which respondents' self-reported voting behavior was compared to administrative voting records (N = 2000). Our results show that all three sources of error inflate the survey estimate of the turnout rate and also bias estimates from political participation models, although coverage error is only moderate compared to the more pronounced biases due to nonresponse and overreporting. Furthermore, results from a wording experiment do not provide evidence that revised wording reduces measurement bias.


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El ascenso de Internet ha dado lugar a numerosas propuestas de uso de la red para la participación política. En el siguiente artículo se analizan algunos supuestos de la llamada democracia electrónica. Asimismo, se hace hincapié en dos aspectos: en primer lugar, la disposición de los individuos a adquirir informaciones tanto como las posibilidades de que las mismas impliquen una profundización de la participación y una mejora de la democracia-; en segundo lugar, el riesgo -por ciertas modalidades propias de este tipo de comunicación- de reforzar la tendencia de concebir la política como gestión, como elección de quien cumple con más eficacia los servicios que se demandan.


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Actualmente una de las variantes historiográficas más importantes en el estudio de la independencia en América Latina está circunscrita al análisis de la participación política de los grupos populares. En ese sentido, en aquel contexto de guerra y lucha revolucionaria en el Perú, que va desde la crisis hispana de 1808 hasta la independencia definitiva en 1824, esta investigación, a partir de un conjunto de fuentes de archivo, impresos y periódicos diversos, desarrolla las imágenes y representaciones que las elites peruanas construyeron de estos sectores sociales, algunas de las respuestas que estos últimos les infringieron y las múltiples alternativas políticas, que en aquel escenario beligerante, todos estos actores supieron concebir, negociar y utilizar políticamente.


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En este trabajo, inscripto en el campo de análisis de las prácticas discursivas como instancias que participan en la disputa político ideológica siguiendo una lógica propia y específica, me propongo como objetivo explicar cómo es representado el colectivo “trabajadores" y sus formas de participación política en el discurso presidencial kirchnerista, desde qué lugares enunciativos y según qué dispositivos de interpelación. Asimismo, en la medida en que este proceso de significación no es auto-referencial (en realidad, ninguno lo es), sino que se despliega en un diálogo permanente con la práctica discursiva de la dirigencia de la Confederación General del Trabajo, analizo las estrategias de alianza y antagonismo puestas en escena por ambos interlocutores. El material de análisis está formado por los discursos oficiales pronunciados por la presidenta Cristina Fernández de Kirchner desde su asunción en el 2007 hasta mediados del 2012 y por los discursos públicos de Hugo Moyano, Secretario General de la CGT en el mismo lapso, ordenados y sistematizados según procedimientos de categorización previa y cerrada en consonancia con los objetivos de la indagación.


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Si bien la participación de las mujeres en el ámbito público ha sido tradicionalmente muy inferior a la de los varones, esta situación ha cambiado en los últimos años, intensificándose la participación femenina en distintas instituciones. Simultáneamente está aumentando la presencia masculina en el ámbito doméstico. El objetivo de este trabajo es describir la actividad de las mujeres en las esferas pública y privada, teniendo en cuenta la complementariedad de estos dos ámbitos. Se ha trabajado para ello con los datos provenientes de una encuesta domiciliaria estructurada aplicada a la población del Gran Mendoza comprendida en la franja etárea de 18 a 71 años. La muestra se estratificó teniendo en cuenta sexo, edad, y nivel socio económico. El número total de casos fue de 300 e incluye, en proporciones iguales, a varones, mujeres activas y amas de casa. Esta última segmentación se debe a que numerosas investigaciones han corroborado que la práctica desarrollada por las mujeres en el mundo público modifica sustancialmente su posición respecto de las mujeres que permanecen constreñidas al ámbito de su hogar. Los hallazgos principales que se exponen están vinculados a la visión diferencial que los integrantes de las tres categorías expresan en relación al mundo público y al privado. Se discute sobre las causas de la participación en uno u otro, señalando que el cambio en la situación de la mujer implica también una modificación en la posición del varón y en la dinámica familiar y social. Se sostiene, en conclusión, que las trabas a la participación política femenina deben ser buscadas mas allá de su interés o vocación por la cosa pública, en las características propias de la práctica política y en la tensión entre los ámbitos público y privado, con la persistente responsabilidad de la mujer sobre este último.


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La movilización del 24 de marzo, aniversario del último golpe de Estado en la Argentina, ha adquirido enorme relevancia política a lo largo del tiempo. Este espacio de participación y acción conjunta, resulta un ámbito pertinente para indagar la elaboración de una memoria colectiva sobre el pasado reciente y su impacto en las primeras generaciones de jóvenes que no vivieron la época de la dictadura en forma directa. La caracterización sobre el pasado, conlleva visiones sobre el presente y condiciona modos de intervención en la realidad social. El trabajo que se presenta, fue realizado en base a estrategias cualitativas de investigación social, a partir de entrevistas y observaciones en la provincia de Mendoza.


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El campesinado en la Grecia antigua sufrió transformaciones en su estatus impositivo, desde una ausencia total de tributos en su perjuicio hasta el padecimiento de onerosas cargas fiscales. En ambos extremos de un mismo y único proceso se verifica un idéntico fenómeno, esto es, la incorporación del campesinado antiguo a la comunidad política, como miembro pleno con todos los derechos. El modelo de organización y participación política del campesinado rehúye las categorías sociológicas de sociedad primitiva, sociedad campesina o sociedad industrial. El objetivo del presente trabajo consiste en proponer una mirada de este sujeto que contemple su especificidad política, social y económica, desde una perspectiva cultural