957 resultados para POLAR-MOLECULES
We systematically varied conditions of two-dimensional (2D) agarose gel electrophoresis to optimize separation of DNA topoisomers that differ either by the extent of knotting, the extent of catenation or the extent of supercoiling. To this aim we compared electrophoretic behavior of three different families of DNA topoisomers: (i) supercoiled DNA molecules, where supercoiling covered the range extending from covalently closed relaxed up to naturally supercoiled DNA molecules; (ii) postreplicative catenanes with catenation number increasing from 1 to ∼15, where both catenated rings were nicked; (iii) knotted but nicked DNA molecules with a naturally arising spectrum of knots. For better comparison, we studied topoisomer families where each member had the same total molecular mass. For knotted and supercoiled molecules, we analyzed dimeric plasmids whereas catenanes were composed of monomeric forms of the same plasmid. We observed that catenated, knotted and supercoiled families of topoisomers showed different reactions to changes of agarose concentration and voltage during electrophoresis. These differences permitted us to optimize conditions for their separation and shed light on physical characteristics of these different types of DNA topoisomers during electrophoresis.
We have developed numerical simulations of three dimensional suspensions of active particles to characterize the capabilities of the hydrodynamic stresses induced by active swimmers to promote global order and emergent structures in active suspensions. We have considered squirmer suspensions embedded in a fluid modeled under a Lattice Boltzmann scheme. We have found that active stresses play a central role to decorrelate the collective motion of squirmers and that contractile squirmers develop significant aggregates.
The use of herbicides in agriculture may lead to environmental problems, such as surface water pollution, with a potential risk for aquatic organisms. The herbicide glyphosate is the most used active ingredient in the world and in Switzerland. In the Lavaux vineyards it is nearly the only molecule applied. This work aimed at studying its fate in soils and its transfer to surface waters, using a multi-scale approach: from molecular (10-9 m) and microscopic scales (10-6 m), to macroscopic (m) and landscape ones (103 m). First of all, an analytical method was developed for the trace level quantification of this widely used herbicide and its main by-product, aminomethylphosphonic acid (AMPA). Due to their polar nature, their derivatization with 9-fluorenylmethyl chloroformate (FMOC-Cl) was done prior to their concentration and purification by solid phase extraction. They were then analyzed by ultra performance liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry (UPLC-MS/MS). The method was tested in different aqueous matrices with spiking tests and validated for the matrix effect correction in relevant environmental samples. Calibration curves established between 10 and 1000ng/l showed r2 values above 0.989, mean recoveries varied between 86 and 133% and limits of detection and quantification of the method were as low as 5 and 10ng/l respectively. At the parcel scale, two parcels of the Lavaux vineyard area, located near the Lutrive River at 6km to the east of Lausanne, were monitored to assess to which extent glyphosate and AMPA were retained in the soil or exported to surface waters. They were equipped at their bottom with porous ceramic cups and runoff collectors, which allowed retrieving water samples for the growing seasons 2010 and 2011. Results revealed that the mobility of glyphosate and AMPA in the unsaturated zone was likely driven by the precipitation regime and the soil characteristics, such as slope, porosity structure and layer permeability discrepancy. Elevated glyphosate and AMPA concentrations were measured at 60 and 80 cm depth at parcel bottoms, suggesting their infiltration in the upper parts of the parcels and the presence of preferential flow in the studied parcels. Indeed, the succession of rainy days induced the gradual saturation of the soil porosity, leading to rapid infiltration through macropores, as well as surface runoff formation. Furthermore, the presence of more impervious weathered marls at 100 cm depth induced throughflows, the importance of which for the lateral transport of the herbicide molecules was determined by the slope steepness. Important rainfall events (>10 mm/day) were clearly exporting molecules from the soil top layer, as indicated by important concentrations in runoff samples. A mass balance showed that total loss (10-20%) mainly occurred through surface runoff (96%) and, to a minor extent, by throughflows in soils (4%), with subsequent exfiltration to surface waters. Observations made in the Lutrive River revealed interesting details of glyphosate and AMPA dynamics in urbanized landscapes, such as the Lavaux vineyards. Indeed, besides their physical and chemical properties, herbicide dynamics at the catchment level strongly depend on application rates, precipitation regime, land use and also on the presence of drains or constructed channels. Elevated concentrations, up to 4970 ng/l, observed just after the application, confirmed the diffuse export of these compounds from the vineyard area by surface runoff during main rain events. From April to September 2011, a total load of 7.1 kg was calculated, with 85% coming from vineyards and minor urban sources and 15% from arable crops. Small vineyard surfaces could generate high concentrations of herbicides and contribute considerably to the total load calculated at the outlet, due to their steep slopes (~10%). The extrapolated total amount transferred yearly from the Lavaux vineyards to the Lake of Geneva was of 190kg. At the molecular scale, the possible involvement of dissolved organic matter (DOM) in glyphosate and copper transport was studied using UV/Vis fluorescence spectroscopy. Combined with parallel factor (PARAFAC) analysis, this technique allowed characterizing DOM of soil and surface water samples from the studied vineyard area. Glyphosate concentrations were linked to the fulvic-like spectroscopic signature of DOM in soil water samples, as well as to copper, suggesting the formation of ternary complexes. In surface water samples, its concentrations were also correlated to copper ones, but not in a significant way to the fulvic-like signature. Quenching experiments with standards confirmed field tendencies in the laboratory, with a stronger decrease in fluorescence intensity for fulvic-like fluorophore than for more aromatic ones. Lastly, based on maximum concentrations measured in the river, an environmental risk for these compounds was assessed, using laboratory tests and ecotoxicity data from the literature. In our case and with the methodology applied, the risk towards aquatic species was found negligible (RF<1).
10 images from FEMS articles have been selected to show the diversity of visualisation used in microbiology.
An assay for the simultaneous analysis of pharmaceutical compounds and their metabolites from micro-whole blood samples (i.e. 5 microL) was developed using an on-line dried blood spot (on-line DBS) device coupled with hydrophilic interaction/reversed-phase (HILIC/RP) LC/MS/MS. Filter paper is directly integrated to the LC device using a homemade inox desorption cell. Without any sample pretreatment, analytes are desorbed from the paper towards an automated system of valves linking a zwitterionic-HILIC column to an RP C18 column. In the same run, the polar fraction is separated by the zwitterionic-HILIC column while the non-polar fraction is eluted on the RP C18. Both fractions are detected by IT-MS operating in full scan mode for the survey scan and in product ion mode for the dependant scan using an ESI source. The procedure was evaluated by the simultaneous qualitative analysis of four probes and their relative phase I and II metabolites spiked in whole blood. In addition, the method was successfully applied to the in vivo monitoring of buprenorphine metabolism after the administration of an intraperitoneal injection of 30 mg/kg on adult female Wistar rat.
The toxicity and environmental behavior of new pH-sensitive surfactants from lysine are presented. Three different chemical structures are studied: surfactants with one amino acid and one alkyl chain, surfactants with two amino acids on the polar head and one alkyl chain, and gemini surfactants. The pH sensitivity of these compounds can be tuned by modifying their chemical structures. Cytotoxicity has been evaluated using erythrocytes and fibroblast cells. The toxic effects against these cells depend on the hydrophobicity of the molecules as well as their cationic charge density. The effect of hydrophobicity and cationic charge density on toxicity is different for each type of cells. For erythrocytes, the toxicity increases as hydrophobicity and charge density increases. Nevertheless, for fibroblasts cationic charge density affects cytotoxicity in the opposite way: the higher charge density, the lower the toxicity. The effect of the pH on hemolysis has been evaluated in detail. The aquatic toxicity was established using Daphnia magna. All surfactants yielded EC50 values considerably higher than that reported for cationic surfactants based on quaternary ammonium groups. Finally, their biodegradability was evaluated using the CO2 headspace test (ISO 14593). These lysine derivatives showed high levels of biodegradation under aerobic conditions and can be classified as"readily biodegradable compounds".
Dans le but de mieux connaître le métabolisme secondaire de la famille des Thymelaeaceae et de découvrir de nouveaux composés naturels à intérêt thérapeutique, 30 extraits provenant de 8 espèces africaines ont été soumis à un criblage chimique et biologique. Les cibles biologiques suivantes ont servi à l?évaluation de l?activité des extraits étudiés : la moisissure phytopathogène Cladosporium cucumerinum, la levure commensale Candida albicans, la bactérie opportuniste Bacillus subtilis, la larve du moustique vecteur de la fièvre jaune Aedes aegypti et l?hôte intermédiaire mollusque de la schistosomiase urinaire Biomphalaria glabrata. Les propriétés antiradicalaires et inhibitrices de l?acétylcholinestérase de ces extraits ont également été dépistées. Des analyses sur CCM avec révélation chimique, ainsi que des expériences LC/DAD-UV, ont permis demettre en évidence la présence de tanins, de flavonoïdes et de xanthones dans les extraits polaires. Sur la base des résultats de ces analyses préliminaires, l?investigation phytochimique des extraits méthanoliques des racines et des parties aériennes de Gnidia involucrata a été entreprise. Cette démarche a permis l?isolement de 8 composés naturels et leur caractérisation complète au moyen de méthodes spectroscopiques (UV, MS, CD, 1H- et 13C-NMR). Les activités de ces produits purs ont été évaluées et il est apparu qu?ils possédaient presque tous des propriétés antiradicalaires intéressantes, supérieures à celles du BHT, un antioxydant de synthèse (E 321) utilisé dans l?industrie alimentaire. Deux benzophénones simples, respectivement O- et C-glucosylées, ont été isolées des parties aériennes de G. involucrata au côté de la mangiférine, une C-glycosylxanthone ubiquitaire. Ces découvertes sont remarquables à plusieurs titres : (1) les benzophénones simples (nonprénylées) sont très rares dans la nature ; (2) c?est la première fois qu?une Oglycosylbenzophénone a été décrite ; (3) aucune xanthone n?avait été mise en évidence auparavant dans la famille et (4) les benzophénones semblent ne pas être que des produits intermédiaires dans la biosynthèse des xanthones. Trois 3,8??-biflavanones du type GB ont été isolées des racines et des parties aériennes de la même plante, dont deux stéréoisomères se trouvant en mélange. Une analyse LC/CD a permis d?attribuer les configurations absolues des quatre carbones asymétriques de chaque molécule. Cette classe de métabolites secondaires est réputée pour ses propriétés analgésiques et sa présence chez les Thymelaeaceae est prometteuse. Des techniques couplées de pointe ont été utilisées dans ce travail et ont montré leur apport inestimable dans le domaine de la recherche phytochimique. Une analyse LC/ MSn a ainsi permis de mettre en évidence on-line trois C-glycosylflavones ? l?isoorientine, l?isovitexine et la vitexine ? dans les extraits méthanoliques bruts de G. involucrata. De plus, les parties aériennes de cette même plante ont servi de matériel pour le développement d?une nouvelle méthode d?analyse d?extraits bruts : la LC/1H-NMR time-slice. Cette approche consiste à « découper » le temps d?analyse par des interruptions régulières du flux LC, durant lesquelles les données NMR nécessaires sont acquises. Le problème de la faible sensibilité relative de la LC/NMR a été partiellement résolu par ce biais et a permis d?envisager l?utilisation de la NMR au sein de systèmes de couplages multiples en série avec d?autres méthodes spectrales (UV, MS, IR, CD,?).<br/><br/>With the aim of acquiring a better knowledge of the secondary metabolism of the family Thymelaeaceae and of the discovering of new natural therapeutics, 30 extracts from 8 African plant species were submitted to chemical and biological screening. The following biological targets were used to estimate the activity of the extracts under study: the phytopathogenic fungus Cladosporium cucumerinum, the commensal yeast Candida albicans, the opportunistic bacteria Bacillus subtilis, larvae of the yellow fever-transmitting mosquito Aedes aegypti and the intermediate snail host of urinary schistosomiasis Biomphalaria glabrata. The antiradical and acetylcholinesterase-inhibiting properties of these extracts were also investigated. TLC analyses followed by chemical detection, together with LC/DAD-UV experiments, showed the presence of tannins, flavonoids and xanthones in the polar extracts. On the basis of these results, a phytochemical investigation of the methanol extracts of the roots and the aerial parts of Gnidia involucrata was undertaken. This procedure led to the isolation of 8 natural products, which were then characterised by spectroscopic means (UV, MS, CD, 1H- and 13C-NMR). The activities of the pure compounds were then further evaluated: almost all of them exhibited very interesting antiradical properties, superior to those of BHT, a synthetic antioxidant (E 321) used in the food industry. Two simple benzophenones, one O- and one C-glycosylated, were isolated from the aerial parts of G. involucrata, together with mangiferin, a ubiquitous C-glycosylxanthone. These findings are of multiple importance: (1) simple (non-prenylated) benzophenones are very rare in nature; (2) it is the first time that an O-glycosylbenzophenone has been described; (3) no xanthones have been previously reported in the family and (4) benzophenones do not seem to be exclusive intermediates in the biosynthesis of xanthones. Three 3,8??-biflavanones of the GB type were isolated from the roots and the aerial parts of the same plant, among them two stereoisomers in mixture. A LC/CD analysis allowed the assignment of the absolute configurations of all four stereocenters in both molecules. This class of secondary metabolite is well known for its analgesic properties and its presence in the Thymelaeaceae is very promising. Advanced hyphenated techniques were used in this work and showed their inestimable contribution to the field of phytochemical research. A LC/MSn analysis, for example, allowed the on-line characterisation of three C-glycosylflavones ? isoorientin, isovitexin and vitexin ? in the crude methanol extracts of G. involucrata. Furthermore, the aerial parts of this plant were used as material for the development of a new analytical method for crude plant extracts: time-slice LC/1H-NMR. This approach consisted in "slicing" the analytical procedure by interrupting the LC flow at given intervals, during which the necessary NMR data were acquired. The relative lack of sensitivity of LC/NMR was partially surmounted by this means, allowing one to envisage the use of NMR in a multiple hyphenated system, together with other spectroscopic methods (UV, MS, IR, CD,?)
Helsingfors : A.W. Gröndahl & A.C. Öhman 1845 : Dresden, Adler u. Dietze
In vertebrates, early brain development takes place at the expanded anterior end of the neural tube, which is filled with embryonic cerebrospinal fluid (E-CSF). We have recently identified a transient blood-CSF barrier that forms between embryonic days E3 and E4 in chick embryos and that is responsible for the transport of proteins and control of E-CSF homeostasis, including osmolarity. Here we examined the presence of glucose transporter GLUT-1 as well the presence of caveolae-structural protein Caveolin1 (CAV-1) in the embryonic blood-CSF barrier which may be involved in the transport of glucose and of proteins, water and ions respectively across the neuroectoderm. In this paper we demonstrate the presence of GLUT-1 and CAV-1 in endothelial cells of blood vessels as well as in adjacent neuroectodermal cells, located in the embryonic blood-CSF barrier. In blood vessels, these proteins were detected as early as E4 in chick embryos and E12.7 in rat embryos, i.e. the point at which the embryonic blood-CSF barrier acquires this function. In the neuroectoderm of the embryonic blood-CSF barrier, GLUT-1 was also detected at E4 and E12.7 respectively, and CAV-1 was detected shortly thereafter in both experimental models. These experiments contribute to delineating the extent to which the blood-CSF embryonic barrier controls E-CSF composition and homeostasis during early stages of brain development in avians and mammals. Our results suggest the regulation of glucose transport to the E-CSF by means of GLUT-1 and also suggest a mechanism by which proteins are transported via transcellular routes across the neuroectoderm, thus reinforcing the crucial role of E-CSF in brain development.
MOTIVATION: The functional impact of small molecules is increasingly being assessed in different eukaryotic species through large-scale phenotypic screening initiatives. Identifying the targets of these molecules is crucial to mechanistically understand their function and uncover new therapeutically relevant modes of action. However, despite extensive work carried out in model organisms and human, it is still unclear to what extent one can use information obtained in one species to make predictions in other species. RESULTS: Here, for the first time, we explore and validate at a large scale the use of protein homology relationships to predict the targets of small molecules across different species. Our results show that exploiting target homology can significantly improve the predictions, especially for molecules experimentally tested in other species. Interestingly, when considering separately orthology and paralogy relationships, we observe that mapping small molecule interactions among orthologs improves prediction accuracy, while including paralogs does not improve and even sometimes worsens the prediction accuracy. Overall, our results provide a novel approach to integrate chemical screening results across multiple species and highlight the promises and remaining challenges of using protein homology for small molecule target identification. AVAILABILITY AND IMPLEMENTATION: Homology-based predictions can be tested on our website http://www.swisstargetprediction.ch. CONTACT: david.gfeller@unil.ch or vincent.zoete@isb-sib.ch. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online.
Background: Few clinical studies have focused on the alcoholindependent cardiovascular effects of the phenolic compounds of red wine (RW). Objective: We aimed to evaluate the effects of ethanol and phenolic compounds of RW on the expression of inflammatory biomarkers related to atherosclerosis in subjects at high risk of cardiovascular disease. Design: Sixty-seven high-risk, male volunteers were included in a randomized, crossover consumption trial. After a washout period, all subjects received RW (30 g alcohol/d), the equivalent amount of dealcoholized red wine (DRW), or gin (30 g alcohol/d) for 4 wk. Before and after each intervention period, 7 cellular and 18 serum inflammatory biomarkers were evaluated. Results: Alcohol increased IL-10 and decreased macrophage-derived chemokine concentrations, whereas the phenolic compounds of RW decreased serum concentrations of intercellular adhesion molecule- 1, E-selectin, and IL-6 and inhibited the expression of lymphocyte function-associated antigen 1 in T lymphocytes and macrophage-1 receptor, Sialil-Lewis X, and C-C chemokine receptor type 2 expression in monocytes. Both ethanol and phenolic compounds of RW downregulated serum concentrations of CD40 antigen, CD40 ligand, IL-16, monocyte chemotactic protein-1, and vascular cell adhesion molecule-1. Conclusion: The results suggest that the phenolic content of RW may modulate leukocyte adhesion molecules, whereas both ethanol and polyphenols of RW may modulate soluble inflammatory mediators in high-risk patients. The trial was registered in the International Standard Randomized Controlled Trial Number Register at http://www. isrctn.org/ as ISRCTN88720134
Background: Few clinical studies have focused on the alcoholindependent cardiovascular effects of the phenolic compounds of red wine (RW). Objective: We aimed to evaluate the effects of ethanol and phenolic compounds of RW on the expression of inflammatory biomarkers related to atherosclerosis in subjects at high risk of cardiovascular disease. Design: Sixty-seven high-risk, male volunteers were included in a randomized, crossover consumption trial. After a washout period, all subjects received RW (30 g alcohol/d), the equivalent amount of dealcoholized red wine (DRW), or gin (30 g alcohol/d) for 4 wk. Before and after each intervention period, 7 cellular and 18 serum inflammatory biomarkers were evaluated. Results: Alcohol increased IL-10 and decreased macrophage-derived chemokine concentrations, whereas the phenolic compounds of RW decreased serum concentrations of intercellular adhesion molecule- 1, E-selectin, and IL-6 and inhibited the expression of lymphocyte function-associated antigen 1 in T lymphocytes and macrophage-1 receptor, Sialil-Lewis X, and C-C chemokine receptor type 2 expression in monocytes. Both ethanol and phenolic compounds of RW downregulated serum concentrations of CD40 antigen, CD40 ligand, IL-16, monocyte chemotactic protein-1, and vascular cell adhesion molecule-1. Conclusion: The results suggest that the phenolic content of RW may modulate leukocyte adhesion molecules, whereas both ethanol and polyphenols of RW may modulate soluble inflammatory mediators in high-risk patients. The trial was registered in the International Standard Randomized Controlled Trial Number Register at http://www. isrctn.org/ as ISRCTN88720134
Thermal processes are widely used in small molecule chemical analysis and metabolomics for derivatization, vaporization, chromatography, and ionization, especially in gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC/MS). In this study the effect of heating was examined on a set of 64 small molecule standards and, separately, on human plasma metabolite extracts. The samples, either derivatized or underivatized, were heated at three different temperatures (60, 100, and 250 °C) at different exposure times (30 s, 60 s, and 300 s). All the samples were analyzed by liquid chromatography coupled to electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (LC/MS) and the data processed by XCMS Online ( xcmsonline.scripps.edu ). The results showed that heating at an elevated temperature of 100 °C had an appreciable effect on both the underivatized and derivatized molecules, and heating at 250 °C created substantial changes in the profile. For example, over 40% of the molecular peaks were altered in the plasma metabolite analysis after heating (250 °C, 300s) with a significant formation of degradation and transformation products. The analysis of 64 small molecule standards validated the temperature-induced changes observed on the plasma metabolites, where most of the small molecules degraded at elevated temperatures even after minimal exposure times (30 s). For example, tri- and diorganophosphates (e.g., adenosine triphosphate and adenosine diphosphate) were readily degraded into a mono-organophosphate (e.g., adenosine monophosphate) during heating. Nucleosides and nucleotides (e.g., inosine and inosine monophosphate) were also found to be transformed into purine derivatives (e.g., hypoxanthine). A newly formed transformation product, oleoyl ethyl amide, was identified in both the underivatized and derivatized forms of the plasma extracts and small molecule standard mixture, and was likely generated from oleic acid. Overall these analyses show that small molecules and metabolites undergo significant time-sensitive alterations when exposed to elevated temperatures, especially those conditions that mimic sample preparation and analysis in GC/MS experiments.
High-resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS) has been associated with qualitative and research analysis and QQQ-MS with quantitative and routine analysis. This view is now challenged and for this reason, we have evaluated the quantitative LC-MS performance of a new high-resolution mass spectrometer (HRMS), a Q-orbitrap-MS, and compared the results obtained with a recent triple-quadrupole MS (QQQ-MS). High-resolution full-scan (HR-FS) and MS/MS acquisitions have been tested with real plasma extracts or pure standards. Limits of detection, dynamic range, mass accuracy and false positive or false negative detections have been determined or investigated with protease inhibitors, tyrosine kinase inhibitors, steroids and metanephrines. Our quantitative results show that today's available HRMS are reliable and sensitive quantitative instruments and comparable to QQQ-MS quantitative performance. Taking into account their versatility, user-friendliness and robustness, we believe that HRMS should be seen more and more as key instruments in quantitative LC-MS analyses. In this scenario, most targeted LC-HRMS analyses should be performed by HR-FS recording virtually "all" ions. In addition to absolute quantifications, HR-FS will allow the relative quantifications of hundreds of metabolites in plasma revealing individual's metabolome and exposome. This phenotyping of known metabolites should promote HRMS in clinical environment. A few other LC-HRMS analyses should be performed in single-ion-monitoring or MS/MS mode when increased sensitivity and/or detection selectivity will be necessary.