733 resultados para PITU 2025
Com esta tese almejámos compreender se o corpus literário consignado aos alunos dos 11º e 12º anos do Ensino Secundário Geral – ESG, fomenta a interculturalidade, em função dos diferentes grupos étnicos moçambicanos. Cientistas sociais têm apontado como prioridade, na área de Educação Cultural, o estabelecimento de estratégias para promover a interculturalidade, uma vez que Moçambique é um país multilingue e multicultural. Verificámos que a literatura, nomeadamente, ainda não foi abordada como prática que, a partir de recursos pedagógicos específicos, pode alavancar este princípio. Assim, realizámos uma pesquisa com o objetivo de: a) analisar as formas de interpretação de interculturalidade, a partir das representações culturais constantes do corpus literário obrigatório, por parte de intervenientes do processo educativo; b) mapear as representações culturais do mosaico identitário moçambicano nesse corpus literário; c) discutir se essas representações culturais promovem a interculturalidade; d) verificar de que forma é que esse corpus literário é utilizado enquanto meio que, a partir das respectivas representações culturais, pode estimular a interculturalidade. Como metodologia de trabalho analisámos diferentes estudos que abordam a interculturalidade, o texto literário e a Educação Cultural, para apreendermos que valor acrescentar relativamente à implementação da mesma em Moçambique. Debruçámo-nos também sobre a Agenda Nacional 2025 que traça os objetivos que o país deseja alcançar em Moçambique. No tocante às diretrizes escolares, estudámos os documentos que preconizam o que é prioritário para efetivar o Sistema Nacional de Ensino; analisámos o corpus literário obrigatório para os 11º e 12º anos do ESG moçambicano; aplicámos três questionários a intervenientes do processo educativo: alunos da Escola Portuguesa de Moçambique (estudado como grupo de controle) e alunos do ESG; uma planificadora curricular e uma autora de manuais de ensino. Um quarto questionário foi aplicado a um conjunto de nativos de cada grupo étnico moçambicano. Os documentos mencionados e as perguntas abertas dos questionários tiveram uma abordagem qualitativa. As perguntas fechadas foram analisadas de acordo com o método quantitativo. Recorremos ainda a um quadro teórico assente nos Estudos Culturais e na Teoria Literária, especificamente na Estética da Receção e na Sociologia da Leitura, por colocarem o leitor no centro de hipóteses de descodificação textual. No tocante ao questionário aplicado aos alunos, medimos os resultados da formação, realizada a partir desse tipo de texto, com recurso à corrente do Interacionismo Sócio-discursivo. Os resultados dessa análise levaram-nos a constatar que, na ótica da receção ativa de textos, as práticas educativas devem estimular os alunos a interpretarem os diferentes sentidos para os quais a obra literária aponta, atendendo à literariedade do texto, no quadro de modalizações culturais, uma vez que algumas obras literárias moçambicanas assentam sobre uma escrita de base etnográfica. Este pode ser um recurso para despertar os alunos para uma consciência intercultural. A conclusão a que chegámos é a de que o atual corpus literário tem limitações na promoção da interculturalidade. Foi nesse sentido que apresentámos um cânone literário multicultural e um modelo de análise de representações culturais dos grupos étnicos moçambicanos susceptível de aplicação aos contextos educativos
One of the global targets for non-communicable diseases is to halt, by 2025, the rise in the age-standardised adult prevalence of diabetes at its 2010 levels. We aimed to estimate worldwide trends in diabetes, how likely it is for countries to achieve the global target, and how changes in prevalence, together with population growth and ageing, are affecting the number of adults with diabetes. We pooled data from population-based studies that had collected data on diabetes through measurement of its biomarkers. We used a Bayesian hierarchical model to estimate trends in diabetes prevalence-defined as fasting plasma glucose of 7.0 mmol/L or higher, or history of diagnosis with diabetes, or use of insulin or oral hypoglycaemic drugs-in 200 countries and territories in 21 regions, by sex and from 1980 to 2014. We also calculated the posterior probability of meeting the global diabetes target if post-2000 trends continue. We used data from 751 studies including 4,372,000 adults from 146 of the 200 countries we make estimates for. Global age-standardised diabetes prevalence increased from 4.3% (95% credible interval 2.4-7.0) in 1980 to 9.0% (7.2-11.1) in 2014 in men, and from 5.0% (2.9-7.9) to 7.9% (6.4-9.7) in women. The number of adults with diabetes in the world increased from 108 million in 1980 to 422 million in 2014 (28.5% due to the rise in prevalence, 39.7% due to population growth and ageing, and 31.8% due to interaction of these two factors). Age-standardised adult diabetes prevalence in 2014 was lowest in northwestern Europe, and highest in Polynesia and Micronesia, at nearly 25%, followed by Melanesia and the Middle East and north Africa. Between 1980 and 2014 there was little change in age-standardised diabetes prevalence in adult women in continental western Europe, although crude prevalence rose because of ageing of the population. By contrast, age-standardised adult prevalence rose by 15 percentage points in men and women in Polynesia and Micronesia. In 2014, American Samoa had the highest national prevalence of diabetes (>30% in both sexes), with age-standardised adult prevalence also higher than 25% in some other islands in Polynesia and Micronesia. If post-2000 trends continue, the probability of meeting the global target of halting the rise in the prevalence of diabetes by 2025 at the 2010 level worldwide is lower than 1% for men and is 1% for women. Only nine countries for men and 29 countries for women, mostly in western Europe, have a 50% or higher probability of meeting the global target. Since 1980, age-standardised diabetes prevalence in adults has increased, or at best remained unchanged, in every country. Together with population growth and ageing, this rise has led to a near quadrupling of the number of adults with diabetes worldwide. The burden of diabetes, both in terms of prevalence and number of adults affected, has increased faster in low-income and middle-income countries than in high-income countries. Wellcome Trust.
Luoteis-Pirkanmaan viisaan ja turvallisen liikkumisen suunnitelma on laadittu yhteistyössä kuntien, ELY-keskuksen, Liikenneturvan ja poliisin kanssa. Suunnitelman alussa on esitetty kiireiselle lukijalle sivun yhteenveto ja johdatus työn sisältöön. Seudun onnettomuuksiin, asukkaiden ja koululaisten koettuun turvallisuuteen ja liikenneturvallisuustyön nykytilanteeseen on pureuduttu luvussa 2. Vuosina 2010–2014 Luoteis-Pirkanmaan alueella kuoli keskimäärän vuosittain kolme ja loukkaantui 42 henkilöä. Nykytilan analyysien pohjalta sekä valtakunnalliset ja alueelliset linjaukset huomioiden seudun liikenneturvallisuustyölle asetettiin visio, onnettomuuksien vähenemätavoite ja painopistealueet (luku 3). Tavoitteena on, että vuoteen 2025 mennessä liikennekuolemissa päästään nollatasoon ja loukkaantuneita on enintään 33 (lähtötaso 52). Seudulla tapahtuvista liikenneonnettomuuksista aiheutuu nykyisin vuosittain noin 26 miljoonan euron kustannukset, joista kuntien osuus on noin 4–5 miljoonaa euroa. Suunnitelmassa esitetyt toimenpiteet on yhdessä kuntien, ELY-keskuksen ja sidosryhmien kanssa kohdistettu valittuihin painopistealueisiin (luku 4). Suunnitelmaan sisältyy toimenpide-ehdotuksia liittyen yhteistyöhön, liikennekasvatukseen ja -tiedotukseen, liikenneympäristön parantamiseen, liikenteen valvontaan sekä liikenteen ja maankäytön suunnitteluperiaatteisiin. Liikenneympäristön turvallisuutta parantavien toimenpiteiden pääpaino on pienehköissä ja kustannustehokkaissa toimenpiteissä. Suunnitelman toteuttamisen vastuu jakautuu toimenpiteen luonteesta riippuen kuntasektorille, ELY-keskukselle, Liikenneturvalle, poliisille ja muille sidosryhmille. Suunnitelman vaikutustenarvioinnin perusteella voidaan todeta, että liikenneympäristöön kohdennetut toimet tuottavat merkittäviä onnettomuusvähenemiä, mutta valtatien 3 kokonaisvaltainen parantaminen on ensiarvoisen tärkeää koko seudun turvallisuustilanteen kannalta (luku 5). Asetettujen tavoitteisiin pääseminen edellyttää erittäin suuria panostuksia kaikilla iikenneturvallisuustyön osaalueilla, ja erityisesti liikennekäyttäytymiseen ja yhteistyöhön kohdistuvien toimenpiteiden osalta. Erityisesti liikennekäyttäytymisen muutoksella saavutettaisiin liikenneympäristön toimenpiteisiin nähden moninkertainen hyöty. Seudulla tullaan ottamaan käyttöön keväällä 2016 liikenneturvallisuustoimija, joka yhdessä kuntien ja ELY-keskuksen kanssa vastaa suunnitelman toteutumisen ja vaikutus seurannasta (luku 6).
1889/12/03 (Numéro 2025).
Gestión del conocimiento
Gestión del conocimiento
Tesis (Maestría en Trabajo Social) UANL
The aim of this paper is to demonstrate that, even if Marx's solution to the transformation problem can be modified, his basic conclusions remain valid. the proposed alternative solution which is presented hare is based on the constraint of a common general profit rate in both spaces and a money wage level which will be determined simultaneously with prices.
Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae est l’agent étiologique de la pleuropneumonie porcine. La bactérie se transmet par voies aériennes et contacts directs. Plusieurs facteurs de virulence ont été identifiés, nommément les polysaccharides capsulaires, les lipopolysaccharide, les exotoxines ApxI à IV et de nombreux mécanismes d’acquisition du fer. Aucun vaccin efficace contre tous les sérotypes de la bactérie n’a encore été élaboré. Afin de mieux comprendre de quelle façon A. pleuropneumoniae régule la transcription de ses nombreux facteurs de virulence et de découvrir de nouvelles cibles potentielles pour l’élaboration de vaccins efficaces, le profil transcriptomique de la bactérie a été étudié dans des conditions simulant l’infection ainsi qu’à la suite d’une infection naturelle aiguë chez l’animal. Des biopuces de première et de seconde génération (AppChip1 et AppChip2) comportant respectivement 2025 cadres de lecture ouverts (ORF) de la version préliminaire du génome d’A. pleuropneumoniae sérotype 5b souche L20 et 2033 ORF de la version finale annotée du même génome ont été utilisées. Dans un premier temps, des expériences réalisées dans des conditions de concentration restreinte en fer ont permis d’identifier 210 gènes différentiellement exprimés, dont 92 étaient surexprimés. Plusieurs nouveaux mécanismes d’acquisition du fer ont pu être identifiés, incluant un système homologue au système YfeABCD de Yersinia pestis, impliqué dans l’acquisition du fer chélaté, ainsi que des gènes homologues aux composantes du système HmbR de Neisseria meningitidis impliqué dans l’acquisition du fer à partir de l’hémoglobine. Dans des conditions de culture permettant la formation de biofilms, les gènes tadC et tadD d’un opéron tad (« tight adherence locus ») putatif, les gènes pgaBC impliqués dans la synthèse d’un polysaccharide de la matrice du biofilm ainsi que deux gènes présentant de fortes homologies avec un gène codant pour l’adhésine auto-transporteur Hsf retrouvée chez Haemophilus influenzae ont montré une surexpression significative. Plusieurs de ces gènes ont également été retrouvés lors d’expériences réalisées avec des cellules épithéliales d’origine pulmonaire en culture, qui ont permis d’identifier 170 gènes différentiellement exprimés après la croissance planctonique au-dessus des cellules, et 131 autres suite à l’adhésion à ces cellules. Parmis les gènes surexprimés, les gènes tadB et rcpA de l’opéron tad putatif, les gènes pgaBC ainsi que le gène codant pour l’homologue d’Hsf ont été retrouvés. En présence de liquide de lavage broncho-alvéolaire (BALF), 156 gènes ont montré un profil d’expression modifié, et le gène apxIVA, identifié comme étant surexprimé, a pu être détecté pour la première fois dans des conditions de croissance in vitro. Finalement, des expériences visant à déterminer les gènes utilisés directement chez l’animal en phase aiguë de la pleuropneumonie porcine ont permis d’identifier 150 gènes qui étaient différentiellement exprimés. En plus d’identifier des gènes d’un possible opéron codant pour un fimbriae de type IV, 3 des 72 gènes surexprimés sont conservés chez tous les sérotypes d’A. pleuropneumoniae et codent pour des protéines ou lipoprotéines de surface. Nos expériences ont permis d’identifier plusieurs nouveaux facteurs de virulence potentiels chez A. pleuropneumoniae ainsi que plusieurs nouvelles cibles potentielles pour l’élaboration de vaccins efficaces contre tous les sérotypes.
Au Liban, le diabète est évalué à 12%, il est appelé à doubler d’ici l’an 2025. Devant cette augmentation, il est pertinent d’évaluer les effets d’une intervention éducative auprès de personnes présentant un DT2 sur leur sentiment d’auto-efficacité et leur capacité d’auto-soins afin de rendre leur adhésion thérapeutique la plus optimale possible. Le devis est expérimental avant/après 3 mois. L’adhésion a été évaluée à l’aide de l’HbA1c à <7 % et de du SDSCA pour les comportements d’auto-soins, du DMSES pour l’auto-efficacité. L’échantillon formé : 71 GE et 65 GC. Le GE s’est amélioré au niveau des comportements d’auto-soins, l’application des recommandations, du sentiment d’auto-efficacité et du taux d’HbA1c. Ainsi une éducation infirmière favorise l’adhésion chez les DT2. Cette étude a pu contribuer au développement du savoir infirmier et au renouvellement des pratiques cliniques.
N-alkyl-2,6-dimethyl-4(1H)-pyridinones, salts of 4-dimethylaminopyridine and 2-amino-5-nitropyridine are considered to be potential candidates for nonlinear optical (NLO) applications, in particular for the generation of blue-green laser radiation. Single crystals were grown following the slow evaporation technique at constant temperature. Single-shot laserinduced surface damage thresholds in the range 3–10 GW/cm2 were measured using a 18 ns Q-switched Nd:YAG laser. The surface morphologies of the damaged crystals were examined under an optical microscope and the nature of damage identified. The Vicker’s microhardness was determined at a load of 98.07 mN. The thermal transport properties, thermal diffusivity (α), thermal effusivity (e), thermal conductivity (K) and heat capacity (Cp), of the grown crystals were measured by an improved photopyroelectric technique at room temperature. All the results are presented and discussed.
Professor Irma Glicman Adelman, an Irish Economist working in California University at Berkely, in her research work on ‘Development Over Two Centuries’, which is published in the Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 1995, has identified that India, along with China, would be one of the largest economies in this 21st Century. She has stated that the period 1700 - 1820 is the period of Netherlands, the period 1820 - 1890 is the period of England the period 1890 - 2000 is the period of America and this 21st Century is the century of China and India. World Bank has also identified India as one of the leading players of this century after China. India will be third largest economy after USA and China. India will challenge the Global Economic Order in the next 15 years. India will overtake Italian economy in 2015, England economy in 2020, Japan economy in 2025 and USA economy in 2050 (China will overtake Japan economy in 2016 and USA economy in 2027). India has the following advantages compared with other economies. India is 4th largest GDP in the world in terms of Purchasing Power. India is third fastest growing economy in the world after China and Vietnam. Service sector contributes around 57% of GDP. The share of agriculture is around 17% and Manufacture is 16% in 2005 - 2006. This is a character of a developed country. Expected GDP growth rate is 10% shortly (It has come down from 9.2% in 2006 - 2007 to 6.2% during 2008 - 2009 due to recession. It is only a temporary phenomenon). India has $284 billion as Foreign Exchange Reserve as on today. India had just $1 billion as Foreign Exchange Reserve when it opened its economy in the year 1991. In this research paper an attempt has been made to study the two booming economies of the globe with respect to their foreign exchange reserves. This study mainly based on secondary data published by respective governments and various studies done on this area
The main objective of this PhD research study is to provide a perspective on the urban growth management and sustainable development in Palestine, and more specifically in Hebron district as a case study. Hebron is located 36 km south of Jerusalem, with an overall population size of around 600,000 people living in a total area around1246km2. Hebron is the biggest Palestinian district that has 16 municipalities and 154 localities. The research discusses and analyzes the urban planning system, economical and environmental policies and the solution required to manage and integrate the development elements to develop a sustainable development plan for Hebron. The research provides answers for fundamental questions such as what kind and definition of sustainable development are applicable to the Palestinian case?. What are the sustainability problems there and how the Israeli occupation and unstable political condition affect the sustainable development in Palestine? What are the urban growth management and sustainability policies and actions required from government, public and privets sector in Palestine? The fast urban growth in Palestine is facing many problems and challenges due to the increase in the population size and the resulting impact of this increase including, but not limited to, the demand of new houses, need for more infrastructure services, demands on new industrial, commercial, educational and health projects, which in turn reduces the area of agricultural lands and threatens the natural resources and environment. There are also other associated sustainability problems like the absence of effective plans or regulations that control urban expansion, the absence of sufficient sustainable development plans at the national levels for the district, new job requirements, Israeli restrictions and occupation for more than 60 years, existence of construction factories near residential areas, poor public awareness and poor governmental funds for service projects and development plans. The study consists of nine chapters. Chapter One includes an introduction, study objectives, problems and justifications, while Chapter Two has a theoretical background on sustainability topic and definitions of sustainability. The Palestinian urban planning laws and local government systems are discussed in Chapter Three and the methodology of research is detailed in Chapter Four. As for Chapter Five, it provides a general background on Hebron District including demographical and economical profiles, along with recommendations related to sustainable development for each profile Chapter Six addresses the urban environment, sustainability priorities and policies required. Chapter Seven discusses and analyzes infrastructure services including transportation, water and wastewater. As for Chapter Eight, it addresses the land use, housing and urban expansion beside the cultural heritage, natural heritage with relevant sustainable development polices and recommendations. Finally, Chapter Nine includes a conclusion and comprehensive recommendations integrating all of urban and sustainability event in one map. Hebron has a deep history including a rich cultural heritage aged by thousands of years, with 47% of Hebron district population under 14 years old. Being the biggest Palestinian district, Hebron has thousands of industrial and economical organizations beside a large agricultural sector at Palestine level. This gives Hebron a potential to play major roles in developing a national sustainability plan, as the current urban planning system in Palestine needs urgent reform and development to fulfill the sustainability requirement. The municipalities and ministers should find permanent financial aid for urban planning and development studies so as to face future challenges. The Palestinian government can benefit from available local human resources in development projects; hence Palestinian people have sufficient qualifications in most sectors. The Palestinian people also can invest in the privet sector in Palestine in case businessmen have been encouraged and clear investment laws and plans have been developed. The study provides recommendations associated to the sustainable development in Palestine in general and Hebron, as a case study, in specific. Recommendations include increasing the privet sector as well as the public involvement in urban growth management, and stopping unplanned urban expansion, subjecting granting building permits of new projects to the no-harm environmental impact assessment, increasing the coordination and cooperation between localities and central bodies, protection and renovation of old cites and green areas, increasing the quality and quantity of infrastructure services, establishing district urban planning department to coordinate and organize urban planning and sustainable development activities. Also, among recommendations come dividing Hebron into three planning and administrative areas (north, central and south), and dividing the sustainable development and implementation period (2010 to 2025) into three main phases. Finally, the study strongly recommends benefiting from the same urban development plans in similar districts at national and international levels, also to use new technologies and information systems in urban planning process.