325 resultados para PIAUÍ


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Metazoan fauna from cultivated fishes (N = 433) in two feefishing farm of Franca, State of São Paulo, Brazil, was studied during a period of April 1997 through March 1999. Specimens of piauçú Leporinus macrocephalus Garavello & Britski, 1988 (Anostomidae), pacu Piaractus mesopotamicus Holmberg, 1887 (Characidae), carp Cyprinus carpio Linnaeus, 1758 (Cyprinidae), Tillapia rendalli Boulenger, 1896 (Cichlidae), nile-tilapia Oreochromis niloticus Linnaeus, 1758 (Cichlidae), matrinxã Brycon cephalus Günther, 1869 (Characidae) and tambacu hybrid (male of P. mesopotamicus x female of Colossoma macropomum Cuvier, 1818) were collected. A total of 29.3% was parasitized by monogenean, 9.7% with crustacean (copepodits and adults of Lernaea cyprinacea Linnaeus, 1758 and Argulus sp.) and 1.6% with myxosporean (Henneguya piaractus Martins & Souza, 1997 and Myxobolus colossomatis Moinar & Békési, 1993).The most susceptible species to myxosporean infestation was P. mesopotamicus. L. macrocephalus and P. mesopotamicus that showed a higher susceptibility to Argulus sp infestation. It was not observed significant difference (P > 0.05) in the seasonal variation of L. cyprinacea infection of all species. L. macrocephalus, P. mesopotamicus and tambacu showed a great number of P. pillulare with no significant difference (P > 0.05) between them. Monogenean infections were observed in all examined species, without significant difference (P > 0.05) in the seasonal variation. Nevertheless, occurrence of monogenean was higher in P. mesopotamicus and lower in Nile-tilapia. By the other hand, parasites number collected from P. mesopotamicus was lower in the winter. Copepodits of L. cyprinacea were found in the gills of P. mesopotamicus, tambacu and L. macrocephalus. However, adults of L. cyprinacea were observed only in the P. mesopotamicus and tambacu.


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A erosão é a forma de degradação do solo com efeitos na produtividade das culturas e na poluição do meio ambiente. Para compreender a variabilidade espacial desse fenômeno, técnicas geoestatísticas e conceitos da relação solo-paisagem podem ser utilizados para identificar compartimentos da paisagem com diferentes potenciais de erosão. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estabelecer elementos para a compreensão dos fatores de erosão em compartimentos da paisagem e das relações com a suscetibilidade magnética (SM) dos solos de uma vertente no município de Gilbués -PI. Foram montadas malhas de amostragem nos compartimentos I e II, com 121 pontos, e compartimento III, com 99 pontos, espaçados a cada 10 m. Houve diferença significativa para erodibilidade (K) e risco de erosão (RE); a variabilidade espacial da SM foi menor do que a dos fatores de erosão do solo. As perdas de solo (A), potencial natural de erosão (PNE), RE e SM tiveram relação espacial com o fator topográfico, indicando dependência da erosão ao relevo. Concluiu-se que as perdas de solo, o potencial natural de erosão e o risco de erosão apresentaram relação espacial com o fator topográfico, comprovando a dependência dos fatores de erosão ao relevo. A suscetibilidade magnética do solo pode ser utilizada como variável auxiliar na quantificação indireta do fator erodibilidade e do risco de erosão do solo.


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O melão (Cucumis melo L.) é uma das culturas de grande expressão econômica e social para a região Nordeste do Brasil. Apesar disso e dos baixos níveis de fósforo (P) dos solos tropicais, existem poucas pesquisas sobre adubação com P nesta cultura, embora seja frequentemente mencionado que este nutriente tem papel preponderante na produção e qualidade dos frutos. Neste contexto, objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar o efeito de doses de P (0; 120; 240; 360 e 480 kg ha-1 de P2O5), na produção e qualidade do melão-amarelo híbrido Goldex F1, nas condições ambientais de Teresina - Piauí. O experimento foi conduzido em um delineamento de blocos ao acaso, com quatro repetições, tendo 40 plantas por parcela. Os frutos foram colhidos aos 75 após o plantio. Foram avaliados os dados médios da produção total, produção de frutos comerciais, massa e número de frutos por planta, comprimento e diâmetro de frutos, espessura da polpa de frutos, sólidos solúveis, acidez titulável e o índice de maturação. A produção total e comercial, assim como a massa e o número de frutos e acidez titulável aumentaram com as doses de P aplicadas até a dose de 278 kg ha-1 de P2O5. Doses acima de 278 kg ha-1 de P2O5 prejudicaram a produtividade de frutos classificados como comerciais. O comprimento, o diâmetro de frutos e a espessura de polpa aumentaram até a dose de 355 kg ha-1 de P2O5, com aumentos pouco expressivos entre 278 e 355 kg ha-1 de P2O5. O teor de sólidos solúveis totais não foi afetado pela adubação fosfatada. Para as condições de fertilidade do solo deste trabalho, recomenda-se uma dose ao redor de 275 kg ha-1 de P2O5.


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Este trabalho tem dois objetivos: avaliar a usabilidade de três interfaces de ambientes virtuais de educação à distância através de duas técnicas avaliativas e identificar os fatores influenciadores da percepção de usabilidade dos ambientes avaliados. Os sistemas de educação à distância escolhidos foram o AulaNet, o E-Proinfo e o Teleduc, por serem desenvolvidos no Brasil e terem distribuição gratuita. A avaliação da usabilidade foi realizada através de duas técnicas documentadas na literatura. A primeira técnica de avaliação, do tipo preditiva ou diagnóstica, foi realizada pelo autor e um concluinte do curso de Sistemas de Informação do Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica do estado do Piauí (CEFET-PI), mediante a observação de um checklist denominado Ergolist. A segunda avaliação, do tipo prospectivo, foi efetivada com o usuário sendo o próprio avaliador das interfaces, através de um questionário. A amostra foi composta de 15 professores e 15 alunos do CEFET-PI. Os resultados colhidos foram analisados a partir da estatística descritiva e testes de chi-quadrado. Os resultados mostraram que os ambientes apresentarem problemas de adaptabilidade, pois não possuem flexibilidade e nem levam em consideração a experiência do usuário. Na análise inferencial, foi constatado que o tempo de uso da Internet não afetou significativamente sua avaliação da usabilidade dos três ambientes, assim como na maior parte das variáveis de usabilidade não foram influenciadas pelo tipo de usuário , sexo e escolaridade . Por outro lado, em vários dos critérios ergonômicos avaliados, as variáveis de sistema tipo de ambiente e experiência com computador e a variável demográfica faixa etária afetaram a percepção de usabilidade dos ambientes virtuais de educação à distância


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This dissertation presents a discussion on the level of risk awareness of students who have welding practice in the laboratories at CEFET/PI, both in Teresina and Floriano. Its main goal is to investigate risk factors involving students, teachers and employees that work in these laboratories. It s an empirical survey, held among a certain amount of students from the course in Mechanic Technology. For data analysis, the concept of risk was compared to the students direct measure of perception. The main results suggest the students must be better informed, more risk aware and more competent, in order to avoid accidents. They also point to a strong need for a more formal and effective performance to assure full consciousness about the risks involving the welding practice.


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We have been living in a world of packed products. The package and the labels support the companies to communicate with the customers in addition to give protection, storage and convenience in proportion to the products that move in the price list. The labels mainly add up a value which helps the companies differ their products and increase the value of the brands among the final customers. However, the information given in the label are not clear sometimes. It displays a verbal-visual defective language resulted from a poor visibility, legibleness and comprehensibleness of the verbal and visual marks. The aim of this research is to verify, according to the costumers‟ view, the level of the clarity in the informative texts, harmony and ergonomic conformity of the package labels in the chocolate powder of the Claralate brand, considering the linguistic aspects presented on the labels. The criteria to evaluate the chocolate package selected were based on the linguistic field: the organization and the structure of the text derided from the classification of the textual genre; the clarity and the comprehension of the language utilized on those labels. From the ergonomic view, the informative and ergonomic conformity, based on the following requirements: legibility, symbols, characters, reading fields and intermission of the written lines. Therefore, the research done july 2007 and added july 2011 had a structured questionnaire in the interview put to the 118 customers of the chocolate package that go shopping in one of the two supermarkets in Floriano, Piauí São Jorge and/or Super Quaresma. The main results of the investigation show that the linguistic aspects in the informative texts of the labels provide the customers‟ expectancy partially, while the consideration of the informative ergonomic analyzed can contribute to the improvement of the information and consequent visual progress of those, on the labels of chocolate package investigated. As recommendation towards the maker of the product, the outcome of the research indicates: harmonize the proportion of the letters and numbers; enlarge the letters size; make the visual information more comprehensive determined by the reading field; put the expiry date in a better visual place


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The present work sets out environmental issues in educational field. The aim of this research was to investigate the factors capable to influence the environmental behavior of the teachers in High school of the public school in Floriano, state of Piaui. For this, the methodology utilized an explanatory and descriptive search like a survey; questionnaires were applied with open and close questions establishing shifts that made up the following aspects; knowledge, behavior, responsibility, participation and trait of the teachers. The statistic techniques to analyze the data were descriptive analysis and analysis of multiple regression. The results reveal that teachers care about the real surrounding problems and believe that the school must develop ambient activities to stir the consciousness, it is important to the environmental improvement of the city. However, the results point out that are developed little activities related to theme concerned, besides the level of ambient consciousness given to the students are median. It was observed that teachers have little knowledge about theme like Agenda 21 and ISO14000. After identifying some factors of environmental knowledge, it was showed recommendations. The Agenda 21 recognizes in the educational field a mean of popular consciousness; the school should develop an education according to national policy of the environmental education


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The organic products represent one of the main trends of alimentary consumption in the new century. In Brazil, the answer is already well representative which it becomes the country, as a great consuming and exporting market of products of LVF type. The objective of this research was to investigate the factors capable to influence the food consumer in its purchase decision of organic products in the supermarkets of Teresina, capital of Piauí State. The methodology was exploratory and descriptive, using survey, with closed and opened questions in 542 interviewed. The questionnaire was based on projected scales to evaluate the factors that can influence the purchase decision of organic products, whose variable had been grouped in the following groups: behavior, knowledge, interest, competitiveness, importance, barrier and profile. The used statistical techniques were descriptive analysis and multiple regression analysis. The results demonstrate interest of the population in paying more for the organic product, due to better quality of life, however it lacks to one better spreading and greater sensitization to attract these consumers. Some recommendations and proposals are presented after the results, as suggestions for future research


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Brazil is one of the major centers of diversity for polyploid cotton plants; these plants belong to the genus Gossypium, which has three known species: G. hirsutum, G. barbadense and G. mustelinum. The Northeast is the only region where the three species occur, the last group being endemic. Northeast s cotton plants can be important sources of variability for genetic breeding. It is believed that great part of local diversity is being lost, due to economic, political, cultural and agricultural problems. In an attempt to mitigate this loss and delineate conservation strategies it is necessary to know how the species are found where they occur. The objective was to characterize and determine how plants are maintained in situ in the states of Maranhão, Piauí, Ceará, Rio Grande do Norte and Paraíba at the beginning of the XXI century. The in situ characterization of G. hirsutum and G. barbadense was conducted through structured interviews with the cotton plants owners and through the analysis of the environment. The data were collected during expeditions undertaken between the years 2004 to 2005. Twenty-two plants were collected in the state of Paraíba, forty-four in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, one hundred and forty-six in the state of Ceará, forty in the state of Maranhão and ninety-one plants in the state of Piauí. All plants collected in the states of Paraíba and Rio Grande do Norte belonged to moco type. Moco cotton plants also predominated in the other states, representing 92%, 62% and 78% of plants collected in Ceará, Piauí and Maranhão, respectively. The other cotton plants collected belong to the species G. barbadense. The cotton plants were found in situ as dooryard plants, roads side, feral populations, cultivation or local varieties. Great part were dooryard plants (45.2%), being major in Piauí and Maranhão. Cultivation predominated in Ceará; in Rio Grande do Norte feral populations were the most frequent and, in Paraíba, local varieties. The maintenance of moco plants is related, mainly, to the phytotherapic domestic use (20.9%) and to confection of lamp wicks (29.7%). Few inhabitants in Paraíba, Rio Grande do Norte, Piauí and none in Maranhão used harvest the plants, storage the seeds or gin; however, in Ceará, 40.5% of owners affirmed that they harvested and commercialized the fiber. It was found that the maintenance of species is dependent of the fragile cultural habits of local inhabitants, therefore the maintenance in situ is not a suitable way to conservation of genetic resources. The efforts must be directed to the continuity of collections, maintenance and characterization ex situ


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This study focuses on the fish fauna composition and reproductive strategies of four native fish species in relation to environmental variables of the Piranhas-Assu hydrographic basin of the Caatinga biome, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. Fish and environmental data were collected monthly during the period September 2008 to February 2010, in the Marechal Dutra reservoir and River Acauã a tributary of Piranhas- Assu. The fish were measured, weighed and dissected, and the gonads were removed, weighed and examined macroscopically for identification and determination of gonad maturation stages. The results of this work generated seven articles. The first article is about the fish fauna composition of the Piranhas-Assu hydrographic basin, Rio Grande do Norte. The 602 fish samples captured were distributed in four orders (Characiformes, Perciformes, Siluriformes and Synbranchiformes), 11 families and 22 species, of which 17 are endemic to the Caatinga ecoregion. The order Characiformes was more representative followed by Perciformes, Siluriformes and Synbranchiformes. The second article is about the length-weight relationship and growth of seven native fish species Crenicichla menezesi, Cichlasoma orientale, Triportheus angulatus, Psectrogaster rhomboides, Pimelodella gracilis, Prochilodus brevis and Leporinus piau from a semiarid Brazilian reservoir. The third article is about the reproductive aspects of Crenicichla menezesi. Males were larger, heavier and with a slight predominance as compared to females. Four stages of gonadal development were characterized, being immature, maturing, mature and spent. The females reached sexual maturity earlier than males, with an average fecundity of 398 oocytes per batch. The spawning was partial with a long reproductive period. The fourth article deals with the reproductive strategy of Leporinus piau a neotropical freshwater fish in semi-arid region of Brazil. The population of L. piau (n = 211) showed a slight predominance of males (55%), with larger and heavier females. The males matured earlier than the females. This species presented total spawning, with an average fecundity of 55,000 mature oocytes. Rainfall and concentration of dissolved oxygen acted as influential factors during the spawning season. L. piau shows a seasonal reproductive strategy. The fifth article is related to the morphometric-meristic characteristics and reproductive aspects of freshwater sardine, Triportheus angulatus from River Acauã of the Caatinga biome. There was a predominance of larger females, reaching first maturation before males. There was total spawning during the rainy period of the region. The sixth article reports on the reproductive strategy of Psectrogaster rhomboides. The sex ratio was 1M: 1F, with negative allometric growth. Males reached sexual maturity earlier than females Females and males showed four stages of gonadal development and spawned during the rainy season. The fecundity was low and this species presented total spawning. The seventh article reports on the dynamics of territorial behavior of Crenicichla menezesi. Ten agonistic behaviors displayed by the males were observed: frontal and lateral threat, chasing, circular chasing, perpendicular, lateral and mouth attacks, escape, parallel positioning and stationary. The formation of four social groups was observed among males: without interaction; interaction with submission and escape; with frontal and lateral agonistic interactions. In social interactions between males and females, it was observed that the larger males interacted more among themselves and with the larger females. The large male established its territory and the two small males along with the small female were excluded from the other groups. These studies clarified the fish fauna composition and reproductive strategies of four native species Crenicichla menezesi, Leporinus piau, Triportheus angulatus and Psectrogaster rhomboides of the Piranhas- Assu hydrographic basin of the Caatinga biome, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil.


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In this thesis I discuss the role of the psychologist as a university professor and as intellectual from a specific context and also from a specific query. The context is the city of Teresina, capital city of Piauí state, which is peripheral in Brazil s northeast region. The defiance here is to build a critical psychological tradition that will deal with the challenges imposed by the reality of poverty and socio-economic backwardness of the region. The greatest difficulty is the lack of a public institution of learning that carries out instruction, research and extension with commitment to social transformation, and with the production of a psychological knowledge that is able to understand local reality. I take it that the undergraduate course in Psychology at UESPI [State University of Piauí] is the only one in Teresina that can take over such mission. The query is confronting violence against children and adolescents that defies us to ethically and politically commit to solidarity toward fragile human beings in need of adult involvement in order to survive this daily inhumanity. The involvement of psychologists from Teresina in this must result from a social commitment and a technical competence to deal with prevention and therapeutic consideration toward the victims. This dissertation is divided into three parts: the first is a study on the curriculum and the performance of psychologists, which revises the academic output in Brazil and envisages new queries to the theme, such as the role of teaching inside the curriculum, and presents social security (including Medicare) as the privileged field in which Brazilian psychologists perform. The second part contains a study on the concepts of childhood, adolescence and violence, which presents a consideration on the strategies to confront violence against children and adolescents. In the last part I discuss the role of the psychologist as teacher and intellectual in the context undergraduate course in Psychology at UESPI [State University of Piauí] from the commitment to the protection of children and adolescents


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In this thesis I discuss the role of the psychologist as a university professor and as intellectual from a specific context and also from a specific query. The context is the city of Teresina, capital city of Piauí state, which is peripheral in Brazil s northeast region. The defiance here is to build a critical psychological tradition that will deal with the challenges imposed by the reality of poverty and socio-economic backwardness of the region. The greatest difficulty is the lack of a public institution of learning that carries out instruction, research and extension with commitment to social transformation, and with the production of a psychological knowledge that is able to understand local reality. I take it that the undergraduate course in Psychology at UESPI [State University of Piauí] is the only one in Teresina that can take over such mission. The query is confronting violence against children and adolescents that defies us to ethically and politically commit to solidarity toward fragile human beings in need of adult involvement in order to survive this daily inhumanity. The involvement of psychologists from Teresina in this must result from a social commitment and a technical competence to deal with prevention and therapeutic consideration toward the victims. This dissertation is divided into three parts: the first is a study on the curriculum and the performance of psychologists, which revises the academic output in Brazil and envisages new queries to the theme, such as the role of teaching inside the curriculum, and presents social security (including Medicare) as the privileged field in which Brazilian psychologists perform. The second part contains a study on the concepts of childhood, adolescence and violence, which presents a consideration on the strategies to confront violence against children and adolescents. In the last part I discuss the role of the psychologist as teacher and intellectual in the context undergraduate course in Psychology at UESPI [State University of Piauí] from the commitment to the protection of children and adolescents


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The family Entomobryidae is one of the most diverse families of Collembola in Northeast Brazil. Data on its diversity may be considered undervalued due to low collection efforts in the region. In this study, five areas in the Northeast region were sampled, to evaluate the species richness of this family. The study was done in the Serra da Jibóia, Santa Terezinha municipality, Bahia; Serra das Confusões, Caracol municipality, Piauí; Chapada do Araripe, Crato municipality, Ceará; Mata do Pau-Ferro, Areia municipality, Paraíba and Parque Nacional de Ubajara, Ubajara municipality, Ceará, all considered humid areas of Caatinga. Collections were made using pitfall traps and entomological aspirators. All the collected material was screened, mounted on slides, identified and, finally, the descriptions of some of the new species encountered were made. A total of 48 Entomobryidae species belonging to nine genera were recorded and 27 of these were new to science, representing a percentage of 56.25% of the total. A new record for Brazil was identified and several new records were made to the States. Seira was the genus with wider distribution and it was the only one found in all areas and the most representative with the highest number of recorded species (26). This result was expected, because individuals of the genus Seira have a good adaptability to semi-arid environments, a fact that has already been proven in previous research. Seven new species of Seira were described. A dichotomous key to genera and species of Seirini from Brazil was drafted. This work demonstrates the great potential of Entomobryidae and Seirini in the Northeast, despite having been held in very restricted areas, obtained important results for the knowledge of fauna of the group


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Paronellidae is among the most diverse and distinctive components of epiedaphic Collembola in tropical countries. However, only 15 species of the family were recorded in Brazil, and only two of them were record in northeast region of the country. This condiction is clearly related to low sampling efforts and lack of specialists working with the group. Due to this reality, this work aimed to study the Paronellidae fauna, under a taxonomic point of view, in six distinct environments in Northeastern Brazil (from Alagoas, Bahia, Ceará, Piauí and Paraíba states), five areas of Caatinga and one from Atlantic Rain Forest biome. Collections were made during the rainy season on each area. The specimens were analyzed under stereomicroscope and mounted in glass slides for microscopy. The specimens identified as Paronellidae had their occurrence recorded and five new species were described. An identification key to the brazilian genera of the family was also prepared. Twelve species of Paronellidae were recorded for the first time to Brazil: Campylothorax mitrai; Lepidonella. sp. nov. 1; Lepidonella sp. nov. 2, Lepidonella sp. nov. 3, Lepidonella sp. nov 4, Lepidonella sp. nov. 5; Dicranocentruga sp. Nov. 1; Dicranocentruga sp. Nov. 2; Dicranocentruga sp. Nov. 3; Paronella sp. nov.1; Serroderus sp. nov.1 and Trogolaphysa. sp. 1, where C. mitrai, Lepidonella. sp. nov 1, Dicranocentruga sp. nov 1, Dicranocentruga sp. nov 2 and Dicranocentruga sp. nov 3 were described. Serroderus and Dicranocentruga genera were recorded for the first time to Brazil. The description of Lepidonella sp. nov 1 also represents the first description of a species of the genus for the country. The data presented show a high potential species richness to Paronellidae, not only in the northeast region, but as in Brazil. In fact, with the records presented in this work, the number of recorded species of Paronellidae in the country increased by 80%. The study of this particular fauna may direct environmental conservation policies, especially in areas of Caatinga


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The aim of this work was to describe the methodological procedures that were mandatory to develop a 3D digital imaging of the external and internal geometry of the analogue outcrops from reservoirs and to build a Virtual Outcrop Model (VOM). The imaging process of the external geometry was acquired by using the Laser Scanner, the Geodesic GPS and the Total Station procedures. On the other hand, the imaging of the internal geometry was evaluated by GPR (Ground Penetrating Radar).The produced VOMs were adapted with much more detailed data with addition of the geological data and the gamma ray and permeability profiles. As a model for the use of the methodological procedures used on this work, the adapted VOM, two outcrops, located at the east part of the Parnaiba Basin, were selected. On the first one, rocks from the aeolian deposit of the Piaui Formation (Neo-carboniferous) and tidal flat deposits from the Pedra de Fogo Formation (Permian), which arises in a large outcrops located between Floriano and Teresina (Piauí), are present. The second area, located at the National Park of Sete Cidades, also at the Piauí, presents rocks from the Cabeças Formation deposited in fluvial-deltaic systems during the Late Devonian. From the data of the adapted VOMs it was possible to identify lines, surfaces and 3D geometry, and therefore, quantify the geometry of interest. Among the found parameterization values, a table containing the thickness and width, obtained in canal and lobes deposits at the outcrop Paredão and Biblioteca were the more relevant ones. In fact, this table can be used as an input for stochastic simulation of reservoirs. An example of the direct use of such table and their predicted radargrams was the identification of the bounding surface at the aeolian sites from the Piauí Formation. In spite of such radargrams supply only bi-dimensional data, the acquired lines followed of a mesh profile were used to add a third dimension to the imaging of the internal geometry. This phenomenon appears to be valid for all studied outcrops. As a conclusion, the tool here presented can became a new methodology in which the advantages of the digital imaging acquired from the Laser Scanner (precision, accuracy and speed of acquisition) were combined with the Total Station procedure (precision) using the classical digital photomosaic technique