885 resultados para PI 3-kinase


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A grelina é um ligante endógeno do receptor secretagogo do hormônio do crescimento (GHSR), potente estimulador da liberação do hormônio de crescimento (GH), ingestão alimentar, e adiposidade. Além disso, sua ação hormonal inclui regulação do metabolismo energético cardíaco. Entretanto, a hipernutrição no início da vida leva ao desenvolvimento da obesidade, induz hipertrofia cardíaca, compromete a função cardíaca, e gera insuficiência cardíaca na vida adulta. Avaliar proteínas chaves no processo de sinalização da grelina no remodelamento cardíaco no coração de camundongos obesos após a hipernutrição na lactação. A obesidade foi induzida por redução de ninhada e camundongos adultos (180 dias) foram divididos em: grupo hiperalimentado, GH com obesidade decorrente de hipernutrição na lactação e controle, GC. Cardiomiócitos (cmi) do ventrículo esquerdo foram analisados por microscopia de luz e estereologia, o conteúdo e fosforilação de proteínas cardíacas: receptor de grelina (hormônio do crescimento secretagogo receptor 1a, GHSR-1a), proteína quinase-B (AKT e pAKT), phosphatidil inositol 3-quinase (PI3K), proteína quinase ativada por AMP (AMPK e pAMPK), m-TOR, pmTOR, Bax, Bcl2 e actina foram analizados por western blotting. A expressão gênica do GHSR-1a foi analisada por PCR em tempo real. A respirometria de alta resolução dos cardiomiócitos foi analisada por oxígrafo OROBOROS. Significância estatística (P< 0,05) determinada por teste t-Student não-pareado. Nossos dados demonstram que a hipernutrição na lactação induz aumento no peso corporal, iniciado aos 10 dias de idade, persistindo até os 180 dias de idade. A glicemia, peso do fígado, e da gordura visceral foram maiores no grupo GH. Além disso, o grupo GH também apresentou aumento no peso do coração e razão peso do coração/CT (comprimento da tíbia), indicando hipertrofia e remodelamento cardíaco, aumento na expressão e conteúdo de GHSR-1a no coração, associado ao maior conteúdo de PI3K e maior conteúdo e fosforilação de AKT, diminuição no conteúdo de Bcl2. Em contraste, o conteúdo e fosforilação da AMPK e mTOR no coração não foram diferentes entre os grupos. Os níveis de grelina plasmático no GH foram menores. A respiração do GH com grelina foi menor que no GC com grelina. A incubação das fibras cardíacas com grelina resultou em aumento do fluxo respiratório após adição de citocromo c nos grupos com grelina, indicando dano à membrana mitocondrial e extravazamento de citocromo c. Os grupos GC com grelina e GH sem grelina apresentaram RCR menor comparado ao GC sem grelina, indicando desacoplamento mitocondrial. Nossos resultados mostram que a hipernutrição na lactação induz diminuição do nível de grelina plasmática e aumento da expressão do GHS-R1a no cardiomiócito do animal quando adulto. Tal processo determina aumento da sensibilidade a grelina no coração, processo que ocorre independentemente de variações do AMPK e mTOR. Sugerimos uma redução no efeito protetor da ação da grelina na AMPK. Também, demonstramos que o remodelamento do miocárdio nestes animais adultos associa-se a GHSR-1a, PI3K, e fosforilação da AKT, mas não com AMPK e mTOR na vida adulta.


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Vários estudos sugerem que a desnutrição materna no período pós-natal poderia causar alterações na homeostase glicêmica da prole na vida adulta. Neste trabalho objetivamos investigar a interferência da programação metabólica induzida pela desnutrição protéica materna durante o início da lactação sobre a homeostase glicêmica e a sinalização da insulina nos tecidos muscular e adiposo. Animais desnutridos (D-dieta da mãe contendo 0% de proteína nos primeiros 10 dias de lactação) ou controle (C-dieta da mãe contendo 22% de proteína) foram estudados do nascimento até a vida adulta. Em resumo, observamos uma diminuição na insulina plasmática acompanhada de normoglicemia nos animais adultos desnutridos. A ativação do receptor de insulina (IR), após a estimulação com o hormônio apresentou-se diminuída durante o período de restrição protéica em músculo isolado destes animais experimentais. Durante o período da lactação, observamos uma diminuição na captação de glicose, na fosforilação do substrato para o receptor de insulina (IRS 1) e na translocação do GLUT 4 no tecido muscular. Na idade adulta, entretanto, houve aumento significativo na captação de glicose e translocação do GLUT 4 no músculo, associado com o aumento na expressão da PI3 quinase associada ao IRS 1. No tecido adiposo de ratos desnutridos adultos observamos menor fosforilação em tirosina tanto do IR quanto do IRS 1, que foi compensada pela maior ativação do IRS 2 e da PI3 quinase. Os níveis basais de pAkt e de GLUT 4 na membrana estavam aumentados, culminando em um aumento na captação de glicose. Observamos também uma redistribuição do citoesqueleto de actina e maior resistência aos efeitos da Ltrunculina B nos adipócitos dos ratos desnutridos. Em conclusão, este estudo demonstrou que a desnutrição materna no início da lactação é capaz de causar alterações na prole na vida adulta, o que parece estar relacionado com a expressão e ativação de proteínas chave na cascata da sinalização da insulina nos tecidos periféricos, importantes na regulação do metabolismo da glicose.


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花是被子植物最关键的创新(innovation)性状。在被子植物的不同类群中,其形态多种多样,尤其以基部真双子叶植物的花形态最为丰富。大量的系统发育分析表明,在核心真双子叶植物起源之前,几个与花发育相关的MADS-box基因亚家族均发生了大尺度的基因重复事件。因此,在被子植物的不同物种中,花发育相关基因的组成并不相同,并且它们经历了不同的进化历史,这意味着这些基因可能以不同的方式调控花的发育。基部真双子叶植物,作为基部被子植物和核心真双子叶植物之间的过渡类群,对于我们理解被子植物花的进化,揭示核心真双子叶植物花的起源以及基部真双子叶植物花多样性分化的分子机制非常重要。本文以基部真双子叶植物三叶木通为研究材料,着重进行了以下研究工作: 1. 花器官发生过程的观察。三叶木通的花为雌雄同序的单性花。而且,根据成熟花的形态,三叶木通的雌花和雄花都只有一轮花被器官,即三个花瓣状的萼片。扫描电镜的观察结果表明:1)在花器官的发生和发育过程中,在萼片和雄蕊原基之间,确实没有花瓣原基或另一轮萼片原基发生。2)雌花和雄花都是以两性花的方式发生发育的。3)单性花是由于在花发育的最后阶段,雌花中雄蕊或者雄花中心皮的退化而产生的。 2. 花发育相关基因的克隆。应用5’/3’ RACE的方法,我们从三叶木通不同发育阶段的混合花芽中共分离到九个与花发育相关的MADS-box基因: AktFL1、AktFL2、AktAP3_1、AktAP3_2、AktAP3_3、AktPI、AktAG1、AktAG2和AktSEP3。 3. A类MADS-box基因的进化。由于A类基因在进化过程中序列结构的改变,再加上取样的限制,使得A类基因间的进化历史一直不能被很好的理解。因此,本文对A类基因的研究从构建该基因亚家族的系统发育树开始。主要结果如下:1)通过扩大在基部真双子叶植物和被子植物其它重要类群的取样,我们的系统发育树基本上反映了现存被子植物的系统发育关系。2)核心真双子叶植物的A类基因由三个分支组成:euFUL、euAP1和AGL79,它们是通过发生在核心真双子叶植物起源之前的两次几乎同时的基因重复事件产生的。3)在基部真双子叶植物中,山龙眼目、毛茛目和黄杨科的A类基因各形成一支。而且,在这些类群内,发生了多次小尺度的独立的基因重复事件。4)来自单子叶植物的FUL-like基因明显地构成一个单系,并且包括三个分支:OsAMDS14、OsMADS15和OsMADS18。它们是由于两次不连续的基因重复事件产生的。5)不同类型的A类基因产物在C末端拥有不同的保守基元。6)从基因组结构上看,所有的A类基因都拥有八个外显子和七个内含子。7)通过对三叶木通中两个FUL-like型基因(AktFL1和AktFL2)表达式样的观察,我们发现它们在叶原基和发育早期的花原基以及发育着的花器官中都有表达。此外,A类基因表达式样的进化分析结果表明被子植物中该类基因的祖先可能具有广泛的功能,既在营养器官中表达又在生殖器官中表达 。 4. B类基因表达式样的保守性和多样性。通过对B类基因的系统发育和表达式样分析,得到以下结果:1)三叶木通中的三个paleoAP3基因是通过两次基因重复事件产生的。2)在木通科或木通属内,PI型基因并没有发生基因重复事件。3)RT-PCR结果表明,AktAP3_1在雌花中的表达量比雄花中高,而AktAP3_2则在雄花中的表达量比雌花中高。AktAP3_3和AktPI在雌花和雄花中的表达水平相似。4)原位杂交分析显示这些基因在发育着的雄蕊和心皮中表达。此外,AktAP3_3和AktPI还在萼片中表达,可能参与花瓣状萼片的发育。 5. 三叶木通C/D和E类基因的序列结构和表达分析。通过序列结构分析,我们发现,与其它被子植物AG同源基因编码的MADS-domain蛋白一样,AktAG1和AktAG2在MADS结构域的N末端都拥有一段氨基酸序列的延伸,AktAG1为20个氨基酸;AktAG2为7个氨基酸。原位杂交分析表明AktAG1和AktAG2主要在发育着的雄蕊和心皮中表达,说明它们具有决定生殖器官发育这一保守的功能。 AktSEP3属于AGL9型的E类基因。该基因在所有花器官中都有表达,说明和其它被子植物的E类基因一样,AktSEP3在三叶木通中对于所有花器官的发育都是必需的。 6. 各类MADS-domain蛋白间的相互作用。在前面工作的基础上,我们首次对三叶木通中上述MADS-domain蛋白间的作用方式进行了研究。酵母双杂交结果表明:1)AktSEP3的C末端具有转录激活功能。2)三个AktAP3蛋白与AktPI蛋白都能够形成异源二聚体,但是它们之间的作用能力并不相同。3)AktSEP3蛋白可以与AktFL1、AktPI、AktAG1和AktAG2形成异源二聚体,充分体现了E类基因产物作用式样的保守性。4)AktFL1与AktPI、AktSEP3和AktAG2也能形成异源二聚体,这与核心真双子叶植物的euFUL型蛋白在作用式样上是非常相似的。 综合以上结果,我们探讨了三叶木通花发育的分子机制。在三叶木通的三轮花器官中,与拟南芥等模式植物相似的是:E类(AktSEP3)基因在每一轮花器官中都起作用;此外,A类(AktFL1)和B类(AktAP3_3和AktPI)基因在花瓣状的萼片中有不同程度的表达,类似于拟南芥的第二轮;B类(AktAP3_1、AktAP3_2、AktAP3_3和AktPI)和C/D类(AktAG1和AktAG2)基因在雄蕊的发育过程中起作用;C/D类(AktAG1和AktAG2)基因对心皮的发育起作用。与拟 南芥等模式植物不同的是:1)虽然原位杂交分析表明,AktFL1、AktAP3_3、AktPI和AktSEP3都在花瓣状的萼片中有 不同程度的表达,但是它们的蛋白质产物AktFL1与AktSEP3和AktAP3_3与AktPI都只能形成较弱的异源二聚体。而 且,根据我们的研究结果,在三叶木通中没有找到euAP1型的A类基因,只有两个FUL-like型的A类基因。它们的功能 与核心真双子叶植物中的euFUL型基因相似。因此,AktFL1很可能与其它调控因子共同作用负责花分生组织的形成;AktFL1/AktAG2则可能在花发育的后期起作用。那么,三叶木通花瓣状萼片的发育是否需要AktFL1/AktSEP3和 AktAP3_3/AktPI的参与,还是另有其它转录因子的参与,仍然需要更深入的研究。2)虽然在三叶木通中,雄蕊的发 育同样需要B、C/D和E类基因的参与,但是由于小尺度的基因重复事件,在该物种中只拥有三个paleoAP3型基因,而没有euAP3型基因。而且,由于复制拷贝间的亚功能化,AktAP3_1/AktPI主要参与雌花的发育过程;而AktAP3_2/AktPI主要参与雄花的发育过程。


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聚酞亚胺(P1)的电化学活性对电路泄漏、金属腐蚀、金属与PI界面的老化有直接影响,研究聚酞亚胺的这一特性对金属防护、分子器件的设计、电沉积、材料的开发和修饰等具有潜在的应用价值。我们采用系列化学环化的可溶性PI样品,系统研究其在不同溶剂中及PI浇铸膜的电化学行为,这对进一步弄清PI这一新的电化学体系的电荷传递机理,探讨PI新的应用前景具有重要意义。本文工作获得以下几个有意义的结果(1)一般情况下,PI溶液的电化学反应是准可逆的,而且,在循环伏安图中,峰电流与电位扫速的平方根成正比,因此反应受扩散步骤控制。(2) PI的分子中的共扼结构与其电化学反应有关,因此,PI的电化学反应伴随着电致变色现象。(3)首次发现,溶剂对PI的电化学行为有很大影响,在有的溶剂中,Pl的电化学反应是准可逆的,但在有些溶剂中,却观察不到PI的电化学反应。(4)首次发现,PI的形态对其电化学性质也有很大影响,PI分子链段柔性好的有较可逆性的电化学行为。(5)可溶性聚酞亚胺在溶液中浓度越大,对其电化学反应越有利。(6) PI浇铸膜修饰电极的电化学响应在开始时随膜的厚度的增加而增大,而且稳定性也越好,当达到一定厚度后,电化学响应达到一个恒定值。(乃PI浇铸膜修饰电极在所试验的不同有机溶剂中均有较好电化学响应。 (8) PI二醉单体的电化学性质与PI-相似,分子中的共辘结构对PI二醉单体的电化学氧化还原反应有利。


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高效抗逆转录病毒治疗(HAART)的应用,极大的降低了AIDS发病率和死亡 率,延长了HIV感染者的生命。但HIV耐药在很大程度上影响了HAART的疗效, 耐药株的产生成为影响抗病毒治疗效果的主要因素。欧洲、美国的耐药监测技术 规范均推荐在新感染未经抗病毒药物治疗的患者中进行原发耐药检测。我国政府 于2003年底出台了艾滋病治疗的“四免一关怀”政策,陆续在全国范围内开展了大 规模的免费抗病毒治疗,监测我国未经抗病毒药物治疗HIV-1感染者中的耐药情 况可以为制定合理的用药方案和减少耐药毒株出现提供科学依据。 根据世界卫生组织(WHO)的“HIV 耐药监测指南”,无偿献血者中的HIV-1 感染者,可以认定为HIV 新诊断未治疗人群。分析了云南无偿献血者的血浆和 外周血单核细胞(PBMC),研究云南无偿献血人群的耐药状况。 已有实验室血清学方法识别HIV-1 新近感染和长期感染,用BED-CEIA 方 法,在河南、安徽、山西自愿咨询检测(VCT)人群中检出新近感染人群,进行耐 药基因研究, 对照研究了部分长期感染人群。 样品提取核酸后,巢式聚合酶链反应(nested-PCR)扩增pol 基因区(含蛋白酶 区1~99 氨基酸全长和逆转录酶区1~242 氨基酸)。PCR 产物双脱氧法测序,所 得序列与洛斯阿拉莫斯HIV 核酸序列库(Los Alamos HIV Database)标准株构建系 统进化树分析亚型;用斯坦福大学耐药数据库(Standford HIV Drug Resistance Database)分析耐药。 研究发现,云南省2005~2006 年无偿献血者中,有52 例为HIV-1 阳性,其 中49 例血浆和相应的PBMC 样品病毒基因扩增成功。序列分析表明,HIV 病毒 的亚型分布为CRF08_BC (51.0%), CRF07_BC (24.5%), CRF01_AE (20.4%)和B (4.1%);所有样品均未发现蛋白酶抑制剂(PI)耐药基因位点主要突变,只在6 例(11.7%)样品中发现7 例次PI 次要耐药位点突变;另外,在9 例(18.4%)样品中发现10 例次核苷类逆转录酶抑制剂(NRTI) 耐药突变,1 例(2.0%)发生非核苷类 逆转录酶抑制剂(NNRTI) 耐药突变;针对具体药物PI/NRTI/NNRTI 均只有1 例 有潜在的低度耐药,临床仍对药物敏感。PBMC 和血浆的病毒耐药没有显著差异。 从河南、安徽、山西27 个VCT 检测点2006~2007 年采集的10310 例样品 中,通过WB 和BED-CEIA 检测出新近感染人群63 例,分析成功50 例血浆样 品;河南VCT 长期感染样品中随机抽样,分析成功19 例样品。分析成功的69 例VCT 样品中,HIV 病毒株的亚型分布分别为B’ (95.7%),CRF01_AE(2.9%)和 C(1.4%)。上诉样品均未检出PI 主要耐药相关突变,只在26 例(37.7%)样品中存 在27 例次PI 次要耐药相关突变;3 例(4.3%)样品出现6 例次NRTI 耐药相关突 变,7 例(10.1%)样品出现8 例次NNRTI 耐药相关突变。通过与斯坦福大学耐药 数据库比对,没有发现针对PI 类药物的临床耐药;但有2 例(2.8%)针对NRTI 类 药物耐药,1 例有M184V 突变导致对拉米夫定(3TC)和氟代拉米夫定(FTC)高度 耐药;1 例样品存在T215Y、M41L、L210W 三重突变位点,对阿巴卡韦(ABC)、 去羟肌苷(ddI)和坦那夫韦(TDF)中度耐药,对齐多夫定(AZT)和司他夫定(d4T)高 度耐药;针对NNRTI 类药物,有3 例(4.3%)毒株有耐药,1 例有K103N 突变导 致对奈韦拉平(NVP)、地拉韦啶(DLV)和依菲韦伦(EFV)的高度耐药;1 例有Y188L 突变导致对NVP 和EFV 的高度耐药;1 例存在K101E 和G190A 双重突变,导 致对NVP 的高度耐药,对DLV、EFV 和依曲韦林(ETR)中度耐药。 比较长期感染和新近感染者之间的亚型和耐药,未发现显著差异。 研究结果表明,云南、河南和安徽未经治疗HIV-1 感染者中耐药处于低流行 状态。亚型分布云南无偿献血者以CRF_BC 为主,河南、安徽VCT 人群以B’ 为主。应持续在未经治疗人群中进行耐药监测。


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We discuss the non-Abelian topological objects, in particular the non-Abrikosov vortex and the magnetic knot made of the twisted non-Abrikosov vortex, in two-gap superconductor. We show that there are two types of non-Abrikosov vortex in Ginzburg-Landau theory of two-gap superconductor, the D-type which has no concentration of the condensate at the core and the N-type which has a non-trivial profile of the condensate at the core, under a wide class of realistic interaction potential. We prove that these non-Abrikosov vortices can have either integral or fractional magnetic flux, depending on the interaction potential. We show that they are described by the non-Abelian topology pi(2)(S-2) and pi(1)(S-1), in addition to the well-known Abelian topology pi(1)(S-1). Furthermore, we discuss the possibility to construct a stable magnetic knot in two-gap superconductor by twisting the non-Abrikosov vortex and connecting two periodic ends together, whose knot topology pi(3)(S-2) is described by the Chern-Simon index of the electromagnetic potential. We argue that similar topological objects may exist in multi-gap or multi-layer superconductors and multi-component Bose-Einstein condensates and superfluids, and discuss how these topological objects can be constructed in MgB2, Sr2RuO4, He-3, and liquid metallic hydrogen.


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Loss of PTEN and activation of phosphoinositide 3-kinase are commonly observed in advanced prostate cancer. Inhibition of mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR), a downstream target of phosphoinositide 3-kinase signaling, results in cell cycle arrest and apoptosis in multiple in vitro and in vivo models of prostate cancer. However, single-agent use of mTOR inhibition has limited clinical success, and the identification of molecular events mitigating tumor response to mTOR inhibition remains a critical question. Here, using genetically engineered human prostate epithelial cells (PrEC), we show that MYC, a frequent target of genetic gain in prostate cancers, abrogates sensitivity to rapamycin by decreasing rapamycin-induced cytostasis and autophagy. Analysis of MYC and the mTOR pathway in human prostate tumors and PrEC showed selective increased expression of eukaryotic initiation factor 4E-binding protein 1 (4EBP1) with gain in MYC copy number or forced MYC expression, respectively. We have also found that MYC binds to regulatory regions of the 4EBP1 gene. Suppression of 4EBP1 expression resulted in resensitization of MYC-expressing PrEC to rapamycin and increased autophagy. Taken together, our findings suggest that MYC expression abrogates sensitivity to rapamycin through increased expression of 4EBP1 and reduced autophagy.


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Natural killer (NK) cells play an essential role in innate immune control of poxviral infections in vivo. However, the mechanism(s) underlying NK cell activation and function in response to poxviruses remains poorly understood. In a mouse model of infection with vaccinia virus (VV), the most studied member of the poxvirus family, we identified that the Toll-like receptor (TLR) 2-myeloid differentiating factor 88 (MyD88) pathway was critical for the activation of NK cells and the control of VV infection in vivo. We further showed that TLR2 signaling on NK cells, but not on accessory cells such as dendritic cells (DCs), was necessary for NK cell activation and that this intrinsic TLR2-MyD88 signaling pathway was required for NK cell activation and played a critical role in the control of VV infection in vivo. In addition, we showed that the activating receptor NKG2D was also important for efficient NK activation and function, as well as recognition of VV-infected targets. We further demonstrated that VV could directly activate NK cells via TLR2 in the presence of cytokines in vitro and TLR2-MyD88-dependent activation of NK cells by VV was mediated through the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K)-extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) pathway. Taken together, these results represent the first evidence that intrinsic TLR signaling is critical for NK cell activation and function in the control of a viral infection in vivo, indicate that multiple pathways are required for efficient NK cell activation and function in response to VV infection, and may provide important insights into the design of effective strategies to combat poxviral infections.


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PIK3C3/Vps34 plays important roles in the endocytic and autophagic pathways, both of which are essential for maintaining neuronal integrity. However, it is unclear how inactivating PIK3C3 may affect neuronal endosomal versus autophagic processes in vivo. We generated a conditional null allele of the Pik3c3 gene in mouse, and specifically deleted it in postmitotic sensory neurons. Subsequent analyses reveal several interesting and surprising findings.


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The mechanism of mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase activation by pertussis toxin-sensitive Gi-coupled receptors is known to involve the beta gamma subunits of heterotrimeric G proteins (G beta gamma), p21ras activation, and an as-yet-unidentified tyrosine kinase. To investigate the mechanism of G beta gamma-stimulated p21ras activation, G beta gamma-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation was examined by overexpressing G beta gamma or alpha 2-C10 adrenergic receptors (ARs) that couple to Gi in COS-7 cells. Immunoprecipitation of phosphotyrosine-containing proteins revealed a 2- to 3-fold increase in the phosphorylation of two proteins of approximately 50 kDa (designated as p52) in G beta gamma-transfected cells or in alpha 2-C10 AR-transfected cells stimulated with the agonist UK-14304. The latter response was pertussis toxin sensitive. These proteins (p52) were also specifically immunoprecipitated with anti-Shc antibodies and comigrated with two Shc proteins, 46 and 52 kDa. The G beta gamma- or alpha 2-C10 AR-stimulated p52 (Shc) phosphorylation was inhibited by coexpression of the carboxyl terminus of beta-adrenergic receptor kinase (a G beta gamma-binding pleckstrin homology domain peptide) or by the tyrosine kinase inhibitors genistein and herbimycin A, but not by a dominant negative mutant of p21ras. Worthmannin, a specific inhibitor of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) inhibited phosphorylation of p52 (Shc), implying involvement of PI3K. These results suggest that G beta gamma-stimulated Shc phosphorylation represents an early step in the pathway leading to p21ras activation, similar to the mechanism utilized by growth factor tyrosine kinase receptors.


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Studies suggest that activation of phosphoinositide 3-kinase-Akt may protect against neuronal cell death in Alzheimer's disease (AD). Here, however, we provide evidence of increased Akt activation, and hyperphosphorylation of critical Akt substrates in AD brain, which link to AD pathogenesis, suggesting that treatments aiming to activate the pathway in AD need to be considered carefully. A different distribution of Akt and phospho-Akt was detected in AD temporal cortex neurons compared with control neurons, with increased levels of active phosphorylated-Akt in particulate fractions, and significant decreases in Akt levels in AD cytosolic fractions, causing increased activation of Akt (phosphorylated-Akt/total Akt ratio) in AD. In concordance, significant increases in the levels of phosphorylation of total Akt substrates, including: GSK3ßSer9, tauSer214, mTORSer2448, and decreased levels of the Akt target, p27kip1, were found in AD temporal cortex compared with controls. A significant loss and altered distribution of the major negative regulator of Akt, PTEN (phosphatase and tensin homologue deleted on chromosome 10), was also detected in AD neurons. Loss of phosphorylated-Akt and PTEN-containing neurons were found in hippocampal CA1 at end stages of AD. Taken together, these results support a potential role for aberrant control of Akt and PTEN signalling in AD.


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We found that engagement of beta 2 integrins on human neutrophils increased the levels of GTP-bound Rap1 and Rap2. Also, the activation of Rap1 was blocked by PP1, SU6656, LY294002, GF109203X, or BAPTA-AM, which indicates that the downstream signaling events in Rap1 activation involve Src tyrosine kinases, phosphoinositide 3-kinase, protein kinase C, and release of calcium. Surprisingly, the integrin-induced activation of Rap2 was not regulated by any of the signaling pathways mentioned above. However, we identified nitric oxide as the signaling molecule involved in beta 2 integrin-induced activation of Rap1 and Rap2. This was illustrated by the fact that engagement of beta 2 integrins increased the production of nitrite, a stable end-product of nitric oxide. Furthermore, pretreatment of neutrophils with N-monomethyl-L-arginine, or 1400W, which are inhibitors of inducible nitric-oxide synthase, blocked integrin-induced activation of Rap1 and Rap2. Similarly, Rp-8pCPT-cGMPS, an inhibitor of cGMP-dependent serine/threonine kinases, also blunted the integrin-induced activation of Rap GTPases. Also nitric oxide production and its downstream activation of cGMP-dependent serine/threonine kinases were essential for proper neutrophil adhesion by beta 2 integrins. Thus, we made the novel findings that beta 2 integrin engagement on human neutrophils triggers production of nitric oxide and its downstream signaling is essential for activation of Rap GTPases and neutrophil adhesion.


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Full-length transient receptor potential (TRP) cation channel TRPC4alpha and shorter TRPC4beta lacking 84 amino acids in the cytosolic C terminus are expressed in smooth muscle and endothelial cells where they regulate membrane potential and Ca(2+) influx. In common with other "classical" TRPCs, TRPC4 is activated by G(q)/phospholipase C-coupled receptors, but the underlying mechanism remains elusive. Little is also known about any isoform-specific channel regulation. Here we show that TRPC4alpha but not TRPC4beta was strongly inhibited by intracellularly applied phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PIP(2)). In contrast, several other phosphoinositides (PI), including PI(3,4)P(2), PI(3,5)P(2), and PI(3,4,5)P(3), had no effect or even potentiated TRPC4alpha indicating that PIP(2) inhibits TRPC4alpha in a highly selective manner. We show that PIP(2) binds to the C terminus of TRPC4alpha but not that of TRPC4beta in vitro. Its inhibitory action was dependent on the association of TRPC4alpha with actin cytoskeleton as it was prevented by cytochalasin D treatment or by the deletion of the C-terminal PDZ-binding motif (Thr-Thr-Arg-Leu) that links TRPC4 to F-actin through the sodium-hydrogen exchanger regulatory factor and ezrin. PIP(2) breakdown appears to be a required step in TRPC4alpha channel activation as PIP(2) depletion alone was insufficient for channel opening, which additionally required Ca(2+) and pertussis toxin-sensitive G(i/o) proteins. Thus, TRPC4 channels integrate a variety of G-protein-dependent stimuli, including a PIP(2)/cytoskeleton dependence reminiscent of the TRPC4-like muscarinic agonist-activated cation channels in ileal myocytes.


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We report the novel observation that engagement of ß2 integrins on human neutrophils is accompanied by increased levels of the small GTPases Rap1 and Rap2 in a membrane-enriched fraction and a concomitant decrease of these proteins in a granule-enriched fraction. In parallel, we observed a similar time-dependent decrease of gelatinase B (a marker of specific and gelatinase B-containing granules) but not myeloperoxidase (a marker of azurophil granules) in the granule fraction, and release of lactoferrin (a marker of specific granules) in the extracellular medium. Furthermore, inhibition of Src tyrosine kinases, or phosphoinositide 3-kinase with PP1 or LY294002, respectively, blocked ß2 integrin-induced degranulation and the redistribution of Rap1 and Rap2 to a membrane-enriched fraction. Consequently, the ß2 integrin-dependent exocytosis of specific and gelatinase B-containing granules occurs via a Src tyrosine kinase/phosphoinositide 3-kinase signaling pathway and is responsible for the translocation of Rap1 and Rap2 to the plasma membrane in human neutrophils.


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Abstract Erythropoietin (Epo), the major regulator of erythropoiesis, and its cognate receptor (EpoR) are also expressed in nonerythroid tissues, including tumors. Clinical studies have highlighted the potential adverse effects of erythropoiesis-stimulating agents when used to treat cancer-related anemia. We assessed the ability of EpoR to enhance tumor growth and invasiveness following Epo stimulation. A benign noninvasive rat mammary cell line, Rama 37, was used as a model system. Cell signaling and malignant cell behavior were compared between parental Rama 37 cells, which express few or no endogenous EpoRs, and a modified cell line stably transfected with human EpoR (Rama 37-28). The incubation of Rama 37-28 cells with pharmacologic levels of Epo led to the rapid and sustained increases in phosphorylation of signal transducers and activators of transcription 5, Akt, and extracellular signal-regulated kinase. The activation of these signaling pathways significantly increased invasion, migration, adhesion, and colony formation. The Epo-induced invasion capacity of Rama 37-28 cells was reduced by the small interfering RNA-mediated knockdown of EpoR mRNA levels and by inhibitors of the phosphoinositide 3-kinase/Akt and Ras/extracellular signal-regulated kinase signaling pathways with adhesion also reduced by Janus-activated kinase 2/signal transducers and activators of transcription 5 inhibition. These data show that Epo induces phenotypic changes in the behavior of breast cancer cell lines and establishes links between individual cell signaling pathways and the potential for cancer spread.