994 resultados para PAS-teoriat


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La web semàntica ens pot facilitar i agilitzar l'aprenentatge o recerca d'informació a través de les relacions de conceptes que ens aporta gràcies a la utilització de les ontologies. Per a la creació de la nostra ontologia hem utilitzat el programa Protégé. Per al disseny de l'ontologia ens hem basat en les funcionalitats bàsiques del Twitter.


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We report the observation of a fifty years old man, admitted in the emergency room for bilateral lumbar pain and hyperkaliemic metabolic acidosis, and postrenal kidney failure induced by bilateral hydronephrosis. Radiographic exploration and histologic studies of biopsy confirmed an idiopathic retroperitoneal fibrosis that clinically and biologicaly responded to three seances of hemodialysis, and insertion in each uretere of one double J stent, and long term corticotherapy. The retroperitoneal fibrosis is a little common inflammatory disease, characterized by the development of a fibrous mass around the retroperitoneal structures. His diagnostic means evolved. On the other hand, his treatment was the object of no checked controlled and randomized trial. This article proposes an updating of the knowledge on this subject.


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Charcot neuropathic osteoarthropathy (CNO) is a destructive process affecting the bone and joint structure of diabetic patients and resulting from peripheral neuropathy. It is a limb threatening condition resulting in dramatic deformities associated with severe morbi-mortality. The diagnosis is mostly made by the observation of inflammatory signs and higlight the importance of prompt foot evaluation. Imaging studies may help confirm the diagnosis and the severity of the condition but lack of specificity. The goal of the treatment is to maintain or achieve structural stability of the foot and ankle to prevent further deformity and plantar dislocation. The scientific evidences aren't strong enough to recommend bisphosphonates or acute surgical treatment. Surgery is unanimusly recommended to prevent secondary ulceration.


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During many years, we thought that food intake was only a question of will. Nevertheless, in the second part on the XXth century, we identified several hormones regulating food intake and energy expenditure. Furthermore, these hormones seem to be implicated in the pathogenesis of obesity and in weight loss following bariatric surgery. This short review highlights the main mechanisms implicated in food intake and energy expenditure and also their implication in obesity and bariatric surgery.


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The traditional obesity treatments have proven to be ineffective in the long-term. The presence of eating disorders frequently explains this phenomena. Eating educational and behavioral aspects must be addressed in a practical way so that patients could gradually become aware of their behavior towards food as well as internal sensations associated with hunger, satiety, craving and pleasure. Finally, the link between emotions and compulsive eating behaviors during and between meals is an essential aspect that the general practitioner can help the patient to understand. A specialized psychological treatment can then be considered when the patient shows sufficient motivation and consciousness.