988 resultados para Osseointegrated dental implants
Because the biomechanical behavior of dental implants is different from that of natural tooth, clinical problems may occur. The mechanism of stress distribution and load transfer to the implant/bone interface is a critical issue affecting the success rate of implants. Therefore, the aim of this study was to conduct a brief literature review of the available stress analysis methods to study implant-supported prosthesis loading and to discuss their contributions in the biomechanical evaluation of oral rehabilitation with implants. Several studies have used experimental, analytical, and computational models by means of finite element models (FEM), photoelasticity, strain gauges and associations of these methods to evaluate the biomechanical behavior of dental implants. The FEM has been used to evaluate new components, configurations, materials, and shapes of implants. The greatest advantage of the photoelastic method is the ability to visualize the stresses in complex structures, such as oral structures, and to observe the stress patterns in the whole model, allowing the researcher to localize and quantify the stress magnitude. Strain gauges can be used to assess in vivo and in vitro stress in prostheses, implants, and teeth. Some authors use the strain gauge technique with photoelasticity or FEM techniques. These methodologies can be widely applied in dentistry, mainly in the research field. Therefore, they can guide further research and clinical studies by predicting some disadvantages and streamlining clinical time.
The aim of the current review was to investigate the implications of the surface and bulk properties of abutment implants and their degradation in relation to periodontal health. The success of dental implants is no longer a challenge for dentistry. The scientific literature presents several types of implants that are specific for each case. However, in cases of prosthetics components, such as abutments, further research is needed to improve the materials used to avoid bacterial adhesion and enhance contact with epithelial cells. The implanted surfaces of the abutments are composed of chemical elements that may degrade under different temperatures or be damaged by the forces applied onto them. This study showed that the resulting release of such chemical elements could cause inflammation in the periodontal tissue. At the same time, the surface characteristics can be altered, thus favoring biofilm development and further increasing the inflammation. Finally, if not treated, this inflammation can cause the loss of the implant.
Objective: To evaluate the influence of different insertion torques on healing of implants loaded immediately or left unloaded.Material and methods: In six Labrador dogs, all mandibular premolars and molars were extracted. After 4 months of healing, flaps were elevated, and two implant sites were prepared at each side of the mandible. The distal sites were prepared conventionally while the mesial sites were underprepared by 0.3 mm. As a consequence, different final insertion torques of about 30 Ncm at the distal and >70 Ncm at the mesial sites were recorded. Healing abutments were applied to the left and transmucosal abutments to the right side. Flaps were sutured, crown preparation of the upper right second and third premolars was performed, and impressions were taken. Within 24 h, crowns were cemented both to implants and teeth in the right side of the mouth. After 4 months, the animals were sacrificed and ground sections obtained for histological evaluation.Results: A higher buccal bony crestal resorption and a more apical position of the coronal level of osseointegration were found at the loaded compared with the unloaded sites. MBIC% and percentages of peri-implant mineralized tissue (MB%) were higher at the loaded compared with the unloaded sites. Moreover, a higher MBIC% was found at the lower compared with the higher final insertion torque.Conclusions: Immediate loading does not seem to have a negative effect on osseointegration. High torque values for the immediate loading procedures were not necessary. Probably, low torque values, were sufficient to obtain primary stability and hence may provide better osseointegration than high torque value.
Objective: To study bony and soft tissue changes at implants installed in alveolar bony ridges of different widths.Material and methods: In 6 Labrador dogs, the mandibular premolars and first molars were extracted, and a buccal defect was created in the left side at the third and fourth premolars by removing the buccal bone and the inter-radicular and interdental septa. Three months after tooth extraction, full-thickness mucoperiosteal flaps were elevated, and implants were installed, two at the reduced (test) and two at the regular-sized ridges (control). Narrow or wide abutments were affixed to the implants. After 3 months, biopsies were harvested, and ground sections prepared for histological evaluation.Results: A higher vertical buccal bony crest resorption was found at the test (1.5 +/- 0.7 mm and 1.0 +/- 0.7 mm) compared to the control implants (1.0 +/- 0.5 mm and 0.7 +/- 0.4 mm), for both wide and narrow abutment sites. A higher horizontal alveolar resorption was identified at the control compared to the test implants. The difference was significant for narrow abutment sites. The peri-implant mucosa was more coronally positioned at the narrow abutment, in the test sites, while for the control sites, the mucosal adaptation was more coronal at the wide abutment sites. These differences, however, did not reach statistical significance.Conclusions: Implants installed in regular-sized alveolar ridges had a higher horizontal, but a lower vertical buccal bony crest resorption compared to implants installed in reduced alveolar ridges. Narrow abutments in reduced ridges as well as wide abutments in regular-sized ridges yielded less soft tissue recession compared to their counterparts.
Purpose: Autogenous bones are frequently used because of their lack of antigenicity, but good osteoconductive and osteoinductive properties. This study evaluated the biological behavior of perforated and nonperforated cortical block bone grafts.Methods: Ten nonsmoking patients who required treatment due to severe resorption of the alveolar process and subsequent implant installation were included in the study. The inclusion criteria was loss of one or more teeth; the presence of atrophy of the alveolar process with the indication of reconstruction procedures to allow rehabilitation with dental implants; and the absence of systemic disease, local infection, or inflammation. The patients were randomly divided into two groups based on whether they received a perforated (inner surface) or nonperforated graft. After a 6-month healing period, a biopsy was performed and osseointegrated implants were installed in the same procedure.Results: Fibrous connective tissue was evident at the interface in patients who received nonperforated grafts. However, full union between the graft and host bed was visible in those who had received a perforated graft.Conclusions: We found that cortical inner side perforations at donor sites increased the surface area and opened the medullary cavity. Our results indicate an increased rate of graft incorporation in patients who received such perforated grafts.
One of the main reasons for the failure in dental implant treatments is the overload, which can cause bone resorption and later, the osseointegration loss in the implant. Therefore, the aim of this study was to analyze the tension generated around dental implants in the rehabilitation of three mandible posterior teeth, varying the connection type, the disposal, and the quantity of implants. The photoelasticity method was used in order to accomplish it. Through photoelasticity, the quantity and localization of the tensions around the implants in the different studied groups were compared (three straight line implants, three offset placement implants, two implants with a mesial cantilever, and two implants with a pontic). The results showed that the tension quantity and disposition around the dental implants of the connection external hexagon and internal hexagon were similar in all groups. In the group where the cantilever was used, an increase of the tension around the implant, adjacent to the cantilever, was observed. From the results it is concluded that the type of connection used in this study did not influence the tension quantity and distribution around the implants; however, the prosthetic configuration with the cantilever use, led to an increase of the tension around the implant, adjacent to the cantilever.
The early tooth loss and periodontal disease often leave inadequate bone volume for installation of osseointegrated implants. The autogenous bone graft is considered the gold standard for reconstruction of residual bone defects. Some surgical techniques can be performed, including extra or intraoral donor sites depending on the degree of bone loss, depending on surgical-prosthetic planning and general condition of the patient. The intraoral bone grafts offer a safe option to rebuilt bone volume in smaller rehabilitations, with low morbidity and minimal postoperative discomfort. Among the possible donor sites, the mandibular ramus and body, which offer predominantly cortical bone, and the chin area, which offers corticomedullary bone tissue, can be harvested. The graft will be suitable both in quantity and quality, preserving the capacity of osteogenesis, osteoinduction and osteoconduction, which differentiate autogenous grafts from other biomaterials. The aim of this study was to report a clinical case in which the mandibular ramus graft was used for total reconstruction of an edentulous maxilla, showing that even large areas can be reconstructed with grafts from intraoral origin. All the steps that allowed the complete reconstruction of the maxilla done by an intraoral donor area are listed in the text, culminating in an extremely satisfactory clinical result.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
When dental implants are malpositioned in relation to the adjacent teeth and alveolar bone or in an excessive buccal or lingual position, the final prosthesis rehabilitation impairs the peri-implant health of the gingival tissues and the aesthetics of the patient. Thus, the purpose of this case was to report and discuss a multidisciplinary protocol for the treatment of a compromised maxillary tooth in a patient with an abscess in his right central incisor due to an excessive buccal implant position. The patient presented with an implant-supported provisional restoration on his right maxillary central incisor and a traumatic injury in his left central incisor. The treatment protocol consisted in (i) abutment substitution to compensate the incorrect angulation of the implant, (ii) clinical crown lengthening, (iii) atraumatic extraction of the left central incisor, and (iv) immediate implant placement. Finally, (v) a custom abutment was fabricated to obtain a harmonious gingival contour around the prosthetic crown. In conclusion, when implants are incorrectly positioned in relation to the adjacent teeth, associated with soft-tissue defects, the challenge to create a harmonious mucogingival contours may be achieved with an interdisciplinary approach and with the placement of an appropriate custom abutment.
Periodontitis is a chronic inflammatory disease that results in the destruction of teeth and their supporting tissues with subsequent tooth loss. The replacement of missing teeth for implant-supported restorations has proven to be a highly predictable treatment method with good long-term prognosis. However, some consequences of tooth loss prevents dental implant placement in an ideal position, where regenerative procedures are necessary for this type of rehabilitation. Less invasive procedures such as conventional prosthesis emerge as a therapeutic option in cases where there is enough bone structure for implants and patient´s non-acceptance for invasive procedures. Thus, this paper aims to present the resolution of rehabilitation through a noninvasive and multidisciplinary treatment. One female patient referred to the clinic presented maladaptive bilateral mandibular fixed prostheses, endodontic lesions, gingival recession, and root sensitivity. For proper resolution of this case, an association among osseointegrated implants, fixed partial prosthesis, tooth extraction, and aesthetic periodontal procedures with the use of subepithelial connective tissue graft was proposed. After two years, the patient shows excellent aesthetics and chewing. Within the limits of this scenario, this paper discusses the various factors that may affect the choice of a particular treatment modality for the rehabilitation of edentulous single spaces.
This in vitro study evaluated the effect of mechanical cycling on the torque of retaining screw in external hexagon implants with platform switching (PS), regular platform (RP) and wide platform (WP). A total of 30 specimens were equally divided into 3 groups: PS, PR and WP. Each specimen was prepared with implants: 3.75 x 10 mm for RP group and 5.0x10 mm for PS and WP groups and its respective abutment with 32 Ncm torque. All groups were subjected to 106 cycles with 100 N (corresponding to about 40 months of chewing). The results were obtained with the reverse torque of each specimen and data were evaluated using ANOVA and Tukey test (p<0.05). The PS group showed statistically significant difference in screw removal torque (30.06±5.42) compared with RP (23.75±2.76) and WP (21.32±3.53) (p<0.05) groups; the RP and WP groups showed no statistically significant difference between them. It was concluded that the PS group showed higher reverse torque value, suggesting lower susceptibility of the abutment screw loosening.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The aim of this study was to measure changes in buccal alveolar crestal bone levels after immediate placement and loading of dental implants with Morse taper prosthetic abutments after tooth extraction. This study followed the STROBE guidelines regarding prospective cohort studies. The sample comprised 12 patients with a mean age of 45 years, in whom a central or upper lateral incisor was indicated for extraction. Prior to extraction, computed tomography (CT) analysis was carried out to assess the presence of the buccal bone crest. CT scans were performed at 24 h and at 6 months after immediate implant placement and immediate loading. The distance from the most apical point of the implant platform to the buccal bone crest was assessed at the two time points. The buccal bone crest height was evaluated at three points in the mesio-distal direction: (1) the centre point of the alveolus, (2) 1 mm mesial to the centre point, and (3) 1 mm distal to the centre point. The values obtained were subjected to statistical analysis, comparing the distances from the bone crest to the implant platform for the two time points. After 6 months there was a statistically significant, non-uniform reduction in height at the level of the crest of the buccal bone in the cervical direction. It is concluded that the buccal bone crest of the immediate implants that replaced the maxillary incisors underwent apical resorption when subjected to immediate loading.