849 resultados para Oral health attitudes
Pós-graduação em Odontologia Preventiva e Social - FOA
Relação entre saúde bucal e saúde sistêmica: avaliação do conhecimento dos acadêmicos de Odontologia
Pós-graduação em Odontologia Preventiva e Social - FOA
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
A infecção pela Helicobacter pylori é uma das mais comuns em humanos e apesar de possuir tropismo pelo estômago, pode ser encontrada na cavidade oral, mantendo uma relação comensal com o hospedeiro, enquanto a cárie dental também é uma doença infecciosa e resulta do metabolismo da placa bacteriana. Ambas as infecções apresentam alta prevalência em países em desenvolvimento, pois estas populações estão mais expostas a fatores ambientais de risco, e normalmente são adquiridas durante a infância. A prevalência destas infecções foi investigada na cavidade oral de escolares assintomáticos para doenças gástricas, provenientes de uma população de Belém-Pa, relacionando-se a alguns parâmetros de higiene e saúde bucal, condição socioeconômica e fatores de susceptibilidade genética como os grupos sanguíneos ABO e Lewis. Foram investigados 104 indivíduos, com idade média de 17 anos. De todos os participantes foram coletadas amostras de saliva e placa dental. A saliva foi coletada para identificação do estado secretor ABO e Lewis e estimação dos parâmetros salivares, e ambas, saliva e placa dental, foram coletadas para analise molecular dos genes 16S RNAr da H. pylori e FUT2. A H. pylori foi detectada em 79,8% dos escolares, com freqüência de 66,35% na placa dental e 58,65% na saliva. A prevalência de cárie foi de 82,8% na população estudada. A avaliação clínica da saúde bucal mostrou que o CPO-D médio encontrado foi de 3,53. Observou-se que a experiência de cárie tende a aumentar à medida que acresce a idade e que a infecção por H. pylori foi maior na primeira infância. O grau de instrução e o número de visitas ao dentista mostraram diferenças significantes em relação a presença de H. pylori. A distribuição fenotípica dos grupos sanguíneos ABO e Lewis não mostrou diferenças significantes entre indivíduos infectados e não-infectados, que expliquem haver maior susceptibilidade genética para infecção por H. pylori e cárie dental. No conjunto desta analise as elevadas freqüências encontradas denotam a necessidade de cuidados e tratamento das doenças dentais, como a cárie e sugere-se que a H. pylori na cavidade oral pode contribuir para a infecção e re-infecção do estômago após tratamento.
Pós-graduação em Odontologia Preventiva e Social - FOA
Pós-graduação em Saúde Coletiva - FMB
Pós-graduação em Odontologia Preventiva e Social - FOA
Perception and Attitude About Systemic Health and Periodontal Disease Among Dentistry Undergraduates
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Biopatologia Bucal - ICT
The aim of this study was to analyze the relationship between oral diseases and their impact on the daily performance of adult and elderly Brazilians, verify the association of oral diseases with socioeconomic and demographic features, and compare the standard estimate of need with the sociodental assessment of these same needs. The authors evaluated data from 17,398 Brazilians aged between 35-44 years and 65-74 years, taken from the cross-sectional Brazilian Oral Health Survey (Saúde Bucal Brasil - SBBrasil). Regression models were applied to assess associations among impacts on daily performance and income, schooling, gender, region, use of dental services, health perception and dental disease status. McNemar’s test was applied to compare standard versus impact-related estimates of need. The prevalence ratio of these impacts was associated with the sociodemographic versus health perceptions (p < 0.001) of adults and the elderly. Adults also had impacts associated with loss of periodontal attachment (p < 0.001). The prevalence of normative needs was 95.39% for adults and 99.76% for the elderly, whereas the impact-related estimate of need was 50.92% and 43.71%, respectively. The impacted-related approach had a statistically significant association with the normative estimate of need (p < 0.001). This study showed a relationship between oral impact on daily performance of adults and educational level. Sociodemographic features were also related to the impacts on both adults and the elderly, and to health perception. The impacts among the adults were related to the loss of periodontal attachment. In addition, the authors found a sizable difference between the standard versus the sociodental approach, in that the sociodental assessment needs were lower than the needs identified by the standard estimate of need.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Introduction: The oral health education is a process that aims to transform attitudes and behaviors and to form habits for the benefit of individual health. For this to occur, it is necessary to strengthen and continuous repetition, as possible in the school environment. Objective: To analyze teachers’ knowledge about oral health, practices developed in the school environment, as well as the participation of dentists in guiding teachers of primary and secondary schools. Subjects and method: We used a semi-structured questionnaire with open and closed questions about teacher training, received guidance on oral health during their training, development of oral health issues in the classroom and knowledge on the subject . Results: Of the total respondents (n = 221), only 77 (34.8%) said they had guidance on oral health in their training to be a teacher. 70 (31.7%) said they did not develop oral health issues in the classroom and 91 (41.2%) stated no interaction between dentist and professor. We observed deficiency in teachers’ knowledge about certain issues related to dental health. There was statistically significant association between the dentist’s guidance to teachers and the development of oral health actions and the teacher’s knowledge about the location of the first permanent molar eruption (p <0.01). Conclusion: This study conclude that although most educators develop educational practices on oral health in the school environment, there is a deficiency in understanding by teachers of certain subjects, making it necessary a greater participation of the dentist in the transmission of technical and scientific knowledge to them.
Objective: The aim of this study was to analyze the perception and attitudes about oral health of pregnant women recorded on SIS-Prenatal from Bilac city, São Paulo State. Method: the data collection was through interviews with pregnant women using a semi-structured questionnaire. Pregnant women that were not present on attendance with gynecologist and those whose children were born were excluded of sample. Result: Among the 20 interviewed pregnant women, 80% didn’t received any type of information about oral health during pregnancy, 45% of total didn’t know how to maintain baby’s oral health, 85% didn’t know the mean of carie disease. The majority of pregnant women (95%) interested to make part of projects about promotion of oral health. Conclusion: the future mothers showed little knowledge in relation to preventive proceedings in dentistry and about diseases that could involve their and baby’s oral health. It’s necessary to perform programs about oral health, pointing the cares for mother-baby