1000 resultados para Northwestern Colombia
[spa] Tras largas y complejas negociaciones, la Unión Europea celebró un acuerdo comercial con Colombia en 2010 que ha empezado a aplicarse provisionalmente el 1 de agosto de 2013. El artículo se centra en las relaciones entre Colombia y la Unión y analiza el impacto que dicho acuerdo pueda tener en el marco de las obligaciones de las partes de respetar los derechos humanos universalmente reconocidos, incluyendo derechos sociales y los derechos de los pueblos indígenas. De dicho análisis se deriva que la presencia de cláusulas democráticas o de derechos humanos en el Acuerdo es insuficiente, habida cuenta los antecedentes del SGP+ vigente hasta la entrada en vigor del nuevo acuerdo, mientras que algunos aspectos sustantivos del Acuerdo permiten augurar consecuencias negativas respecto de los sectores sociales más desfavorecidos en la República de Colombia.
A high resolution mineralogical study (bulk-rock and clay-fraction) was carried out upon the hemipelagic strata of the Angles section (Vocontian Basin, SE France) in which the Valanginian positive C-isotope excursion occurs. To investigate sea-level fluctuations and climate change respectively, a Detrital Index (DI: (phyllosilicates and quartz)/calcite) and a Weathering Index (WI: kaolinite/(illite + chlorite)) were established and compared to second-order sea-level fluctuations. In addition, the mineralogical data were compared with the High Nutrient Index (HNI, based on calcareous nannofossil taxa) data obtained by Duchamp-Alphonse et al. (2007), in order to assess the link between the hydrolysis conditions recorded on the surrounding continents and the trophic conditions inferred for the Vocontian Basin. It appears that the mineralogical distribution along the northwestern Tethyan margin is mainly influenced by sea-level changes during the Early Valanginian (Pertransiens to Stephanophorus ammonite Zones) and by climate variations from the late Early Valanginian to the base of the Hauterivian (top of the Stephanophorus to the Radiatus ammonite Zones). The sea-level fall observed in the Pertransiens ammonite Zone (Early Valanginian) is well expressed by an increase in detrital inputs (an increase in the DI) associated with a more proximal source and a shallower marine environment, whereas the sea-level rise recorded in the Stephanophorus ammonite Zone corresponds to a decrease in detrital influx (a decrease in the DI) as the source becomes more distal and the environment deeper. Interpretation of both DI and WI, indicates that the positive C-isotope excursion (top of the Stephanophorus to the Verrucosum ammonite Zones) is associated with an increase of detrital inputs under a stable, warm and humid climate, probably related to greenhouse conditions, the strongest hydrolysis conditions being reached at the maximum of the positive C-isotope excursion. From the Verrucosum ammonite Zone to the base of the Hauterivian (Radiatus ammonite Zone) climatic conditions evolved from weak hydrolysis conditions and, most likely, a cooler climate (resulting in a decrease in detrital inputs) to a seasonal climate in which more humid seasons alternated with more arid ones. The comparison of the WI to the HNI shows that the nutrification recorded al: the Angles section from the top of the Stephanophorus to the Radiatus ammonite Zones (including the positive C-isotope shift), is associated with climatic changes in the source areas. At that time, increased nutrient inputs were generally triggered by increased weathering processes in the source areas due to acceleration in the hydrological cycle under greenhouse conditions This scenario accords with the widely questioned palaeoenvironmental model proposed by Lini et al., (1992) and suggests that increasing greenhouse conditions are the main factor that drove the palaeoenvironmental changes observed in the hemipelagic realm of the Vocontian Basin, during the Valanginian positive C-isotope shift. This high-resolution mineralogical study highlights short-term climatic changes during the Valanginian, probably associated to rapid changes in the C-cycle. Coeval Massive Parana-Etendeka flood basalt eruptions may explain such rapid perturbations. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
In the circum-Pacific ophiolitic belts, when no other biogenic constituents are found, radiolarians have the potential to provide significant biostratigraph- ic information. The Santa Rosa Accretionary Complex, which crops out in several half-windows (Carrizal, Sitio Santa Rosa, Bahia Nancite, Playa Naranjo) along the south shores of the Santa Elena Peninsula in northwestern Costa Rica, is one of these little-known ophiolitic mélanges. It contains various oceanic assemblages of alkaline basalt, radiolarite and polymictic breccias. The radiolarian biochronology presented in this work is mainly based by correlation on the biozonations of Carter et al. (2010), Baumgartner et al. (1995b), and O'Dogherty (1994) and indicate an Early Jurassic to early Late Cretaceous (early Pliensbachian to earliest Turonian) age for the sediments associated with oceanic basalts or recovered from blocks in breccias or megabreccias. The 19 illus- trated assemblages from the Carrizal tectonic window and Sitio Santa Rosa contain in total 162 species belonging to 65 genera. The nomenclature of tecton- ic units is the one presented by (Baumgartner and Denyer, 2006). This study brings to light the Early Jurassic age of a succession of radiolarite, which was previously thought to be of Cretaceous age, intruded by alkaline basalts sills (Unit 3). The presence of Early Jurassic large reworked blocks in a polymictic megabreccia, firstly reported by De Wever et al. (1985) is confirmed (Unit 4). Therefore, the alkaline basalt associated with the radiolarites of these two units (and maybe also Units 5 and 8) could be of Jurassic age. In the Carrizal tectonic window, Middle to early Late Jurassic radiolarian chert blocks associ- ated with massive tholeitic basalts and Early Cretaceous brick-red ribbon cherts overlying pillow basalts are interpreted as fragments of a Middle Jurassic oceanic basement accreted to an Early Cretaceous oceanic Plate, in an intra-oceanic subduction context. Whereas, the knobby radiolarites and black shales of Playa Carrizal are indicative of a shallower middle Cretaceous paleoenvironment. Other remnants of this oceanic basin are found in Units 2, 6, and 7, which documented the rapid approach of the depocentre to a subduction trench during the late Early Cretaceous (Albian-Cenomanian), to possibly early Late Cretaceous (Turonian).
The objective of this work was to analyze the growth of champa fruit (Campomanesia lineatifolia) as a function of growing-degree days (GDD) in the municipality of Miraflores, in Boyacá, Colombia. Thirty trees were selected at random, and 100 flowers in full bloom were marked in each tree. From the 26th day after flowering until harvest, 10 samples were taken every 15 days to determine the fruit parameters and growth rate. Temperature was recorded to calculate the GDD. From flowering until harvest, 1,489.1 GDD were accumulated over 145 days. Dry and fresh matter mass of pulp, seed, and total fruit were fitted to a logistic growth model, and three growth stages (S1, S2 and S3) were defined. In the S1, growth was slow, and the relative growth remained nearly stable, whereas the absolute growth rate (AGR) increased slowly. In the S2, maximum growth was observed. In the S3, which corresponds to maturation, dry mass increased gradually, and the AGR decreased, while the fresh pulp and total mass did not cease to increase. The polar and equatorial diameters increased linearly, while the volume followed an exponential model. Champa fruit show a simple sigmoid growth curve.
This paper analyzes the role of formalization of land property rights in the war against illicit crops in Colombia. We argue that as a consequence of the increase of state presence and visibility during the period of 2000 and 2009, municipalities with a higher level of formalization of their land property rights saw a greater reduction in the area allocated to illicit crops. We hypothesize that this is due to the increased cost of growing illicit crops on formal land compared to informal, and due to the possibility of obtaining more benets in the newly in- stalled institutional environment when land is formalized. We exploit the variation in the level of formalization of land property rights in a set of municipalities that had their rst cadastral census collected in the period of 1994-2000; this selection procedure guarantees reliable data and an unbiased source of variation. Using fixed effects estimators, we found a signicant negative relationship between the level of formalization of land property rights and the number of hectares allocated to coca crops per municipality. These results remain robust through a number of sensitivity analyses. Our ndings contribute to the growing body of evidence on the positive effects of formal land property rights, and e ective policies in the war on drugs in Colombia.
Se estudió la variación morfológica entre ocho accesiones de las tres principales especies de curubas cultivadas y silvestres del Valle del Cauca, Passiflora tripartita var. mollissima (curuba de Castilla), Passiflora tarminiana (curuba india) y Passiflora mixta (curuba de monte) y 11 de sus híbridos, usando el análisis de componentes principales y el método de clasificación del vecino más próximo en 105 caracteres cualitativos y cuantitativos. Siete componentes principales explican 84% de la varianza total. Las clasificaciones sobre los caracteres cualitativos y cuantitativos muestran una clara agrupación por especie. Dentro de P. mixta, se distinguen un tipo poco pubescente, representativo de las plantas silvestres más comunes, y un tipo muy pubescente, con caracteres de domesticación como frutos amarillentos de pulpa colorida, y con una mayor variación morfológica. La clasificación de estos últimos individuos sugiere una introgresión entre P. mixta y Passiflora tripartita var. mollissima. Los híbridos ocupan una posición intermedia entre las especies parentales, pero se diferencian claramente según la dirección del cruzamiento, revelando un efecto maternal sobre la herencia de los caracteres vegetativos y florales. Los primeros análisis del fruto muestran características intermedias en cuanto a forma, color y tolerancia a la antracnosis.
La uchuva, Physalis peruviana L., crece como planta silvestre en las zonas tropicales altas de América, estando el centro de origen y diversificación en los Andes Suramericanos, principalmente de Colombia, Perú y Ecuador. Se realizó la caracterización morfológica de 46 accesiones de uchuva provenientes del Banco de Germoplasma de la nación Colombiana, a cargo de La Corporación Colombiana de Investigación Agropecuarias, CORPOICA, en el Centro de Investigación La Selva, ubicado en la vereda Llanogrande del municipio de Rionegro (Antioquia, Colombia). Los genotipos de uchuva se sembraron utilizando un diseño látice siete por siete simple desbalanceado duplicado. Las accesiones se ubicaron en parcelas constituidas por cinco plantas, de las cuales se evaluaron las tres plantas centrales de las dos replicaciones y cinco estructuras por planta. Se empleó un listado de 69 descriptores, 40 de ellos cualitativos y 29 cuantitativos, 56 de los cuales (81,16%) fueron útiles en la diferenciación de las accesiones. Para las variables cualitativas se estimaron los coeficientes de disimilaridad de Gower, que fluctuaron desde 0 a 0,20; y para las variables cuantitativas se estimaron los valores de distancia Euclediana, que fluctuaron entre 0,25 y 1,22.
La granadilla es la segunda especie en importancia económica del género Passiflora y Colombia es el principal productor del mundo con 53.000 t/año. Son pocos los estudios sobre la diversidad intraespecifica en la especie que permitan establecer las relaciones genéticas entre individuos. El objetivo de esta investigación fue explorar la variabilidad genética de la granadilla cultivada en Colombia por medio de marcadores microsatélites. Diez marcadores microsatélites fueron evaluados en 41 accesiones (82 individuos) provenientes de los principales departamentos productores. Un total de cinco microsatélites fueron amplificados con 66 alelos identificados y un promedio de 12,2, entre ellos 7 únicos y 13 raros. Los índices de diversidad mostraron un contenido de información polimórfica de 0,74 (PIC), y una heterocigocidad promedio observada (Ho) y esperada (He) de 0,98 y 0,96 bajo condiciones de equilibrio de Hardy-Weinberg. La distancia genética promedio dentro y entre poblaciones fue de 0,65 y 0,80, siendo Boyacá, Valle del Cauca y Putumayo los más distantes (>0,87). Los análisis de clasificación arbórea (nj) y factorial de correspondencia múltiple (AFCM) revelaron poca estructuración geográfica de las accesiones y dispersión de los individuos de un mismo origen. La carencia de estructuración y la alta variabilidad intraespecífica podría explicarse por el fenómeno de alogamia presente en la especie y el intercambio de semillas entre productores. En conclusión, estos resultados sugieren una evaluación agromorfológica complementaria que permita establecer la variabilidad genética total e implementar un programa de mejoramiento genético por medio de la selección asistida de genotipos superiores en búsqueda de cultivares más productivos y resistentes a problemas fitosanitarios que afectan los cultivos.
RESUMEN En la presente investigación se evaluó el rendimiento de extracción y propiedades fisicoquímicas de la grasa de semilla de 20 cultivares de mango ( LMangifera Indica.) en Colombia. Se emplearon semillas de frutos en estado maduro, procesadas en harina con el siguiente rango de composición proximal: grasa 6.73 % - 11.8 %; proteína 4.3 % - 6.9 %; fibra cruda 2.6 % - 6.1 % y cenizas 2.12 % - 3.9 %. Las características fisicoquímicas determinadas en el aceite crudo mostraron los siguientes rangos: índice de acidez 0.78 % ácido oleico - 1.83 % ácido oleico; índice de saponificación 121.77 mg de KOH/g - 233.88 mg de KOH/g; índice de peróxidos 0.76 meq O2/kg - 3.19 meq O2/kg; índice de iodo 22.94 g de I2/100 g - 32.52 g de I2/100 g. El perfil de ácidos grasos presentó, en promedio, al ácido oleico (46.46 %) y el ácido esteárico (37.58 %) como componentes mayoritarios. La grasa obtenida no presentó un contenido considerable de fenoles totales. El estudio realizado demostró que la obtención de grasa comestible a partir de subproductos del mango, constituye una alternativa viable del aprovechamiento de recursos naturales pues los rendimientos en algunos cultivares fue alto y su composición química posibilita su aplicación en la sustitución de grasas vegetales o la posible generación de nuevos productos.
GDP has usually been used as a proxy for human well-being. Nevertheless, other social aspects should also be considered, such as life expectancy, infant mortality, educational enrolment and crime issues. With this paper we investigate not only economic convergence but also social convergence between regions in a developing country, Colombia, in the period 1975-2005. We consider several techniques in our analysis: sigma convergence, stochastic kernel estimations, and also several empirical models to find out the beta convergence parameter (cross section and panel estimates, with and without spatial dependence). The main results confirm that we can talk about convergence in Colombia in key social variables, although not in the classic economic variable, GDP per capita. We have also found that spatial autocorrelation reinforces convergence processes through deepening market and social factors, while isolation condemns regions to nonconvergence.
The northwestern margin of the Valencia trough is an area of low strain characterized by slow normal faults and low to moderate seismicity. Since the mid 1990s this area has been the subject of a number of studies on active tectonic which have proposed different approaches to the location of active faults and to the calculation of the parameters that describe their seismic cycle. Fifty-six active faults have been found and a classification has been made in accordance with their characteristics: a) faults with clear evidence of large paleo-, historic or instrumental earthquakes (2/56); b) faults with evidence of accumulated activity during the Plio-Quaternary and with associated instrumental seismicity (7/56); c) faults with evidence of accumulated activity during the Plio-Quaternary and without associated instrumental seismicity (17/56); d) faults with associated instrumental seismicity and without evidence of accumulated activity during the Plio-Quaternary (30/56), and e) faults without evidence of activity or inactive faults. The parameters that describe the seismic cycle of these faults have been evaluated by different methods that use the geological data obtained for each fault except when paleoseismological studies were available. This classification can be applied to other areas with low slip faults because of the simplicity of the approaches adopted. This study reviews the different approaches proposed and describes the active faults located, highlighting the need a) to better understand active faults in slow strain zones through paleoseismological studies, and b) to include them in seismic hazard studies.
Using microdata from the 2002-2006 Colombian Continuous Household Survey, we find an elasticity of individual wages to local unemployment rates of -0.07. However, the elasticity for informal workers is significantly higher, a result which is consistent with efficiency wage theoretical models and relevant for regional labour markets analysis in developing countries.