944 resultados para Non-aqueous solvents
Materiais nanoestruturados têm recebido destaque na comunidade científica, destacando-se, dentre eles, os nanocompósitos à base de polímeros e argila. Quando esses materiais são obtidos no estado líquido, ressalta-se também o uso de água em substituição a solventes orgânicos, devido a questões ambientais. Neste trabalho foram sintetizadas dispersões aquosas à base de poliuretanos (WPUs) e argila hidrofílica do tipo montimorilonita (MMT) de natureza sódica, com o objetivo de avaliar as propriedades de barreira a gases conferidas pela presença de argila e pela variação nas proporções entre os segmentos flexíveis poli(glicol propilênico) (PPG) e o copolímero em bloco à base de poli(glicol etilênico) e poli(glicol propilênico) (EG-b-PG). Os monômeros empregados na síntese foram: poli(glicol propilênico) (PPG); copolímero em bloco à base de poli(glicol etilênico) e poli(glicol propilênico) (EG-b-PG), com teor de 7% de EG; ácido dimetilolpropiônico (DMPA), diisocianato de isoforona (IPDI) e etilenodiamina (EDA), como extensor de cadeia. Foram sintetizadas dispersões aquosas com e sem a presença de argila, fixando-se a razão entre o número de equivalentes-grama de grupos diisocianato e hidroxila (razão NCO/OH) em 1,5. Nas formulações foi variado também o teor de argila em relação à massa de prepolímero em 0,5% e 1%. Foi adicionada uma etapa de agitação adicional com dispersor Turrax em algumas formulações. A argila foi previamente deslaminada em água deionizada e incorporada à formulação na etapa da dispersão do prepolímero. As dispersões foram avaliadas, quanto ao teor de sólidos totais, tamanho médio de partícula e viscosidade aparente. Os filmes vazados a partir das dispersões foram caracterizados por espectrometria na região do infravermelho (FTIR) e permeabilidade ao CO2. A resistência térmica dos filmes foi determinada por termogravimetria (TG). Foram observadas modificações nas propriedades dos filmes obtidos com a inserção da argila e com a variação no teor de segmentos à base de poli(glicol etilênico). A inserção da argila promoveu uma melhoria na resistência térmica das membranas bem como uma redução na permeabilidade das mesmas. Foi observado um aumento na permeabilidade das membranas obtidas a partir das formulações com maior percentual de copolímero (EG-b-PG), com e sem argila.
Considerações ambientais têm aumentado a pesquisa e o desenvolvimento de sistemas poliméricos aquosos para diversos tipos de aplicações, principalmente como revestimentos. Nesta dissertação, foram sintetizadas formulações não-poluentes à base de poliuretanos dispersos em água (PUDs), com 40% de teor de sólidos, na ausência de solventes orgânicos. Os monômeros empregados foram copolímeros em bloco à base de poli(glicol etilênico) e poli(glicol propilênico) (EG-b-PG), com teor de 25% de segmento hidrofílico EG, poli (glicol propilênico) (PPG), ácido dimetilolpropiônico (DMPA), diisocianato de isoforona (IPDI) e hidrazina (HYD), como extensor de cadeia. Foram variadas as razões entre o número de equivalente-grama de grupamentos isocianato e hidroxila (NCO/OH) e a proporção em equivalente-grama de PPG e dos copolímeros em bloco (EG-b-PG). Foi observado que a incorporação de altas quantidades de copolímero dificultou a síntese dos poliuretanos dispersos em água, levando à formação de géis. O tamanho médio de partícula e a viscosidade das dispersões foram determinados. Os filmes vazados a partir dessas dispersões foram avaliados quanto à capacidade de absorção de água, resistência mecânica, termogravimetria (TG), e caracterizados por espectroscopia na região do infravermelho (FTIR). As dispersões poliuretânicas produzidas se mostraram satisfatórias quando aplicadas como revestimento para madeira, metais e vidro
A indústria de petróleo e gás apresenta sérios problemas relacionados à corrosão. Nas petroquímicas e nas instalações de refino de petróleo, as falhas em materiais estão relacionadas com a corrosão, além disso, os processos de corrosão de metais são problemas no mundo, causando ônus em processos industriais e gerando situações de risco como a corrosão de pilares metálicos em pontes ou em fuselagens de aviões. Dentre os meios corrosivos, um muito comum é o meio ácido, que será o meio estudado neste trabalho. Com todos os problemas citados, se faz necessário o estudo de inibidores de corrosão com alta eficiência, estabilidade e que, preferencialmente, não agridam o meio ambiente. Alguns inibidores de corrosão apresentam solubilidade limitada em água, sendo necessária a utilização de alguns solventes não tão amigáveis ao meio ambiente. Então, propôs-se formar um complexo de inclusão para tornar possível a solubilização de inibidores convencionais em solução aquosa, como algumas tioureias, que apresentam solubilidade limitada em água. Essa completa solubilização do inibidor de corrosão orgânico em meio aquoso é possível com a utilização de um aditivo (hospedeiro) capaz de encapsular tais moléculas (convidados) via interações não covalentes, de modo a alcançar o máximo desempenho de inibição. Para a formação do complexo de inclusão foi usado como molécula hospedeira, a α e a β hidroxipropilciclodextrina e como molécula convidada a dibenziltioureia. A intenção foi testar a melhora da ação inibidora da corrosão do aço carbono em meio de HCl 1mol.L-1 com ensaios de perda de massa, de impedância, polarização e microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV), além de evidenciar a formação destes complexos de inclusão através da espectroscopia de absorção vibracional no infravermelho, espectroscopia de RMN de 1H, espectroscopia de absorção no Ultra-violeta e análise térmica diferencial (DTA)
The thin films of TiO2 doped by Mn non-uniformly were prepared by sol-gel method under process control. In our preceding study, we investigated in detail, the effect of doping mode on the photocatalytic activity of TiO2 films showing that Mn non-uniform doping can greatly enhance the activity. In this study we looked at the effect of doping concentration on the photocatalytic activity of the TiO2 films. In this paper, the thin films were characterized by UV-vis spectrophotometer and electrochemical workstation. The activity of the photocatalyst was also evaluated by photocatalytic degradation rate of aqueous methyl orange under UV radiation. The results illustrate that the TiO2 thin film doped by Mn non-uniformly at the optimal dopant concentration (0.7 at %) is of the highest activity, and on the contrary, the activity of those doped uniformly is decreased. As a comparison, in 80 min, the degradation rate of methyl orange is 62 %, 12 % and 34 % for Mn non-uniform doping film (0.7 at %), the uniform doping film (0.7 at %) and pure titanium dioxide film, respectively. We have seen that, for the doping and the pure TiO2 films, the stronger signals of open circuit potential and transient photocurrent, the better photocatalytic activity. We also discusse the effect of dopant concentration on the photocatalytic activity of the TiO2 films in terms of effective separation of the photon-generated carriers in the semiconductor. (C) Versita Warsaw and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. All rights reserved.
The hydrodehalogenation of aromatic halides, catalyzed by Pd/C in aqueous solutions, yields arenes in short reaction times at room temperature under normal pressure. The nature of the solvents has an important influence on the reaction rates and the activity of the catalyst. The catalyst shows the highest activity in water. In the hydrodechlorination of 4-chlorohypnone, it was in water that C-Cl bond was easier to be hydrogenated, and in isopropanol that C=O was easier to be hydrogenated. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
High-solids, low-viscosity, stable polyacrylamide (PAM) aqueous dispersions were prepared by dispersion polymerization of acrylamide in aqueous solution of ammonium sulfate (AS) using Poly (sodium acrylic acid) (PAANa) as the stabilizer, ammonium persulfate (APS) or 2,2'-Azobis (N,N'-dimethyleneisobutyramidine) dihydrochloride (VA-044) as the initiator. The molecular weight of the formed PAM, ranged from 710, 000 g/mol to 4,330,000 g/mol, was controlled by the addition of sodium formate as a conventional chain-transfer agent. The progress of a typical AM dispersion polymerization was monitored with aqueous size exclusion chromatography. The influences, of the AS concentration, the poly(sodium acrylic acid) concentration, the initiator type and concentration, the chain-transfer agent concentration and temperature Oil the monomer conversion, the dispersion viscosity, the PAM molecular weight and distribution, the particle size and morphology were systematically investigated.
Aqueous conducting polyaniline dispersion was prepared employing acidic phosphate ester bearing hydrophilic ethylene glycol segment as dopant, and conducting film with electrical conductivity of 25 S/cm was obtained from the dispersion. Ordered self-assembly lamellar structure with interlamellar distance of 1.2 nm was observed in the film, which consisted of alternating layers of rigid polyaniline chain and flexible phosphate ester side chains, where the phosphate side chain layer was separated by two rigid polyaniline layers. The lamellar structure leading to high conducting film was formed due to the confinement of polyaniline chain by crystallizable phosphate side chain, since the electrical conductivity decreased by four orders of magnitude once the dopant side chain crystalline was destroyed. The crystallizable side chain forced lamellar structure is expected to be a new chance for highly conducting polyaniline.
High-solids, low-viscosity, stable poly(acrylamide-co-acrylic acid) aqueous latex dispersions were prepared by the dispersion polymerization of acrylamide (AM) and acrylic acid (AA) in an aqueous solution of ammonium sulfate (AS) medium using anionic polyelectrolytes as stabilizers. The anionic polyelectrolytes employed include poly(2-acrylamido-2-methylpropanesulfonic acid sodium) (PAMPSNa) homopolymer and random copolymers of 2-acrylamido-2-methylpropanesulfonic acid sodium (AMPSNa) with methacrylic acid sodium (MAANa), acrylic acid sodium (AANa) or acrylamide (AM). The influences of stabilizer's structure, composition, molecular weight and concentration, AA/AM molar feed ratio, total monomer, initiator and aqueous solution of AS concentration, and stirring speed on the monomer conversion, the particle size and distribution, the bulk viscosity and stability of the dispersions, and the intrinsic viscosity of the resulting copolymer were systematically investigated. Polydisperse spherical as well as ellipsoidal particles were formed in the system. The broad particle size distributions indicated that coalescence of the particles takes place to a greater extent.
We have investigated systematically the morphology of thin films spin-coated from solutions of a semicrystalline diblock copolymer, poly(L-lactic acid)-block-polystyrene (PLLA-b-PS), in solvents with varying selectivity. In neutral solvents (chloroform and tetrahydrofuran (THF)), a spinodal-like pattern was obtained and the pattern boundary was sharpened by diluting the solution. Meanwhile, loose spherical associates, together with larger aggregates composed of these associates by unimer bridges, formed partly due to crystallization of the PLLA blocks in relatively concentrated solutions. In slightly PS-selective solvent (e.g., benzene), both loose and compact spherical micelles were obtained, depending on the polymer concentration, coexisting with unimers. When enhancing the selectivity with mixed solvents, for example, mixing the neutral solvent and the slightly selective solvent with a highly PS-selective solvent, CS2, loose assemblies (nanorods in CS2/THF mixtures and polydisperse aggregates in CS2/benzene mixtures) and well-developed lamellar micelles were obtained.
Dispersion copolymerization of acrylamide (AM) with 2-methylacryloylxyethyl trimethyl ammonium chloride (DMC) has been carried out in aqueous salts solution containing ammonium sulfate and sodium chloride with poly(acryloylxyethyl trimethyl ammonium chloride) (PDAC) as the stabilizer and 2,2'-azobis[2-(2-inidazolin-2-yl)propane]-dihydro chloride (VA-044) as the initiator. A new particle formation mechanism of the dispersion polymerization for the present system has been proposed. The effects of inorganic salts and stabilizer concentration on dispersion polymerization have been investigated. The results show that varying the salt concentration could affect the morphology and molecular weight of the resultant copolymer particles significantly. With increasing the stabilizer concentration, the particle size decreased at first and then increased, meanwhile the effect on the copolymer molecular weight was the contrary. These results had been rationalized based on the proposed mechanism.
Dispersion copolymerization of acrylamide with acrylic acid in an aqueous solution of ammonium sulfate using poly(2-acrylamido-2-methylpropanesulfonic acid sodium) as the stabilizer and ammonium persulfate (APS) as the initiator was investigated. The influence of initiator concentration, stabilizer concentration, ammonium sulfate concentration, chain-transfer agent concentration, and polymerization temperature on the copolymerization was discussed. The results showed that varying the ammonium sulfate concentration could affect the particle size and the intrinsic viscosity of the copolymer significantly. With increasing the stabilizer concentration, the particle size of the copolymer decreased first, and then increased, meanwhile the intrinsic viscosity of the copolymer decreased. The increase of initiator concentration, chain-transfer agent concentration, and polymerization temperature resulted in the increase in the particle size. Polydisperse spherical particles were formed in the system, and the kinetics for the dispersion copolymerization were discussed.
A novel amperometric biosensor for quantification of the electrochemically inert polar organic solvents based on tyrosinase electrode was preliminarily reported. The biosensor was fabricated by simply syringing an aqueous solution of tyrosinase/PVAVP (PVAVP: copolymer of poly(vinyl alcohol) grafting with 4-vinylpyridine) onto glassy carbon electrode surface followed by drying the modified electrode at +4 degrees C in a refrigerator. The current generated from electrochemical reduction of quinone is a probe signal. The biosensor can be used for quantification of polar organic solvents, and its mechanism was characterized with in situ steady-state amperometry-quartz crystal microbalance experiments. The detection limit, sensitivity, and dynamic range for certain organic solvents are dependent on the kind and concentration of the substrate probe and the hydrophobicity of the immobilization matrix. The response time for all the tested organic solvents is less than 2 min.
Polyaniline (PAn) was doped with phosphonic acid containing hydrophilic tails. The solubility of the doped PAn in water was controlled by changing the length of hydrophilic chain in the dopant. When poly(ethylene glycol) monomethyl ether (PEGME) with molecular weight M-w = 550 was used as the hydrophilic chain of the dopant, the doped PAn was entirely soluble in water. The film cast from aqueous solution showed good electrochemical redox reversibility, Aqueous solution blending of PAn with poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG, M-w = 20 000) and poly(N-vinyl pyrrolidone) (PVP, M-w = 360 000) was achieved. Percolation threshold of the composite film was lower than 3 wt.%. Electrical conductivity of the composite film was in the range of 10(-1)-10(-5) S cm(-1), depending on molecular weight of the acid and the content of PAn in the composite. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
In situ STM has been used to study the structure of hemoglobin(Hb) in two kinds of organic media. In hydrophobic organic solvent such as carbon tetrachloride, the structure of Hb is almost the same as in aqueous solution, similar to its native structure. However, when in hydrophilic organic solvent such as dimethylformamide, the two dimers of Hb molecule become separate and unfold to a certain extent.
This article describes a quantitative study of the diffusion rate of ferrocene(Fc) dissolved in ploy(ethylene glycol)(PEG) medium containing MClO(4)(M = Li+, Na+, Bu(4)N(+), Hx(4)N(+)). The apparent diffusion coefficient D-app and the active concentration c(a) of Fc were simultaneously measured by using non-steady-state chronoamperometry. The D-app and c(a) of Fc have been estimated in PEG containing different concentrations and sizes of supporting electrolyte, and the dependence of D-app on ferrocene concentrations has been observed. The values of D-app decrease with increasing concentrations of Fc, increasing concentrations of LiClO4 or the ratio (O:Li) and also with 4 decreasing cation radius of the electrolyte. The temperature dependencies conform to a simple free volume model. The concentration and size of the counterion dependencies of the diffusion rate are similar to the behavior of their dependencies of ionic conductivity in polyelectrolyte.