913 resultados para Non-Human Primate


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A dificuldade em documentar a formação de classes em não-humanos pode ser devida ao uso de procedimentos de treino e teste desenvolvidos no contexto da pesquisa com participantes humanos. Diferenças entre as situações de treino e de teste podem produzir a deterioração do desempenho nos testes. Este estudo teve como objetivo comparar, em macacos-prego (Cebus spp.), a curva de aquisição de relações condicionais simétricas com a curva de aquisição de relações condicionais não simétricas, a partir de linhas de base condicionais diferentes para cada tipo de treino. Essa comparação pode fornecer indícios de formação de classes sem a necessidade de testes formais previstos no modelo descritivo de equivalência de estímulos. Foram utilizados, como participantes, dois macacos prego machos Cebus spp. um jovem-adulto (M09) e um adulto (M12), ambos com história de treino de discriminações simples e condicionais. Foram utilizados seis pares de estímulos bidimensionais (A1-B1, A2-B2, A3-B3, A4-B4, A5-B5 e A6-B6). O procedimento foi composto por três fases: Fase 1, “preparatória”, de treino das discriminações condicionais A1-B1 e A2-B2 utilizando o procedimento de emparelhamento ao modelo arbitrário com atraso zero; Fase 2, “consistente” ou “simétrica”, de treino da discriminação condicional A3-B3 e A4-B4 seguida do treino da discriminação condicional consistente com o padrão de resposta bidirecional (B3-A3 e B4-A4); Fase 3, “inconsistente” ou “assimétrica”, de treino da discriminação condicional A5-B5 e A6-B6 seguido do treino da discriminação condicional inconsistente com o padrão bidirecional (B5-A6 e B6-A5). O Sujeito M12 concluiu todas as etapas do experimento. A análise comparativa das curvas de desempenho do sujeito M12 indica uma aquisição mais rápida quando as relações treinadas são simétricas, sugerindo que os eventos arbitrariamente relacionados compõem uma mesma classe. Tal resultado sugere que a análise comparativa entre as curvas de desempenho é um procedimento promissor para avaliar formação de classes em sujeitos não-humanos. O sujeito M09 foi retirado do experimento na Subfase 3.1, pois seu desempenho não alcançou o critério de aquisição. Os dados do sujeito M09 sugerem a necessidade de uma análise detalhada das relações de controle durante a tarefa de MTS possibilitando assim o refinamento do procedimento de treino de emparelhamento ao modelo arbitrário.


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A aprendizagem de relações condicionais bidirecionais (simetria) tem sido raramente demonstrada em não-humanos. Recentemente três estudos apresentaram dados positivos de repertórios comportamentais de simetria em pombos. Estes estudos apontaram como possíveis variáveis determinantes da emergência de simetria: 1) O treino misto de relações arbitrárias e de identidade simultaneamente e com um mesmo conjunto de estímulos; 2) O sujeito não ter sido exposto a treino prévio de qualquer tipo de relação com os mesmos estímulos; e 3) A utilização do procedimento de discriminação condicional sucessiva (Go/No-go). O presente estudo buscou averiguar a necessidade do uso de Go/No-go, aplicando as demais variáveis (treino misto e não exposição prévia), para a obtenção da emergência de simetria. Este estudo avaliou em dois macacos-prego (Cebus apella) a aprendizagem de relações arbitrárias e de identidade de estímulos apresentados na mesma sessão experimental e a emergência de simetria, utilizando dois procedimentos. Um sujeito (M18) foi treinado em tarefa de Go/Nogo com tentativas mistas de relações arbitrárias e relações de identidade, com o mesmo conjunto de estímulos. O sujeito passou por dois treinos Go/No-go que não foram bem sucedidos em estabelecer controle condicional. Um outro sujeito (M27) foi treinado em uma tarefa de emparelhamento ao modelo com atraso zero com tentativas mistas de relações de identidade e arbitrárias, com mesmo conjunto de estímulos. Esse segundo procedimento buscou averiguar a necessidade do uso do procedimento Go/No-go para a obtenção da emergência de simetria. As sessões de treino eram compostas por oito tentativas de identidade (quatro relações) e oito tentativas de relações arbitrárias (duas relações), apresentadas em seqüência randômica. Todas as tentativas tinham três escolhas entre as comparações. Posteriormente, M27 foi submetido a três testes (todos com reforço programado para todas as tentativas). O treino de linha de base mista (identidade e arbitrária) ocorreu em 14 sessões. O primeiro teste foi de simetria, em uma sessão de oito tentativas para cada uma das quatro relações de identidade, duas arbitrárias e duas de teste, totalizando 64 tentativas, cujo critério de desempenho era acertar sete das oito tentativas de cada relação. M27 teve 2 erros em uma das relações de identidade e acertou todas as demais, inclusive as de simetria. Para averiguar se havia uma coerência do controle de estímulos, foi feito o segundo teste no qual as respostas de escolha entre as comparações não podiam mais ser condicionais ao modelo, uma vez que se utilizou um mesmo estímulo novo no lugar dos modelos para todas as tentativas, tanto de linha de base quanto de teste. M27 cometeu três erros ao todo. Esse resultado pode indicar que havia uma relação de controle, não prevista: como dois pares de estímulos se alternavam na função S- em todas as tentativas, M27 pode ter aprendido a rejeitar esses dois pares de estímulos independente do modelo apresentado. De modo a averiguar se de fato não havia controle por seleção de acordo com o modelo, foi feito um teste apenas com duas comparações com as mesmas outras configurações do primeiro teste. M27 errou seis das 32 tentativas de linha de base de identidade, seis das 16 arbitrárias e seis das 16 de simetria. Os acertos foram, portanto, acima da linha do acaso, o que confirma parcialmente a hipótese acima e pode indicar a presença de um controle misto condicional e discriminativo entre os estímulos de comparação.


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O objetivo do presente trabalho foi obter dados quantitativos e qualitativos da população folicular ovariana de fêmeas de Cebus apella. Foram obtidos 7 ovários de 4 fêmeas adultas de C. apella através de ovariectomia. Os ovários foram submetidos à preparação para histologia ótica de rotina. O número de folículos pré-antrais e antrais por ovário foi estimado utilizando o Método Fracionador. Os folículos pré-antrais foram classificados em primordial, transição, primário e secundário. Foram considerados folículos antrais todos aqueles que apresentavam uma cavidade antral. Todos os folículos contados foram classificados em normais ou degenerados. Com o intuito de acompanhar o desenvolvimento folicular, os diâmetros médios folicular, oocitário e do núcleo do oócito foram determinados. Todos os resultados foram apresentados em Média ± Erro Padrão. A população média de folículos pré-antrais foi de 56.938 ± 21.888 e 49.133 ± 26.896 para os ovários direito e esquerdo, respectivamente. A percentagem de folículos pré-antrais estimados normais foi de 80,00 ± 4,95 %. O diâmetro médio folicular variou de 22,0 ± 0,5 µm a 61,2 ± 4,0 µm. No tocante aos folículos antrais, a população média de folículos normais e degenerados por ovário foi de 60,0 ± 19,0 e 3 ± 1,8 folículos, respectivamente. O diâmetro médio folicular foi de 514,4 ± 56,6 µm. Para concluir, as informações obtidas neste trabalho poderão servir como parâmetro para posteriores estudos in vivo ou in vitro da foliculogênese de primatas não-humanos neotropicais da espécie C. apella.


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The histo-blood group ABH antigens were first described in humans. These antigens are only present on erythrocytes from great apes and humans, while in more primitive animals they are found in tissues and body fluids. The ABH antigens are mainly distributed in tissues exposed to the external environment and potentially serve as ligands for pathogens or inhibitors of tissue connections. The objective of this paper was two-fold: (i) to determine the presence of Helicobacter sp. in the gastric mucosa of 16 captive and 24 free-living New World monkeys and (ii) to evaluate the presence of histopathological alterations related to bacterial infection and the associated expression of ABH antigens in the tissue. Stomach tissues from 13 species of monkey were assessed using haematoxylin-eosin and modified Gram staining (Hucker) methods. An immunohistochemical analysis of the tissue revealed the presence of infectious bacteria that were characteristic of the genus Helicobacter sp. The results demonstrate that various species of monkey might be naturally infected with the Helicobacter sp. and that there is an increased susceptibility to infection. This study serves as a comparative analysis of infection between human and non-human primates and indicates the presence of a new species of Helicobacter.


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A dengue é causada pelo Vírus da dengue (VDEN - Flaviviridae, Flavivirus) e é considerada a arbovirose mais difundida no mundo. Atualmente, não há um animal que sirva como modelo para estudos sobre a patogênese do VDEN. Para investigar a susceptibilidade da espécie Callithrix penicillata ao VDEN foram inoculados amostras do VDEN-3 e do VDEN-2 de isoladas de casos humanos fatais. Para tal, vinte e dois animais foram infectados com VDEN-3 (3,23 × 103 PFU/mL) e, sessenta dias após a infecção (d.p.i.), 11 deles foram secundariamente infectados com VDEN-2 (4,47 × 104 PFU/mL). Sangue, plasma e soro, foram coletados diariamente durante os primeiros sete dias e em 15, 20, 45 e 60 d.p.i.. Foram investigados a produção de anticorpos IgM e inibidores da hemaglutinação, assim como foram análisados parâmetros hematologicos e bioquímicos e o perfil sérico de citocinas (IL-6, TNF-, IL-2, IFN-α, IL-4 e IL-5). A infecção primária (VDEN-3) revelou anticorpos IgM (15- 20 d.p.i.), anticorpos IH (15-60 d.p.i.), aumento dos níveis de TNF-α e IFN-γ e diminuição da IL-5. Na infecção secundária (VDEN-2), foi detectado anticorpos IgM (15-20 d.p.i.), anticorpos IH (15-60 d.p.i.) e diminuição dos níveis de IL-6, TNF-α, de IFN-γ e IL-5. Além disso, foi observado em ambas infecções leucopenia, neutropenia, linfocitopenia, monocitopenia, trombocitopenia, e aumentou da AST. O aumento dos níveis de INF-γ e TNF- α indicaram a ativação da resposta inflamatória, com a diferenciação para a resposta celular e supressão da proliferação de citocinas características da resposta humoral. A presença de anticorpos neutralizantes pode ter ocasionado a supressão da resposta inflamatória na infecção secundária o que pode ter levado a ausência de sinais de Febre Hemorrágica do Dengue/Sindrome do Choque do Dengue (FHD/SCD) durante a infecção secundária (VDEN- 2). Os resultados indicam que o primatas não humanos da espécie Callithrix penicillata demonstraram susceptibilidade à cepas de VDEN de origem humana, sugerindo que esses animais são um bom modelo para estudos da resposta imunológica da Febre do Dengue (FD), assim como para a avaliação de uma vacina tetravalente.


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This survey was conducted with the objective of developing and adapting diagnostic techniques in neurology for non-human primates, of the species Alouatta guariba Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, 1812 (howler monkey) healthy and kept in captivity. Physical-chemical analyses were carried out in cerebrospinal fluid and its pressure measurement in the cisterna magna. Eight animals were used for the analysis of cerebrospinal fluid. In all procedures, were used chemical restraint and anesthesia with ketamine, xylazine and association of midazolam and inhalational anesthesia with isoflurane for carrying out the spinal tap. The cerebrospinal fluid analysis showed average values: protein: 16.92±9.84; glucose: 131.25mg/dL±106.7; pH: 8.37±0.69; nucleated cells: 0.5/mm³±0.75; red blood cells: 49.37/mm³±111.76 and CSF cisternal pressure: 7.37cm H2O±1.77. This study demonstrated the safety and efficacy of cerebrospinal fluid collection in the cisterna magna of Alouatta guariba, and the reference values for the specie.


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OBJECTIVE: To describe the investigation of a sylvatic yellow fever outbreak in the state of Sao Paulo and the main control measures undertaken.METHODS: This is a descriptive study of a sylvatic yellow fever outbreak in the Southwestern region of the state from February to April 2009. Suspected and confirmed cases in humans and in non-human primates were evaluated. Entomological investigation in sylvatic environment involved capture at ground level and in the tree canopy to identify species and detect natural infections. Control measures were performed in urban areas to control Aedes aegypti. Vaccination was directed at residents living in areas with confirmed viral circulation and also at nearby cities according to national recommendation.RESULTS: Twenty-eight human cases were confirmed (39.3% case fatality rate) in rural areas of Sarutaia, Piraju, Tejupa, Avare, and Buri. The deaths of 56 non-human primates were also reported, 91.4% were Allouatta sp. Epizootics was confirmed in two non-human primates in the cities of Itapetininga and Buri. A total of 1,782 mosquitoes were collected, including Haemagogus leucocelaenus, Hg. janthinomys/capricornii, and Sabethes chloropterus, Sa. purpureus and Sa. undosus. Yellow fever virus was isolated from a group of Hg. Leucocelaenus from Buri. Vaccination was carried out in 49 cities, with a total of 1,018,705 doses. Nine serious post-vaccination adverse events were reported.CONCLUSIONS: The cases occurred between February and April 2009 in areas with no recorded yellow fever virus circulation in over 60 years. The outbreak region occurred outside the original recommended vaccination area with a high percentage of susceptible population. The fast adoption of control measures interrupted the human transmission within a month and the confirmation of viral circulation in humans, monkeys and mosquitoes. The results allowed the identification of new areas of viral circulation but further studies are required to clarify the dynamics of the spread of this disease.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The relationship between humans and non-human animals dates back to the Prehistoric Era, when groups of humans migrated from the nomadic and extractive stage to sedentariness, starting to develop agriculture and animal husbandry. Ancient Greek philosophy, notably the Aristotelian school of philosophy, posited that nature has not done anything for nothing, and all things have a purpose: plants were created for the sake of animals, and these for the good of men, while the Bible preaches the view that the world was created for the good of men and other species were subordinated to their wants and needs. During the Renaissance, centuries XIV to XVI, anthropocentrism was established as the main philosophical concept. However, in relation to the treatment of animals, Renaissance did not differ substantially from medieval scholasticism, considering animals like machines, devoid of pain and immortal soul. In this context, scientific knowledge about plants, non-human animals and nature in general, is built on anthropocentric values, thus influencing the construction of school education in the disciplines of Science and Biology. Nowadays, at São Paulo state schools, specifically in the Ensino Fundamental II (6th to 9th grade), the program of the discipline Ciências da Natureza e suas Tecnologias is set by the Currículo Oficial do Estado de São Paulo, via the São Paulo Faz Escola Program, implemented by the Secretaria Estadual de Educação in 2010. This documentary research used the methodology of Content Analysis and aimed to analyze the presentation of non-human animals in Caderno do Professor and Caderno do Aluno, from 6th to 9th grades of the discipline Ciências da Natureza e suas Tecnologias. The analysis of the courseware revealed that its contents were influenced by the anthropocentric view, in both implicitly and explicitly ways, conveying anthropomorphic, utilitarian, stereotyped and derogatory statements towards...


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To open this Third Vertebrate Pest Conference is a real privilege. It is a pleasure to welcome all of you in attendance, and I know there are others who would like to be meeting with us, but, for one reason or another cannot be. However, we can serve them by taking back the results of discussion and by making available the printed transactions of what is said here. It has been the interest and demand for the proceedings of the two previous conferen- ces which, along with personal contacts many of you have with the sponsoring committee, have gauged the need for continuing these meetings. The National Pest Control Association officers who printed the 1962 proceedings still are supplying copies of that conference. Two reprintings of the 1964 conference have been necessary and repeat orders from several universities indicate that those proceedings have become textbooks for special classes. When Dr. Howard mentioned in opening the first Conference in 1962 that publication of those papers would make a valuable handbook of animal control, he was prophetic, indeed. We are pleased that this has happened, but not surprised, since to many of us in this specialized field, the conferences have provided a unique opportunity to meet colleagues with similar interests, to exchange information on control techniques and to be informed by research workers of problem solving investigations as well as to hear of promising basic research. The development of research is a two-way street and we think these conferences also identify areas of inadequate knowledge, thereby stimulating needed research. We have represented here a number of types of specialists—animal ecologists, public health and transmissible disease experts, control methods specialists, public agency administration and enforcement staffs, agricultural extension people, manufacturing and sale industry representatives, commercial pest control operators, and others—and in addition to improving communications among these professional groups an equally important purpose of these conferences is to improve understanding between them and the general public. Within the term general public are many individuals and also organizations dedicated to appreciation and protection of certain animal forms or animal life in general. Proper concepts of vertebrate pest control do not conflict with such views. It is worth repeating for the record the definition of "vertebrate pest" which has been stated at our previous conferences. "A vertebrate pest is any native or introduced, wild or feral, non-human spe- cies of vertebrate animal that is currently troublesome locally or over a wide area to one or more persons either by being a general nuisance, a health hazard or by destroying food or natural resources. In other words, vertebrate pest status is not an inherent quality or fixed classification but is a circumstantial relationship to man's interests." I believe progress has been made in reducing the misunderstanding and emotion with which vertebrate pest control was formerly treated whenever a necessity for control was stated. If this is true, I likewise believe it is deserved, because control methods and programs have progressed. Control no longer refers only to population reductions by lethal means. We have learned something of alternate control approaches and the necessity for studying the total environment; where reduction of pest animal numbers is the required solution to a problem situation we have a wider choice of more selective, safe and efficient materials. Although increased attention has been given to control methods, research when we take a close look at the severity of animal damage to so many facets of our economy, particularly to agricultural production and public health, we realize it still is pitifully small and slow. The tremendous acceleration of the world's food and health requirements seems to demand expediting vertebrate pest control to effectively neutralize the enormous impact of animal damage to vital resources. The efforts we are making here at problem delineation, idea communication and exchange of methodology could well serve as both nucleus and rough model for a broader application elsewhere. I know we all hope this Third Conference will advance these general objectives, and I think there is no doubt of its value in increasing our own scope of information.


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The relationship between humans and non-human animals dates back to the Prehistoric Era, when groups of humans migrated from the nomadic and extractive stage to sedentariness, starting to develop agriculture and animal husbandry. Ancient Greek philosophy, notably the Aristotelian school of philosophy, posited that nature has not done anything for nothing, and all things have a purpose: plants were created for the sake of animals, and these for the good of men, while the Bible preaches the view that the world was created for the good of men and other species were subordinated to their wants and needs. During the Renaissance, centuries XIV to XVI, anthropocentrism was established as the main philosophical concept. However, in relation to the treatment of animals, Renaissance did not differ substantially from medieval scholasticism, considering animals like machines, devoid of pain and immortal soul. In this context, scientific knowledge about plants, non-human animals and nature in general, is built on anthropocentric values, thus influencing the construction of school education in the disciplines of Science and Biology. Nowadays, at São Paulo state schools, specifically in the Ensino Fundamental II (6th to 9th grade), the program of the discipline Ciências da Natureza e suas Tecnologias is set by the Currículo Oficial do Estado de São Paulo, via the São Paulo Faz Escola Program, implemented by the Secretaria Estadual de Educação in 2010. This documentary research used the methodology of Content Analysis and aimed to analyze the presentation of non-human animals in Caderno do Professor and Caderno do Aluno, from 6th to 9th grades of the discipline Ciências da Natureza e suas Tecnologias. The analysis of the courseware revealed that its contents were influenced by the anthropocentric view, in both implicitly and explicitly ways, conveying anthropomorphic, utilitarian, stereotyped and derogatory statements towards...


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Dengue virus (DENV) is the causative agent of dengue fever (DF), a mosquito-borne illness endemic to tropical and subtropical regions. There is currently no effective drug or vaccine formulation for the prevention of DF and its more severe forms, i.e., dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) and dengue shock syndrome (DSS). There are two generally available experimental models for the study of DENV pathogenicity as well as the evaluation of potential vaccine candidates. The first model consists of non-human primates, which do not develop symptoms but rather a transient viremia. Second, mouse-adapted virus strains or immunocompromised mouse lineages are utilized, which display some of the pathological features of the infection observed in humans but may not be relevant to the results with regard to the wild-type original virus strains or mouse lineages. In this study, we describe a genetic and pathological study of a DENV2 clinical isolate, named JHA1, which is naturally capable of infecting and killing Balb/c mice and reproduces some of the symptoms observed in DENV-infected subjects. Sequence analyses demonstrated that the JHA1 isolate belongs to the American genotype group and carries genetic markers previously associated with neurovirulence in mouse-adapted virus strains. The JHA1 strain was lethal to immunocompetent mice following intracranial (i.c.) inoculation with a LD50 of approximately 50 PFU. Mice infected with the JHA1 strain lost weight and exhibited general tissue damage and hematological disturbances, with similarity to those symptoms observed in infected humans. In addition, it was demonstrated that the JHA1 strain shares immunological determinants with the DENV2 NGC reference strain, as evaluated by cross-reactivity of anti-envelope glycoprotein (domain III) antibodies. The present results indicate that the JHA1 isolate may be a useful tool in the study of DENV pathogenicity and will help in the evaluation of anti-DENV vaccine formulations as well as potential therapeutic approaches.


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Syntax use by non-human animals remains a controversial issue. We present here evidence that a dog may respond to verbal requests composed of two independent terms, one referring to an object and the other to an action to be performed relative to the object. A female mongrel dog, Sofia, was initially trained to respond to action (point and fetch) and object (ball, key, stick, bottle and bear) terms which were then presented as simultaneous, combinatorial requests (e. g. ball fetch, stick point). Sofia successfully responded to object-action requests presented as single sentences, and was able to flexibly generalize her performance across different contexts. These results provide empirical evidence that dogs are able to extract the information contained in complex messages and to integrate it in directed performance, an ability which is shared with other linguistically trained animals and may represent a forerunner of syntactic functioning.