928 resultados para No-mind
The adaptation to the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) is becoming a great challenge for the University Community, especially for its teaching and research staff, which is involved actively in the teaching-learning process. It is also inducing a paradigm change for lecturers and students. Among the methodologies used for processes of teaching innovation, system thinking plays an important role when working mainly with mind maps, and is focused to highlighting the essence of the knowledge, allowing its visual representation. In this paper, a method for using these mind maps for organizing a particular subject is explained. This organization is completed with the definition of duration, precedence relationships and resources for each of these activities, as well as with their corresponding monitoring. Mind maps are generated by means of the MINDMANAGER package whilst Ms-PROJECT is used for establishing tasks relationships, durations, resources, and monitoring. Summarizing, a procedure and the necessary set of applications for self organizing and managing (timed) scheduled teaching tasks has been described in this paper
In this paper we present an English-medium instruction (EMI) team-teaching initiative to be soon implemented within the Agronomic Engineering masters programme at the Technical University of Madrid (UPM). Through the patent genre we not only intend to teach specific agronomical syllabi contents synchronically and diachronically, but also broaden our students’ academic and professional literacies, help them practice and improve their communication abilities in English as a lingua franca, and motivate them as future autonomous professionals while fostering the exercise of higher-level transversal skills—critical thinking, creativity, cooperation, and entrepreneurship. We begin by introducing the current mobility trends in higher education contexts and the common misconceptions surrounding the notion of patent, and get on to describe the design and evaluation procedures of the course. To conclude, we recapitulate the main benefits of our pedagogical proposal and open windows onto further didactic applications.
La Capilla de Sogn Benedetg en Sumvitg, parte de la obra temprana de Peter Zumthor, condensa aspectos de sus ideas, de su forma de proyectar y construir, que aún hoy siguen vigentes en él. Los recuerdos de infancia cimientan su enfoque de la arquitectura, en el que trata de reunir trazas de la vida cotidiana, sensible al lugar y utilizando materiales tratados de un modo preciso que bajo la luz adquieren su presencia. Con un lenguaje táctil y tectónico, desde una aproximación fenomenológica, persigue compartir una experiencia multisensorial, englobando percepciones complementarias que trascienden la geometría visual. Como Kahn, se apoya en el pensamiento de Heidegger, y se inspira en la pequeña cabaña que el filósofo habitaba en la Selva Negra, así como en la arquitectura religiosa de Rudolf Schwarz, cuya huella puede apreciarse tanto en el edificio como en los objetos que se encuentran en él. La tensión que genera entre interior y exterior mantiene despiertos los sentidos del visitante, a la vez que las características de la capilla enlazan con un regionalismo integrador que no se aparta de las formas abstractas contemporáneas. : Sogn Benedetg Chapel in Sumvitg, part of the early work of Peter Zumthor, condenses aspects of his ideas and his way of designing and building, which still remain valid today. Remembrances of childhood lay the foundation for his focus to architecture, which involves the collection of daily life traces, sensitive to the place and using materials treated in a precise manner, acquiring their presence under the light. With a tactile and tectonic language, from a phenomenological approach, he seeks to share a multi-sensory experience, encompassing complementary perceptions that transcend the visual geometry. As Kahn does, he relies on Heidegger?s thinking and is inspired by the little hut that the philosopher inhabited in the Black Forest, as well as by Rudolf Schwarz?s religious architecture, whose imprint can be appreciated in both the building and the objects encountered within it. The tension generated between interior and exterior keeps awake the senses of the visitor, while the characteristics of the chapel connect with an integrative regionalism that does not exclude contemporary abstract forms.
The effects of nature on people's mind have been an active research theme for decades. However, the impact of people's mind on landscape ecological health has received less attention. How and why perception, meanings and mental constructs determine the way nature is valued and consequently managed? How this interplay should be? These are in some cases more relevant questions than knowing what particular landscapes are preferred (Carlson 1993). This was the underlying inquiry in the focus group experience held in a natural protected area in La Rioja (Spain). Participants were asked to locate in a map areas representing low/high quality in terms of ecology and aesthetics. Some relevant conclusions for landscape management were derived from the analysis of participant's discourse in terms of ecological aesthetical appreciation and their consideration about how human takes place in nature.
Describimos una iniciativa de enseñanza en equipo, basada en la metodología CLIL y aplicada recientemente en la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Agrónomos de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Dos profesoras—una ingeniera agrónoma y una lingüista, junto con cerca de 20 estudiantes de máster, analizamos una patente contrastándola con un artículo de investigación homólogo, escrito por los mismos autores sobre el mismo objeto tecnológico, y examinando sus diferentes contextos y consecuencias sociales. Con una duración de siete horas y media y un carácter eminentemente práctico, el seminario impartido no sólo se ha diseñado para proporcionar contenidos disciplinarios (agronómicos) y procedimentales (las estrategias propias de la escritura de patentes), sino también para suscitar sensibilidad hacia el lector y fomentar competencias transversales
The prevalent view of binocular rivalry holds that it is a competition between the two eyes mediated by reciprocal inhibition among monocular neurons. This view is largely due to the nature of conventional rivalry-inducing stimuli, which are pairs of dissimilar images with coherent patterns within each eye’s image. Is it the eye of origin or the coherency of patterns that determines perceptual alternations between coherent percepts in binocular rivalry? We break the coherency of conventional stimuli and replace them by complementary patchworks of intermingled rivalrous images. Can the brain unscramble the pieces of the patchwork arriving from different eyes to obtain coherent percepts? We find that pattern coherency in itself can drive perceptual alternations, and the patchworks are reassembled into coherent forms by most observers. This result is in agreement with recent neurophysiological and psychophysical evidence demonstrating that there is more to binocular rivalry than mere eye competition.
It is a familiar experience that we tend to close our eyes or divert our gaze when concentrating attention on cognitively demanding tasks. We report on the brain activity correlates of directing attention away from potentially competing visual processing and toward processing in another sensory modality. Results are reported from a series of positron-emission tomography studies of the human brain engaged in somatosensory tasks, in both "eyes open" and "eyes closed" conditions. During these tasks, there was a significant decrease in the regional cerebral blood flow in the visual cortex, which occurred irrespective of whether subjects had to close their eyes or were instructed to keep their eyes open. These task-related deactivations of the association areas belonging to the nonrelevant sensory modality were interpreted as being due to decreased metabolic activity. Previous research has clearly demonstrated selective activation of cortical regions involved in attention-demanding modality-specific tasks; however, the other side of this story appears to be one of selective deactivation of unattended areas.
Harry Smith was an American artist who worked primarily in the 1940s through the 1980s. Although largely an obscure figure in American culture, Smith is most commonly recognized for his achievements in anthropology and ethnology, experimental cinema, and musicology. This master’s research paper is the first in-depth scholarly study of Harry Smiths’ achievements as a painter. Only a few of Smith’s paintings exist today, which explains why they have received so little attention. However, there is enough work and information available to weave together a chronological study of Smith’s occupation as a painter. In this paper, one will see how Smith’s work and interests in various fields of study influenced his painterly aesthetic, and how he was able to tie together all of his disparate diversions into cohesive and unified visions upon a twodimensional surface.
In this new commentary, CEPS Fellow Marco Incerti argues that the so-called technical and legal arguments that are being advanced against the lead candidates’ (Spitzenkandidaten) selection process actually boil down to political choices − choices that are set against the increasingly confrontational climate between the European Council and European Parliament that has characterised their dealings in recent years.
The family is the first context for a child’s development, and the most important. This is where children begin to develop their own identities and first experience a sense of closeness, community and security. Family is a domain where learning takes place – for all generations. In their daily interactions, children, mothers and fathers learn from and with one another. They develop empathy and a sense of responsibility, and learn to deal with conflict. Values, beliefs and norms, passed on from parents to children, evolve in the course of everyday life. Thus parents exert an enormous influence on their children’s educational opportunities and overall life chances – as research in Germany and other countries has clearly shown.
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