425 resultados para Neuropathy


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Aim: To undertake a systematic review of the literature on the effect of environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) and eye disease. Methods: Medline (1950-January Week 2 2007), EMBASE (1980 to 2007 Week 07), SCOPUS and Science Direct were searched on ETS exposure and eye disease using various combinations of the following terms: passive smoking, environmental tobacco smoke, sidestream smoke, involuntary smoking, secondhand smoke; with eye, conjunctiva, sclera, episclera, cornea, lens, iris, retina, choroid, uvea, optic nerve, uveitis, iritis, blindness, visual loss, cataract, thyroid eye disease, conjunctivitis, age-related macular degeneration, dry eye, tears. The above terms were also used to search abstracts published on The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Annual Meeting abstracts, from 1995 to 2006, and the grey literature, including PhD and MSc theses/dissertations. A search was further conducted specifically on eye diseases where active smoking has been proposed to be a risk factor, including age-related macular degeneration, Graves ophthalmology, glaucoma, uveitis, refractive errors, strabismus, tobacco-alcohol amblyopia, non-arteritic ischaemic optic neuropathy, Leber optic neuropathy and diabetic retinopathy. Given the scarce number of studies found through the above search, all articles found on ETS and eye disease were included in this review. Results: Seven studies evaluated the possible relationship between ETS and an eye disease. These studies referred to refractive errors in children (n = 2), cataract (n = 1), age-related macular degeneration (n = 3) and Grave ophthalmopathy (n = 1). The data available were insufficient to establish conclusive relationships between ETS and these eye diseases. Conclusion: Very scarce data exist in the literature on the effect of ETS on diseases of the eye. It seems appropriate that ETS should be included in future studies addressing the effect of smoking on eye disease.


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AIM: To estimate the prevalence of primary angle closure glaucoma (PACG) in European derived populations.

METHOD: Systematic review and modelling of PACG prevalence data from population studies. PACG was defined according to the ISGEO definition requiring structural and/or functional evidence of glaucomatous optic neuropathy. Prevalence estimates were applied to the 2010 United Nations projected population figures to estimate case numbers.

RESULTS: The prevalence of PACG in those 40 years or more is 0.4% (95% CI 0.3% to 0.5%). Age-specific prevalence values are 0.02% (CI 0.00 to 0.08) for those 40-49 years, 0.60% (0.27 to 1.00) for those 50-59 years, 0.20% (0.06 to 0.42) for those 60-69 years and 0.94% (0.63 to 1.35) for those 70 years and older. Three-quarters of all cases occur in female subjects (3.25 female to 1 male; CI 1.76 to 5.94).

CONCLUSION: This analysis provides a current evidence-based estimate of PACG prevalence in European derived populations and suggests there are 130,000 people in the UK, 1.60 million people in Europe and 581,000 people in the USA with PACG today. Accounting for ageing population structures, cases are predicted to increase by 19% in the UK, 9% in Europe and 18% in the USA within the next decade. PACG is more common than previously thought, and all primary glaucoma cases should be considered to be PACG until the anterior chamber angle is shown to be open on gonioscopy.


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Sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions of the autonomic nervous system constantly control the heart (sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions) and blood vessels (predominantly the sympathetic division) to maintain appropriate blood pressure and organ blood flow over sometimes widely varying conditions. This can be adversely affected by pathological conditions that can damage one or both branches of autonomic control. The set of teaching laboratory activities outlined here uses various interventions, namely, 1) the heart rate response to deep breathing, 2) the heart rate response to a Valsalva maneuver, 3) the heart rate response to standing, and 4) the blood pressure response to standing, that cause fairly predictable disturbances in cardiovascular parameters in normal circumstances, which serve to demonstrate the dynamic control of the cardiovascular system by autonomic nerves. These tests are also used clinically to help investigate potential damage to this control.


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OBJECTIVESTo determine whether skin-intrinsic fluorescence (SIF) is associated with long-term complications of type 1 diabetes (T1D) and, if so, whether it is independent of chronic glycemic exposure and previous intensive therapy.RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODSWe studied 1,185 (92%) of 1,289 active Diabetes Control and Complications Trial (DCCT)/Epidemiology of Diabetes Interventions and Complications (EDIC) participants from 2010 to 2011. SIF was determined using a fluorescence spectrometer and related cross-sectionally to recently determined measures of retinopathy (stereo fundus photography), cardiac autonomic neuropathy (CAN; R-R interval), confirmed clinical neuropathy, nephropathy (albumin excretion rate [AER]), and coronary artery calcification (CAC).RESULTSOverall, moderately strong associations were seen with all complications, before adjustment for mean HbA1c over time, which rendered these associations nonsignificant with the exception of sustained AER >30 mg/24 h and CAC, which were largely unaffected by adjustment. However, when examined within the former DCCT treatment group, associations were generally weaker in the intensive group and nonsignificant after adjustment, while in the conventional group, associations remained significant for CAN, sustained AER >30 mg/24 h, and CAC even after mean HbA1c adjustment.CONCLUSIONSSIF is associated with T1D complications in DCCT\EDIC. Much of this association appears to be related to historical glycemic exposure, particularly in the previously intensively treated participants, in whom adjustment for HbA1c eliminates statistical significance.


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This study describes ultrastructural changes in the pigmented hooded Lister rat retina, 3-12 months following X-irradiation with single doses of between 200 and 2000 cGy. The extreme radiosensitivity of the photoreceptor cells was underlined by the continued manifestation of fine structural changes and cell death up to 6 months post-radiation in animals receiving doses above 500 cGy. The retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells were more radioresistant than photoreceptors and RPE cell loss was only observed at doses of more than 1500 cGy. One year after irradiation with 1500 cGy the retinal vasculature showed capillary occlusion with some evidence of recanalisation. Telangiectasia was observed in the large retinal veins. Although the inner retinal neurones and glial cells showed no evidence of direct radiation damage, the nerve fibre layer adjacent to occluded retinal vessels demonstrated ultrastructural evidence of ischaemic neuropathy and retinal oedema. At doses above 1500 cGy the choriocapillaris showed platelet aggregation and capillary loss.


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Chronic cough is a common symptom that can be a daunting challenge for clinicians since treatment of the underlying cause does not always provide adequate relief, an obvious cause can remain elusive, and current antitussives have fairly poor efficacy and undesirable side-effects. Patients with chronic cough typically describe a range of sensory symptoms suggestive of upper-airway and laryngeal neural dysfunction. Additionally, patients often report cough triggered by low-level physical and chemical stimuli, which is suggestive of cough-reflex hyperresponsiveness. Pathophysiological mechanisms underlying peripheral and central augmentation of the afferent cough pathways have been identified, and compelling evidence exists for a neuropathy of vagal sensory nerves after upper-respiratory viral infections or exposure to allergic and non-allergic irritants. In this Personal View, we argue that chronic cough is a neuropathic disorder that arises from neural damage caused by a range of inflammatory, infective, and allergic factors. In support of this idea, we discuss evidence of successful treatment of chronic cough with agents used for treatment of neuropathic pain, such as gabapentin and amitriptyline. Regarding cough as a neuropathic disorder could lead to new, more effective antitussives.


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Purpose: Cataract surgery increases the risk of developing diabetic retinopathy (DR) and accelerates the progression of pre-existing DR. Recent evidence suggests that cataract surgery elicits retinal pro-inflammatory gene expression, although the underlying pathogenic mechanisms remain ill-defined. In this study, we investigated the effect of capsulotomy on visual function, retinal immune cell activation and photoreceptor stress in the Ins2Akita mice, a mouse model of Type-1 diabetes. Methods: Male heterozygous Ins2Akita mice (2 months of hyperglycemia) and C57BL/6J age-matched siblings were used in this study. An incision (1mm) was made in the peripheral cornea and Capsulotomy was performed in the anterior lens capsule of the right eye. Control mice received corneal incision without capsulotomy in the right eye. The unoperated left eyes were used as internal controls. Forty days following surgery, retinal function was assessed by electroretinography (ERG). Neuronal retinal damage and microglial activation were assessed by imunohistochemistry. Results: The Ins2Akita mice receiving capsulotomy presented lower scotopic a-wave, b-wave and oscillatory potentials amplitudes compared to other experimental groups. Fundus images, SD-OCT and H&E staining did not show significant changes between different groups. Immunostaining of Iba-1 and CD68 revealed exacerbated microglial activation and giant cell immune cell infiltration in eyes receiving capsulotomy in Ins2Akita mice. This was accompanied by a disruption of cone photoreceptor outer segments and abnormal rhodopsin expression at the outer nuclear layer. Conclusions: Our results suggest that capsulotomy induces retinal microglial activation and worsens retinal neuropathy in diabetic eyes.


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A Síndrome do Canal Cárpico (SCC) é a neuropatia compressiva mais comum do membro superior, causada pela compressão direta sobre o nervo mediano no interior do canal cárpico.Os resultados deste estudo mostram em cada um dos grupos, após a intervenção, uma melhoria estatisticamente significativa da sintomatologia no G-AFN (p=0,02) e no GTRN/ EAA (p=0,004) e uma melhoria estatisticamente significativa do estado funcional no G-AFN (p=0,022). Verificamos também em cada um dos grupos, após a intervenção, uma melhoria estatisticamente significativa na “Força de preensão” (p=0,005), na “Pinça polegar/dedo indicador” (p=0,021), na “Pinça polegar/dedo médio” (p=0,026) e “Pinça polegar/dedo anular” (p=0,026) no G-AFN, e uma melhoria estatisticamente significativa na “Pinça polegar/indicador” (p=0,016), na “Pinça polegar/dedo médio” (p=0,035), na “Pinça polegar/dedo anular” (p=0,010), na “Pinça trípode” (p=0,005) e na “Pinça lateral” (p=0,051) no G-TRN/EAA. Após a intervenção, não verificamos diferenças estatisticamente significativas nos valores das escalas de gravidade de sintomas (p=0,853) e de estado funcional (p=0,148) entre os grupos, mas diferenças estatisticamente significativas nos valores dos testes neurofisiológicos (p=0,047) e força de preensão da mão (p=0,005). Do estudo, concluímos que a utilização da intervenção articular/fascial/neural (AFN) e a intervenção com tala de repouso noturna e exercícios de auto alongamento (TRN/EAA), beneficia os indivíduos com SCC não severa, como nos casos incipientes, ligeiros ou moderados. Os indivíduos com esta condição clínica apresentam sintomatologia caraterística de dor, parestesia, especialmente noturna e disfunção muscular da mão. Tais manifestações originam perda funcional com implicações nas áreas de desempenho ocupacional, nomeadamente, nas atividades da vida diária, produtivas e de lazer. O tratamento conservador na SCC não severa, como nos casos incipientes, ligeiros e moderados, apesar de controverso, é recomendado. O tema suscita o nosso interesse, razão pela qual nos propomos realizar um estudo experimental em indivíduos com o diagnóstico clínico de SCC não severa e aplicar num grupo a intervenção articular, fascial e neural (AFN) e noutro grupo a intervenção com tala de repouso noturna e exercícios de auto alongamento (TRN/EAA). O estudo tem como principais objetivos, por um lado, verificar o impacto das intervenções em cada um dos grupos e, por outro lado, comparar o seu impacto entre os grupos, no que respeita à gravidade de sintomas, ao estado funcional, à força de preensão da mão e força de pinças finas. Fomos também comparar os resultados dos testes neurofisiológicos (Velocidade de Condução Motora) antes e depois da intervenção AFN e da intervenção com TRN/EAA, e averiguar o seu impacto nos valores da latência motora distal e da velocidade de condução sensitiva, entre os grupos. Identificamos também quais as variáveis sócio demográficas e as que caraterizam a patologia que estão relacionadas com o problema em estudo e com os valores obtidos com as escalas do Boston Carpal Tunnel Questionnaire (BCTQ), no grupo articular, fascial e neural (G-AFN) e no grupo com tala de repouso noturna e exercícios de auto alongamento (G-TRN/EAA). Para a concretização do estudo, recorremos a uma amostra de 23 indivíduos de ambos os sexos do Hospital Curry Cabral, Empresa Pública Empresarial -Centro Hospitalar de Lisboa Central (HCC, EPE -CHLC).


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BACKGROUND: In patients with outer retinal degeneration, a differential pupil response to long wavelength (red) versus short wavelength (blue) light stimulation has been previously observed. The goal of this study was to quantify differences in the pupillary re-dilation following exposure to red versus blue light in patients with outer retinal disease and compare them with patients with optic neuropathy and with healthy subjects. DESIGN: Prospective comparative cohort study. PARTICIPANTS: Twenty-three patients with outer retinal disease, 13 patients with optic neuropathy and 14 normal subjects. METHODS: Subjects were tested using continuous red and blue light stimulation at three intensities (1, 10 and 100 cd/m2) for 13 s per intensity. Pupillary re-dilation dynamics following the brightest intensity was analysed and compared between the three groups. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: The parameters of pupil re-dilation used in this study were: time to recover 90% of baseline size; mean pupil size at early and late phases of re-dilation; and differential re-dilation time for blue versus red light. RESULTS: Patients with outer retinal disease showed a pupil that tended to stay smaller after light termination and thus had a longer time to recovery. The differential re-dilation time was significantly greater in patients with outer retinal disease (median = 28.0 s, P < 0.0001) compared with controls and patients with optic neuropathy. CONCLUSIONS: A differential response of pupil re-dilation following red versus blue light stimulation is present in patients with outer retinal disease but is not found in normal eyes or among patients with visual loss from optic neuropathy.


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OBJECTIVE: Recent pharmacologic studies in our laboratory have suggested that the spinal neuropeptide Y (NPY) Y1 receptor contributes to pain inhibition and to the analgesic effects of NPY. To rule out off-target effects, the present study used Y1-receptor-deficient (-/-) mice to further explore the contribution of Y1 receptors to pain modulation. METHODS AND RESULTS: Y1(-/-) mice exhibited reduced latency in the hotplate test of acute pain and a longer-lasting heat allodynia in the complete Freund's adjuvant (CFA) model of inflammatory pain. Y1 deletion did not change CFA-induced inflammation. Upon targeting the spinal NPY systems with intrathecal drug delivery, NPY reduced tactile and heat allodynia in the CFA model and the partial sciatic nerve ligation model of neuropathic pain. Importantly, we show for the first time that NPY does not exert these anti-allodynic effects in Y1(-/-) mice. Furthermore, in nerve-injured CD1 mice, concomitant injection of the potent Y1 antagonist BIBO3304 prevented the anti-allodynic actions of NPY. Neither NPY nor BIBO3304 altered performance on the Rotorod test, arguing against an indirect effect of motor function. CONCLUSION: The Y1 receptor contributes to pain inhibition and to the analgesic effects of NPY.


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BACKGROUND: Digoxin intoxication results in predominantly digestive, cardiac and neurological symptoms. This case is outstanding in that the intoxication occurred in a nonagenarian and induced severe, extensively documented visual symptoms as well as dysphagia and proprioceptive illusions. Moreover, it went undiagnosed for a whole month despite close medical follow-up, illustrating the difficulty in recognizing drug-induced effects in a polymorbid patient. CASE PRESENTATION: Digoxin 0.25 mg qd for atrial fibrillation was prescribed to a 91-year-old woman with an estimated creatinine clearance of 18 ml/min. Over the following 2-3 weeks she developed nausea, vomiting and dysphagia, snowy and blurry vision, photopsia, dyschromatopsia, aggravated pre-existing formed visual hallucinations and proprioceptive illusions. She saw her family doctor twice and visited the eye clinic once until, 1 month after starting digoxin, she was admitted to the emergency room. Intoxication was confirmed by a serum digoxin level of 5.7 ng/ml (reference range 0.8-2 ng/ml). After stopping digoxin, general symptoms resolved in a few days, but visual complaints persisted. Examination by the ophthalmologist revealed decreased visual acuity in both eyes, 4/10 in the right eye (OD) and 5/10 in the left eye (OS), decreased color vision as demonstrated by a score of 1/13 in both eyes (OU) on Ishihara pseudoisochromatic plates, OS cataract, and dry age-related macular degeneration (ARMD). Computerized static perimetry showed non-specific diffuse alterations suggestive of either bilateral retinopathy or optic neuropathy. Full-field electroretinography (ERG) disclosed moderate diffuse rod and cone dysfunction and multifocal ERG revealed central loss of function OU. Visual symptoms progressively improved over the next 2 months, but multifocal ERG did not. The patient was finally discharged home after a 5 week hospital stay. CONCLUSION: This case is a reminder of a complication of digoxin treatment to be considered by any treating physician. If digoxin is prescribed in a vulnerable patient, close monitoring is mandatory. In general, when facing a new health problem in a polymorbid patient, it is crucial to elicit a complete history, with all recent drug changes and detailed complaints, and to include a drug adverse reaction in the differential diagnosis.


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Dans les cellules eucaryotes, le trafic intracellulaire de nombreuses protéines est assuré par des vésicules de transport tapissées de clathrine. Les complexes adaptateurs de clathrine (AP) sont responsables de l’assemblage de ces vésicules et de la sélection des protéines qui seront transportées. Nous avons étudié cinq familles atteintes du syndrome neurocutané MEDNIK qui est caractérisé par un retard mental, une entéropathie, une surdité, une neuropathie périphérique, de l’icthyose et de la kératodermie. Tous les cas connus de cette maladie à transmission autosomique récessive sont originaires de la région de Kamouraska, dans la province de Québec. Par séquençage direct des gènes candidats, nous avons identifié une mutation impliquant le site accepteur de l’épissage de l’intron 2 du gène codant pour la sous-unité σ1 du complexe AP1 (AP1S1). Cette mutation fondatrice a été retrouvée chez tous les individus atteints du syndrome MEDNIK et altère l’épissage normal du gène, menant à un codon stop prématuré. Afin de valider l’effet pathogène de la mutation, nous avons bloqué la traduction de cette protéine chez le poisson zébré en injectant une séquence d’oligonucléotides antisenses spécifique à AP1S1. À 48 heures après la fertilisation, les larves knock down pour AP1S1 montrent une réduction de la pigmentation, une désorganisation de la structure de l’épiderme et une perturbation du développement moteur. Alors que la surexpression de l’AP1S1 humain dans ce modèle a permis la récupération du phénotype normal, l’expression de l’AP1S1 mutant fut sans effet sur les phénotypes moteurs et cutanés des larves knock down. Les résultats obtenus montrent que la mutation du AP1S1 responsable du syndrome de MEDNIK est associée à une perte de fonction et que la sous-unité σ1 du complexe AP1 joue un rôle crucial dans l’organisation de l’épiderme et le développement de la moelle épinière.


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La complexité de l’étude des neuropathies héréditaires provient de leur hétérogénéité clinique et génétique et de la diversité des fibres composant les nerfs périphériques. Cette complexité se reflète dans les nombreuses classifications différentes. Les neuropathies héréditaires se classifient entre autres selon leur mode de transmission et leur atteinte sensitive, autonomique et motrice. Les neuropathies héréditaires sensitives et autonomiques (NHSA) se présentent avec une perte de la sensation distale aux membres, accompagnée d’autres manifestations selon le type de NHSA. L’étude des NHSA est facilitée lorsqu’il existe des grappes de familles originaires de régions du Québec où des effets fondateurs pour des maladies récessives ont déjà été identifiés. Nous avons recruté une grande famille canadienne-française originaire de Paspébiac dans la Baie-des-Chaleurs dans laquelle nous avons identifié quatre cas atteints d’une neuropathie héréditaire sensitive avec rétinite pigmentaire et ataxie (NHSRPA). Nous avons émis l’hypothèse que nous étions en présence d’une nouvelle forme de neuropathie héréditaire sensitive récessive à effet fondateur. Afin d’identifier la position chromosomique du gène muté responsable de la NHSRPA, nous avons tout d’abord complété un criblage du génome en génotypant des marqueurs microsatellites «single tandem repeat» (STR) sur des individus clés et nous avons ensuite procédé à une analyse de liaison génétique paramétrique. Ces études nous ont permis de lier cette famille au chromosome 1 et de définir un premier intervalle candidat de 6,7 Mb. Grâce à un génotypage de marqueurs «single nucleotide polymorphism» (SNP), nous avons réduit l’intervalle candidat à 5,3 Mb au locus 1q32,2-q32,3. Cette région contient 44 gènes candidats. Une revue plus fine de la littérature a fait ressortir qu’une famille espagnole et une américaine de souche hollandaise souffrant de la même maladie avaient déjà été liées au même locus. L’origine possiblement basque de notre famille gaspésienne nous a poussé à comparer l’haplotype porteur avec celui de la famille espagnole qui, quoi que gitane, provient du pays basque espagnol. Ces travaux ont démontré le partage d’une région de 203 kb. Afin de rétrécir davantage notre intervalle candidat, nous avons comparé les haplotypes des cas entre les deux familles et nous avons identifié un dernier intervalle candidat de 60 SNP au locus 1q32,3. Cette région ne contient que quatre gènes candidats dont le plus intéressant est le gène «activating transcription factor» (ATF3). À ce jour, aucune mutation n’a été trouvée dans le gène ATF3 et les gènes FAM71A, BATF3 et NSL1. Des expériences supplémentaires sont nécessaires afin d’identifier le gène muté responsable de la NHSRPA.


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La neuropathie sensitive et motrice héréditaire avec agénésie du corps calleux (NSMH/ACC) se traduit par une atteinte neurodégénérative sévère associée à des anomalies développementales dans le système nerveux central et du retard mental. Bien que rare dans le monde, ce désordre autosomique récessif est particulièrement fréquent dans la population Québécoise du Canada Français du fait d’un effet fondateur. L’unique étude réalisée sur la mutation québécoise du gène qui code pour le co-transporteur de potassiumchlore 3 (KCC3) a montré qu’il y a une perte de fonction de la protéine. Cependant, la maladie est également retrouvée hors du Québec et il reste encore à élucider les pathomécanismes mis en jeu. Nous avons donc séquencé les 26 exons du gène KCC3 chez des individus recrutés dans le monde entier et suspectés d’être atteints de la maladie. Nous avons ainsi identifié trois nouvelles mutations. L’étude fonctionnelle de ces mutations nous a confirmé la perte de fonction systématique des co-transporteurs mutés. Puisque l’inactivation de KCC3 se produit majoritairement via l’élimination de segments peptidiques en C-terminus, nous avons concentré notre attention sur l’identification des interactions qui s’y produisent. À l’aide d’approches double hybride, pull-down et immunomarquage, nous avons déterminé que KCC3 interagit avec la créatine kinase CK-B et que cette interaction est perturbée par les mutations tronquantes. De plus, l’utilisation d’un inhibiteur de créatine kinase inactive KCC3, ce qui démontre qu’il existe bien un lien fonctionnel et pathologique entre KCC3 et ses partenaires C-terminaux. Nous avons aussi identifié des anomalies majeures de localisation membranaire des KCC3 mutés. Que KCC3 soit tronqué ou pleine longueur, sa distribution subcellulaire est affectée dans des cellules en culture, dans les ovocytes de Xenopes et dans des échantillons de cerveau de patients. La perte d’interaction entre KCC3 et CK-B et/ou les défauts de transit intracellulaire de KCC3 sont donc les mécanismes pathologiques majeurs de la NSMH/ACC.


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Au Canada, nous remarquons une prédominance du diabète de type 2 au sein des communautés autochtones. Une approche ethnobotanique est utilisée en collaboration avec la Nation Crie de Eeyou Istchee afin de déterminer quels traitements à base de plantes peuvent être utilisés pour contrer les différentes conditions qui, collectivement, forment le diabète. Les pharmacopées de deux communautés cries, soit celles de Waskaganish et de Nemaska, ont été établies puis comparées à celles de étudiées antérieurement : communautés Whapmagoostui et Mistissini. Malgré les différences géographiques de ces groupes, leurs utilisations sont majoritairement semblables, avec pour seule exception le contraste entre les communautés de Nemaska et de Whapmagoostui. De plus, nous avons complété l’évaluation du taux cytoprotecteur des aiguilles, de l’écorce et des cônes de l’épinette noire (Picea mariana). Les extraits provenant de tous les organes des plantes démontrent une protection qui dépend de la concentration. La réponse spécifique d’organes peut varier selon l’habitat; ainsi, les plantes poussant dans les tourbières ou dans les forêts, sur le littoral ou à des terres l’intérieur démontrent des différences quant à leur efficacité. Bref, l’écorce démontre une relation dose-effet plus forte dans la forêt littorale, tandis que les aiguilles n’indiquent pas de changements significatifs selon leur environnement de croissance. La bioactivité observée démontre une corrélation avec le contenu phénolique et non avec l’activité de l’agent antioxydant. Ces résultats contribuent à péciser les activités antidiabétiques des plantes de la forêt boréale canadienne, telles qu’identifiées au niveau cellulaire par les guérisseurs Cries.