978 resultados para Near-surface


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O empilhamento sísmico é um método de imageamento utilizado para simulação de seções sísmicas com afastamento nulo (AN) a partir de dados de cobertura múltipla, produzindo um aumento da razão sinal/ruído na seção simulada. Este método é realizado usando o processamento convencional denominado ponto médio comum (PMC), através das chamadas correções sobretempo normal e sobretempo oblíquo (STN/STO). Alternativamente, um novo método de empilhamento sísmico, denominado superfície de reflexão comum (SRC) pode ser usado para simular seções sísmicas em afastamento nulo (AN). O método SRC tem como principais características: 1) a construção de uma aproximação do tempo de trânsito de reflexões primárias na vizinhança de um raio de reflexão normal; 2) esta aproximação de empilhamento tem como parâmetros os ângulos de emergência do raio normal e os raios de curvaturas de duas ondas hipotéticas denominadas onda ponto de incidência normal (onda PIN) e onda normal (onda N). O método pressupõe ainda que a velocidade da onda longitudinal na parte superior do modelo próxima à superfície da Terra seja conhecida. Para determinar adequadamente os parâmetros supracitados, fundamentais para o método de imageamento SRC, são necessárias estratégias de busca que utilizem casos particulares da aproximação de segunda ordem hiperbólica dos tempos de trânsito. As estratégias de busca apresentadas são: SRC pragmático-extendito e SRC global-local. Neste trabalho é apresentada uma revisão extensa dos fundamentos teóricos de método de empilhamento SRC, como também das estratégias de busca dos parâmetros SRC, dos algoritmos de implementação, e da delimitação de aberturas do operador de empilhamento SRC usando conceitos de zonas de Fresnel e o fator de estiramento da correção STN. Como um exemplo de aplicação dos atributos ou parâmetros SRC é apresentado o resultado da correção STN, sem estiramento do sinal sísmico, obtido utilizando as velocidades estimadas dos parâmetros SRC. Também, são apresentados os resultados da aplicação dos três métodos de empilhamento (PMC (STN/STO), SRC pragmático-extendido, SRC global-local) nos dados sintéticos Marmousi e real terrestre da bacia paleozóica Amazônica. Finalmente apresentam-se as discussões sobre os resultados, quanto à resolução da imagem sísmica e custo computacional.


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A região do Rio Paracauari apresenta sérios problemas hídricos devido o excesso de chuvas no inverno e escassez de água no verão. A indústria agropecuária, principal atividade econômica da região, sofre tremendamente durante o período de secas. Foram realizados estudos geofísicos através do método de resistividade para localizar e mapear os aquíferos rasos de boa potencialidade. Foram feitas 53 sondagens elétricas verticais, do tipo Schlumberger, e 5 perfis de resistividade do tipo Wenner. Foi utilizada a técnica do ponto auxiliar e, depois, os diagramas coletivamente foram tratados e processados no computador, para obtenção de modelos aproximados. Depois da interpretação, foi possível separar duas áreas distintas. A primeira com resistividade alta até 950 Ω.m, com predominância de areia, é constituída de excelentes aquíferos e, provavelmente, trata-se de "Paleocanais". A segunda, com resistividade baixa até 0,5 Ω.m, com predominância de sedimentos argilosos, sílticos, com água salobra. Com os mapas de resistência transversal total e de resistividade foram definidas as áreas mais favoráveis à exploração de água potável. A área favorável é somente 30% da área total. Foi feita coleta das águas rasas e superficiais da área, e suas resistividades variam de 362 Ω.m a 1,1 Ω.m. Algumas perfurações foram feitas, e vieram constatar a existência destas áreas distintas. Com isto, foram solucionados parcialmente os problemas de água de algumas fazendas como São Lourenço, Gavinho e Conceição.


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A simulação de uma seção sísmica de afastamento-nulo (ZO) a partir de dados de cobertura múltipla para um meio 2-D, através do empilhamento, é um método de imageamento de reflexão sísmica muito utilizado, que permite reduzir a quantidade de dados e melhorar a relação sinal/ruído. Segundo Berkovitch et al. (1999) o método Multifoco está baseado na Teoria do Imageamento Homeomórfico e consiste em empilhar dados de cobertura múltipla com distribuição fonte-receptor arbitrária de acordo com uma nova correção de sobretempo, chamada Multifoco. Esta correção de sobretempo esta baseada numa aproximação esférica local da frente de onda focalizante na vizinhança da superfície da terra. Este método permite construir uma seção sísmica no domínio do tempo de afastamento nulo aumentando a relação sinal/ruído. A técnica Multifoco não necessita do conhecimento a priori de um macro-modelo de velocidades. Três parâmetros são usados para descrever a aproximação de tempo de trânsito, Multifoco, os quais são: 1) o ângulo de emergência do raio de afastamento nulo ou raio de reflexão normal (β0), 2) a curvatura da frente de onda no Ponto de Incidência Normal (RNIP) e 3) curvatura da frente de Onda Normal (RN). Sendo também necessário a velocidade próximo a superfície da terra. Neste trabalho de tese aplico esta técnica de empilhamento Multifoco para dados de cobertura múltipla referidos a modelos de velocidade constante e modelo heterogêneos, com o objetivo de simular seções sísmicas afastamento-nulo. Neste caso, como se trata da solução de um problema direto, o macro-modelo de velocidades é considerado conhecido a priori. No contexto do problema inverso tem-se que os parâmetros RNIP, RN e β0 podem ser determinados a partir da análise de coerência aplicada aos dados sísmicos de múltipla cobertura. Na solução deste problema a função objetivo, a ser otimizada, é definida pelo cálculo da máxima coerência existente entre os dados na superfície de empilhamento sísmico. Neste trabalho de tese nos discutimos a sensibilidade da aproximação do tempo de trânsito usado no empilhamento Multifoco, como uma função dos parâmetros RNIP, RN e β0. Esta análise de sensibilidade é feita de três diferentes modos: 1) a primeira derivada da função objetivo, 2) a medida de coerência, denominada semelhança, e 3) a sensibilidade no Empilhamento Multifoco.


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O método de empilhamento por Superfície de Reflexão Comum (SRC) produz seções simuladas de afastamento nulo (AN) por meio do somatório de eventos sísmicos dos dados de cobertura múltipla contidos nas superfícies de empilhamento. Este método não depende do modelo de velocidade do meio, apenas requer o conhecimento a priori da velocidade próxima a superfície. A simulação de seções AN por este método de empilhamento utiliza uma aproximação hiperbólica de segunda ordem do tempo de trânsito de raios paraxiais para definir a superfície de empilhamento ou operador de empilhamento SRC. Para meios 2D este operador depende de três atributos cinemáticos de duas ondas hipotéticas (ondas PIN e N), observados no ponto de emergência do raio central com incidência normal, que são: o ângulo de emergência do raio central com fonte-receptor nulo (β0) , o raio de curvatura da onda ponto de incidência normal (RPIN) e o raio de curvatura da onda normal (RN). Portanto, o problema de otimização no método SRC consiste na determinação, a partir dos dados sísmicos, dos três parâmetros (β0, RPIN, RN) ótimos associados a cada ponto de amostragem da seção AN a ser simulada. A determinação simultânea destes parâmetros pode ser realizada por meio de processos de busca global (ou otimização global) multidimensional, utilizando como função objetivo algum critério de coerência. O problema de otimização no método SRC é muito importante para o bom desempenho no que diz respeito a qualidade dos resultados e principalmente ao custo computacional, comparado com os métodos tradicionalmente utilizados na indústria sísmica. Existem várias estratégias de busca para determinar estes parâmetros baseados em buscas sistemáticas e usando algoritmos de otimização, podendo estimar apenas um parâmetro de cada vez, ou dois ou os três parâmetros simultaneamente. Levando em conta a estratégia de busca por meio da aplicação de otimização global, estes três parâmetros podem ser estimados através de dois procedimentos: no primeiro caso os três parâmetros podem ser estimados simultaneamente e no segundo caso inicialmente podem ser determinados simultaneamente dois parâmetros (β0, RPIN) e posteriormente o terceiro parâmetro (RN) usando os valores dos dois parâmetros já conhecidos. Neste trabalho apresenta-se a aplicação e comparação de quatro algoritmos de otimização global para encontrar os parâmetros SRC ótimos, estes são: Simulated Annealing (SA), Very Fast Simulated Annealing (VFSA), Differential Evolution (DE) e Controlled Rando Search - 2 (CRS2). Como resultados importantes são apresentados a aplicação de cada método de otimização e a comparação entre os métodos quanto a eficácia, eficiência e confiabilidade para determinar os melhores parâmetros SRC. Posteriormente, aplicando as estratégias de busca global para a determinação destes parâmetros, por meio do método de otimização VFSA que teve o melhor desempenho foi realizado o empilhamento SRC a partir dos dados Marmousi, isto é, foi realizado um empilhamento SRC usando dois parâmetros (β0, RPIN) estimados por busca global e outro empilhamento SRC usando os três parâmetros (β0, RPIN, RN) também estimados por busca global.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Along the southern Brazilian coast, Tijucas Bay is known for its unique muddy tidal flats associated with chenier plains. Previous field observations pointed to very high suspended sediment concentrations (SSCs) in the inner parts of the bay, and in the estuary of the Tijucas River, suggesting the presence of fluid mud. In this study, the occurrences of suspended sediments and fluid mud were examined during a larger-scale, high-resolution 2-day field campaign on 1-2 May 2007, encompassing survey lines spanning nearly 80 km, 75 water sampling stations for near-bottom density estimates, and ten sediment sampling stations. Wave refraction modeling provided qualitative wave energy estimates as a function of different incidence directions. The results show that SSC increases toward the inner bay near the water surface, but seaward near the bottom. This suggests that suspended sediment is supplied by the local rivers, in particular the Tijucas. Near-surface SSCs were of the order of 50 mg l(-1) close to the shore, but exceeded 100 mg l(-1) near the bottom in the deeper parts of the bay. Fluid mud thickness and location given by densimetry and echo-sounding agreed in some places, although being mostly discordant. The best agreement was observed where wave energy was high during the campaign. The discrepancy between the two methods may be an indication for the existence of fluid mud, which is recorded by one method but not the other. Agreement is considered to be an indication of fluidization, whereas disagreement indicates more consolidation. Wave modeling suggests that waves from the ENE and SE are the most effective in supplying energy to the inner bay, which may induce the liquefaction of mud deposits to form fluid mud. Nearshore mud resuspension and weak horizontal currents result in sediment-laden offshore flow, which explains the higher SSCs measured in the deeper parts of the bay, besides providing a mechanism for fine-sediment export to the inner shelf.


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Hydrographic data collected during surveys carried out in austral winter 2003 and summer 2004 are used to analyze the distributions of temperature (T) and salinity (S) over the continental shelf and slope of eastern South America between 27 degrees S and 39 degrees S. The water mass structure and the characteristics of the transition between subantarctic and subtropical shelf water (STSW), referred to as the subtropical shelf front (STSF), as revealed by the vertical structure of temperature and salinity are discussed. During both surveys, the front intensifies downward and extends southwestward from the near coastal zone at 33 degrees S to the shelf break at 36 degrees S. In austral winter subantarctic shelf water (SASW), derived from the northern Patagonia shelf, forms a vertically coherent cold wedge of low salinity waters that locally separate the outer shelf STSW from the fresher inner shelf Plata Plume Water (PPW) derived from the Rio de la Plata. Winter T-S diagrams and cross-shelf T and S distributions indicate that mixtures of PPW and tropical water only occur beyond the northernmost extent of pure SASW, and form STSW and an inverted thermocline characteristic of this region. In summer 2004, dilution of Tropical water (TW) occurs at two distinct levels: a warm near surface layer, associated to PPW-TW mixtures, similar to but significantly warmer than winter STSW, and a colder (T similar to 16 degrees C) salinity minimum layer at 40-50 m depth, created by SASW-STSW mixtures across the STSF. In winter, the salinity distribution controls the density structure creating a cross-shore density gradient, which prevents isopycnal mixing across the STSF. Temperature stratification in summer induces a sharp pycnocline providing cross-shelf isopycnal connections across the STSF. Cooling and freshening of the upper layer observed at stations collected along the western edge of the Brazil Current suggest offshore export of shelf waters. Low T and S filaments, evident along the shelf break in the winter data, suggest that submesoscale eddies may enhance the property exchange across the shelf break. These observations suggest that as the subsurface shelf waters converge at the STSF, they flow southward along the front and are expelled offshore, primarily along the front axis. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Despite their importance in the evaluation of petroleum and gas reservoirs, measurements of self-potential data under borehole conditions (well-logging) have found only minor applications in aquifer and waste-site characterization. This can be attributed to lower signals from the diffusion fronts in near-surface environments because measurements are made long after the drilling of the well, when concentration fronts are already disappearing. Proportionally higher signals arise from streaming potentials that prevent using simple interpretation models that assume signals from diffusion only. Our laboratory experiments found that dual-source self-potential signals can be described by a simple linear model, and that contributions (from diffusion and streaming potentials) can be isolated by slightly perturbing the borehole conditions. Perturbations are applied either by changing the concentration of the borehole-filling solution or its column height. Parameters useful for formation evaluation can be estimated from data measured during perturbations, namely, pore water resistivity, pressure drop across the borehole wall, and electrokinetic coupling parameter. These are important parameters to assess, respectively, water quality, aquifer lateral continuity, and interfacial properties of permeable formations.


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We performed laboratory experiments to investigate the sensitivity of the Spectral Induced Polarization (SIP) method to toluene contamination in clayey soils. We used mixtures of quartzitic sand and montmorillonite as soil samples, artificially contaminated with varying amounts of toluene. Care was taken to quantify the experimental uncertainty resulting from packing since such effects must be quantified if variations in SIP signatures between samples are to be reliably interpreted in terms of the effects of hydrocarbon concentration. The SIP response of all samples following addition of toluene was monitored for a period of 40 days following sample preparation. Stepwise regression was used to examine the statistical significance of correlations between (i) clay content and (ii) toluene concentration and SIP parameters. Both single-frequency real and imaginary conductivity measurements, along with the integral chargeability, normalized chargeability, DC conductivity and time constant obtained from a Debye decomposition fitting, were examined in this regression analysis. The SIP measurements show a clear time dependence following sample preparation, indicating that samples containing toluene may take significant time to reach an equilibrium electrical response. SIP measurements are significantly related to toluene content shortly after sample preparation, when the expected dependence of SIP on clay concentration is apparently suppressed. However, for the state of electrical equilibrium after 40 days (interpreted to indicate surface chemistry at equilibrium) there is no significant relation between SIP measurements and toluene content; instead SIP measurements are then significantly correlated with clay concentration. The total chargeability, normalized chargeability and relaxation time obtained from the Debye decomposition show no correlation with toluene content, indicating that this procedure, which likely integrates over multiple mechanisms, may not be suitable for understanding relationships between SIP and hydrocarbon contamination. We find only small low-frequency polarization signals observed in relation to toluene concentration (2 mrad at 0.01 Hz), which initially decreases the interfacial polarization. Unlike earlier works, our results do not support the use of the SIP method as a tool for monitoring toluene contamination in clay soils.


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In this article we present some results of ground-penetrating radar (GPR) studies carried out at the Lapa do Santo archaeological site. This cave is within the Lagoa Santa karstic region, Minas Gerais State, Brazil. Results from 44 GPR profiles obtained with 400 MHz shielded antennas indicated anomalous hyperbolic reflections and areas with high sub-horizontal reflection amplitude suggesting archaeological and geological potential targets, respectively. These results were encouraging and were used to guide excavations at this site. Excavation of test units (metre by metre) allowed identifying an anthropogenic feature, e.g., a fire hearth structure and natural features, such as a stalagmite and top of bedrock. Results also indicated the importance of the GPR survey as a tool for orienting archaeological researches, increasing the probability of finding archaeological interest targets in an excavation program in an area of environmental protection.


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Carbon supported Pt-Sn catalysts were prepared by reduction of Pt and Sn precursors with formic acid and characterized in terms of structure, morphology and surface properties. The electrocatalytic activity for ethanol oxidation was studied in a direct ethanol fuel cell (DEFC) at 70 degrees C and 90 degrees C. Electrochemical and physico-chemical data indicated that a proper balance of Pt and Sn species in the near surface region was necessary to maximize the reaction rate. The best atomic surface composition, in terms of electrochemical performance, was Pt:Sn 65:35 corresponding to a bulk composition 75:25 namely Pt3Sn1/C. The reaction products of ethanol electro-oxidation in single cell and their distribution as a function of the nature of catalyst were determined. Essentially, acetaldehyde and acetic acid were detected as the main reaction products; whereas, a lower content of CO2 was formed. The selectivity toward acetic acid vs. acetaldehyde increased with the increase of the Sn content and decreased by decreasing the concentration of the reducing agent used in the catalyst preparation. According to the recent literature, these results have been interpreted on the basis of ethanol adsorption characteristics and ligand effects occurring for Sn-rich electrocatalysts. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A tank experiment was conducted to check if self-potential (SP) signals can be generated when buried organic matter is wire-connected to a near-surface, oxygen-rich, sediment layer. This experiment demonstrated that once wired, there was a flux of electrons (hence an electric current) between the lower and upper layers of the sandbox with the system responding as a large-scale microbial fuel cell (a type of bioelectrochemical system). An electric current was generated by this process in the wire and the SP method was used to monitor the associated electric potential distribution at the top of the tank.. The electric field was controlled by the flux of electrons through the wire, the oxidation of the organic matter, the reduction of oxygen used as a terminal electron acceptor, and the distribution of the DC resistivity in the tank. The current density through the wire was limited by the availability of oxygen and not by the oxidation of the organic matter. This laboratory experiment incorporated key elements of the biogeobattery observed in some organic-rich contaminant plumes. This analogy includes the generation of SP signals associated with a flux of electrons, the capacity of buried organic matter in sustaining anodic reactions, network resistance connecting terminal redox reactions spatially separated in space, and the existence of anodic secondary coupled reactions. A resistivity tomogram of the tank, after almost a year in operation, suggests that oxidative processes triggered by this geobattery can be imaged with this method to determine the radius of influence of the bioelectrochemical system.


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Auf einer drei Anbauperioden umfassenden Ground Truth Datenbasis wird der Informationsgehalt multitemporaler ERS-1/-2 Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Daten zur Erfassung der Arteninventare und des Zustandes landwirtschaftlich genutzter Böden und Vegetation in Agrarregionen Bayerns evaluiert.Dazu wird ein für Radardaten angepaßtes, multitemporales, auf landwirtschaftlichen Schlägen beruhendes Klassifizierungsverfahren ausgearbeitet, das auf bildstatistischen Parametern der ERS-Zeitreihen beruht. Als überwachte Klassifizierungsverfahren wird vergleichend der Maximum-Likelihood-Klassifikator und ein Neuronales-Backpropagation-Netz eingesetzt. Die auf Radarbildkanälen beruhenden Gesamtgenauigkeiten variieren zwischen 75 und 85%. Darüber hinaus wird gezeigt, daß die interferometrische Kohärenz und die Kombination mit Bildkanälen optischer Sensoren (Landsat-TM, SPOT-PAN und IRS-1C-PAN) zur Verbesserung der Klassifizierung beitragen. Gleichermaßen können die Klassifizierungsergebnisse durch eine vorgeschaltete Grobsegmentierung des Untersuchungsgebietes in naturräumlich homogene Raumeinheiten verbessert werden. Über die Landnutzungsklassifizierung hinaus, werden weitere bio- und bodenphysikalische Parameter aus den SAR-Daten anhand von Regressionsmodellen abgeleitet. Im Mittelpunkt stehen die Paramter oberflächennahen Bodenfeuchte vegetationsfreier/-armer Flächen sowie die Biomasse landwirtschaftlicher Kulturen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, daß mit ERS-1/-2 SAR-Daten eine Messung der Bodenfeuchte möglich ist, wenn Informationen zur Bodenrauhigkeit vorliegen. Hinsichtlich der biophysikalischen Parameter sind signifikante Zusammenhänge zwischen der Frisch- bzw. Trockenmasse des Vegetationsbestandes verschiedener Getreide und dem Radarsignal nachweisbar. Die Biomasse-Informationen können zur Korrektur von Wachstumsmodellen genutzt werden und dazu beitragen, die Genauigkeit von Ertragsschätzungen zu steigern.


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Die Entwicklung des Nordwestdeutschen Beckens und seiner rezenten Topographie ist geprägt von einer Vielzahl endogener und exogener Prozesse: Tektonik, Vulkanismus, Diapirismus, Eisvorstöße, elsterzeitlichen Rinnen und die Ablagerung von quartären Sedimenten. Mit Hilfe der Quantifizierung von Bodenbewegungspotenzialen wurde für Schleswig-Holstein der Einfluß von Tiefenstrukturen (insbesondere Salzstrukturen und tektonische Störungen) auf die Entwicklung der rezenten Topographie in Schleswig-Holstein untersucht. Dabei wurden folgende Parameter berücksichtigt: (1) Salzstrukturen; (2) Tektonischen Störungen; (3) Oberflächennahe Störungen, die mit einer hohen Wahrscheinlichkeit an der Erdoberfläche ausstreichen; (4) Elsterzeitliche Rinnen (tiefer 100 m); (5) Historische Erdbeben; (6) In Satellitenbildszenen kartierte Lineamente (7) Korrelationskoeffizienten, die zwischen 7 stratigraphischen Horizonten des „Geotektonischen Atlas von NW-Deutschland“ berechnet wurden. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass in Schleswig-Holstein großflächig rezente Bodenbewegungs-potenziale auftreten, die auf tektonische Störungen und Salzstrukturen zurückzuführen sind und sich hauptsächlich auf den Bereich des Glückstadt Grabens beschränken. In den 5 Gebieten Sterup, Tellingstedt Nord, Oldensworth Nord, Schwarzenbek und Plön treten die höchsten Bodenbewegungspotenziale auf. Sie dokumentieren rezente Prozesse in diesen Gebieten. In den Gebieten Sterup, Schwarzenbek und Plön sind aktive, an der Erdoberfläche ausstreichende Störungen lokalisiert, deren Auftreten auch durch kartierte Luft- und Satellitenbildlineare belegt wird. Im Gebiet Plön werden die ermittelten Bodenbewegungspotenziale durch eine, sich rezent vergrößernde Senke bei Kleinneudorf bestätigt. Unterhalb der Senke führen, begünstigt durch tektonische Störungen, Lösungsprozesse in tertiären Sedimenten zu Hohlraumbildungen, die das rezente Absacken der Senke verursachen. Für Bereiche höchsten Bodenbewegungspotenzials kann ein Einfluß von Tiefenstrukturen auf die Entwicklung der rezenten Topographie nachgewiesen werden. So beeinflussen oberflächennahe Störungen in dem Gebiet Plön die Entwicklung des Plöner Sees. Im Gebiet Schwarzenbek verursacht ein N-S orientiertes Störungsband ein Abknicken des Elbverlaufs. Weiterhin kann ein Einfluß der Entwicklung der rezenten Topographie durch eine Interaktion zwischen Eisauflast und Salzmobilität in den Gebieten Sterup und Oldensworth nachgewiesen werden. Demnach ist die Ablagerung quartärer Sedimente und somit der Grenzverlauf der Flußgebietseinheiten Eider und Schlei-Trave zwischen den Salzstrukturen Sterup und Meezen beeinflusst durch eine aktive Reaktion beider Salzstrukturen auf Eisauflast. Im Bereich Oldensworth zeigen geologische Schnitte von der Basis Oberkreide bis zur rezenten Topographie, dass die Salzmauern Oldensworth und Hennstedt die Ablagerung quartärer Sedimente aktiv beeinflussten. Weiterhin orientiert sich der Elbverlauf von Hamburg bis zur Mündung an den Randbereichen von Salzstrukturen, die bis in den oberflächennahen Bereich aufgestiegen sind.


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A study of maar-diatreme volcanoes has been perfomed by inversion of gravity and magnetic data. The geophysical inverse problem has been solved by means of the damped nonlinear least-squares method. To ensure stability and convergence of the solution of the inverse problem, a mathematical tool, consisting in data weighting and model scaling, has been worked out. Theoretical gravity and magnetic modeling of maar-diatreme volcanoes has been conducted in order to get information, which is used for a simple rough qualitative and/or quantitative interpretation. The information also serves as a priori information to design models for the inversion and/or to assist the interpretation of inversion results. The results of theoretical modeling have been used to roughly estimate the heights and the dip angles of the walls of eight Eifel maar-diatremes — each taken as a whole. Inversemodeling has been conducted for the Schönfeld Maar (magnetics) and the Hausten-Morswiesen Maar (gravity and magnetics). The geometrical parameters of these maars, as well as the density and magnetic properties of the rocks filling them, have been estimated. For a reliable interpretation of the inversion results, beside the knowledge from theoretical modeling, it was resorted to other tools such like field transformations and spectral analysis for complementary information. Geologic models, based on thesynthesis of the respective interpretation results, are presented for the two maars mentioned above. The results gave more insight into the genesis, physics and posteruptive development of the maar-diatreme volcanoes. A classification of the maar-diatreme volcanoes into three main types has been elaborated. Relatively high magnetic anomalies are indicative of scoria cones embeded within maar-diatremes if they are not caused by a strong remanent component of the magnetization. Smaller (weaker) secondary gravity and magnetic anomalies on the background of the main anomaly of a maar-diatreme — especially in the boundary areas — are indicative for subsidence processes, which probably occurred in the late sedimentation phase of the posteruptive development. Contrary to postulates referring to kimberlite pipes, there exists no generalized systematics between diameter and height nor between geophysical anomaly and the dimensions of the maar-diatreme volcanoes. Although both maar-diatreme volcanoes and kimberlite pipes are products of phreatomagmatism, they probably formed in different thermodynamic and hydrogeological environments. In the case of kimberlite pipes, large amounts of magma and groundwater, certainly supplied by deep and large reservoirs, interacted under high pressure and temperature conditions. This led to a long period phreatomagmatic process and hence to the formation of large structures. Concerning the maar-diatreme and tuff-ring-diatreme volcanoes, the phreatomagmatic process takes place due to an interaction between magma from small and shallow magma chambers (probably segregated magmas) and small amounts of near-surface groundwater under low pressure and temperature conditions. This leads to shorter time eruptions and consequently to structures of smaller size in comparison with kimberlite pipes. Nevertheless, the results show that the diameter to height ratio for 50% of the studied maar-diatremes is around 1, whereby the dip angle of the diatreme walls is similar to that of the kimberlite pipes and lies between 70 and 85°. Note that these numerical characteristics, especially the dip angle, hold for the maars the diatremes of which — estimated by modeling — have the shape of a truncated cone. This indicates that the diatreme can not be completely resolved by inversion.