895 resultados para Nation: State


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La Nación ha sido una de las más importantes construcciones políticoculturales de la Modernidad. Las premisas que le han dado mayor vitalidad han sido y son, pues, su afirmación como imaginario de identidad para los pueblos y su significación en el desarrollo de las denominadas "relaciones internacionales", en cuanto formas de expresión de las interrelaciones globales de los sectores dominantes. Este estudio se basa en el análisis de esas premisas a la luz de algunas de las nuevas perspectivas emanadas de los paradigmas político y cultural, desarrollados en las ciencias sociales a partir de las últimas décadas del siglo pasado, y aplicadas a los estudios del territorio nacional, su construcción, sus mutaciones y los imaginarios espaciales que de ellos derivan. A partir de algunas de las visiones críticas mencionadas, en la actualidad el concepto de nación parece haber entrado en un proceso de erosión o descomposición. Fenómenos sociales, económicos, políticos y culturales ligados a los procesos de reestructuración global (migraciones intercontinentales, sistemas mediáticos globales, exclusión social, discriminación étnica y religiosa, marginación y falta de participación política, nuevas formas de manifestación social...) y a la construcción de los discursos posmodernos hacen aparecer la nación como un concepto, al menos, puesto en tela de juicio. Los más audaces hablan del virtual ingreso a un mundo "posnacional". ¿Significará esto la extinción de una idea y una realidad con la que se han formado culturalmente millones de personas de numerosas generaciones en los puntos más lejanos del planeta? La respuesta deberá estar planteada en el estudio real y especializado de esos fenómenos y de las nuevas realidades que de ellos emergen.


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La pregunta por la identidad cultural puertorriqueña se ha formulado en el pasado y se sigue formulando en la actual literatura de un país que ha creado una literatura nacional a pesar de no haberse constituido como nación independiente. Si tal interrogante se repite con insistencia a lo largo del pasado siglo XX , sus respuestas en cambio se articulan desde la pluralidad de enfoques, aunque en ellas se pueda percibir también una preocupación común que se fundamenta en la condición colonial vigente hoy en día en la isla, estrechamente vinculada al problema de la identidad nacional. A contramarcha de los acercamientos teóricos que proponen el desmantelamiento de la idea de la nación mediante conceptos tales como globalización, transnacionalización, postnacionalidad, en Puerto Rico la pregunta por la identidad nacional sigue generando todavía discusiones, debates, polémicas y, desde el eje de la producción literaria, articulando diversas "ficciones de la puertorriqueñidad", algunas de las cuales procuro analizar en mi trabajo. A lo largo de este estudio me centro particularmente en la compleja relación entre nacionalismo y representación literaria atendiendo a la construcción discursiva y textual de un imaginario de lo puertorriqueño que, en este caso, implica asimismo considerar el peculiar contexto histórico colonial del país. Para concretar el análisis de esta cuestión me detengo en la narrativa de dos autores centrales cuyas ficciones de la puertorriqueñidad pretendo indagar: Edgardo Rodríguez Juliá y Manuel Ramos Otero. Ambos escritores coinciden en comenzar a publicar a comienzos de la década de los años setenta, en un momento de intensa ruptura cultural en las letras puertorriqueñas, como lo testimonia la novela de Luis Rafael Sánchez, La guaracha del Macho Camacho (1976), obra que proyectó de manera significativa la rica literatura puertorriqueña hacia el ámbito latinoamericano. Asimismo tanto Rodríguez Juliá como Ramos Otero se reconocen marcados por el peso histórico que tuvo en Puerto Rico el desarrollo del Partido Popular Democrático liderado por Luis Muñoz Marín, responsable en gran parte del establecimiento del Estado Libre Asociado. Sus historias vitales y textuales están atravesadas por la utopía populista pero también fuertemente signadas por su fracaso, una de cuyas consecuencias más dramáticas lo constituye la emigración forzada de miles de puertorriqueños a Nueva York desde 1952. En este sentido me interesó particularmente analizar los diferentes lugares de enunciación postulados por cada autor, ya que mientras Rodríguez Juliá escribe desde la Isla, Ramos Otero en cambio lo hace desde Nueva York, cuestión que plantea entonces la ampliación de las fronteras nacionales a la hora de pensar qué textos forman parte de la literatura puertorriqueña actual.


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Capitalism, like the universe, expands; it is foreseen as without limit and historically presented as if from the outside while paradoxically, unlike the universe, capitalism is an historical and contingent emergence. Many have suggested that its naturalization now leave it easier to imagine the end of the world than the end of capitalism. In consumer capitalism, subjectivity has become a commodity. Thus it is possible to say that consumer society is characterized by a "fetish of subjectivity", in which individualization (as lifestyle) and malaise (as symptom) are combined. The fetish of subjectivity may be one of the most important historical achievements of the relationship between capitalism and subjectivity, promoting highly individualized and intensive rules and requiring a consciousness in terms of the consumer society, a success-oriented life, competition and almost total autonomy in achieving the only goals and objectives culturally defined as legitimate and valid, experienced as decisions taken by each individual. Today’s individualization is is individualistic by nature, and it tends to weaken traditional forms of social ties and to strain social cohesion. Sociology is constituted as a discipline which has studied the problematic relationship between modernity and capitalism, which in turn has also been problematic for sociology itself. Especially the associated processes of modernization have favored the emergence of society as a distinctive phenomenon, of the individual and social action, and of subjectivity, a recurring dimension although not always explicit in its problematic. The nation-state has been a historic, formal and spatial expression of dimensions that express the historical relationship between modernity and capitalism...


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The essay explores the evolution of comparative law and the contribution of its more recent methodological results on the process of European social integration through law. The analysis of the comparative method in general glides on a discipline, such a as labour law, traditionally linked to the "nomos" of the nation state and looks at the process of its own supranationalization through the lens which is the comparative method; a method used mainly by the juridical format (national and supranational courts). The analysis focuses on the fixed term contract and on the vexing question of collective social fundamental rights vis a vis fundamental economic freedoms in the EU where national constitutional traditions and supranational principals risk collision due also to the comparative method.


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The 1992 Maastricht Treaty introduced the concept of European Union citizenship. All citizens of the 28 EU member states are also EU citizens through the very fact that their countries are members of the EU. Acquired EU citizenship gives them the right to free movement, settlement and employment across the EU, the right to vote in European elections, and also on paper the right to consular protection from other EU states' embassies when abroad. The concept of citizenship in Europe – and indeed anywhere in the world – has been evolving over the years, and continues to evolve. Against this time scale, the concept of modern citizenship as attached to the nation-state would seem ephemeral. The idea of EU citizenship therefore does not need to be regarded as a revolutionary phenomenon that is bound to mitigate against the natural inclination of European citizens towards national identities, especially in times of economic and financial crises. In fact, the idea of EU citizenship has even been criticised by some scholars as being of little substantive value in addition to whatever rights and freedoms European citizens already have. Nonetheless the ‘constitutional moment’ that the Maastricht Treaty achieved for the idea of EU citizenship has served more than just symbolic value – the EU’s Charter of Fundamental Rights is now legally binding, for instance. The idea of EU citizenship also put pressure on the Union and its leaders to address the perceived democratic deficit that the EU is often accused of. In attempts to cement the political rights of EU citizens, the citizens’ initiative was included in Lisbon Treaty allowing citizens to directly lobby the European Commission for new policy initiatives or changes.


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The 1992 Maastricht Treaty introduced the concept of European Union citizenship. All citizens of the 28 EU member states are also EU citizens through the very fact that their countries are members of the EU. Acquired EU citizenship gives them the right to free movement, settlement and employment across the EU, the right to vote in European elections, and also on paper the right to consular protection from other EU states' embassies when abroad. The concept of citizenship in Europe – and indeed anywhere in the world – has been evolving over the years, and continues to evolve. Against this time scale, the concept of modern citizenship as attached to the nation-state would seem ephemeral. The idea of EU citizenship therefore does not need to be regarded as a revolutionary phenomenon that is bound to mitigate against the natural inclination of European citizens towards national identities, especially in times of economic and financial crises. In fact, the idea of EU citizenship has even been criticised by some scholars as being of little substantive value in addition to whatever rights and freedoms European citizens already have. Nonetheless the ‘constitutional moment’ that the Maastricht Treaty achieved for the idea of EU citizenship has served more than just symbolic value – the EU’s Charter of Fundamental Rights is now legally binding, for instance. The idea of EU citizenship also put pressure on the Union and its leaders to address the perceived democratic deficit that the EU is often accused of. In attempts to cement the political rights of EU citizens, the citizens’ initiative was included in Lisbon Treaty allowing citizens to directly lobby the European Commission for new policy initiatives or changes.


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This paper addresses globalization and governance in the EU by attempting to generate some plausible hypotheses that might explain the policy choices of the 12 out of 15 European democratic left governments. With all of the discussion in recent years of a democratic deficit, and then need to maintain a "social Europe," why have these governments not produced more explicit left-wing policies? It suggests three possible hypotheses to account for this apparently mysterious outcome. Hypothesis #1: They want to but they can't. Hypothesis #2: They don't want to because they aren't really left anymore. Hypothesis #3: They could, but they all are suffering from a fundamental failure of imagination. The paper explores each of these hypotheses in two ways. First it examines the initial years of the Schröder government in Germany apparently, pursuing each of these three hypotheses and different times during this period. Then it looks more systematically and comparatively and each of the three hypotheses by including analysis both of Germany and several other EU member states. The larger goal of this work is to provoke discussion and research on what role left political movements can actually play. Is it even reasonable to expect such a group of nation states to develop innovative forms of cross-national governance? Or are new and/or revised forms of representation and governance beyond traditional nation-state models.


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The concept of citizenship is one of the most complicated in political and social sciences. Its long process of historical development makes dealing with it particularly complicated. Citizenship is by nature a multi-dimensional concept: there is a legal citizenship, referring first to the equal legal status of individuals, for instance the equality between men and women. Legal citizenship also refers to a political dimension, the right to start and/or join political parties, or political participation more broadly. Thirdly, it has a religious dimension relating to the right of all religious groups to equally and freely practice their religious customs and rituals. Finally, legal citizenship possesses a socio-economic dimension related to the non-marginalisation of different social categories, for instance women. All of these dimensions, far from being purely objects of legal texts and codifications, are emerging as an arena of political struggle within the Egyptian society. Citizenship as a concept has its roots in European history and, more specifically, the emergence of the nation state in Europe and the ensuing economic and social developments in these societies. These social developments and the rise of the nation state have worked in parallel, fostering the notion of an individual citizen bestowed with rights and obligations. This gradual interaction was very different from what happened in the context of the Arab world. The emerging of the nation state in Egypt was an outcome of modernisation efforts from the top-down; it coercively redesigned the social structure, by eliminating or weakening some social classes in favour of others. These efforts have had an impact on the state-society relation at least in two respects. First, on the overlapping relation between some social classes and the state, and second, on the ability of some social groups to self-organise, define and raise their demands. This study identifies how different political parties in Egypt envision the multi-dimensional concept of citizenship. We focus on the following elements: Nature of the state (identity, nature of the regime) Liberties and rights (election laws, political party laws, etc.) Right to gather and organise (syndicates, associations, etc.) Freedom of expression and speech (right to protest, sit in, strike, etc.) Public and individual liberties (freedom of belief, personal issues, etc.) Rights of marginalised groups (women, minorities, etc.)


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The Capitalist Revolution was the period of the transition from the ancient societies to capitalism; it was a long transition that began in North Italy, in the 14th century, and for the first time got completed in England, in the second part of the 18th century, with the formation of the nation state and the Industrial Revolution; it is a major rupture, which divided the history of mankind between a period where empires or civilizations prospered and fell into decadence and disappeared, to a period of ingrained economic development and long-term improvement of standards of living. Since then the different peoples are engaged in the social construction of their nations and their states; since then, they are experiencing economic development, because capitalism is essentially dynamic; since then they are struggling for the political objectives that they historically defined for themselves since that revolution: security, freedom, economic well-being, social justice, and protection of the environment.


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In Cyrillic characters.


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It has been suggested that although the most theorisation about globalisation has emerged from “western” contexts, the material implications of globalisation have been felt most strongly in non-western regions. With this in mind, we are undertaking a situated analysis of how two states, Singapore and Hong Kong, are interacting with the broader processes of globalisation through their educational policies. We apply Foucault's conceptual tool of governmentality to understand (i) the conduct of governing in the contemporary nation-state, and (ii) how the “right” rationalities are being inculcated by government to create “desiring subjects” who will play their part in ensuring national prosperity. We use the Asian Economic Crisis as a point of departure to show how global-local tensions are being managed by Singapore and Hong Kong. We conclude that both these global cities have adroitly managed the Asian economic crisis to steer their citizens away from pursuits of greater political freedom and towards concerns of material well being. They have done so through a selective interpretation of globalisation, by simultaneously resisting and embracing the contradictory strands of globalisation. Education has emerged as a critical space for this selective absorption of globalising trends.


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The emerging interdisciplinary body of cosmopolitanism research has established a promising field of theoretical endeavour by bringing into focus questions concerning globalization, nationalism, population movements, cultural values and identity. Yet, despite its potential importance, what characterizes recent cosmopolitanism research is an idealist sentiment that considerably marginalizes the significance of the structures of nation-state and citizenship, while leaving unspecified the empirical sociological dimensions of cosmopolitanism itself. Our critique aims at making cosmopolitanism a more productive analytical tool. We argue for a cosmopolitanism that consists of conceptually and empirically identifiable values and outlooks. While there has been some progress made in this direction in the recent literature on cosmopolitanism, most writing still considers cosmopolitanism as something so delicate that it cannot be measured. Furthermore, in order to appreciate the full currency of the concept, we argue that researchers must not only agree on some common determinants of cosmopolitanism and cosmopolitan dispositions, but also ground their analyses of cosmopolitanism in the context of enduring nation-state structures.


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In this paper we discuss the idea of national education in Singapore. National education, broadly speaking, is a civics programme which seeks to instil a sense of place, identity and history in young Singaporeans with a view to developing national pride and commitment. We set this discussion against the backdrop of globalization and the idea of wired communities and argue that any civics programme needs to be more than simply a nationalistic agenda. To do this we have framed national education in Singapore as a civics literacy informed by the idea of multiliteracies. In doing so, we suggest that the pedagogical work of such an approach can help to sustain the nation state of Singapore yet place the civics agenda on a global stage where national education might be seen more appropriately as global education.


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Since the mid-1990s, automatic citizenship for children born in the Republic has been a source of growing debate against a backdrop of increasing immigration and the peace process. In June 2004, the debate culminated in a referendum, opening the way to a constitutional amendment that attaches residence qualifications to the hitherto unfettered entitlement to citizenship available through ius soli. Arguments for the amendment were couched in terms of a threat posed by Third World women having babies in Ireland to obtain residence, and a putative obligation to the EU to harmonise citizenship laws. This article explores how pregnant foreign women’s bodies became a site of perplexity about the borders of the twenty-first century Irish nation. It is therefore suggested that neither the ‘racial state’ theories nor feminist theories of the nation-state account fully for this. On closer inspection, the seemingly sui generis case of the Irish referendum is therefore fruitful in that it demands further reflection in terms of bridging gaps in the existing theory.