966 resultados para Narcissistic personality disorder


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The aim of the present study was to investigate prefrontal brain function and cognitive response control in patients with personality disorders who either suffered or did not suffer from psychopathology related to attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) during childhood. For this purpose, 36 psychiatric out-patients with personality disorders--24 of whom showed ADHD-related psychopathology during childhood assessed by the German short form of the Wender Utah Rating Scale--and 24 healthy controls were investigated electrophysiologically by means of a cued Go-NoGo task (Continuous Performance Test). Topographical analyses were conducted to individually quantify the NoGo anteriorisation (NGA), a neurophysiological correlate of prefrontal response control that has been suggested to reflect activation of the anterior cingulate cortex. ADHD patients exhibited a significantly reduced mean NGA and diminished amplitudes of the Global Field Power, as well as a reduced increase of fronto-central P300 amplitudes, in NoGo-trials compared with the healthy controls, whereas patients with personality disorders alone did not differ from the control group in any of the electrophysiological parameters. The results indicate that ADHD-related psychopathology is associated with prefrontal brain dysfunction, probably related to processes of response inhibition and/or cognitive response control.


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Trapped by their superordinate goal to maintain a grandiose self, narcissists navigate their relationships wishing to re-assure themselves of their specialness and superiority, using strategies bound to fail. Dyadic analyses of diary data (14 days, 83 couples) showed that narcissists focus on their partners’ shortcomings, becoming experts at detecting negative forms of support, while simultaneously minimizing their partner’s positive intentions. Partners of narcissists, in contrast, appear to have a positive bias in ongoing relationships and seem to compensate for some of the narcissists’ shortcomings. Narcissists’ focus on their own selfconstruction purposes also extends to their parenting roles. In a retrospective study, narcissistic mothers were found to demand superior performance, desiring to show-off their child, yet concurrently attributing their child’s success to themselves. They also exercise psychological control and role-reversal, requiring the child to cater to their needs, and to admire them, while simultaneously oblivious to their child’s needs and desires.


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The study focused on the relationship between antisocial personality syndrome in boys ages 8-15 and parental alcohol/drug dependency. The population studied was case records of 101 boys coming to a private psychiatrist from 1966 through 1979. The boys were predominantly white and from middle to upper income families.^ A boy was determined to have antisocial personality syndrome if he exhibited antisocial behaviors in four or five major categories, did not exhibit a brain syndrome, and did not exhibit a thought disorder. The five major behavior categories were: (1) self-control (i.e., temper tantrums or hyperactivity), (2) behavior at home (i.e., disobedience or lying), (3) behavior at school (i.e., truancy or cheating), (4) behavior toward peers (i.e., bullying, fighting, or tattling), and (5) behavior against property (i.e., destructiveness or stealing). A boy was determined to be a control if he exhibited antisocial behaviors in two or less behavior categories.^ A parent was determined to have alcohol/drug dependency if s/he exhibited a score above the established threshold (1) for the MacAndrew Alcoholism Scale (28 or above), and (2) for the Holmes Alcoholism Scale (35 or above) which are used with the MMPI. A parent was classified not alcohol/drug dependent if s/he had scores below set thresholds (22 on the MacAndrew Alcoholism Scale and 28 on the Holmes Alcoholism Scale).^ For the final sample (N = 10), there was no reason to believe a relationship exists between antisocial personality syndrome in boys ages 8-15 and parental alcohol/drug dependency (Fisher's Exact Test {FET} P = 1.0). The small sample size primarily occurred as a result of 88.12% of the parents being classified in a questionable category in terms of alcohol/drug dependency.^ The sample was suggestive of a relationship between the fathers' Psychopathic Deviate (Pd) Scale scores as a measure of antisocial tendencies and the boy having antisocial personality syndrome (N = 75; P = .12). There was no evidence of such a relationship for mothers (N = 75; P = .97). ^


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Un figlio con un Disturbo dello Spettro Autistico, caratterizzato da gravi difficoltà nelle relazioni, nei comportamenti e nella comunicazione, costringe tutto il sistema familiare a gestire un notevole stress dovuto alla gestione quotidiana di una patologia così complessa. Per questi motivi, i genitori necessitano di un sostegno il più possibile personalizzato rispetto alle caratteristiche del loro contesto familiare. Per fare questo sarebbe importante individuare quali siano i parametri correlati ai livelli di stress nei familiari di pazienti con autismo e che potrebbero avere un’influenza sul benessere familiare. Lo scopo di questo studio è quello di valutare quali caratteristiche di personalità, stili di coping e capacità di gestire le emozioni possano essere in relazione con la reattività individuale alle situazioni di stress, valutata attraverso alcuni correlati biologici, quali il livello di cortisolo (l’ormone dello stress) e la variabilità della frequenza cardiaca. L’ottica di ricerca applicata fa sì che gli obiettivi ultimi di questo lavoro siano anche quelli di diminuire l’accesso ai servizi per questi soggetti, considerando il fatto che progetti individualizzati di sostegno genitoriale costituiscono un fattore protettivo rispetto a conseguenze fisiche e psicologiche di disagio se implementati tenendo conto della variabilità individuale rispetto alle caratteristiche sopra citate.


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Introduction: Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a frequent and complex neurodevelopmental disorder, characterized by impairments in social communication and repetitive behaviors and with a high male to female ratio: ~4:1. Genetic factors, including rare Copy Number Variants (CNVs), have a substantial impact in ASD risk 1, and are associated with specific phenotypic manifestations 2. Recent studies reported that rare inherited CNVs are enriched in mothers of ASD children compared with mothers of controls and are preferentially transmitted from mothers to ASD children suggesting a sex bias in CNV transmission; further, the imbalanced transmission of small pathogenic CNVs from unaffected mothers to their sons with ASD has been described 3, 4. An increased prevalence of autism - like personality traits is found in unaffected relatives of ASD children, suggesting a genetic liability of a broader autism phenotype (BAP) 5. The BAP in parents of autistic children can be assessed by the Social Responsiveness Scale (SRS) 6 and Broad Autism Phenotype Questionnaire (BAPQ) 7 reports . The SRS is 65 - item questionnaire to identify sub - clinical social impairments and interpersonal behaviour in individuals . The BAPQ is a 36 - item questionnaire measures social aloofness, rigid personality, and pragmatic language deficits in both parents and children.


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BACKGROUND Previous neuroimaging studies indicate abnormalities in cortico-limbic circuitry in mood disorder. Here we employ prospective longitudinal voxel-based morphometry to examine the trajectory of these abnormalities during early stages of illness development. METHOD Unaffected individuals (16-25 years) at high and low familial risk of mood disorder underwent structural brain imaging on two occasions 2 years apart. Further clinical assessment was conducted 2 years after the second scan (time 3). Clinical outcome data at time 3 was used to categorize individuals: (i) healthy controls ('low risk', n = 48); (ii) high-risk individuals who remained well (HR well, n = 53); and (iii) high-risk individuals who developed a major depressive disorder (HR MDD, n = 30). Groups were compared using longitudinal voxel-based morphometry. We also examined whether progress to illness was associated with changes in other potential risk markers (personality traits, symptoms scores and baseline measures of childhood trauma), and whether any changes in brain structure could be indexed using these measures. RESULTS Significant decreases in right amygdala grey matter were found in HR MDD v. controls (p = 0.001) and v. HR well (p = 0.005). This structural change was not related to measures of childhood trauma, symptom severity or measures of sub-diagnostic anxiety, neuroticism or extraversion, although cross-sectionally these measures significantly differentiated the groups at baseline. CONCLUSIONS These longitudinal findings implicate structural amygdala changes in the neurobiology of mood disorder. They also provide a potential biomarker for risk stratification capturing additional information beyond clinically ascertained measures.


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Context: The relationships among the different eating disorders that exist in the community are poorly understood, especially for residual disorders in which bingeing or purging occurs in the absence of other behaviors. Objective: To examine a community sample for the number of mutually exclusive weight and eating profiles. Design: Data regarding lifetime eating disorder symptoms and weight range were submitted to a latent profile analysis. Profiles were compared regarding personality, current eating and weight, retrospectively reported life events, and lifetime depressive psychopathology. Setting: Longitudinal study among female twins from the Australian Twin Registry in whom eating was assessed by a telephone interview. Participants: A community sample of 1002 twins (individuals) who had participated in earlier waves of data collection. Main Outcome Measures: Number and clinical character of latent profiles. Results: The best fit was a 5-profile solution with women who were (1) of normal weight with few lifetime eating disorders (4.3%), (2) overweight (10.6% had a lifetime eating disorder), (3) underweight and generally had no eating disorders except for 5.3% who had restricting anorexia nervosa, (4) of low to normal weight (89.0% had a lifetime eating disorder), and (5) obese (37.0% had a lifetime eating disorder). Each profile contained more than 1 type of lifetime eating disorder except for the third profile. Women in the first and third profiles had the best functioning, with women in the fourth and fifth profiles having similarly poorer functioning. The women in the fourth group had a symptom profile distinctive from the other 4 groups in terms of severity; they were also more likely to have had lifetime major depression and suicidality. Conclusion: Lifetime weight ranges and the severity of eating disorder symptoms affected clustering more than the type of eating disorder symptom.


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Tourette syndrome is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by multiple tics and commonly associated with behavioral problems, especially obsessive-compulsive disorder and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The presence of specific personality traits has been documented in adult clinical populations with Tourette syndrome but has been underresearched in younger patients. We assessed the personality profiles of 17 male adolescents with Tourette syndrome and 51 age- and gender-matched healthy controls using the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-Adolescent version, along with a standardized psychometric battery. All participants scored within the normal range across all Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-Adolescent version scales. Patients with Tourette syndrome scored significantly higher than healthy controls on the Obsessiveness Content Scale only (P = .046). Our findings indicate that younger male patients with Tourette syndrome do not report abnormal personality traits and have similar personality profiles to healthy peers, with the exception of obsessionality traits, which are likely to be related to the presence of comorbid obsessive compulsive symptoms rather than tics.


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Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a frequent and complex neurodevelopmental disorder, characterized by impairments in social communication and repetitive behaviors and with a high male to female ratio: ~4:1. Genetic factors, including rare Copy Number Variants (CNVs), have a substantial impact in ASD risk1, and are associated with specific phenotypic manifestations2. Recent studies reported that rare inherited CNVs are enriched in mothers of ASD children compared with mothers of controls and are preferentially transmitted from mothers to ASD children suggesting a sex bias in CNV transmission; further, the imbalanced transmission of small pathogenic CNVs from unaffected mothers to their sons with ASD has been described3,4. An increased prevalence of autism-like personality traits is found in unaffected relatives of ASD children, suggesting a genetic liability of a broader autism phenotype (BAP)5. The BAP in parents of autistic children can be assessed by the Social Responsiveness Scale (SRS)6 and Broad Autism Phenotype Questionnaire (BAPQ)7 reports. The SRS is 65-item questionnaire to identify sub-clinical social impairments and interpersonal behaviour in individuals. The BAPQ is a 36-item questionnaire measures social aloofness, rigid personality, and pragmatic language deficits in both parents and children.


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Cognitive-behavioral Therapy (CBT) for the treatment of Intermittent Explosive Disorder (IED) has proved to be effective, with moderate to large effect sizes both in individual and group interventions. Videoconferencing has been used effectively to treat different mental disorders but its use for IED patients is as yet unknown. The aim of this study is to provide preliminary evidence of the possibility of treating IED by videoconference. We present a case-study experiment of a Spanish male, aged 33 years, living and working in China. After the intervention, the patient's aggressive episodes decreased dramatically, as well as his negative affect. In contrast, he showed an important increment in positive emotions and self-esteem. There were also positive changes in some personality dimensions and facets measured by NEO-PI-R, specifically in neuroticism, extraversion, and agreeableness. The benefits were maintained at 3-, 8- and 18-month follow-ups. These preliminary results reveal that CBT by videoconference oriented to increasing emotion regulation skills was effective when implemented in a case study of a person suffering from IED.


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Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada no Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada para obtenção do grau de Mestre na especialidade de clínica


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BACKGROUND: This study explores the possibility that religious fundamentalism (RF) may be linked to deficits in personality structure, which is in contrast to the general assumption that religiosity and spirituality are positively related to mature personality development. SAMPLING AND METHODS: To test this hypothesis, 327 (232 female) college students completed the Multidimensional Inventory for Religious/Spiritual Well-Being together with the Innsbrucker Religious Fundamentalism Scale. In addition, the 'vulnerable dark triad' of personality ('vulnerable narcissism', subscale of the Pathological Narcissism Inventory; 'secondary psychopathy', subscale of Levenson's Self-Report Psychopathy Scale; 'borderline personality', of the Borderline Personality Inventory) was assessed. RESULTS: In general, the relation between spirituality and healthy personality functioning was confirmed. In addition to greatly overlapping with 'general religiosity' (p < 0.001), RF was also relevantly predicted by narcissistic ('hiding the self') and borderline ('primitive defenses') personality facets (p < 0.05 for both). CONCLUSIONS: Based on these preliminary data, we conclude that specific structural deficits in personality might lead to more rigorous variants of religious/spiritual beliefs such as RF. Further research in clinical surroundings as well as in religious extremist groups is recommended.