606 resultados para Mythology


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How mythological texts and archaeological evidence can contour our understanding


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The The 18th-19th centuries orientalist preoccupations with mythology and ancient perennis lacked both a critical-theoretical sensitivity to historiography anchored in radical historical consciousness and a deep sense of philosophical argumentation, as distinct from discerning mythic patterns of textual (intra-textual or internal) disputation and its interpretative ramifications from another felicitous perspective, usually theology mitigated by whatever remains ‘modern’ in the arts. Philosophy of Religion on the other hand remained heavily straddled in the rigors of logic, reason, analysis, dialectic, reason, reductio, aggressive refutation, within established frameworks drawing from the other branches of philosophy, namely, again, logic, epistemology, ontology and metaphyics. This paper presents a view 'from below' to demonstrate and argue how philosophy o religion must change in the post-colonial era and pay more attention to indigenous patterns of theological thinking and critiquing of Western enlightenment-centred philosophy of religion. It is in Portuguese though.


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Background: Morphine is widely used in cancer care, and understanding the concerns and perceptions of patients, family and friends is vital to managing pain and distress effectively. The ‘myths of morphine’ have frequently been discussed in medical literature, yet the extent to which such views are held is not clear. This qualitative project explores the perceptions and attitudes of the wider community towards morphine use in cancer care, to understand this ‘mythology’ according to those who in the future may themselves require its use.
Methods: Semi-structured interviews were held with patients presenting to a metropolitan general practice clinic in Melbourne, Australia. A grounded theory framework underpinned the data collection and thematic analysis undertaken.
Results: Interviewees (15) were aged 24 – 81, with a variety of experiences with cancer care and previous morphine use. Interviewees were highly supportive of morphine use in cancer care, with this attitude founded on the perceived severity of cancer pain and the powerful nature of morphine. They described a number of reasons morphine may be used in cancer care: to treat pain, to enable peace and also as a treatment for cancer.
Conclusion: The public view of morphine to emerge from this study is markedly different from that discussed in the myths of morphine. It is viewed as a medication that has the ability to provide peace and control both pain and the course of cancer. The participants in this study described a wish for greater involvement in pain control decisions, perceiving morphine as a facilitator rather than a barrier to good cancer care.


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The destruction of Indigenous rock art sites in the Pilbara district in Western Australia has become a natural sight within the mining landscape of the area. Whilst much of the destruction is explained as acts of vandalism and as a result of the industrial activities that are propelling the Australian economy, I claim that a new theory of iconoclasm is needed to explain fully this disastrous example of heritage conservation. Henceforth, in order to explain the destruction of the Murujuga/Burrup Peninsula petroglyphs, the largest archaeological site in the world, this paper develops the theory of landscape iconoclasm. This theory states that the destruction of Indigenous landscapes can be compared to the destruction of religious images, by analysing the inherent symbolic functions of iconoclasm, together with those of heritage, the better to elucidate the state of affairs in the Murujuga/Burrup Peninsula. Furthermore, by drawing from Aboriginal mythology and art-historical and anthropological theories, the theory of landscape iconoclasm is able to explain the destruction of archaeological sites within a framework that falls outside prevalent discourses of heritage.


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Este estudo pretende fazer um demonstrativo de cinco mitos cosmogônicos, escolhidos inicialmente a partir de três critérios: pertencerem a civilizações, em certa medida, com características diversas; por serem civilizações histórica e culturalmente importantes; e por fim, por interesse de proximidade cultural, utilizou-se um mito cosmogônico brasileiro. O objetivo deste trabalho é mostrar que nesses mitos vamos encontrar mitemas que são estruturas básicas que desvelam questões importantes do acontecer psíquico. Resgatando a mitologia para uma situação de atualização, percebe-se que os dramas humanos do cotidiano são abordados nos mitos estudados. A mitologia, simbolicamente, tirada das mesmas questões, do homem de todas as culturas. Utilizando uma abordagem junguiana, podemos compreender que essa repetição dos mitemas, acontece, pois pertencem ao estrato do inconsciente coletivo. A compreensão do que foi visto, permite uma ampliação da possibilidade de trabalhar com psicologia clínica, permitindo que as pessoas tomem consciência da construção mitica de suas vidas, pois é justamente a inconsciência de vivê-la, que no mais das vezes, atrela o ser humano a esses determinismos impedindo-o de criar qualquer coisa em sua vida. Entende-se como saúde a possibilidade de livre-arbitrio. Sendo que para isso é importante o conhecimento dessas questões básicas comuns a humanidade. O conhecimento dessas estruturas e a possibilidade de libertação.


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This study was elaborated based on our research of the work Mithologiques by the anthropologist Claude Lévi-Strauss (1908-2009), which affirms that languages, indigenous myths and music are related. He proposes that the understanding of myths occurs in a similar manner as with an orchestral score. In the course of his tetralogy we investigated the musical terms used in the analysis and in the division of the chapters, especially in the first volume of his work. Several compositional procedures and forms are named. Composers in pairs are categorized: Sebastian Bach for the code, Ludwig van Beethoven for the message, and Richard Wagner for the myths. In this deduction, we structured in parts: theme and variations, sonata and fugue with the aforementioned composers. Within the greatness of anthropological study, from among over 800 myths, we selected the first five of the indigenous tribe Bororo to discuss within the Theme and Variation segment. In the Sonata part there are two myths with the same theme: The wife of the jaguar which relates to the compositional structure, and four myths about The origin of women. Finally, in the segment related to the Fugue, we collected four myths that address The shortness of life. Honoring the many terms expressed in opposition, contrast, or symmetry under consideration in Levi-Strauss work, we entitled this thesis emphasizing the migration between the tempos Largo and Prestíssimo as these are oppositional presentations in music. Fifteen musical myths accompany the work supported by selected narratives. In light of this we questioned, we questioned: how are incest, murder and other events part of a society that elevates nature as an extension of life itself? And how did Lévi-Strauss think that anthropology harmonized with music? In the preparation of this study, philosophers like Peter Sloterdijk discuss the circular territory of Mythology


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This research aims to analyze, in the view of students, the pedagogic project of undergraduate nursing course, of UFRN, and its articulation with the SUS, in an attempt to understand the issues that permeate the teaching and learning of nursing. This is a qualitative study that used the focus group technique as a tool to collect empirical data. There were three meetings, where we had the collaboration of 23 graduating students from the eighth period of the semester 2009.1. For the analysis of information, we use a theoretical framework based on curriculum guidelines and basic principles of the SUS, making the analogy of the results with the metaphor of Greek mythology, Ariadne's thread, in dialogue with authors who discuss education as a transformative practice. Thus, the texture of the yarn was built of five thematic fields: joint the pedagogic project with the SUS; the teaching/service and theory/practice relation; interdisciplinarity or transdisciplinarity; didactic/methodological and relational approaches; and co-participation of students in the pedagogic project. According to the discussions, we find many difficulties in the teaching and learning process of undergraduate nursing in UFRN to strengthen the SUS, including: dislocation of educational institutions with services, professionals, managers and community; dichotomy between theory and practice; reality of services as a learning field and working process in health; posture adopted by professionals, teachers and other subjects included in the process of health education; decontextualization and fragmentation of teaching with the practice in health and nursing; excessive use of very illustrative methodologies, but little problem-solving; difficult and precarious situation in the relations between teachers and between teachers/students, regarding the acceptance of differences; absence of participation of students in the evaluation process and conduct of the educational project in progress. In this sense, we understand the need an auto-reflexive act of teaching and conducting collective pedagogical course with a view to achieving the SUS. Thus, it is necessary to support practices motivated by the polyphonic dialogue and the exercise of symbiosis and autopoiesis of subjects/actors jointly responsible for the ongoing process of learning for life.


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In this work, Florbela Espanca poetry is analyzed. The objective is to prove that the loving thematic in her poetry tissues a connection among wish, love and sorrow. The psychoanalitic boarding is the basis to elucidate this connection,which begans with the sight, since mythology, passing by the portuguese literature begining periods and repeating itself in Florbela contemporanian poets. If Florbela poetry corroborates the portuguese literature tradiction, otherwise, it exposes the subject human being face, being a wishful creature


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O Pensamento de Platão tem o encanto das estátuas de Dédalo: esvai-se pelos meandros do discurso, tão logo se pretenda travar com ele uma relação de domínio. A sua correta interpretação exige que se assuma a Polis como o lugar natural no qual emerge, como a limitação que ele se propõe superar remontando à Fysis e ao Ser. Fazê-lo importa em captar o movimento que lhe é próprio, partindo da questão sobre o ente e visualizando a resposta como o enunciado de sua essência, isto é, do eidos, e de seu fundamento, isto é, do Bem como nome próprio do Ser. Determinando o ente em sua essência, o eidos é a medida de toda a adequação, da episteme à Polis.


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Este artigo é parte de uma Dissertação de Mestrado - Mito e Paródia: sua estrutura e função no texto literário - defendida em novembro de 1983 no Instituto de Estudos da Linguagem/Unicamp. A passagem aqui reproduzida pertence ao capítulo que trata da conceituação do mito. Ela procura apreender alguns de seus aspectos básicos dinamicamente, na transição de sua forma original, tal como ocorre nas sociedades primitivas e arcaicas, para seu sucedâneo ideológico, no contexto das sociedades históricas.


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Há uma filosofia da história implícita na obra de Thomas Mann. Este artigo pretende fornecer elementos para compreender esta filosofia que tem raízes em Schopenhauer e Nietzsche, mas que também deve muito às descobertas da psicanálise e ao aprofundado conhecimento de mitologia do escritor alemão.