368 resultados para Mycoplasma agalactiae
Identificação de micoplasmas pela inibição de crescimento de amostras isoladas de culturas celulares
As culturas celulares devem ser continuamente monitoradas quanto à presença de micoplasmas, pois, embora às vezes eles passem despercebidos, podem causar alterações cromossômicas, interferir na replicação viral, na produção de anticorpos e interferon. A Organização Internacional em Micoplasmologia (IOM) recomenda o isolamento e a identificação de micoplasmas, visando detectar as prováveis origens da infecção e melhorar a qualidade das culturas. Assim, foram analisadas pela inibição de crescimento, 37 amostras pertencentes a 27 linhagens celulares contaminadas por micoplasmas. Em nenhuma amostra foi observada a ocorrência de duas espécies. Foram identificados 18 (48,65%) Mycoplasma arginini, 15 (40,55%) Acholeplasma laidlawii, dois (5,40%) Mycoplasma orale, sendo que duas amostras (5,40%) não foram identificadas. Considerando as espécies caracterizadas na pesquisa, os autores sugerem: a) a adoção do teste de isolamento de micoplasmas em caráter de rotina; b) o aprimoramento das técnicas de assepsia e desinfecção; c) a eliminação da pipetagem bucal; d) a utilização de soros e de outros componentes de meios de cultura de qualidade certificada; e) o questionamento da presença de micoplasmas quando linhagens celulares são permutadas pelas instituições; f) a avaliação cautelosa de resultados obtidos quando se utilizam culturas infectadas por esse microrganismo.
The nitrogen heterocyclic organic compounds 1,4 dioxide pyrazine and quinoxaline derivatives have been widely studied due to their potential use as synthetic drugs. The thermochemical study of three N,N´-dioxides: 2,3,5-trimethylpyrazine-1,4-dioxide, tetramethylpyrazine-1,4-dioxide and 6-chloro-2,3-dimethilquinoxaline 1,4-dioxide has been recently developed in order to establish relationships among the energetical, structural and reactivity properties [4,5]. Several studies have reported their pharmacological activity, particularly as antimicrobial agents [1,2,3]. It has also been established a relation between energetical and structural properties and biological activity, once these compounds present N – oxide bonds, increasing their oxidative capacity. The present work reports the study of antimicrobial activity for those compounds against the bacteria Geobacillus stearothermophylus, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus agalactiae, Escherichia coli and also against the yeasts Saccharomyces cerevisiae PYCC 4072, Candida albicans PYCC3436T, Candida tropicalis PYCC, Issatchenka Orientalis PYCC. The determination of the minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC), points to an antimicrobial activity and the preliminary results indicate that these compounds may be potential candidates as antimicrobial drugs with clinical, agriculture or food industries applications.
The objective of the present study was to determine the prevalence of certain mycoplasma species, i.e., Mycoplasma hominis, Ureaplasma urealyticum and Mycoplasma penetrans, in urethral swabs from HIV-1 infected patients compared to swabs from a control group. Mycoplasmas were detected by routine culture techniques and by the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) technique, using 16SrRNA generic primers of conserved region and Mycoplasma penetrans specific primers. The positivity rates obtained with the two methods were comparable. Nevertheless, PCR was more sensitive, while the culture techniques allowed the quantification of the isolates. The results showed no significant difference (p < 0.05) in positivity rates between the methods used for mycoplasma detection.
Group B Streptococcus is the most common pathogen found in neonatal sepsis in North America. OBJECTIVES: We describe 15 cases of neonatal infections by Group B Streptococcus (Streptococcus agalactiae) at a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit of a public and teaching hospital. METHODS: We conducted a study at Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre, from January 1st, 1996 to June 30, 1999. Diagnosis of neonatal infection was established according to the findings of Group B Streptococcus in blood culture associated with alterations resembling sepsis on the basis of clinical picture and laboratory findings. RESULTS: Fifteen cases of neonatal infections by Group B Streptococcus were detected. Eleven cases consisted of early-onset sepsis, 2 cases of occult bacteremia and 2 cases of late-onset sepsis. Eight cases had septic shock (53%), 8 cases had pneumonia (53%), and 4 cases had meningitis (27%). Fourteen cases were diagnosed from a positive blood culture, and 1 case from evidence of these bacteria in pulmonary anatomopathological examination. Thirteen cases (87%) were diagnosed before 72 hours of life. We had 3 deaths (20%), and 3 cases of meningitis developing neurological deficits. CONCLUSIONS: Streptococcus Group B is one of the most important pathogens in the etiology of early-onset neonatal sepsis at our hospital, with high mortality and morbidity. However, we do not know the incidence of GBS neonatal infections at other hospitals. More data are needed to establish a basis for trials of different strategies to reduce these infections.
In this review we report our recent findings of histopathological features of plaque instability and the association with Mycoplasma pneumoniae (MP) and Chlamydia pneumoniae (CP) infection, studying thrombosed coronary artery segments (CAS) of patients who died due to acute myocardial infarction. Vulnerable plaques are known to be associated with fat atheromas and inflammation of the plaque. Here we demonstrated that vulnerability is also related with focal positive vessel remodeling that maintains relatively well preserved lumen even in the presence of large atheromatous plaques. This phenomena may explain why the cinecoronariography may not detect large and dangerous vulnerable plaques. Greater amount of these bacteria in vulnerable plaques is associated with adventitial inflammation and positive vessel remodeling: the mean numbers of lymphocytes were significantly higher in adventitia than in the plaque, good direct correlation was obtained between numbers of CD20 B cells and numbers of CP infected cells in adventitia, and between % area of MP-DNA in the plaque and cross sectional area of the vessel, suggesting a cause-effect relationship. Mycoplasma is a bacterium that needs cholesterol for proliferation and may increase virulence of other infectious agents. In conclusion, co-infection by Mycoplasma pneumoniae and Chlamydia pneumoniae may represent an important co-factor for plaque instability, leading to coronary plaque thrombosis and acute myocardial infarction, since larger amount of these bacteria strongly correlated with histological signs of more vulnerability of the plaque. The search of CMV and Helicobacter pilori in these tissues resulted negative.
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Biologia
Introdução: A síndrome de Stevens-Johnson é uma doença rara com mortalidade de 1 a 5% e morbilidade significativa. Ocorre na sequência de uma reacção de hipersensibilidade imuno-mediada com susceptibilidade individual associada a factores genéticos. Pode ser desencadeada por agentes infecciosos, mas na maior parte dos casos o factor desencadeante é a exposição a fármacos. Caso clínico: Criança de 3 anos, previamente saudável, internada por febre alta, exantema papulovesicular generalizado com predomínio no tronco, dorso e face, enantema e hiperémia conjuntival. Posteriormente verificou-se coalescência das lesões cutâneas com evolução para necrose e descamação. Tinha adicionalmente erosões da mucosa oral, estomatite, edema e eritema dos lábios, períneo e balanite. Fotofobia, hiperémia conjuntival, edema palpebral, exsudado ocular sem sinéquias e córnea sem lesões. Duas semanas antes tinha sido medicado pela primeira vez com ibuprofeno e na admissão hospitalar realizou uma nova administração. Nega ingestão de outros fármacos. PCR para vírus do grupo herpes nas lesões, exames culturais negativos e serologias para Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Borrelia burgdoferi, vírus da hepatite B, Epstein-Barr e citomegalovírus negativos. TASO e anti-DNaseB sem alterações. IFI para vírus respiratórios negativa. Posteriormente identificou-se enterovírus por PCR nas fezes de que se aguarda cultura viral. Foi interrompida a administração de ibuprofeno e realizada terapêutica de suporte com fluidoterapia endovenosa, nutrição parentérica, analgesia sistémica e tópica. Manteve febre durante 10 dias, registando-se regressão progressiva da sintomatologia com melhoria das lesões ao fim de 3 semanas. Programou-se seguimento para rastreio de complicações cutâneo-mucosas e oftalmológicas e estudo de alergias medicamentosas. Comentários: O diagnóstico da síndrome de Stevens-Johnson é clínico e, em caso de dúvida, histológico, suportado por história de exposição a fármacos ou intercorrência infecciosa. A ingestão de ibuprofeno pela primeira vez com agravamento após a reexposição ao fármaco leva-nos a suspeitar ser esta a etiologia mais provável. Contudo, a identificação de enterovírus não permite excluir este agente como interveniente na doença.
Introdução: A narcolepsia é uma doença do sono REM com desregulação do ciclo de sono-vigília, consequente sonolência diurna e eventual associação a alucinações hipnagógicas, paralisia do sono e cataplexia. A sua prevalência é de 0,05 a 0,02% no adulto mas desconhecida na idade pediátrica. Caso clínico: Criança de seis anos, previamente saudável com sonolência excessiva até 18 horas/dia e discinésia oromandibular, desequilíbrio na marcha e movimentos coreiformes dos membros superiores. Duas semanas antes realizara vacinação para a gripe pandémica. Registou-se ainda hiperfagia diurna e nocturna durante cinco dias com resolução espontânea, episódios de cataplexia perante riso e alterações emocionais e tremor da cabeça e dos membros superiores com melhoria clínica progressiva após oito dias. Realizou RMN-CE e EEG sem alterações. O exame líquido céfalo-raquidiano e PCR para painel de vírus herpes, Mycoplasma pneumoniae e enterovírus negativas. Nesta fase realizou polissonografia com teste de latências múltiplas do sono (TLMS) sem alterações. Exame cultural do exsudado faríngeo, TASO e anticorpo AntiDnase B negativos. Da exaustiva investigação que realizou apresentava serologias ELISA e WB compatíveis com infecção por Borrelia burdorferi, pelo que cumpriu ceftriaxone 14 dias. Serologias para influenza A mostraram IgM 39 UA/mL com IgG 194 UA/mL com segunda amostra com IgM 43 UA/mL e IgG 162 UA/mL (VR IgM<20;IgG<20). O estudo da autoimunidade revelou ANA 1/320, anticorpos anticardiolipina e antinucleares extraíveis negativos. Restantes autoanticorpos e doseamento de complemento normal. Anticorpos Anti-NMDA e VKCG negativos. Doseamento de hipocretina muito diminuído com HLA DR2 e DQB1*0602 presentes. A polissonografia com TLMS, sete meses após a primeira, confirmou sonolência excessiva com quatro inícios do sono REM sugestivos de narcolepsia. Faz terapêutica com metilfenidato, a sonolência diurna diminuiu e cumpre o seu horário escolar sem limitações. Comentários: O diagnóstico de narcolepsia foi sugerido pela clínica e confirmado pelo teste de latências múltiplas. O valor de hipocretina diminuído pode sugerir uma etiologia autoimune. Uma infecção como a borreliose ou a vacinação prévia para H1N1, responsabilizada por outros casos de narcolepsia podem ter sido desencadeantes de uma alteração imunitária responsável pela doença, nesta criança com a susceptibilidade HLA DR2 e DBQ1*0602.
Acquired factor X deficiency is an extremely rare situation. It has shown to be associated with systemic amyloidosis, respiratory mycoplasma infection, factor X inhibitors, antiphospholipid antibodies, vitamin K defi ciency/liver disease as well as the use of certain medications (meropenem, valproic acid). The pathogenesis and transient nature of this deficit remain poorly understood. The authors describe the case of a teenager hospitalised for extensive burns that developed active bleeding after removal of central venous catheter. He was diagnosed with transient factor X deficiency. Normalisation of coagulation status and factor X levels occurred spontaneously 10 days after the bleeding episode.
SUMMARY The aims of this study were to determine the prevalence of hemoplasmas in a rural Brazilian settlement's population of human beings, their dogs and horses, highly exposed to tick bites; to identify the tick species parasitizing dogs and horses, and analyze factors associated with their infection. Blood samples from 132 dogs, 16 horses and 100 humans were screened using a pan-hemoplasma SYBR green real-time PCR assay followed by a species-specific TaqMan real-time PCR. A total of 59/132 (44.7%) dog samples were positive for hemoplasmas (21 Mycoplasma haemocanisalone, 12 ' Candidatus Mycoplasma haematoparvum' alone and 21 both). Only 1/100 (1.0%) human sample was positive by qPCR SYBR green, with no successful amplification of 16S rRNA or 23 rRNA genes despite multiple attempts. All horse samples were negative. Dogs >1 year of age were more likely to be positive for hemoplasmas ( p= 0.0014). In conclusion, although canine hemoplasma infection was highly prevalent, cross-species hemoplasma transmission was not observed, and therefore may not frequently occur despite overexposure of agents and vectors.
A fasceíte necrosante (FN) é uma doença rara em pediatria. Na maior parte dos casos surge como complicação de varicela, sendo a pele habitualmente a porta de entrada e o Streptococcus pyogenes o agente mais frequente. Os autores descrevem um caso clínico de uma criança de 8 anos, previamente saudável que, no contexto de uma otite média aguda medicada com um anti-inflamatório não esteróide (AINE), desenvolve uma infecção invasiva a Streptococcus 13 hemoliticus do grupo A.
De el estúdio de 195 exudados vaginales enviados por el Servicio de Ginecologia de este hospital, durante el período 1988-1990, hemos seleccionado aquellos en los que el cultivo fue positivo para estreptococos, 58 (30%) de los cuales 26 (44.8%) correspondia a Streptococcus morbillorum, 9 (15.5%) a Gardnerella vaginalis, 5 (8.6%) a Enterococcus faecalis-durans, y a Streptococcus agalactiae, 3 (5.1%) a Streptococcus mitis y Streptococcus mitis, 2 (3-4%) a Streptococcus bovis y Streptococcus cremoris y 1 (1.7%) a Streptococcus salivarius, Streptococcus equinus y Strptococcus sanguis II respectivamente. En todos los casos se observo antecedentes de actuacción medico- quirurjica en el tracto genital, y en el 52.8% de los casos fuô concomitante con el diagnostico clinico-micologico de candidiasis vaginal. La ideittificaccion bacteriologica se realizo mediante el sistema API 20 STREP (sistema api bioMêríeux GmbH, Nütingen, Alemania) dando un patron tipico ("excelente identificacción") para el Streptococcus morbillorum.
ABSTRACTINTRODUCTION: This study aimed to determine the frequencies of bacterial isolates cultured from diabetic foot infections and assess their resistance and susceptibility to commonly used antibiotics.METHODS: This prospective study included 41 patients with diabetic foot lesions. Bacteria were isolated from foot lesions, and their antibiotic susceptibility pattern was determined using the Kirby-Bauer disk diffusion method and/or broth method [minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC)].RESULTS: The most common location of ulceration was the toe (54%), followed by the plantar surface (27%) and dorsal portion (19%). A total of 89 bacterial isolates were obtained from 30 patients. The infections were predominantly due to Gram-positive bacteria and polymicrobial bacteremia. The most commonly isolated Gram-positive bacteria were Staphylococcus aureus, followed by Staphylococcus saprophyticus, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Streptococcus agalactiae, and Streptococcus pneumoniae. The most commonly isolated Gram-negative bacteria were Proteus spp. and Enterobacterspp., followed by Escherichia coli, Pseudomonasspp., and Citrobacterspp. Nine cases of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) had cefoxitin resistance, and among these MRSA isolates, 3 were resistant to vancomycin with the MIC technique. The antibiotic imipenem was the most effective against both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, and gentamicin was effective against Gram-negative bacteria.CONCLUSIONS: The present study confirmed the high prevalence of multidrug-resistant pathogens in diabetic foot ulcers. It is necessary to evaluate the different microorganisms infecting the wound and to know the antibiotic susceptibility patterns of the isolates from the infected wound. This knowledge is crucial for planning treatment with the appropriate antibiotics, reducing resistance patterns, and minimizing healthcare costs.
These guidelines for the treatment of persons who have or are at risk for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) were updated by CDC after consultation with a group of professionals knowledgeable in the field of STDs who met in Atlanta on April 18–30, 2009. The information in this report updates the 2006 Guidelines for Treatment of Sexually Transmitted Diseases (MMWR 2006;55[No. RR–11]). Included in these updated guidelines is new information regarding 1) the expanded diagnostic evaluation for cervicitis and trichomoniasis; 2) new treatment recommendations for bacterial vaginosis and genital warts; 3) the clinical efficacy of azithromycin for chlamydial infections in pregnancy; 4) the role of Mycoplasma genitalium and trichomoniasis in urethritis/cervicitis and treatment-related implications; 5) lymphogranuloma venereum proctocolitis among men who have sex with men; 6) the criteria for spinal fluid examination to evaluate for neurosyphilis; 7) the emergence of azithromycin-resistant Treponema pallidum; 8) the increasing prevalence of antimicrobial-resistant Neisseria gonorrhoeae; 9) the sexual transmission of hepatitis C; 10) diagnostic evaluation after sexual assault; and 11) STD prevention approaches.
Point-of-care (POC) tests offer potentially substantial benefits for the management of infectious diseases, mainly by shortening the time to result and by making the test available at the bedside or at remote care centres. Commercial POC tests are already widely available for the diagnosis of bacterial and viral infections and for parasitic diseases, including malaria. Infectious diseases specialists and clinical microbiologists should be aware of the indications and limitations of each rapid test, so that they can use them appropriately and correctly interpret their results. The clinical applications and performance of the most relevant and commonly used POC tests are reviewed. Some of these tests exhibit insufficient sensitivity, and should therefore be coupled to confirmatory tests when the results are negative (e.g. Streptococcus pyogenes rapid antigen detection test), whereas the results of others need to be confirmed when positive (e.g. malaria). New molecular-based tests exhibit better sensitivity and specificity than former immunochromatographic assays (e.g. Streptococcus agalactiae detection). In the coming years, further evolution of POC tests may lead to new diagnostic approaches, such as panel testing, targeting not just a single pathogen, but all possible agents suspected in a specific clinical setting. To reach this goal, the development of serology-based and/or molecular-based microarrays/multiplexed tests will be needed. The availability of modern technology and new microfluidic devices will provide clinical microbiologists with the opportunity to be back at the bedside, proposing a large variety of POC tests that will allow quicker diagnosis and improved patient care.