887 resultados para Muscle Strength.
RESUMO:Contexto: A avaliação do estado de nutrição do doente com indicação para transplante hepático (TH) deve ser abrangente, considerando o amplo espetro de situações clínicas e metabólicas. As alterações metabólicas relacionadas com a doença hepática podem limitar a aplicação de métodos de avaliação nutricional, subestimando a desnutrição. Após o TH, é expectável a reversão dos distúrbios metabólicos da doença hepática, pela melhoria da função do fígado. No entanto, algumas complicações metabólicas podem surgir após o TH, relacionadas com a má-nutrição, a desnervação hepática e o uso prolongado de imunossupressão, comprometendo os resultados clínicos a longo-prazo. A medição longitudinal e confiável do metabolismo energético e dos compartimentos corporais após o TH, avaliada em conjunto com fatores influentes no estado de nutrição, pode identificar precocemente situações de risco e otimizar e individualizar estratégias clínicas e nutricionais com vantagens no prognóstico. Objetivo: Avaliar longitudinalmente, a curto prazo, o estado de nutrição após o TH em doentes com insuficiência hepática por doença crónica e identificar os fatores, para além da cirurgia, que determinam diferentes evoluções do metabolismo energético e da composição corporal. Métodos: Foi estudada uma coorte de indivíduos com indicação para TH por doença hepática crónica, admitidos consecutivamente para TH ortotópico eletivo, durante 2 anos. Foram programados 3 momentos de avaliação: na última consulta pré-TH (T0), logo que adquirida autonomia respiratória e funcional após o TH (T1) e um mês após o TH (T2). Nesses momentos, foram medidos no mesmo dia: o suprimento nutricional por recordatório das últimas 24 horas, o estado de nutrição por Avaliação Subjetiva Global (ASG), o gasto energético em repouso (GER) por calorimetria indireta, a antropometria, a composição corporal por bioimpedância elétrica tetrapolar multifrequências e a força muscular por dinamometria de preensão palmar. O índice de massa magra (IMM) e a massa celular corporal (MCC) foram usados como indicadores do músculo esquelético e a percentagem de massa gorda (%MG) e o índice de massa gorda (IMG) como indicadores de adiposidade. O GER foi comparado com o estimado pelas fórmulas de Harris-Benedict para classificação do estado metabólico em:hipermetabolismo (GER medido >120% do GER estimado), normometabolismo (GER medido entre 80 e 120% do GER estimado) e hipometabolismo (GER medido <80% do GER estimado). Foi utilizada análise multivariável: por regressão logística, para identificar variáveis associadas à possibilidade (odds ratio – OR) de pertencer a cada grupo metabólico pré-TH; por regressão linear múltipla, para identificar variáveis associadas à variação dos compartimentos corporais no período pós-TH; e por modelos de efeitos mistos generalizados, para identificar variáveis associadas à evolução do GER e dos compartimentos corporais entre o período pré- e pós-TH. Resultados: Foram incluídos 56 indivíduos com idade, média (DP), 53,7 (8,5) anos, 87,5% do sexo masculino, 23,2% com doença hepática crónica de etiologia etanólica. Após o TH, em 60,7% indivíduos foi administrado regime imunossupressor baseado no tacrolimus. Os indivíduos foram avaliados [mediana (AIQ)] 90,5 (P25: 44,2; P75: 134,5) dias antes do TH (T0), 9,0 (P25: 7,0; P75: 12,0) dias após o TH (T1) e 36,0 (P25: 31,0; P75: 43,0) dias após o TH (T2). Após o TH houve melhoria significativa do estado de nutrição, com diminuição da prevalência de desnutrição classificada pela ASG (37,5% em T0, 16,1% em T2, p<0,001). Antes do TH, 41,1% dos indivíduos eram normometabólicos, 37,5% hipometabólicos e 21,4% hipermetabólicos. A possibilidade de pertencer a cada grupo metabólico pré-TH associou-se à: idade (OR=0,899, p=0,010) e desnutrição pela ASG (OR=5,038, p=0,015) para o grupo normometabólico; e índice de massa magra (IMM, OR=1,264, p=0,049) e etiologia viral da doença hepática (OR=8,297, p=0,019) para o grupo hipermetabólico. Não se obteve modelo múltiplo para o grupo de hipometabólico pré-TH, mas foram identificadas associações univariáveis com a história de toxicodependência (OR=0,282, p=0,047) e com a sarcopénia pré- TH (OR=8,000, p=0,040). Após o TH, houve normalização significativa e progressiva do estado metabólico, indicada pelo aumento da prevalência de normometabolismo (41,1% em T0, 57,1% em T2, p=0,040). Foram identificados diferentes perfis de evolução do GER após o TH, estratificado pelo estado metabólico pré-TH: no grupo hipometabólico pré-TH, o GER (Kcal) aumentou significativa e progressivamente (1030,6 em T0; 1436,1 em T1, p=0,001; 1659,2 em T2, p<0,001); no grupo hipermetabólico pré-TH o GER diminuiu significativa e progressivamente (2097,1 em T0; 1662,5 em T1, p=0,024; 1493,0 em T2, p<0.001); no grupo normometabólico não houve variações significativas. Os perfis de evolução do GER associaram-se com: peso corporal (β=9,6, p<0,001) e suprimento energético (β=13,6, p=0,005) na amostra total; com peso corporal (β=7,1, p=0,018) e contributo energético dos lípidos (β=18,9, p=0,003) no grupo hipometabólico pré-TH; e com peso corporal (β=14,1, p<0,001) e desnutrição pela ASG (β=-171,0, p=0,007) no grupo normometabólico pré-TH.Houve redução transitória dos compartimentos corporais entre T0 e T1, mas a maioria destes recuperou para valores semelhantes aos pré-TH. As exceções foram a água extracelular, que diminuiu entre T0 e T2 (média 18,2 L e 17,8 L, p=0,042), a massa gorda (média 25,1 Kg e 21,7 Kg, p<0,001) e o IMG (média 10,6 Kg.m-2 e 9,3 Kg.m-2, p<0,001) que diminuíram entre T1 e T2. Relativamente à evolução dos indicadores de músculo esquelético e adiposidade ao longo do estudo: a evolução do IMM associou-se com força de preensão palmar (β=0,06, p<0,001), creatininémia (β=2,28, p<0,001) e número total de fármacos administrados (β=-0,21, p<0,001); a evolução da MCC associou-se com força de preensão palmar (β=0,16, p<0,001), creatininémia (β=4,17, p=0,008) e número total de fármacos administrados (β=-0,46, p<0,001); a evolução da %MG associou-se com força de preensão palmar (β=-0,11, p=0,028), história de toxicodependência (β=-5,75, p=0,024), creatininémia (β=-5,91, p=0,004) e suprimento proteico (β=-0,06, p=0,001); a evolução do IMG associou-se com história de toxicodependência (β=- 2,64, p=0,019), creatininémia (β=-2,86, p<0,001) e suprimento proteico (β=-0,02, p<0,001). A variação relativa (%Δ) desses compartimentos corporais entre T1 e T2 indicou o impacto da terapêutica imunossupressora na composição corporal: o regime baseado na ciclosporina associou-se positivamente com a %Δ do IMM (β=23,76, p<0,001) e %Δ da MCC (β=26,58, p<0,001) e negativamente com a %Δ MG (β=-25,64, p<0,001) e %Δ do IMG (β=-25,62, p<0,001), relativamente ao regime baseado no tacrolimus. Os esteróides não influenciaram a evolução do GER nem com a dos compartimentos corporais. Conclusões: O estado de nutrição, avaliado por ASG, melhorou significativamente após o TH, traduzida pela diminuição da prevalência de desnutrição. O normometabolismo pré-TH foi prevalente e associou-se à menor idade e à desnutrição pré- TH. O hipometabolismo pré-TH associou-se à história de toxicodependência e à sarcopénia pré-TH. O hipermetabolismo pré-TH associou-se ao maior IMM e à etiologia viral da doença hepática. Após o TH, houve normalização progressiva do estado metabólico. Foram identificados três perfis de evolução do GER, associando-se com: peso corporal e suprimento energético na amostra total; peso corporal e contributo energético dos lípidos no grupo hipometabólico pré- TH; e peso corporal e desnutrição pela ASG no grupo normometabólico pré-TH. Foram identificados diferentes perfis de evolução da composição corporal após TH. A evolução do músculo esquelético associou-se positivamente com a força de preensão palmar e a creatininémia e negativamente com o número total de fármacos administrados. A evolução da adiposidade (%MG e IMG) associou-se inversamente com a história de toxicodependência, a creatininémia e o suprimento proteico; adicionalmente, a %MG associou-se inversamente com a força de preensão palmar. O regime baseado na ciclosporina associou-se independentemente com diminuição da adiposidade e aumento do músculo esquelético, comparativamente ao regime baseado no tacrolimus.---------------------------ABSTRACT:Background: The assessment of nutritional status in patients undergoing liver transplantation (LTx) should be comprehensive, accounting for the wide spectrum of the clinical and metabolic conditions. The metabolic disturbances related to liver disease may limit the precision and accuracy of traditional nutritional assessment methods underestimating the undernourishment. After LTx, it is expected that many metabolic derangements improve with the recovery of liver function. However, some metabolic complications arising after LTx, related to nutritional status, hepatic denervation, and prolonged immunosuppression, may compromise the longterm outcome. A reliable longitudinal assessment of both energy metabolism and body compartments after LTx, combined with assessments of other factors potentially affecting the nutritional status, may enable a better interpretation on the relationship between the metabolic and the nutritional status. These reliable assessments may precociously identify nutritional risk conditions and optimize and customize clinical and nutritional strategies improving the prognosis. Objective: To assess longitudinally the nutritional status shortly after orthotopic LTx in patients with chronic liver disease, and identify factors, beyond surgery, determining different energy metabolism and body composition profiles.Methods: A cohort of consecutive patients who underwent LTx due to chronic liver disease was studied within a period of two years. The assessments were performed in three occasions: at the last visit before LTx (T0), after surgery as soon as respiratory and functional autonomy was established (T1), and approximately one month after surgery (T2). On each occasion all assessments were performed on the same day, and included: the dietary assessment by 24- hour dietary recall, nutritional status by the Subjective Global Assessment (SGA), the resting energy expenditure (REE) by indirect calorimetry, anthropometry, body composition by multifrequency bioelectrical impedance analysis, and muscle strength by handgrip strength. Both the lean mass index (LMI) and body cell mass (BCM) were used as surrogates of skeletal muscle, and both the percentage of fat mass (%FM) and fat mass index (FMI) of adiposity. The REE was predicted according to the Harris and Benedict equation. Hypermetabolism was defined as a measured REE more than 120% of the predicted value; normometabolism as a measured REE within 80-120% of the predicted value; and hypometabolism as a measured REE less than 80% of the predicted value. Multiple regression analysis was used: by logistic regression to identify variables associated with odds of belong each pre-LTx metabolic groups; by linear multiple regression analysis to identify variables associated with body compartments relative variations (%Δ) in the post-LTx period; and by mixed effects models to identify variables associated with the REE and body compartments profiles pre- and post-LTx. Results: Fifty six patients with a mean (SD) of 53.7 (8.5) years of age were included, 87.5% were men and 23.2% with alcoholic liver disease. After LTx 60.7% individuals were assigned to tacrolimus-based immunosuppressive regimen. The patients were assessed at a median time (inter-quartil range) of 90.5 (P25 44.2; P75 134.5) days before LTx (T0), at a median time of 9.0 (P25 7.0; P75 12.0) (T1) and 36 (P25 31.0; P75 43.0) (T2) days after LTx. After LTx the nutritional status significantly improved: the SGA-undernourishment decreased from 37.5% (T0) to 16.1% (T2) (p<0.001). Before LTx, 41.1% patients were normometabolic, 37.5% hypometabolic, and 21.4% hypermetabolic. The predictors of each pre-LTx metabolic group were: age (OR=0.899, p=0.010) and SGA-undernourishment (OR=5.038, p=0.015) for the normometabolic group; and LMI (OR=1.264, p=0.049) and viral etiology of liver disease (OR=8.297, p=0.019) for the hypermetabolic group. No multiple model was found for the pre-LTx hypometabolic group, but univariate association was found with history of drug addiction (OR=0.282, p=0.047) and pre- LTx sarcopenia (OR=8.000, p=0.040). After LTx a significant normalization of the metabolic status occurred, indicated by the increase in the prevalence of normometabolic patients (from T0: 41.1% to T2: 57.1%, p=0.040). Different REE profiles were found with REE stratified by preoperative metabolic status: in the hypometabolic group a significant progressive increase in mean REE (Kcal) was observed (T0: 1030.6; T1: 1436.1, p=0.001; T2: 1659.2, p<0.001); in the hypermetabolic group, a significant progressive decrease in mean REE (Kcal) was observed (T0: 2097.1; T1: 1662.5, p=0.024; T2: 1493.0, p<0.001); and in the normometabolic group, no significant differences were found. The REE profiles were associated with: body weight (β- estimate=9.6, p<0.001) and energy intake (β-estimate=13.6, p=0.005) in the whole sample; with body weight (β-estimate=7.1, p=0.018) and %TEV from lipids (β-estimate=18.9, p=0.003) in the hypometabolic group; and with body weight (β-estimate=14.1, p<0.001), and SGAundernourishment (β-estimate=-171, p=0.007) in the normometabolic group. A transient decrease in most body compartments occurred from T0 to T1, with subsequent catch-up to similar preoperative values. Exceptions were the extracellular water, decreasing from T0 to T2 (mean 18.2 L to 17.8 L, p=0.042), the fat mass (mean 25.1 Kg to 21.7 Kg, p<0.001) and FMI (mean 10.6 Kg.m-2 to 9.3 Kg.m-2, p<0.001), decreasing from T1 to T2. Significant predictors of skeletal muscle and adiposity profiles were found: LMI evolution was associated with handgrip strength (β-estimate=0.06, p<0.001), serum creatinine (β- estimate=2.28, p<0.001) and number of medications (β-estimate=-0.21, p<0.001); BCM evolution was associated with handgrip strength (β-estimate=0.16, p<0.001), serum creatinine (β-estimate=4.17, p<0.001) and number of medications (β-estimate=-0.46, p<0.001); the %FM evolution was associated with handgrip strength (β-estimate=-0.11, p=0.028), history of drug addiction (β-estimate=-5.75, p=0.024), serum creatinine (β-estimate=-5.91, p=0.004) and protein intake (β-estimate=-0.06, p=0.001); and FMI evolution was associated with history of drug addiction (β-estimate=-2.64, p=0.019), serum creatinine (β-estimate=-2.86, p<0.001) and protein intake (β-estimate=-0.02, p<0.001). The %Δ of the aforementioned body compartments from T1 to T2 indicated the influence of immunosuppressive agents on body composition: the cyclosporine-based regimen, compared with tacrolimus-based regimen, was positively associated with %Δ LMI (β-estimate=23.76, p<0.001) and %Δ BCM (β- estimate=26.58, p<0.001), and inversely associated with %Δ FM (β-estimate=-25.64, p<0.001) and %Δ FMI (β-estimate=-25.62, p<0.001). No significant changes in REE or body composition were observed associated with dose or duration of steroid therapy. Conclusions: The SGA-assessed nutritional status improved shortly after LTx, with significant decrease in prevalence undernourished individuals. XXI Preoperative normometabolism was prevalent and was associated with younger age and SGAundernourishment before LTx. Preoperative hypometabolism was associated with history of drug addiction and pre-LTx sarcopenia. Preoperative hypermetabolism was associated with higher LMI and viral etiology of liver disease. A significant normalization of the metabolic status was observed after LTx. The REE profiles were positively predicted by body weight and energy intake in the whole sample, by body weight and percentage of energy intake from lipids in the preoperative hypometabolic patients, and by body weight and SGA–undernourishment in the preoperative normometabolic patients. Different body composition profiles were found after LTx. Skeletal muscle profile was positively associated with handgrip strength and serum creatinine, and inversely with the number of medications. The adiposity profile was inversely associated with history of drug addiction, serum creatinine and protein intake. Additionally, the %FM evolution was inversely associated with handgrip strength. The cyclosporine-based regimen, compared with tacrolimus-based regimen, was independently associated with skeletal muscle increase and adiposity decrease.
A presente dissertação pretendeu verificar o efeito de um programa de exercício supervisionado versus domiciliário, de intensidade moderada, com a duração de 16 semanas, na aptidão física de pessoas com fibromialgia. Houve necessidade de ajustamento dos objetivos e analisaram-se os dados obtidos no primeiro momento de avaliação, pretendendo-se analisar a relação entre variáveis de aptidão física, contribuindo para a compreensão da aptidão física de pessoas com fibromialgia. Apresentam-se e analisam-se variáveis de aptidão física e os resultados do efeito do exercício a nível de composição corporal, capacidade cardiorrespiratória e capacidade funcional. Neste âmbito realizaram-se 5 estudos. No estudo I analisou-se a precisão de diferentes equações preditivas de consumo de oxigénio, que utilizam a distância caminhada no teste de marcha de 6 minutos e propõe-se uma atualização para a equação específica para esta população. No estudo II observou-se a relação entre o consumo de oxigénio, composição corporal e força muscular. No estudo III avaliou-se a precisão de equações preditivas de composição corporal utilizando pregas adiposas e a densitometria de raio-X de dupla energia como método de referência. No estudo IV verificou-se qual o índice que melhor reflete a composição corporal destas mulheres. No estudo V analisou-se a associação entre a frequência cardíaca de recuperação, após um teste de esforço máximo e o consumo de oxigénio. Os principais resultados reforçam os resultados anteriores de que a população estudada apresenta diminuição da aptidão física, da capacidade funcional e valores de composição corporal indicativos de excesso de peso. Não apresentaram alterações autonómicas e verificou-se que a distância caminhada durante o teste de marcha de 6 minutos, a idade, percentagem de massa gorda e a massa magra apendicular são preditores do VO2 pico. Após a intervenção as participantes apresentaram alterações positivas a nível da aptidão física.
Tipo de Estudo: Revisão. Temática: Efeito do exercício na biomecânica da locomoção de crianças e adolescentes com paralisia cerebral que apresentam marcha em agachamento (designada como “crouch gait”). Objetivos: 1) verificar e analisar as metodologias de programas de treino de força que, combinados ou não com outros programas de treino, exercícios ou intervenções, visam melhorar o padrão da marcha e a funcionalidade destes indivíduos; 2) tendo por base os resultados do primeiro objetivo, compilar uma bateria de exercícios e propôr um exemplo de plano de treino adequado a esta população. Métodos: Usou-se o PICOS para a definição de uma estratégia de busca segura e confiável. A “PubMed”, “Cochrane” e “Web of Knowledge", foram as bases de dados selecionadas e utilizadas. A pesquisa aconteceu na Faculdade de Motricidade Humana e no Hospital de Santa Maria em Lisboa. A seleção final dos artigos decorreu no mês de Janeiro, durante uma semana, e foi realizada e rastreada por dois investigadores de forma diferente. Incluíram-se nesta revisão estudos randomizados e controlados, com crianças e adolescentes com paralisia cerebral e que apresentam “crouch gait”, e nos quais foram utilizados protocolos de exercício como método de intervenção nesta população, tendo em vista a melhoria do padrão de marcha. Resultados: Da pesquisa inicial resultaram 223 estudos. Com a leitura dos resumos, selecionaram-se 96. Excluíram-se 85 porque apenas 11 cumpriram com todos os critérios de eligibilidade. Foi avaliada a qualidade metodológica destes 11 estudos com a escala PEDro e excluíram-se 3, resultando em 8 artigos como potenciais estudos para a revisão. Discussão: Um melhor alinhamento biomecânico e a obtenção de uma base mais estável podem afetar positivamente a função da marcha nestas crianças. O treino da força, sozinho, nem sempre melhora a capacidade da marcha. A melhoria da marcha advém dos efeitos e resultados significativos da força muscular, da amplitude de movimento articular, da diminuição da espasticidade, da regulação do tónus e da melhoria do equilíbrio e da postura. Conclusão: O treino da força não é uma contra indicação para estes indivíduos. Este oferece efeitos benéficos para a melhoria das suas funcionalidades. Para um efeito significativo, a intervenção deve ser superior a seis (6) semanas.
Abstract Background: Resistance training (RT) has been recommended as a non-pharmacological treatment for moderate hypertension. In spite of the important role of exercise intensity on training prescription, there is still no data regarding the effects of RT intensity on severe hypertension (SH). Objective: This study examined the effects of two RT protocols (vertical ladder climbing), performed at different overloads of maximal weight carried (MWC), on blood pressure (BP) and muscle strength of spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) with SH. Methods: Fifteen male SHR ENT#091;206 ± 10 mmHg of systolic BP (SBP)ENT#093; and five Wistar Kyoto rats (WKY; 119 ± 10 mmHg of SBP) were divided into 4 groups: sedentary (SED-WKY) and SHR (SED-SHR); RT1-SHR training relative to body weight (~40% of MWC); and RT2-SHR training relative to MWC test (~70% of MWC). Systolic BP and heart rate (HR) were measured weekly using the tail-cuff method. The progression of muscle strength was determined once every fifteen days. The RT consisted of 3 weekly sessions on non-consecutive days for 12-weeks. Results: Both RT protocols prevented the increase in SBP (delta - 5 and -7 mmHg, respectively; p > 0.05), whereas SBP of the SED-SHR group increased by 19 mmHg (p < 0.05). There was a decrease in HR only for the RT1 group (p < 0.05). There was a higher increase in strength in the RT2 (140%; p < 0.05) group as compared with RT1 (11%; p > 0.05). Conclusions: Our data indicated that both RT protocols were effective in preventing chronic elevation of SBP in SH. Additionally, a higher RT overload induced a greater increase in muscle strength.
OBJECTIVES: To develop data-driven criteria for clinically inactive disease on and off therapy for juvenile dermatomyositis (JDM). METHODS: The Paediatric Rheumatology International Trials Organisation (PRINTO) database contains 275 patients with active JDM evaluated prospectively up to 24 months. Thirty-eight patients off therapy at 24 months were defined as clinically inactive and included in the reference group. These were compared with a random sample of 76 patients who had active disease at study baseline. Individual measures of muscle strength/endurance, muscle enzymes, physician's and parent's global disease activity/damage evaluations, inactive disease criteria derived from the literature and other ad hoc criteria were evaluated for sensitivity, specificity and Cohen's κ agreement. RESULTS: The individual measures that best characterised inactive disease (sensitivity and specificity >0.8 and Cohen's κ >0.8) were manual muscle testing (MMT) ≥78, physician global assessment of muscle activity=0, physician global assessment of overall disease activity (PhyGloVAS) ≤0.2, Childhood Myositis Assessment Scale (CMAS) ≥48, Disease Activity Score ≤3 and Myositis Disease Activity Assessment Visual Analogue Scale ≤0.2. The best combination of variables to classify a patient as being in a state of inactive disease on or off therapy is at least three of four of the following criteria: creatine kinase ≤150, CMAS ≥48, MMT ≥78 and PhyGloVAS ≤0.2. After 24 months, 30/31 patients (96.8%) were inactive off therapy and 69/145 (47.6%) were inactive on therapy. CONCLUSION: PRINTO established data-driven criteria with clearly evidence-based cut-off values to identify JDM patients with clinically inactive disease. These criteria can be used in clinical trials, in research and in clinical practice.
PURPOSE: Activity monitoring is considered a highly relevant outcome measure of respiratory rehabilitation. This study aimed to assess the usefulness of a new accelerometric method for characterization of walking activity during a 3-week inpatient rehabilitation program. METHODS: After individual calibration of the accelerometer at different walking speeds, whole-day physical activity was recorded for 15 patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease on the first and the last days of the program, and for 10 healthy subjects. Data were expressed as percentage of time spent in inactivity, low level activity, and medium level activity, with the latter corresponding to usual walking speed. RESULTS: The patients spent more time being inactive and less time walking than healthy subjects. At the end of the rehabilitation program, medium level activity had increased from 4% to 7% of total recording time. However, the change was not significant after periods of imposed exercise training were excluded. Walking activity increased to a greater degree among the patients with preserved limb muscle strength at entry to the program. Although health status scores improved, the changes did not correlate with the changes in walking activity. CONCLUSION: The findings lead to the conclusion that this new accelerometric method provides detailed analysis of walking activity during respiratory rehabilitation and may represent an additional useful measure of outcome.
BACKGROUND: Recombinant human insulin-like growth factor I (rhIGF-I) is a possible disease modifying therapy for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS, which is also known as motor neuron disease (MND)). OBJECTIVES: To examine the efficacy of rhIGF-I in affecting disease progression, impact on measures of functional health status, prolonging survival and delaying the use of surrogates (tracheostomy and mechanical ventilation) to sustain survival in ALS. Occurrence of adverse events was also reviewed. SEARCH METHODS: We searched the Cochrane Neuromuscular Disease Group Specialized Register (21 November 2011), CENTRAL (2011, Issue 4), MEDLINE (January 1966 to November 2011) and EMBASE (January 1980 to November 2011) and sought information from the authors of randomised clinical trials and manufacturers of rhIGF-I. SELECTION CRITERIA: We considered all randomised controlled clinical trials involving rhIGF-I treatment of adults with definite or probable ALS according to the El Escorial Criteria. The primary outcome measure was change in Appel Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Rating Scale (AALSRS) total score after nine months of treatment and secondary outcome measures were change in AALSRS at 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 months, change in quality of life (Sickness Impact Profile scale), survival and adverse events. DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS: Each author independently graded the risk of bias in the included studies. The lead author extracted data and the other authors checked them. We generated some missing data by making ruler measurements of data in published graphs. We collected data about adverse events from the included trials. MAIN RESULTS: We identified three randomised controlled trials (RCTs) of rhIGF-I, involving 779 participants, for inclusion in the analysis. In a European trial (183 participants) the mean difference (MD) in change in AALSRS total score after nine months was -3.30 (95% confidence interval (CI) -8.68 to 2.08). In a North American trial (266 participants), the MD after nine months was -6.00 (95% CI -10.99 to -1.01). The combined analysis from both RCTs showed a MD after nine months of -4.75 (95% CI -8.41 to -1.09), a significant difference in favour of the treated group. The secondary outcome measures showed non-significant trends favouring rhIGF-I. There was an increased risk of injection site reactions with rhIGF-I (risk ratio 1.26, 95% CI 1.04 to 1.54). . A second North American trial (330 participants) used a novel primary end point involving manual muscle strength testing. No differences were demonstrated between the treated and placebo groups in this study. All three trials were at high risk of bias. AUTHORS' CONCLUSIONS: Meta-analysis revealed a significant difference in favour of rhIGF-I treatment; however, the quality of the evidence from the two included trials was low. A third study showed no difference between treatment and placebo. There is no evidence for increase in survival with IGF1. All three included trials were at high risk of bias.
Optimum management of non-acquired neuromuscular disorders requires a multidisciplinary approach in order to prevent secondary complications related to the progression of the disease and to maintain the patient's independency in daily activities. For treatments, the physiotherapists and occupational therapists must have precise and measurable goals to quantify muscle strength and functions in conjunction with a specialist in neurorehabilitation. Examples of simple motor scores or scales are given in order to transmit precise information to the GP and the multidisciplinary team, and type of orthosis and physiotherapy programmes are given as pieces of advice to assume the follow-up of patients.
Shrinking lung syndrome (SLS) is an uncommon feature of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) characterized by dyspnea, pleuritic chest pain, diaphragmatic elevation, restrictive ventilatory defect and reduced respiratory muscle strength as measured by volitional tests. We report the case of a 28-year-old woman with overlapping features of SLE and Sjögren syndrome who developed severe SLS while receiving corticosteroids and azathioprine for severe polyarthritis. She was treated with a combination of rituximab and cyclophosphamide, which led to a dramatic improvement in her clinical condition and respiratory function tests. The increase in vital capacity was one of the highest among 35 published cases of SLS. Thus, restoring a near-normal lung function is an achievable goal in SLS, and the use of rituximab, with or without concomitant cyclophosphamide, certainly deserves further study in this setting.
Aim: The aim of the study was to investigate the influence of dietary intake of commercial hydrolyzed collagen (Gelatine Royal ®) on bone remodeling in pre-pubertal children. Methods: A randomized double-blind study was carried out in 60 children (9.42 ± 1.31 years) divided into three groups according to the amount of partially hydrolyzed collagen taken daily for 4 months: placebo (G-I, n = 18), collagen (G-II, n = 20) and collagen + calcium (G-III, n = 22) groups. Analyses of the following biochemical markers were carried out: total and bone alkaline phosphatase (tALP and bALP), osteocalcin, tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP), type I collagen carboxy terminal telopeptide, lipids, calcium, 25-hydroxyvitamin D, insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1), thyroid-stimulating hormone, free thyroxin and intact parathormone. Results: There was a significantly greater increase in serum IGF-1 in G-III than in G II (p < 0.01) or G-I (p < 0.05) during the study period, and a significantly greater increase in plasma tALP in G-III than in G-I (p < 0.05). Serum bALP behavior significantly (p < 0.05) differed between G-II (increase) and G-I (decrease). Plasma TRAP behavior significantly differed between G-II and G-I (p < 0.01) and between G-III and G-II (p < 0.05). Conclusion: Daily dietary intake of hydrolyzed collagen seems to have a potential role in enhancing bone remodeling at key stages of growth and development.
The purpose of the present paper was to evaluate the effects of an 8-week multimodal program focused on core stability exercises and recovery massage with DVD support for a 6-month period in physical and psychological outcomes in breast cancer survivors. A randomized controlled clinical trial was performed. Seventy-eight (n = 78) breast cancer survivors were assigned to experimental (core stability exercises plus massage-myofascial release) and control (usual health care) groups. The intervention period was 8 weeks. Mood state, fatigue, trunk curl endurance, and leg strength were determined at baseline, after the last treatment session, and at 6 months of followup. Immediately after treatment and at 6 months, fatigue, mood state, trunk curl endurance, and leg strength exhibited greater improvement within the experimental group compared to placebo group. This paper showed that a multimodal program focused on core stability exercises and massage reduced fatigue, tension, depression, and improved vigor and muscle strength after intervention and 6 months after discharge.
BACKGROUND Breast cancer survivors suffer physical impairment after oncology treatment. This impairment reduces quality of life (QoL) and increase the prevalence of handicaps associated to unhealthy lifestyle (for example, decreased aerobic capacity and strength, weight gain, and fatigue). Recent work has shown that exercise adapted to individual characteristics of patients is related to improved overall and disease-free survival. Nowadays, technological support using telerehabilitation systems is a promising strategy with great advantage of a quick and efficient contact with the health professional. It is not known the role of telerehabilitation through therapeutic exercise as a support tool to implement an active lifestyle which has been shown as an effective resource to improve fitness and reduce musculoskeletal disorders of these women. METHODS / DESIGN This study will use a two-arm, assessor blinded, parallel randomized controlled trial design. People will be eligible if: their diagnosis is of stages I, II, or IIIA breast cancer; they are without chronic disease or orthopedic issues that would interfere with ability to participate in a physical activity program; they had access to the Internet and basic knowledge of computer use or living with a relative who has this knowledge; they had completed adjuvant therapy except for hormone therapy and not have a history of cancer recurrence; and they have an interest in improving lifestyle. Participants will be randomized into e-CUIDATE or usual care groups. E-CUIDATE give participants access to a range of contents: planning exercise arranged in series with breathing exercises, mobility, strength, and stretching. All of these exercises will be assigned to women in the telerehabilitation group according to perceived needs. The control group will be asked to maintain their usual routine. Study endpoints will be assessed after 8 weeks (immediate effects) and after 6 months. The primary outcome will be QoL measured by The European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality of Life Questionnaire Core 30 version 3.0 and breast module called The European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer Breast Cancer-Specific Quality of Life questionnaire. The secondary outcomes: pain (algometry, Visual Analogue Scale, Brief Pain Inventory short form); body composition; physical measurement (abdominal test, handgrip strength, back muscle strength, and multiple sit-to-stand test); cardiorespiratory fitness (International Fitness Scale, 6-minute walk test, International Physical Activity Questionnaire-Short Form); fatigue (Piper Fatigue Scale and Borg Fatigue Scale); anxiety and depression (Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale); cognitive function (Trail Making Test and Auditory Consonant Trigram); accelerometry; lymphedema; and anthropometric perimeters. DISCUSSION This study investigates the feasibility and effectiveness of a telerehabilitation system during adjuvant treatment of patients with breast cancer. If this treatment option is effective, telehealth systems could offer a choice of supportive care to cancer patients during the survivorship phase. TRIAL REGISTRATION ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT01801527.
The definition of sarcopenia includes both a loss of muscle strength and a decline in functional quality in addition to the loss of muscle protein mass. Multispectral bioimpendance allows bedside assessment of muscle mass. Using this new tool, we performed a pilot study to look for a possible correlation between muscle mass and various tests of muscle strength (grip strength, key-pitch, tip-pinch) and with functional tests (walk speed on 10 meters and Tinetti test). Our study demonstrates a good correlation between muscle mass determined by spectroscopic bioimpendance and muscle strength assessment, but no correlation with functional tests.
OBJECTIVE: To develop a provisional definition for the evaluation of response to therapy in juvenile dermatomyositis (DM) based on the Paediatric Rheumatology International Trials Organisation juvenile DM core set of variables. METHODS: Thirty-seven experienced pediatric rheumatologists from 27 countries achieved consensus on 128 difficult patient profiles as clinically improved or not improved using a stepwise approach (patient's rating, statistical analysis, definition selection). Using the physicians' consensus ratings as the "gold standard measure," chi-square, sensitivity, specificity, false-positive and-negative rates, area under the receiver operating characteristic curve, and kappa agreement for candidate definitions of improvement were calculated. Definitions with kappa values >0.8 were multiplied by the face validity score to select the top definitions. RESULTS: The top definition of improvement was at least 20% improvement from baseline in 3 of 6 core set variables with no more than 1 of the remaining worsening by more than 30%, which cannot be muscle strength. The second-highest scoring definition was at least 20% improvement from baseline in 3 of 6 core set variables with no more than 2 of the remaining worsening by more than 25%, which cannot be muscle strength (definition P1 selected by the International Myositis Assessment and Clinical Studies group). The third is similar to the second with the maximum amount of worsening set to 30%. This indicates convergent validity of the process. CONCLUSION: We propose a provisional data-driven definition of improvement that reflects well the consensus rating of experienced clinicians, which incorporates clinically meaningful change in core set variables in a composite end point for the evaluation of global response to therapy in juvenile DM.