991 resultados para Murine Leukemia-virus
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Donor cytomegalovirus seropositivity was reported to improve leukemia outcomes in HLA-A2 identical hematopoietic cell transplant (HCT) recipients, due to a possible cross-reactivity of donor HLA-A2-restricted CMV-specific T cells with minor histocompatibility (H) antigen of recipient cells. This study analyzed the role of donor CMV serostatus and HLA-A2 status on leukemia outcomes in a large population of HLA-identical HCT recipients. DESIGN AND METHODS: Leukemia patients transplanted between 1992 and 2003 at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center were categorized as standard risk [leukemia first remission, chronic myeloid leukemia in chronic phase (CML-CP)] and high risk (advanced disease) patients. Time-to-event analysis was used to evaluate the risk of relapse and death associated with HLA-A2 status and donor CMV serostatus. RESULTS: In standard risk patients, acute leukemia (p<0.001) and sex mismatch (female to male, p=0.004)) independently increased the risk of death, while acute leukemia increased the risk of relapse (p<0.001). In high risk patients acute leukemia (p=0.01), recipient age > or = 40 (p=0.005) and herpes simplex virus (HSV) seropositivity (p<0.001) significantly increased the risk death; HSV seropositivity (p=0.006) increased the risk of relapse. Donor CMV serostatus had no significant effect on mortality or relapse in any HLA group. INTERPRETATION AND CONCLUSION: This epidemiological study did not confirm the previously reported effect of donor CMV serostatus on the outcomes of leukemia in HLA-A2-identical HCT recipients. Addressing the question of cross-reactivity of HLA-A2-restricted CMV-specific T cells with minor H antigens in a clinical study would require knowledge of the patient's minor H antigen genotype. However, because of the unbalanced distribution of HLA-A2-restricted minor H antigens in the population and their incomplete identification, this question might be more appropriately evaluated in in vitro experiments than in a clinical study.
Murine T cell reactivity with products of the minor lymphocyte stimulatory (Mls) locus correlates with the expression of particular variable (V) domains of the T cell receptor (TCR) beta chain. It was recently demonstrated that Mls antigens are encoded by an open reading frame (ORF) in the 3' long terminal repeat of either endogenous or exogenous mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV). Immature thymocytes expressing reactive TCR-V beta domains are clonally deleted upon exposure to endogenous Mtv's. Mature T cells proliferate vigorously in response to Mls-1a (Mtv-7) in vivo, but induction of specific anergy and deletion after exposure to Mtv-7-expressing cells in the periphery has also been described. We show here that B cells and CD8+ (but not CD4+) T cells from Mtv-7+ mice efficiently induce peripheral deletion of reactive T cells upon transfer to Mtv-7- recipients, whereas only B cells stimulate specific T cell proliferation in vivo. In contrast to endogenous Mtv-7, transfer of B, CD4+, or CD8+ lymphocyte subsets from mice maternally infected with MMTV(SW), an infectious homologue of Mtv-7, results in specific T cell deletion in the absence of a detectable proliferative response. Finally, we show by secondary transfers of infected cells that exogenous MMTV(SW) is transmitted multidirectionally between lymphocyte subsets and ultimately to the mammary gland. Collectively our data demonstrate heterogeneity in the expression and/or presentation of endogenous and exogenous MMTV ORF by lymphocyte subsets and emphasize the low threshold required for induction of peripheral T cell deletion by these gene products.
The feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) targets activated CD4-positive helper T cells preferentially, inducing an AIDS-like immunodeficiency in its natural host species, the domestic cat. The primary receptor for FIV is CD134, a member of the tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily, and all primary viral strains tested to date use CD134 for infection. We examined the expression of CD134 in the cat using a novel anti-feline CD134 monoclonal antibody (MAb), 7D6, and showed that as in rats and humans, CD134 expression is restricted tightly to CD4+, and not CD8+, T cells, consistent with the selective targeting of these cells by FIV. However, FIV is also macrophage tropic, and in chronic infection the viral tropism broadens to include B cells and CD8+ T cells. Using 7D6, we revealed CD134 expression on a B220-positive (B-cell) population and on cultured macrophages but not peripheral blood monocytes. Moreover, macrophage CD134 expression and FIV infection were enhanced by activation in response to bacterial lipopolysaccharide. Consistent with CD134 expression on human and murine T cells, feline CD134 was abundant on mitogen-stimulated CD4+ T cells, with weaker expression on CD8+ T cells, concordant with the expansion of FIV into CD8+ T cells with progression of the infection. The interaction between FIV and CD134 was probed using MAb 7D6 and soluble CD134 ligand (CD134L), revealing strain-specific differences in sensitivity to both 7D6 and CD134L. Infection with isolates such as PPR and B2542 was inhibited well by both 7D6 and CD134L, suggesting a lower affinity of interaction. In contrast, GL8, CPG, and NCSU were relatively refractory to inhibition by both 7D6 and CD134L and, accordingly, may have a higher-affinity interaction with CD134, permitting infection of cells where CD134 levels are limiting.
Rotaviruses are the major cause of severe diarrhea in infants and young children worldwide. Due to their restricted site of replication, i.e., mature enterocytes, local intestinal antibodies have been proposed to play a major role in protective immunity. Whether secretory immunoglobulin A (IgA) antibodies alone can provide protection against rotavirus diarrhea has not been fully established. To address this question, a library of IgA monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) previously developed against different proteins of rhesus rotavirus was used. A murine hybridoma "backpack tumor" model was established to examine if a single MAb secreted onto mucosal surfaces via the normal epithelial transport pathway was capable of protecting mice against diarrhea upon oral challenge with rotavirus. Of several IgA and IgG MAbs directed against VP8 and VP6 of rotavirus, only IgA VP8 MAbs (four of four) were found to protect newborn mice from diarrhea. An IgG MAb recognizing the same epitope as one of the IgA MAbs tested failed to protect mice from diarrhea. We also investigated if antibodies could be transcytosed in a biologically active form from the basolateral domain to the apical domain through filter-grown Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells expressing the polymeric immunoglobulin receptor. Only IgA antibodies with VP8 specificity (four of four) neutralized apically administered virus. The results support the hypothesis that secretory IgA antibodies play a major role in preventing rotavirus diarrhea. Furthermore, the results show that the in vivo and in vitro methods described are useful tools for exploring the mechanisms of viral mucosal immunity.
BACKGROUND: Strategies leading to the long-term suppression of inappropriate ocular angiogenesis are required to avoid the need for repetitive monthly injections for treatment of diseases of the eye, such as age-related macular degeneration (AMD). The present study aimed to develop a strategy for the sustained repression of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), which is identified as the key player in exudative AMD. METHODS: We have employed short hairpin (sh)RNAs combined with adeno-associated virus (AAV) delivery to obtain the targeted expression of potent gene-regulatory molecules. Anti-VEGF shRNAs were analyzed in human retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells using Renilla luciferase screening. For in vivo delivery of the most potent shRNA, self-complementary AAV vectors were packaged in serotype 8 capsids (scAAV2/8-hU6-sh9). In vivo efficacy was evaluated either by injection of scAAV2/8-hU6-sh9 into murine hind limb muscles or in a laser-induced murine model of choroidal neovascularization (CNV) following scAAV2/8-hU6-sh9 subretinal delivery. RESULTS: Plasmids encoding anti-VEGF shRNAs showed efficient knockdown of human VEGF in RPEs. Intramuscular administration led to localized expression and 91% knockdown of endogenous murine (m)VEGF. Subsequently, the ability of AAV2/8-encoded shRNAs to impair vessel formation was evaluated in the murine model of CNV. In this model, the sizes of the CNV were significantly reduced (up to 48%) following scAAV2/8-hU6-sh9 subretinal delivery. CONCLUSIONS: Using anti-VEGF vectors, we have demonstrated efficient silencing of endogenous mVEGF and showed that subretinal administration of scAAV2/8-hU6-sh9 has the ability to impair vessel formation in an AMD animal model. Thus, AAV-encoded shRNA can be used for the inhibition of neovascularization, leading to the development of sustained anti-VEGF therapy. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
The available virus-like particle (VLP)-based prophylactic vaccines against specific human papillomavirus (HPV) types afford close to 100% protection against the type-associated lesions and disease. Based on papillomavirus animal models, it is likely that protection against genital lesions in humans is mediated by HPV type-restricted neutralizing antibodies that transudate or exudate at the sites of genital infection. However, a correlate of protection was not established in the clinical trials because few disease cases occurred, and true incident infection could not be reliably distinguished from the emergence or reactivation of prevalent infection. In addition, the current assays for measuring vaccine-induced antibodies, even the gold standard HPV pseudovirion (PsV) in vitro neutralization assay, may not be sensitive enough to measure the minimum level of antibodies needed for protection. Here, we characterize the recently developed model of genital challenge with HPV PsV and determine the minimal amounts of VLP-induced neutralizing antibodies that can afford protection from genital infection in vivo after transfer into recipient mice. Our data show that serum antibody levels >100-fold lower than those detectable by in vitro PsV neutralization assays are sufficient to confer protection against an HPV PsV genital infection in this model. The results clearly demonstrate that, remarkably, the in vivo assay is substantially more sensitive than in vitro PsV neutralization and thus may be better suited for studies to establish correlates of protection.
Leukemiaa sairastavien lasten kuumeiset infektiot, erityisesti respiratoriset virusinfektiot Tausta: Hengitysteiden virusinfektiot ovat lasten tavallisimpia sairauksia. Infektiota aiheuttava virus voidaan uusilla menetelmillä löytää lähes kaikissa tapauksissa. Leukemiaa sairastavilla lapsilla on perustaudin ja leukemian hoitojen takia tavallista suurempi infektioalttius, ja kuumeilu on tavallista leukemiahoidon aikana. Suurin osa syöpähoidon aikaisten kuumejaksojen syistä jää kuitenkin selvittämättä. Tavoitteet: Prospektiivisen 5 vuotta kestäneen monikeskustutkimuksen tavoitteena oli etsiä uusimmilla mikrobiologisilla menetelmillä leukemiaa sairastavien lasten kuumeen syy. Tätä varten tutkittiin 16 virusta virusviljelyllä, antigeeniosoituksella ja nukleiinihappo-osoituksella. Näytteitä otettiin nenästä, ulosteesta, virtsasta ja verestä. Lisäksi tutkittiin MxA-proteiinin kykyä osoittaa virusinfektio syöpälapsella. Tulokset: Tutkimuksen aikana analysoitiin 138 kuumejaksoa 51 leukemialapsella. Kokonaisseuranta-aika oli 1.5 vuotta/lapsi. Kuumejaksojen ilmaantuvuus oli 2.1 jaksoa potilasta kohden suhteutettuna vuoden riskiaikaan. Hengistysteiden virusinfektio voitiin osoittaa 82 kuumejaksossa (59%). Kaksi tai useampi virus löydettiin 12 %:ssa kuumejaksoista. Tavallisimmat virukset olivat rhinovirus (22 %), respiratory syncytial virus eli RS-virus (11 %), human herpes virus 6 (7 %), human bocavirus (5 %), sytomegalovirus (5 %), parainfluenssavirukset (5 %) ja influenssa A -virus (4 %). Kahdelle potilaalle kehittyi pneumonia, muilla oireet olivat lievät. Veriviljely oli positiivinen 19 kuumejaksossa (14 %), ja puolessa tapauksista löydettiin samanaikaisesti respiratorinen virus. MxA proteini ilmeni veren lymfosyyteissä useimmilla virusinfektioon sairastuneilla syöpälapsilla. Päätelmät: Kuumeiset respiratoriset virusinfektiot ovat tavallisia leukemiaa sairastavilla lapsilla. Infektion oireet ovat tavallisesti vähäiset, mutta pienelle osalle voi kehittyä veriviljelypositiivinen sepsis tai pneumonia. Kuumeen syy jäi selvittämättä vain harvoissa tapauksissa.
Treatment failure and symptomatic relapse are major concerns in American tegumentary leishmaniasis (TL). Such complications are seen frequently in Leishmania guyanensis infections, in which patients respond variously to first-line antileishmanials and are more prone to develop chronic cutaneous leishmaniasis. The factors underlying this pathology, however, are unknown. Recently, we reported that a double-stranded RNA virus, Leishmania RNA virus 1 (LRV1), nested within L. guyanensis parasites is able to exacerbate experimental murine leishmaniasis by inducing a hyperinflammatory response. This report investigates the prevalence of LRV1 in human L. guyanensis infection and its effect on treatment efficacy, as well as its correlation to symptomatic relapses after the completion of first-line treatment. In our cohort of 75 patients with a diagnosis of primary localized American TL, the prevalence of LRV1-positive L. guyanensis infection was elevated to 58%. All patients infected with LRV1-negative L. guyanensis were cured after 1 dose (22 of 31 [71%]) or 2 doses (31 of 31 [100%]) of pentamidine. In contrast, 12 of 44 LRV1-positive patients (27%) presented with persistent infection and symptomatic relapse that required extended therapy and the use of second-line drugs. Finally, LRV1 presence was associated with a significant increase in levels of intra-lesional inflammatory markers. In conclusion, LRV1 status in L. guyanensis infection is significantly predictive (P = .0009) of first-line treatment failure and symptomatic relapse and has the potential to guide therapeutic choices in American TL.
Leishmaniaparasites cause a broad range of disease, with cutaneous afflictions being, by far, the most prevalent. Variations in disease severity and symptomatic spectrum are mostly associated to parasite species. One risk factor for the severity and emergence of leishmaniasis is immunosuppression, usually arising by coinfection of the patient with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Interestingly, several species ofLeishmaniahave been shown to bear an endogenous cytoplasmic dsRNA virus (LRV) of theTotiviridaefamily, and recently we correlated the presence of LRV1 withinLeishmaniaparasites to an exacerbation murine leishmaniasis and with an elevated frequency of drug treatment failures in humans. This raises the possibility of further exacerbation of leishmaniasis in the presence of both viruses, and here we report a case of cutaneous leishmaniasis caused byLeishmania braziliensisbearing LRV1 with aggressive pathogenesis in an HIV patient. LRV1 was isolated and partially sequenced from skin and nasal lesions. Genetic identity of both sequences reinforced the assumption that nasal parasites originate from primary skin lesions. Surprisingly, combined antiretroviral therapy did not impact the devolution ofLeishmaniainfection. TheLeishmaniainfection was successfully treated through administration of liposomal amphotericin B.
The aim of this thesis was to develop new herpes simplex virus (HSV) vectors for gene therapy of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), the principal model of multiple sclerosis (MS), and to study the pathogenesis of wild-type HSV-1 and HSV-1 vectors in vivo. By introducing potential immunomodulatory factors into mice with EAE we strived to develop therapies and possibly find molecules improving recovery from EAE. We aimed at altering the immune response by inducing favorable Th2-type cytokines, thus shifting the immune response from a Th1- or a Th17-response. Our HSV vector expressing interleukin (IL)-5 modulated the cytokine responses, decreased inflammation and alleviated EAE. The use of a novel method, bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC), for engineering recombinant HSV facilitated the construction of a new vector expressing leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF). LIF is a neurotropic cytokine with broad functions in the central nervous system (CNS). LIF promotes oligodendrocyte maturation and decreases demyelination and oligodendrocyte loss. The BAC-derived HSV-LIF vector alleviated the clinical symptoms, induced a higher number of oligodendrocytes and modulated T cell responses. By administering HSV via different infection routes, e.g. peripherally via the nose or eye, or intracranially to the brain, the effect of the immune response on HSV spread at different points of the natural infection route was studied. The intranasal infection was an effective delivery route of HSV to the trigeminal ganglion and CNS, whereas corneal infection displayed limited spread. The corneal and intranasal infections induced different peripheral immune responses, which might explain the observed differences in viral spread.
This study tested the hypothesis that a set of predominantly myeloid restricted receptors (F4/80, CD36, Dectin-1, CD200 receptor and mannan binding lectins) and the broadly expressed CD200 played a role in a key function of plasmacytoid DC (pDC), virally induced type I interferon (IFN) production. The Dectin-1 ligands zymosan, glucan phosphate and the anti-Dectin-1 monoclonal antibody (mAb) 2A11 had no effect on influenza virus induced IFNα/β production by murine splenic pDC. However, mannan, a broad blocking reagent against mannose specific receptors, inhibited IFNα/β production by pDC in response to inactivated influenza virus. Moreover, viral glycoproteins (influenza virus haemagglutinin and HIV-1 gp120) stimulated IFNα/β production by splenocytes in a mannan-inhibitable manner, implicating the function of a lectin in glycoprotein induced IFN production. Lastly, the effect of CD200 on IFN induction was investigated. CD200 knock-out macrophages produced more IFNα than wild-type macrophages in response to polyI:C, a MyD88-independent stimulus, consistent with CD200's known inhibitory effect on myeloid cells. In contrast, blocking CD200 with an anti-CD200 mAb resulted in reduced IFNα production by pDC-containing splenocytes in response to CpG and influenza virus (MyD88-dependent stimuli). This suggests there could be a differential effect of CD200 on MyD88 dependent and independent IFN induction pathways in pDC and macrophages. This study supports the hypothesis that a mannan-inhibitable lectin and CD200 are involved in virally induced type I IFN induction.
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a progressive inflammatory and/or demyelinating disease of the human central nervous system (CNS). Most of the knowledge about the pathogenesis of MS has been derived from murine models, such as experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis and vital encephalomyelitis. Here, we infected female C57BL/6 mice with a neurotropic strain of the mouse hepatitis virus (MHV-59A) to evaluate whether treatment with the multifunctional antioxidant tempol (4-hydroxy-2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy) affects the ensuing encephalomyelitis. In untreated animals, neurological symptoms developed quickly: 90% of infected mice died 10 days after virus inoculation and the few survivors presented neurological deficits. Treatment with tempol (24 mg/kg, ip, two doses on the first day and daily doses for 7 days plus 2 mM tempol in the drinking water ad libitum) profoundly altered the disease outcome: neurological symptoms were attenuated, mouse survival increased up to 70%, and half of the survivors behaved as normal mice. Not Surprisingly, tempol substantially preserved the integrity of the CNS, including the blood-brain barrier. Furthermore, treatment with tempol decreased CNS vital titers, macrophage and T lymphocyte infiltration, and levels of markers of inflammation, such as expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase, transcription of tumor necrosis factor-alpha and interferon-gamma, and protein nitration. The results indicate that tempol ameliorates murine viral encephalomyelitis by altering the redox status of the infectious environment that contributes to an attenuated CNS inflammatory response. overall, our study supports the development of therapeutic strategies based on nitroxides to manage neuroinflammatory diseases, including MS. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Human T-cell lymphotropic virus type 1 (HTLV-1) is-an RNA virus responsible for diseases such as HTLV-1-associated myelopathy/tropical spastic paraparesis (HAM/TSP) and adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma (ATL). Cell-to-cell contact and Tax-induced clonal expansion of infected cells are the main modes of virus replication, making virus detection during the viremic stage difficult. Consequently, the proviral load is the current virologic marker for disease monitoring, but the mechanisms of progression have not been established yet. Thus, this study investigated the presence of virus in plasma from asymptomatic HTLV-1 carriers and from HAM/TSP patients. Real-time PCR was performed on DNA from 150 plasma samples; 12(8%) had detectable DNA amplification, including 6(4%) asymptomatic HTLV-1 carriers and 14(26%) HAM/TSP patients (p < 0.005). Of the 33 samples submitted for nested PCR, six (18%, p = 0.02) were positive for HTLV-1 RNA in the plasma. Additionally, 26 plasma samples were treated with DNAse enzyme to eliminate any DNA contamination before RNA extraction. Two of them (8%) showed amplification for HTLV-1 (p = 0.5). Therefore, this study described for the first time the detection of free HTLV-1 RNA in plasma from HTLV-1-infected subjects, regardless of their clinical status. Thus, HTLV-1 viral replication does occur in plasma, and other transmission pathways for HTLV-1 should be investigated further. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We previously reported the development of a lethal myeloid sarcoma in a non-human primate model utilizing retroviral vectors to genetically modify hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells. This leukemia was characterized by insertion of the vector provirus into the BCL2A1 gene, with resultant BCL2A1 over-expression. There is little information on the role of this anti-apoptotic member of the BCL2 family in hematopoiesis or leukemia induction. Therefore we studied the impact of Bcl2a1a lentiviral over-expression on murine hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells. We demonstrated the anti-apoptotic function of this protein in hematopoietic cells, but did not detect any impact of Bcl2a1a on in vitro cell growth or cell cycle kinetics. In vivo, we showed a higher propensity of HSCs over-expressing Bcl2a1a to engraft and contribute to hematopoiesis. Mice over-expressing Bcl2a1a in the hematologic compartment eventually developed an aggressive malignant disease characterized as a leukemia/lymphoma of B-cell origin. Secondary transplants carried out to investigate the primitive origin of the disease revealed the leukemia was transplantable. Thus, Bcl2a1 should be considered as a protooncogene with a potential role in both lymphoid and myeloid leukemogenesis, and a concerning site for insertional activation by integrating retroviral vectors utilized in hematopoietic stem cell gene therapy.
Background Human T-cell lymphotropic virus type 1 (HTLV-1) is the etiologic agent of adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma (ATLL), HTLV-1-associated myelopathy/tropical spastic paraparesis (HAM/TSP), infective dermatitis associated with HTLV-1 (IDH), and various other clinical conditions. Several of these diseases can occur in association. Objective Report an association of diseases related to HTLV-1 infection, occurring in an unusual age group. Methods Dermatological and laboratory exams were consecutively performed in HTLV-1-infected individuals from January 2008 to July 2010 in the HTLV Outpatient Clinic at the Institute of Infectious Diseases “Emilio Ribas” in São Paulo, Brazil. Results A total of 193 individuals (73 HAM/TSP and 120 asymptomatic carriers) were evaluated, three of which were associated with adult-onset IDH and HAM/TSP. In all three cases, the patients were affected by IDH after the development and progression of HAM/TSP-associated symptoms. Limitations Small number of cases because of the rarity of these diseases. Conclusion We draw attention to the possibility of co-presentation of adult-onset IDH in patients with a previous diagnosis of HAM/TSP, although IDH is a disease classically described in children. Thus, dermatologists should be aware of these diagnoses in areas endemic for HTLV-1 infection.