919 resultados para Motor skills disorders
Studies of subjective time have adopted different methods to understand different processes of time perception. Four sculptures, with implied movement ranked as 1.5-, 3.0-, 4.5-, and 6.0-point stimuli on the Body Movement Ranking Scale, were randomly presented to 42 university students untrained in visual arts and ballet. Participants were allowed to observe the images for any length of time (exploration time) and, immediately after each image was observed, recorded the duration as they perceived it. The results of temporal ratio (exploration time/time estimation) showed that exploration time of images also affected perception of time, i.e., the subjective time for sculptures representing implied movement were overestimated.\
This study compared intermanual performance asymmetry between adults and children of different ages in timing components of an aiming task. Participants manipulated a computer mouse with either hand, aiming to rapidly reach targets of different widths with a pointer on a monitor. Results showed longer deceleration movements with the left hand in children, leading to increased intermanual performance asymmetry when aiming at narrower targets. Increased intermanual performance asymmetry in children is conceptualized to derive from planning to minimize trajectory variability when controlling the nondominant hand.
Efficiency in front-crawl stroke has been inferred primarily by means of the analysis of arm actions, specifically, stroke frequency and stroke length. The objective of the present study was to investigate whether swimming efficiency could be better assessed in children still learning the front-crawl stroke by analyzing the movement pattern as a whole. Forty-two children enrolled in private swimming programs volunteered to participate in the study. The task consisted of swimming 30 m as fast as possible. Three experts analyzed the movement pattern of the participants using a checklist. Both stroke frequency and stroke length were calculated. The correlation coefficients between the time taken to swim and both the stroke frequency and stroke length were not significant, but the total and components of the checklist scores were. Results indicate that the swimming efficiency of children learning the front-crawl stroke can be better assessed by analyzing their whole movement pattern.
Background: Surfing is a sport that has become considerably popular, which increased interest in research about the aspects that can influence on the performance of these athletes, such as injuries, aerobic fitness and reaction time. Due to the ever-changing environment and high instability required for surfing, the surfers must develop some neuromuscular skills (agility, balance, muscle strength and flexibility) to acquire better performance in this modality. Nevertheless, there are still few scientific studies concerned about the investigation of these motor skills in surfing. Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the balance control in surfers compared to practitioners of other physical activities. Methods: Participants remained on a force platform while performing tasks involving visual deprivation (eyes open or closed) and somatosensory disturbance (steady surface or use of foam), with covariation of experimental conditions. The following variables were analyzed: speed and root mean square (RMS) displacement of the center of pressure in the anteroposterior (AP) and mediolateral (ML) directions. Results: The results showed no difference between groups during the experimental conditions, that is to say, both surfers and the control group varied over the conditions of eyes closed and on foam. Conclusion: Although surfing requires the surfer to have great balance control, the results did not reveal a relationship between this sport and better performance in balance control. However, we must consider the small sample size and the fact that this sport requires dynamic balance, while the study evaluated static balance.
Abstract Background The time synchronization is a very important ability for the acquisition and performance of motor skills that generate the need to adapt the actions of body segments to external events of the environment that are changing their position in space. Down Syndrome (DS) individuals may present some deficits to perform tasks with synchronization demand. We aimed to investigate the performance of individuals with DS in a simple Coincident Timing task. Method 32 individuals were divided into 2 groups: the Down syndrome group (DSG) comprised of 16 individuals with average age of 20 (+/− 5 years old), and a control group (CG) comprised of 16 individuals of the same age. All individuals performed the Simple Timing (ST) task and their performance was measured in milliseconds. The study was conducted in a single phase with the execution of 20 consecutive trials for each participant. Results There was a significant difference in the intergroup analysis for the accuracy adjustment - Absolute Error (Z = 3.656, p = 0.001); and for the performance consistence - Variable Error (Z = 2.939, p = 0.003). Conclusion DS individuals have more difficulty in integrating the motor action to an external stimulus and they also present more inconsistence in performance. Both groups presented the same tendency to delay their motor responses.
OBJETIVO: investigar e comparar o desempenho nas habilidades relacionadas ao desenvolvimento motor, cognitivo, linguístico, de socialização e autocuidados de indivíduos com holoprosencefalia e com holoprosencefalia-like. MÉTODO: participaram deste estudo 20 indivíduos com diagnóstico de holoprosencefalia, na faixa etária de 18 a 72 meses, de ambos os sexos, divididos em 2 grupos. O grupo 1 (G1) composto por 12 indivíduos com sinais clínicos do espectro da holoprosencefalia, e o grupo 2 (G2) com holoprosencefalia-like composto por 8 indivíduos com sinais clínicos do espectro da holoprosencefalia-like. A coleta de dados foi realizada por meio da aplicação do Inventário Portage Operacionalizado que avalia as áreas alvos deste estudo. Para a análise estatística utilizou-se análise descritiva da mediana e dos valores mínimos e máximos e foi aplicado o teste estatístico de Mann Whitney (< 0,05% para significância). RESULTADOS: os grupos 1 e 2 apresentaram alterações em todas as áreas do desenvolvimento avaliadas. Entretanto, os indivíduos do G1, com holoprosencefalia apresentaram maiores comprometimentos nas habilidades: motora, cognitiva, de linguagem, de socialização e autocuidados, quanto comparados aos indivíduos do G2, com holoprosencefalia-like. CONCLUSÃO: o desempenho nas áreas motoras, cognitivas, de linguagem, de socialização e autocuidados de indivíduos com holoprosencefalia e holoprosencefalia-like foi aquém do esperado, principalmente naqueles indivíduos com holoprosencefalia, que se justifica pelo maior comprometimento no sistema nervoso central. A natureza destas alterações pode estar associada ao universo de alterações neurológicas e craniofaciais descritas nestes quadros clínicos e também à influência do ambiente social.
INTRODUÇÃO: O surfe é uma modalidade que tem crescido bastante, aumentando o interesse nas pesquisas interessadas nos aspectos que podem influenciar no desempenho desses atletas, como, por exemplo, lesões, aptidão aeróbia e tempo de reação. Devido ao ambiente em constante mudança e de alta instabilidade exigido na prática do surfe, é necessário que os surfistas desenvolvam habilidades neuromusculares (agilidade, equilíbrio, força muscular e flexibilidade) para obter um melhor desempenho nesta atividade esportiva. No entanto, ainda são escassos os trabalhos científicos que se preocupam em investigar tais capacidades motoras em surfistas. OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o controle do equilíbrio em surfistas amadores em relação aos praticantes de outras atividades físicas. MÉTODOS: Os participantes permaneceram sobre uma plataforma de força enquanto realizavam tarefas que envolviam privação visual (olhos abertos ou fechados) e perturbação somatossensorial (superfície firme ou uso de espuma), com covariação das condições experimentais. As seguintes variáveis foram analisadas: velocidade e raiz quadrática média (RMS) do deslocamento do centro de pressão nas direções anteroposterior (AP) e mediolateral (ML). RESULTADOS: Os resultados mostraram que não houve diferença entre os grupos, durante as condições experimentais, isto é, tanto surfistas quanto grupo controle oscilaram mais nas condições de olhos fechados e sobre espuma. CONCLUSÃO: Apesar de o surfe exigir, por parte do esportista, uma grande capacidade em controlar o equilíbrio, os resultados não revelaram relação entre a prática deste esporte e um melhor desempenho no controle do equilíbrio. Porém, devemos considerar o reduzido tamanho da amostra e o fato de a modalidade exigir um equilíbrio dinâmico, enquanto o estudo avaliou o equilíbrio estático.
Background: Congenital cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection may lead to cerebral injury and neurodevelopmental delay. Cranial computed tomography (CT) is currently the standard imaging technique for predicting the outcome of CMV infected patients. Ultrasound (US) is a safe means to assess the extent of cerebral injury due to CMV infection in neonates, and unlike CT, is readily available at the bedside. Aim: To report the accuracy of US in predicting neurodevelopmental and sensorineural outcome in patients with congenital CMV infection. Study design: 57 newborns with congenital CMV infection underwent brain US and were followed prospectively for motor skills, developmental quotient and hearing function. Results: An abnormal US was found in 12/57 newborns. At least one sequela (Developmental Quotient < 85, motor delay, sensorineural hearing loss) was present in 10/11 surviving children with abnormal US (1 patient died in the neonatal period) vs 3/45 newborns with normal US (OR for death or poor outcome: 154, CI 17.3-1219.6, p<0.001, positive predictive value 91.7%, negative predictive value 93.3%). Conclusion: A good correlation is shown between ultrasound abnormalities and the prediction of outcome, suggesting that US may be used to study and follow CMV infected neonates. Our findings await confirmation in a larger population.
Die Frage wie großmotorische Bewegungen gelernt werden beschäftigt nicht nur Sportler, Trainer und Sportlehrer sondern auch Ärzte und Physiotherapeuten. Die sportwissenschaftlichen Teildisziplinen Bewegungs- und Trainingswissenschaft versuchen diese Frage sowohl im Sinne der Grundlagenforschung (Wie funktioniert Bewegungslernen?) als auch hinsichtlich der praktischen Konsequenzen (Wie lehrt man Bewegungen?) zu beantworten. Innerhalb dieser Themenfelder existieren Modelle, die Bewegungslernen als gezielte und extern unterstützte Ausbildung zentralnervöser Bewegungsprogramme verstehen und solche, die Lernen als Selbstorganisationsprozess interpretieren. Letzteren ist das Differenzielle Lernen und Lehren (Schöllhorn, 1999) zuzuordnen, das die Notwendigkeit betont, Bewegungen durch die Steigerung der Variationen während der Aneignungsphase zu lernen und zu lehren. Durch eine Vielzahl an Variationen, so die Modellannahme, findet der Lernende ohne externe Vorgaben selbstorganisiert ein individuelles situatives Optimum. Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht, welchen Einfluss Variationen verschiedener Art und Größe auf die Lern- und Aneignungsleistung großmotorischer Bewegungen haben und in wie fern personenübergreifende Optima existieren. In zwei Experimenten wird der Einfluss von räumlichen (Bewegungsausführung, Bewegungsergebnis) und zeitlichen Variationen (zeitliche Verteilung der Trainingsreize) auf die Aneignungs- und Lernleistung großmotorischer sportlicher Bewegungen am Beispiel zweier technischer Grundfertigkeiten des Hallenhockeys untersucht. Die Ergebnisse der Experimente stützen die bisherige Befundlage zum Differenziellen Lernen und Lehren, wonach eine Zunahme an Variation in der Aneignungsphase zu größeren Aneignungs- und Lernleistungen führt. Zusätzlich wird die Annahme bestätigt, dass ein Zusammenhang von Variationsbereich und Lernrate in Form eines Optimaltrends vorliegt. Neu sind die Hinweise auf die Dynamik von motorischen Lernprozessen (Experiment 1). Hier scheinen individuelle Faktoren (z. B. die Lernbiografie) als auch die Phase im Lernprozess (Aneignung, Lernen) Einfluss zu haben auf den Umfang und die Struktur eines für die optimale Adaptation notwendigen Variationsbereichs. Darüber hinaus weisen die Befunde auf verschiedene Aneignungs- und Lerneffekte aufgrund alleiniger Variation der zeitlichen Verteilung bei ansonsten gleichen Trainingsreizen hin (Experiment 2). Für zukünftige Forschungsarbeiten zum Erlernen großmotorischer Bewegungen und für die sportliche Praxis dürfte es daher erkenntnisreich sein, die Historie der intrinsischen Dynamik der lernenden Systeme stärker zu berücksichtigen. Neben Fragestellungen für die Grundlagenforschung zum (Bewegungs-)Lernen ließen sich hieraus unmittelbar praxisrelevante Erkenntnisse darüber ableiten, wie Bewegungslernprozesse mittels verschiedener Variationsbereiche strukturiert und gesteuert werden könnten.
PURPOSE: To identify MRI characteristics that may predict the functional effect of selective dorsal rhizotomy (SDR) in children with bilateral spastic paresis. METHODS: We performed SDR in a group of 36 patients. The gross motor functioning measure-66 (GMFM-66) was applied before and after SDR. Available cerebral MRIs were retrospectively classified into three diagnostic groups: periventricular leucomalacia (PVL; n = 10), hydrocephalus (n = 2), and normal (n = 6). In patients with PVL, we scored the severity of the MR abnormalities. We compared the changes in the GMFM-66 after SDR in the diagnostic groups. In patients with PVL, we correlated the severity of the MR abnormalities with the changes in the GMFM-66. RESULTS: The mean follow-up period was 5 years and 4 months (range, 1 year and 1 month to 9 years). The best improvement in gross motor function was observed in patients with normal MRI, and the slightest improvement was observed in patients with hydrocephalus. The severity of the PVL did correlate with the GMFM-66 score before SDR but not with the functional effect of SDR. CONCLUSION: We conclude that with respect to gross motor skills, the improvements after SDR are good in patients with no MRI abnormalities. In the patients with hydrocephalus, the improvements after SDR were insignificant. In patients with PVL, the improvements were intermediate and did not correlate with the degree of PVL.
Neuroanatomical determinants of motor skill recovery after stroke are still poorly understood. Although lesion load onto the corticospinal tract is known to affect recovery, less is known about the effect of lesions to cortical sensorimotor areas. Here, we test the hypothesis that lesions of somatosensory cortices interfere with the capacity to recover motor skills after stroke.
Researchers largely agree that there is a positive relationship between achievement motivation and athletic performance, which is why the achievement motive is viewed as a potential criterion for talent. However, the underlying mechanism behind this relationship remains unclear. In talent and performance models, main effect, mediator and moderator models have been suggested. A longitudinal study was carried out among 140 13-year-old football talents, using structural equation modelling to determine which model best explains how hope for success (HS) and fear of failure (FF), which are the aspects of the achievement motive, motor skills and abilities that affect performance. Over a period of half a year, HS can to some extent explain athletic performance, but this relationship is not mediated by the volume of training, sport-specific skills or abilities, nor is the achievement motive a moderating variable. Contrary to expectations, FF does not explain any part of performance. Aside from HS, however, motor abilities and in particular skills also predict a significant part of performance. The study confirms the widespread assumption that the development of athletic performance in football depends on multiple factors, and in particular that HS is worth watching in the medium term as a predictor of talent.
Introduction: Nocturnal dreams can be considered as a kind of simulation of the real world on a higher cognitive level (Erlacher & Schredl, 2008). Within lucid dreams, the dreamer is aware of the dream state and thus able to control the ongoing dream content. Previous studies could demonstrate that it is possible to practice motor tasks during lucid dreams and doing so improved performance while awake (Erlacher & Schredl, 2010). Even though lucid dream practice might be a promising kind of cognitive rehearsal in sports, little is known about the characteristics of actions in lucid dreams. The purpose of the present study was to explore the relationship between time in dreams and wakefulness because in an earlier study (Erlacher & Schredl, 2004) we found that performing squads took lucid dreamers 44.5 % more time than in the waking state while for counting the same participants showed no differences between dreaming and wakefulness. To find out if the task modality, the task length or the task complexity require longer times in lucid dreams than in wakefulness three experiments were conducted. Methods: In the first experiment five proficient lucid dreamers spent two to three non-consecutive nights in the sleep laboratory with polysomnographic recording to control for REM sleep and determine eye signals. Participants counted from 1-10, 1-20 and 1-30 in wakefulness and in their lucid dreams. While dreaming they marked onset of lucidity as well as beginning and end of the counting task with a Left-Right-Left-Right eye movement and reported their dreams after being awakened. The same procedure was used for the second experiment with seven lucid dreamers except that they had to walk 10, 20 or 30 steps. In the third experiment nine participants performed an exercise involving gymnastics elements such as various jumps and a roll. To control for length of the task the gymnastic exercise in the waking state lasted about the same time as walking 10 steps. Results: As a general result we found – as in the study before – that performing a task in the lucid dream requires more time than in wakefulness. This tendency was found for all three tasks. However, there was no difference for the task modality (counting vs. motor task). Also the relative time for the different lengths of the tasks showed no difference. And finally, the more complex motor task (gymnastic routine) did not require more time in lucid dreams than the simple motor task. Discussion/Conclusion: The results showed that there is a robust effect of time in lucid dreams compared to wakefulness. The three experiments could not explain that those differences are caused by task modality, task length or task complexity. Therefore further possible candidates needs to be investigated e.g. experience in lucid dreaming or psychological variables. References: Erlacher, D. & Schredl, M. (2010). Practicing a motor task in a lucid dream enhances subsequent performance: A pilot study. The Sport Psychologist, 24(2), 157-167. Erlacher, D. & Schredl, M. (2008). Do REM (lucid) dreamed and executed actions share the same neural substrate? International Journal of Dream Research, 1(1), 7-13. Erlacher, D. & Schredl, M. (2004). Time required for motor activity in lucid dreams. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 99, 1239-1242.
Changes in physical self-concept and veridicality (i.e., the appropriateness of one’s self-perceptions to reality) during childhood and adolescence are related to performance in physical fi tness, exercise, and global self-esteem, particularly in male adolescents. This cross-sectional study examined the relation between the self-concept of strength and actual strength in groups of male adolescents ages 12 to 15 years. For this purpose, 889 male adolescents (M age = 13.2 yr., SD = 1.0) were questioned about their self-concept of strength, after which a test of strength was carried out. The results showed that the correlation between self- concept of strength and actual strength was higher in older (14- and 15-year-old) than younger (12- and 13-year-old) adolescents. There was a statistically signifi cant association between age group and veridicality, indicating that realistic self-concept is underrepresented among younger, but overrepresented among older adolescents. No association was found between the adolescents’ physical activity and veridicality. The consequences for further research on the development of veridicality in the physical domain are discussed.
Zusammenfassung. In der vorliegenden Studie wird der Frage nachgegangen, ob sich zwischen beliebten, durchschnittlichen, unbeachteten und zurückgewiesenen Kindern Unterschiede in spezifischen kognitiven und motorischen Fähigkeiten finden lassen. Zu drei verschiedenen Zeitpunkten wurden mit 177 regulär eingeschulten 7-jährigen Kindern Peernominationen und Peerratings erhoben, um reliable soziometrische Daten zu erhalten und ein Vergleich der beiden Methoden vorzunehmen. Außerdem wurde eine umfassende Testbatterie von insgesamt 20 Aufgaben in den Bereichen Informationsverarbeitungsgeschwindigkeit, Kurzzeit- und Arbeitsgedächtnis, Inhibition, Sprache und Motorik durchgeführt. Mit Ausnahme der Kurzzeitgedächtniskapazität wurden für alle Funktionsbereiche signifikante Unterschiede zwischen den Statusgruppen gefunden. Die kontinuierlichen soziometrischen Werte der Ratingmethode zeigten sich etwas sensitiver als die der Nominationsmethode. Korrelativ wurde mit beiden Methoden ersichtlich, dass bessere Leistungen im kognitiven und motorischen Bereich nicht nur mit mehr Beliebtheit zusammenhingen, sondern auch, dass schlechte Leistungen in Verbindung standen mit sozialer Zurückweisung. Abstract. In the present study, it was investigated whether popular, average, neglected, and rejected children differ with respect to specific cognitive and motor skills. Peer nomination and peer rating methods were used at three different points in time to obtain reliable sociometric data of 177 regularly enrolled 7-year-old children and to compare the two methods. Furthermore, a battery comprising 21 tasks was used to assess speed of information processing, short-term and working memory, inhibition, language, and motor skills. Significant differences were found between children of different status groups with respect to all studied abilities with the exception of short-term memory. The continuous sociometric scores of the rating method resulted to be slightly more sensitive than those obtained with the nomination method. However, correlative analyses with both methods showed that better performance on the cognitive and motor tasks was associated with popularity, whereas worse performance was related to social rejection.