913 resultados para Motivation,
Sponsring är ett utbyte och en marknadsföringsmetod som används av allt fler organisationer. Med syftet att påverka personalen i en organisation är sponsring en relativt oanvänd metod för marknadsföring. Trots detta så påverkar sponsring personalen oavsett organisationens målsättning med sponsring. Syftet med studien är att utvärdera om sponsring fungerar som ett verktyg för motivation i en specifik organisation, sedan utvärderas hur sponsring bidrar till motivation. För att besvara syftet genomfördes en kvantitativ studie i form av en enkätundersökning. Denna genomfördes hos vårt studieobjekt Länsförsäkringar i Gävleborg. Analysen av den insamlade datan har genomförts med stöd av den teoretiska referensramen. Resultatet av studien visar att sponsring kan användas till att motivera personalen på Länsförsäkringar. Dock så är organisationens nuvarande sponsring något som inte tydligt motiverar personalen. Länsförsäkringar vill med sin sponsring bidra till samhället och på så sätt skapa engagemang och stolthet bland personalen. Sponsring får personalen att känna stolthet men däremot inget tydligt engagemang. Länsförsäkringar är bra på att informera personalen om sponsring, däremot så är organisationen inte lika bra på att lyssna till personalens värderingar kring sponsring. Det bristande engagemanget skulle då kunna bero på att personalen inte får tycka till om organisationens sponsring.
Rapporten utgår från forskningsområdet ”Hur kan och bör arbetsmiljö¬arbete bedrivas och integreras i organisationers kärnverksamhet?” vid tema SMARTA, Arbetslivsinstitutet. I ett tidigare arbete har ett antal egenskaper identifierats som viktiga för motivation och engagemang för arbetsmiljöarbete, sk Moveit-egenskaper. Dessa egenskaper och deras roll i arbetsmiljöarbetet ställs här i relation till perspektivet integrerat arbetsmiljöarbete, där arbetsmiljön ingår i styrsystemet och arbetsmiljöarbete betraktas som en del av styrningen av produktion och verksamhet. Syftet är att utveckla förståelsen för viktiga aspekter i arbetsmiljöarbetet utifrån en målsättning att metoder ska bidra till ett integrerat och kontinuerligt fungerande arbetsmiljöarbete. Den metodansats som rapporten utgår från bygger till stor del på interaktion med företagshälsovårdcentraler, konsulter och ergonomer samt på tidigare forskning. Ett viktigt steg i interaktionen har varit workshops som arrangerats vid tre tillfällen och vid olika platser - Borlänge, Göteborg och Umeå. Rapporten beskriver ett underlag för att bedöma metoders motivationskraft, erfarenheter från workshops med aktörer inom arbetsmiljöområdet, en fristående konsults tillämpning av metoden Visit samt olika former av förutsättningar för arbetsmiljöarbete, såsom företags mognad och hur metoder introduceras på arbetsplatser. Aspekter som identifieras som viktiga för ett integrerat arbetsmiljöarbete är: delegering av ansvar och befogenheter i arbetsmiljöfrågor, bred delaktighet och samverkan mellan anställda och ledning, hanterbara men ändå utmanande krav på arbetsmiljöarbetet, processfokusering och dynamik, samt utrymme för reflektion. Flera av dessa aspekter uppvisar överensstämmelser med egenskaper hos metoder som bidrar till att skapa motivation för arbetsmiljöarbete.
The aim of this literature review is to investigate which strategies teachers use to motivate pupils to communicate orally in English. The literature review also investigates how these teacher strategies affect pupils. The methodology used for this investigation is a systematic literature review. Various databases have been used when searching for literature. Scientific articles and theses have been searched for. They have also been read and analyzed before they have become a part of this review. The results indicate that some teachers feel insecure when speaking English. Therefore Swedish is spoken in many language classrooms. Teachers speaking in front of the class is the traditional way of teaching, and it does not seem to be a strategy who influences pupils positively. If teachers speak the target language among pupils they often get more motivated and focused pupils who feel comfortable speaking English. Young pupils are fast learners. By exposing them to the English language in early ages they receive great opportunities to learn a foreign language and strengthen their self-confidence. Drama, songs and rhymes are preferable strategies to use when teaching young learners. What position teachers decide to take in the classroom is also a significant element when teaching foreign languages.
Cooperation is the fundamental underpinning of multi-agent systems, allowing agents to interact to achieve their goals. Where agents are self-interested, or potentially unreliable, there must be appropriate mechanisms to cope with the uncertainty that arises. In particular, agents must manage the risk associated with interacting with others who have different objectives, or who may fail to fulfil their commitments. Previous work has utilised the notions of motivation and trust in engendering successful cooperation between self-interested agents. Motivations provide a means for representing and reasoning about agents' overall objectives, and trust offers a mechanism for modelling and reasoning about reliability, honesty, veracity and so forth. This paper extends that work to address some of its limitations. In particular, we introduce the concept of a clan: a group of agents who trust each other and have similar objectives. Clan members treat each other favourably when making private decisions about cooperation, in order to gain mutual benefit. We describe mechanisms for agents to form, maintain, and dissolve clans in accordance with their self-interested nature, along with giving details of how clan membership influences individual decision making. Finally, through some simulation experiments we illustrate the effectiveness of clan formation in addressing some of the inherent problems with cooperation among self-interested agents.
AI planning systems tend to be disembodied and are not situated within the environment for which plans are generated, thus losing information concerning the interaction between the system and its environment. This paper argues that such information may potentially be valuable in constraining plan formulation, and presents both an agent- and domainindependent architecture that extends the classical AI planning framework to take into account context, or the interaction between an autonomous situated planning agent and its environment. The paper describes how context constrains the goals an agent might generate, enables those goals to be prioritised, and constrains plan selection.
What motivates someone to dance until they are exhausted, sweaty, boiling hot and out of breath? I myself, recalling experiences when I have danced so hard I've nearly fainted, remember how exhilarating that motivation can be. But why? Why is that at all pleasant? Of course, I had several of my own explanations, but I was also interested in doing some scientific research on exhaustion. This question was of ample depth to become the basis of my project.
Equity crowdfunding, ou financiamento de um projeto ou empreendimento através de diversos pequenos investimentos ou um grande grupo de investidores, tem recebido uma crescente atenção da mídia e acadêmicos. A discussão questiona se crowdfunding pode de uma forma geral transformar a maneira como as pessoas captam capital para os seus negócios. Enquanto que pesquisas tem até então focado em explorar porque crowdinvestors têm motivação em financiar empreitadas, este estudo foca em revelar o que motiva empreendedores a procurar soluções de crowdfund. Para isso, o estudo investigou a motivação de 11 empreendedores que usaram plataformas alemãs de crowdfunding. Como estudos existentes sobre a motivação de empreendedores são na sua grande maioria superficiais, este estudo utiliza uma nova abordagem de pesquisa na área de financiamento de projetos, a abordagem de means-end. Sob essa abordagem a forma de pensar dos empreendedores em relação ao uso de equity crowdfunding foi estudada de forma holística, revelando todo o processo de raciocínio até a decisão final de optar por uma estratégia de crowdfunding. Uma das descobertas é que empreendedores usam equity crowdfunding para arrecadar fundos de crowdinvestors consideravelmente não-racionais (emocionais) para financiar o crescimento futuro de seus negócios e também sinalizar viabilidade de investimento para futuros investidores. Além disso, empreendedores esperam que crowdinvestors sejam engajados e ajudem tanto a promover o negócio como a dar feedback. Crowdfunding também possibilita que empreendedores mantenham o poder de decisão sobre a empresa mais facilmente se comparado a outras fontes tradicionais de financiamento. As descobertas indicam que crowdfunding atrai empreendedores que não conseguiriam arrecadar investimentos a partir de outras fontes de capital assim como empreendedores que entendem os benefícios adicionais que esta oferece em relação à outras fontes.
This study demonstrates the cultural dimension and the surrounding environment of different entrepreneurs selected from three countries, the United States of America, the Federative Republic of Brazil, and the United Arab Emirates. The general objective is to understand the difference in the entrepreneurial motives and spirit towards venture creation from the three different countries. After conducting field research and collecting the required data, a deep analysis was conducted to draw a comparison between the three cultures from an individual’s point of view, to help shape a set of proposed recommendations, which could be used to improve the current culture of entrepreneurship in the UAE.
OBJECTIVE: The participation of humans in clinical cardiology trials remains essential, but little is known regarding participant perceptions of such studies. We examined the factors that motivated participation in such studies, as well as those that led to participant frustration.METHODS: Patients who had participated in hypertension and coronary arterial disease (phases II, III, and IV) clinical trials were invited to answer a questionnaire. They were divided into two groups: Group I, which included participants in placebo-controlled clinical trials after randomization, and Group II, which included participants in clinical trials in which the tested treatment was compared to another drug after randomization and in which a placebo was used in the washout period.RESULTS: Eighty patients (47 patients in Group I and 33 patients in Group II) with different socio-demographic characteristics were interviewed. Approximately 60% of the patients were motivated to participate in the trial with the expectation of personal benefit. Nine participants (11.2%) expressed the desire to withdraw, which was due to their perception of risk during the testing in the clinical trial (Group I) and to the necessity of repeated returns to the institution (Group II). However, the patients did not withdraw due to fear of termination of hospital treatment.CONCLUSIONS: Although this study had a small patient sample, the possibility of receiving a benefit from the new tested treatment was consistently reported as a motivation to participate in the trials.