219 resultados para Motile Iridophore
Stromules are motile extensions of the plastid envelope membrane, whose roles are not fully understood. They are present on all plastid types but are more common and extensive on non-green plastids that are sparsely distributed within the cell. During tomato fruit ripening, chloroplasts in the mesocarp tissue differentiate into chromoplasts and undergo major shifts in morphology. In order to understand what factors regulate stromule formation, we analysed stromule biogenesis in tobacco hypocotyls and in two distinct plastid populations in tomato mesocarp. We show that increases in stromule length and frequency are correlated with chromoplast differentiation, but only in one plastid population where the plastids are larger and less numerous. We used tobacco hypocotyls to confirm that stromule length increases as plastids become further apart, suggesting that stromules optimise the plastid-cytoplasm contact area. Furthermore, we demonstrate that ectopic chloroplast components decrease stromule formation on tomato fruit chromoplasts, whereas preventing chloroplast development leads to increased numbers of stromules. Inhibition of fruit ripening has a dramatic impact on plastid and stromule morphology, underlining that plastid differentiation status, and not cell type, is a significant factor in determining the extent of plastid stromules. By modifying the plastid surface area, we propose that stromules enhance the specific metabolic activities of plastids. This is an electronic version of an Article published in The Plant Journal, August 2004, Volume 39, pp. 655-667. Copyright 2004 Blackwell Publishing Ltd and The Society for Experimental Biology.
In contrast to animals and lower plant species, sperm cells of flowering plants are non-motile and are transported to the female gametes via the pollen tube, i.e. the male gametophyte. Upon arrival at the female gametophyte two sperm cells are discharged into the receptive synergid cell to execute double fertilization. The first players involved in inter-gametophyte signaling to attract pollen tubes and to arrest their growth have been recently identified. In contrast the physiological mechanisms leading to pollen tube burst and thus sperm discharge remained elusive. Here, we describe the role of polymorphic defensin-like cysteine-rich proteins ZmES1-4 (Zea mays embryo sac) from maize, leading to pollen tube growth arrest, burst, and explosive sperm release. ZmES1-4 genes are exclusively expressed in the cells of the female gametophyte. ZmES4-GFP fusion proteins accumulate in vesicles at the secretory zone of mature synergid cells and are released during the fertilization process. Using RNAi knock-down and synthetic ZmES4 proteins, we found that ZmES4 induces pollen tube burst in a species-preferential manner. Pollen tube plasma membrane depolarization, which occurs immediately after ZmES4 application, as well as channel blocker experiments point to a role of K(+)-influx in the pollen tube rupture mechanism. Finally, we discovered the intrinsic rectifying K(+) channel KZM1 as a direct target of ZmES4. Following ZmES4 application, KZM1 opens at physiological membrane potentials and closes after wash-out. In conclusion, we suggest that vesicles containing ZmES4 are released from the synergid cells upon male-female gametophyte signaling. Subsequent interaction between ZmES4 and KZM1 results in channel opening and K(+) influx. We further suggest that K(+) influx leads to water uptake and culminates in osmotic tube burst. The species-preferential activity of polymorphic ZmES4 indicates that the mechanism described represents a pre-zygotic hybridization barrier and may be a component of reproductive isolation in plants.
Frozen-thawed boar sperm holds the potential to have an impact on the future of the swine industry. Utilization of this technology could improve a swine producer’s ability to access top-tier genetics from around the world, to improve efficiency, profitability, and the quality of product to meet consumer demands. Effective application of frozen-thawed sperm can help reduce the potential risk associated with devastating economic loss due to the spread of disease. Frozen storage of boar sperm also provides a safeguard in the event of disease outbreaks, as genetic material from paternal lines can be preserved and banked for repopulation purposes. Historically these benefits have been masked by reduction in fertility measures such as litter size. The reduced fertility results from the damage sustained by the sperm cell during cryopreservation. However, increased understanding of this damage has lead to improved cryopreservation methods, ultimately increasing post-thaw viability and fertility. Enhancements in breeding technology have also resulted in a better understanding of the AI methods required to achieve acceptable farrowing rates and litter size. Fertility following AI with frozen-thawed sperm is approaching that of liquid stored sperm, and producers may soon reap the benefits of this technology. This thesis will outline the current swine industry, opportunities for utilizing frozen-thawed sperm, the main components of sperm, why they are susceptible to damage, and current freezing and breeding practices. Objective 1 was to develop a cryopreservation protocol for our lab that resulted in consistent post-thaw motility ( ≥ 40%) that would eventually be used by Illinois boar studs for domestic and international sale of frozen sperm. Evaluation with both manual microscopy and CASA methods were conducted to verify quality. A preliminary breeding trial was then conducted to test the fertility of sperm frozen with this method. There were 41 ejaculates from 23 boars used for freezing. Sperm were frozen at 1.4x109 sperm/mL, averaging 55.61.1% (meanSE) motility, following thaw. The samples assessed were not different (P>0.05) in motility when compared with manual or CASA systems, and results were most reliable at a 1:40 sperm dilution. In the preliminary breeding trial, gilts (n=14) were inseminated with either a single (n=10) or double (n=4) AI using 1, 2, or 4x109 motile, frozen-thawed sperm. Overall, the resulting pregnancy rates averaged 71.4% and numbers of normal fetuses per litter averaged 15.51.3 per litter. A feasibility study for freezing cost per ejaculate was estimated at $275/ejaculate or $11/dose of frozen-thawed semen at standard doses of 5x109 total frozen-thawed sperm. This cost estimate did not include genetic value, fixed equipment costs, depreciation, or variable lab space fees. Objective 2 focused on the proper methods for breeding with frozen-thawed boar sperm to achieve fertility. Our hypothesis was that increased numbers of inseminations and increased numbers of motile frozen-thawed sperm would improve pregnancy rate and litter size. Results showed acceptable fertility at high sperm numbers, but also the optimal method for insemination with the lowest dose tested. Gilts (n=111) responded to synchronization methods and were bred with 1, 2, or 4x109 motile frozen-thawed sperm from six boars using a single AI at 32 h, or a double AI, with the first AI at 24 and 32 h following estrus. Ultrasound was conducted at 12 h intervals to estimate the time of ovulation. On day 32 of gestation, overall pregnancy rate (73%) and number of normal fetuses per litter (10.80.5) across all treatments did not differ, and were not affected by number of motile sperm, or the interaction of number of motile sperm and number of inseminations. However, the number of inseminations tended to affect (P=0.14) the number of normal fetuses. Litter size increased with a double AI compared to single AI. Multiple inseminations helped to allow insemination to occur close to ovulation in response to variation in the time of ovulation. Both pregnancy rate and number of normal fetuses were greater when the time of the AI at 32 h occurred closer to the estimated time of ovulation (P<0.05). In addition, other factors such as presence of an abnormal ovary at day 30 decreased (P<0.001) pregnancy rate, while boar affected number of normal fetuses (P<0.01). Analysis of our data using a fertility index revealed doses of 2x109 motile sperm with multiple AI can achieve acceptable fertility with use of less sperm, when compared to AI using 4x109 motile sperm. The methods described here will investigate the potential for improved fertility when using frozen-thawed sperm, while accounting for variation in time of ovulation.
A novel, anaerobic, chemo-organotrophic bacterium, designated strain Ra1766HT, was isolated from sediments of the Guaymas basin (Gulf of California, Mexico) taken from a depth of 2002 m. Cells were thin, motile, Gram-stain-positive, flexible rods forming terminal endospores. Strain Ra1766H(T) grew at temperatures of 25-45 degrees C (optimum 30 degrees C), pH 6.7-8.1 (optimum 7.5) and in a salinity of 5-60 g l(-1) NaCl (optimum 30 g l(-1)). It was an obligate heterotrophic bacterium fermenting carbohydrates (glucose and mannose) and organic acids (pyruvate and succinate). Casamino acids and amino acids (glutamate, aspartate and glycine) were also fermented. The main end products from glucose fermentation were acetate, butyrate, ethanol, H-2 and CO2. Sulfate, sulfite, thiosulfate, elemental sulfur, fumarate, nitrate, nitrite and Fe(III) were not used as terminal electron acceptors. The predominant cellular fatty acids were C-14 : 0, C-16:1 omega 7, C-16:1 omega 7 DMA and C-16:0. The main polar lipids consisted of phosphatidylglycerol, diphosphatidylglycerol, phosphatidylethanolamine and phospholipids. The G +C content of the genomic DNA was 33.7 molo/o. Phylogenetic analysis of the 16S rRNA gene sequence indicated that strain Ra1766H(T) was affiliated to cluster XI of the order Clostridia les, phylum Firmicutes. The closest phylogenetic relative of Ra1766H(T) was Geosporobacter subterraneus (94.2% 16S rRNA gene sequence similarity). On the basis of phylogenetic inference and phenotypic properties, strain Ra1766H(T) (=DSM 27501(T)=JCM 19377(T)) is proposed to be the type strain of a novel species of a novel genus, named Crassaminicella pro funda.
In the Pacific oyster, spermatozoa are characterized by a remarkably long movement phase (i.e., over 24 h) sustained by a capacity to maintain intracellular ATP level. To gain information on oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) functionality during the motility phase of Pacific oyster spermatozoa, we studied 1) changes in spermatozoal mitochondrial activity, that is, mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP), and intracellular ATP content in relation to motion parameters and 2) the involvement of OXPHOS for spermatozoal movement using carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenyl hydrazone (CCCP). The percentage of motile spermatozoa decreased over a 24 h movement period. MMP increased steadily during the first 9 h of the movement phase and was subsequently maintained at a constant level. Conversely, spermatozoal ATP content decreased steadily during the first 9 h postactivation and was maintained at this level during the following hours of the movement phase. When OXPHOS was decoupled by CCCP, the movement of spermatozoa was maintained 2 h and totally stopped after 4 h of incubation, whereas spermatozoa were still motile in the control after 4 h. Our results suggest that the ATP sustaining flagellar movement of spermatozoa may partially originate from glycolysis or from mobilization of stored ATP or from potential phosphagens during the first 2 h of movement as deduced by the decoupling by CCCP of OXPHOS. However, OXPHOS is required to sustain the long motility phase of Pacific oyster spermatozoa. In addition, spermatozoa may hydrolyze intracellular ATP content during the early part of the movement phase, stimulating mitochondrial activity. This stimulation seems to be involved in sustaining a high ATP level until the end of the motility phase.
Campylobacter is a major cause of acute bacterial gastroenteritis worldwide, with the highest number of infections being attributed to Campylobacter jejuni. C. jejuni is a Gram negative, spiral, motile bacterium that belongs to the campylobacterales order and is related to both Helicobacter spp. and Wolinella sp.. It has long been established that proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) and other benzimidazole derivatives display anti-Helicobacter activity in vitro. PPIs have in the past been shown to affect Helicobacter pylori growth, survival, motility, morphology, adhesion/invasion potential and susceptibility to conventional antibiotics. PPIs are highly effective drugs that are well tolerated, safe for prolonged daily use and are therefore in high demand. Both the PPIs omeprazole and lansoprazole featured in the top ten drugs prescribed in England in 2014. In 2014 Campylobacter was also the most commonly diagnosed gastrointestinal infection in Scotland, in England and Wales and also in Europe. It has previously been generally accepted that patients who are being treated with PPIs are more susceptible to enteric infections such as Campylobacter than people not taking PPIs. The effect of PPI exposure on H. pylori has been investigated rigorously in the past. A single previous study has hinted that PPIs may also be capable of affecting the related organism C. jejuni,but investigations have been extremely limited in comparison to those investigating the effect of PPIs on H. pylori. This study has investigated the in vitro effects of direct contact with PPIs on the biology ofC. jejuni. Exposure to the PPI pantoprazole was found to affect C. jejuni growth/survival, motility, morphology, biofilm formation, invasion potential and susceptibility to some conventional antibiotics. Microarray studies showed that the cmeA and Cj0561c genes were significantly up-regulated in response to pantoprazole exposure and a CmeABC deficient mutant was found to be significantly more susceptible to killing by pantoprazole than was the parent strain. Proteomic analysis indicated that the oxidative stress response of C. jejuni was induced following exposure to sub-lethal concentrations of pantoprazole. C. jejuni gene expression was assessed using qRT-PCR and the genes encoding for thiol peroxidase and GroEL co-chaperonin (both involved in the C. jejuni oxidative stress response) were found to be around four times higher in response to exposure to sub-lethal concentrations of pantoprazole. Experiments using the oxidative stress inhibitors thiourea (a hydroxyl radical quencher) and bipyridyl (a ferrous iron chelator) showed that killing by pantoprazole was not mediated by hydroxyl radical production.
Motile Aeromonas are the most common bacteria of freshwater in the world that cause disease in fish and other cold-blooded and warm-blooded hosts. Among this group of bacteria, Aeromonas hydrophila is important in causing complications such as fin rot, skin ulcers and lethal hemorrhagic septicemia in fish. Several virulence factors involved in the pathogenesis of Aeromonas hydrophila, including extracellular enzymes (protease, lipase, elastase, gelatinase and nuclease) and toxins. From the exotoxins, hemolysin, aerolysin and cytolytic enterotoxin play an important role in pathogenesis. Detection of virulence markers by PCR as a key component of determining the pathogenesis of the bacteria and using indigenous vaccines for better immunization against this disease is important. In this study, a total of 200 fanned carps (126 common carp. 39 silver carp and 35 of grass carp) with symptoms suspected aeromonas septicemia were isolated from Khouzestan province farms. 125 bacteria belong to Aeromonas genus detected by biochemical and PCR methods. 31 of all isolates recognized as Aeromonas hydrophila with biochemical methods, I6srRNA detection and Lipase genes. Results showed that the role of Aeromonas sp. and Aeromonas hydrophila in fish with disease symptoms were 62.5% and 15.5% respectively. By using specific primers, three virulence genes including hemolysin, aerolysine and cytolytic enterotoxin were detected in these confirmed isolates, that 18 isolates (58/06%) hemolysin positive (hlyA +), 16 isolates (51/61%) aerolysine positive (aerA+) and 23 isolates (74/19%) for cytolytic enterotoxin gene (act+) were positive. The result of present study showed that most of the confirmed isolates genotype was hlyA+ act- with frequency equal to 51/61%. For investigating the protection effect of acut strain of bacteria, UV inactivated bacterin was used.
Boloceroides spp. are looking like an untidy mop, this anemone is sometimes seen in sea grass areas on many of our shores. It is possibly seasonal. Sometimes, large numbers are seen (up to 10-20 animals in a trip) and then none at all. Tiny swimming anemones may sometimes be confused with Sea grass anemones which have translucent tentacles with tiny spots. The swimming anemone harbors symbiotic single-celled algae (zooxanthellae). The algae undergo photosynthesis to produce food from sunlight. The food produced is shared with the sea anemone, which in return provides the algae with shelter and minerals. The oral disk and tentacle muscles are used to obtain, retain, and ingest prey; in Boloceroides spp. tentacles can autotomize if it is needed to evade a predator. Tentacles can control body form by use of their endodermal muscles. Retractors are longitudinal muscles that will aid in withdrawing tentacles and the oral disk if they are exposed to the open air. This hypothesis is furthered because in comparison to other sea anemones, Boloceroides is loosely attached to its respective substrate, thus allowing the pedal disk to detach quickly resulting in a rapid swimming response. Boloceroides can reproduce both sexually and asexually. As Anthozoans, Boloceroides produce sexually by bypassing the medusa life cycle stage; this allows Boloceroides (and all Anthozoans) to release their egg and sperm creating planula a bilaterally symmetrical, flattened, ciliated, motile larva.
The male gametophyte of the semi-aquatic fern, Marsilea vestita, produces multiciliated spermatozoids in a rapid developmental sequence that is controlled post-transcriptionally when dry microspores are placed in water. Development can be divided into two phases, mitosis and differentiation. During the mitotic phase, a series of nine successive division cycles produce 7 sterile cells and 32 spermatids in 4.5-5 hours. During the next 5-6 hours, each spermatid differentiates into a corkscrew-shaped motile spermatozoid with ~140 cilia. This document focuses on the role of motor proteins in the regulation of male gametophyte development and during ciliogenesis. In order to study the mechanisms that regulate spermatogenesis, RNAseq was used to generate a reference transcriptome that allowed us to assess the abundance of transcripts at different stages of development. Over 120 kinesin-like sequences were identified in the transcriptome that represent 56 unique kinesin transcripts. Members of the kinesin-2, -4, -5, -7, -8, -9, -12, -13, and -14 families, in addition to several plant specific and ‘orphan’ kinesins are present. Most (91%) of these kinesin transcripts change in abundance throughout gametophyte development, with 52% of kinesin mRNAs enriched during the mitotic phase and 39% enriched during differentiation. Functional analyses show that the temporal regulation of kinesin transcripts during gametogenesis directly correlates with kinesin protein function. Specifically, Marsilea makes one kinesin-2 (MvKinesin-2) and two kinesin-9 (MvKinesin-9A and MvKinesin-9B) transcripts, which are present during spermatid differentiation and ciliogenesis. Silencing experiments showed that MvKinesin-2 and MvKinesin-9A are required for ciliogenesis and motility in the Marsilea male gametophyte; however, these kinesins display atypical roles during these processes. In contrast, spermatozoids produced after the silencing of MvKinesin-9B exhibit normal morphology. MvKinesin-2 is necessary for cytokinesis as well as for regulating ciliary length and MvKinesin-9A is needed for the correct orientation of basal bodies, events not typically associated with these proteins. In addition, Marsilea makes motile, ciliated gametophytes without the help of IFT dynein, outer arm dynein, or the BBsome. These results are the first to investigate the kinesin-linked mechanisms that regulate ciliogenesis in a land plant.