969 resultados para Morbidade fetal
We have reported earlier that purified preparations of sheep fetal hemoglobin, but not adult hemoglobin, in concert with non-stimulatory doses of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) (lipid A), act cooperatively to regulate in vitro production of a number of cytokines, including TNFalpha, TGFbeta and IL-6 from murine and human leukocytes. Following in vivo treatment of mice with the same combination of hemoglobin and LPS, harvested spleen or peritoneal cells showed a similar augmented capacity to release these cytokines into culture supernatants. We report below that genetically cloned gamma-chain of human or sheep fetal hemoglobin, but not cloned alpha- or beta-chains, can produce this cooperative effect, as indeed can HPLC purified, heme-free, gamma-chains derived from cord blood fetal hemoglobin, and that purified haptoglobin completely abolishes the cooperative interaction.
Purified fractions from a fetal sheep liver extract (FSLE) were investigated, in a murine model, for induction of leukocyte stimulating activities. The fractions FSLE-1 and FSLE-2 induced splenocyte proliferation in vitro in C57Bl/10ScSn (LPS responder) mice comparable to LPS, and in C57Bl/10ScCr (LPS non responder) mice. They also stimulated the release of nitrogen radicals in bone marrow-derived macrophages (BMDM) from several mouse inbred strains including both C57Bl/10ScSn and C57Bl/10ScCr mice. Stimulation of NO production could be blocked by L-NMMA, an inhibitor of iNOS, and enhanced by the simultaneous addition of IFN-gamma. Moreover, stimulation of macrophages by FSLE-1 and FSLE-2 induced a cytostatic effect of the activated macrophages for Abelson 8-1 tumor cells. The stimulatory activity of the purified fractions is partially due to trace amounts of LPS derived from the fetal liver extract which was enriched during purification. Our results may help to explain the beneficial effect of the extract in patients which has been observed clinically.
BACKGROUND. Maternal genetics and feeding before and during pregnancy, different maternal metabolic pathologies, as well as nutrient intakes of newborns in their first months of life may be involved in the obesity aetiology and its long-term consequences. The possible role of these and others factors, the mechanisms and the effects on the metabolism, and the development of this disease need further research. OBJECTIVE. To acquire more knowledge about foetal adipose tissue development and the influence of genetic, dietetic and environmental factors on the risk to suffer from obesity. METHODOLOGY. Four study groups have been established with 30 pregnant women in each one: 1) control group; 2) mothers with glucose intolerance/gestational diabetes; 3) women with low weight gain during pregnancy, and 4) women with overweight/obesity at the beginning of the pregnancy. The magnitudes to be studied are: 1) dietary intake; 2) life-style habits; 3) physical activity; 4) anthropometry and body composition; 5) haematological study; 6) biochemical study (lipid and metabolic biomarkers); 7) immune function profile related to nutritional status; 8) psychological profile; 9) genetic biomarkers, and 10) microbiological markers; all of them in relation to the development of the foetal adipose tissue in the first stages of life and the risk of suffering from obesity in the future. CONCLUSION. This project, coordinated by the Department of Paediatrics of the School of Medicine in the University of Granada, and with the collaboration of well-known and expert research groups, tries to contribute to the knowledge about the obesity aetiology in infancy and its subsequent development in later periods of life.
In obstetrics, premature rupture of the membranes (PROM) is a frequent observation which is responsible for many premature deliveries. PROM is also associated with an increased risk of fetal and maternal infections. Early diagnosis is mandatory in order to decrease such complications. Despite that current biological tests allowing the diagnosis of PROM are both sensitive and specific, contamination of the samples by maternal blood can induce false positive results. Therefore, in order to identify new potential markers of PROM (present only in amniotic blood, and absent in maternal blood), proteomic studies were undertaken on samples collected from six women at terms (pairs of maternal plasma and amniotic fluid) as well as on four samples of amniotic fluid collected from other women at the 17(th) week of gestation. All samples (N = 16) were analyzed by two-dimensional (2-D) high-resolution electrophoresis, followed by sensitive silver staining. The gel images were studied using bioinformatic tools. Analyses were focused on regions corresponding to pI between 4.5 and 7 and to molecular masses between 20 and 50 kDa. In this area, 646 +/- 113 spots were detected, and 27 spots appeared to be present on the gels of amniotic fluid, but were absent on those of maternal plasma. Nine out of these 27 spots were also observed on the gels of the four samples of amniotic fluids collected at the 17(th) week of pregnancy. Five of these 9 spots were unambiguously detected on preparative 2-D gels stained by Coomassie blue, and were identified by mass spectrometry analyses. Three spots corresponded to fragments of plasma proteins, and 2 appeared to be fragments of proteins not known to be present in plasma. These 2 proteins were agrin (SWISS-PROT: O00468) and perlecan (SWISS-PROT: P98160). Our results show that proteomics is a valuable approach to identify new potential biological markers for future PROM diagnosis.
Much progress has been made over the past decades in the development of in vitro techniques for the assessment of chemically induced effects in embryonic and fetal development. In vitro assays have originally been developed to provide information on the mechanism of action of normal development, and have hence more adequately been used in fundamental research. These assays had to undergo extensive modification to be used in developmental toxicity testing. The present paper focuses on the rat whole embryo culture system, but also reviews modifications that were undertaken for the in vitro chick embryo system and the aggregate cultures of fetal rat brain cells. Today these tests cannot replace the existing in vivo developmental toxicity tests. They can, however, be used to screen chemicals for further development or further testing. In addition, these in vitro tests provide valuable information on the mechanisms of developmental toxicity and help to understand the relevancy of findings for humans. In vitro systems, combined with selected in vivo testing and pharmacokinetic investigations in animals and humans, can thus provide essential information for human risk assessment.
Decreasing perinatal morbidity and mortality is one of the main goals of obstetrics. Prognosis of preterm births depends on gestational age and birthweight. Multidisciplinary management is discussed with the parents according to these two parameters. In other circumstances, a suspected macrosomy will influence the management of the last weeks of pregnancy. Induction of labor or Cesarean delivery will be considered to avoid shoulder dystocia, brachial plexus injury or perinatal asphyxia. Birthweight needs to be estimated with accuracy, and this article describes the efficiency of various ultrasound weight estimation formulae for small and large fetuses.
Objective: To assess the maternal comfort and reduction of pain associated with contractions during labor with “hands-knees” (HK) maternal posture compared with “lateral maternal postures toward the fetal back” in pregnant women with occipitoposterior (OP) fetal position. Methods: In the multicenter trial by randomization, 70 women with OP fetal position during labor took the lateral posture and 65 women the HK posture for at least 30 minutes. We analyzed maternal comfort, perceived pain, influence of epidural analgesia and use of fit-ball on posture HK. Results: Back pain and abdominal pain reduction was higher with HK posture. With lateral posture 78.6% of women expressed comfort versus 73.8% of women with HK posture. Regarding the lateral posture, the comfort with HK posture reduces in multiparous women, with an odds ratio (OR) of 0.29, for a confidence interval (CI) 95% 0.12 to 0.76, and epidural analgesia (OR= 0.39; CI 95%: 0.15-1.03), comfort with K posture is higher with reduction of pain (OR= 4.13, 95% CI: 1.34- 12.72) and abdominal pain compared with back pain (OR= 4.05, 95% CI: 1.36-11.85). Conclusions: Women consider comfortable lateral and HK maternal postures during labor. The lateral posture is most comfortable for multiparous and epidural analgesia. The reduction of pain during labor is higher with HK posture, recommending this posture in primiparous women without epidural analgesia.
Serum-free aggregating cell cultures of fetal rat telencephalon were examined by biochemical and immunocytochemical methods for their development-dependent expression of several cytoskeletal proteins, including the heavy- and medium-sized neurofilament subunits (H-NF and M-NF, respectively); brain spectrin; synapsin I; beta-tubulin; and the microtubule-associated proteins (MAPs) 1, 2, and 5 and tau protein. It was found that with time in culture the levels of most of these cytoskeletal proteins increased greatly, with the exceptions of the particular beta-tubulin form studied, which remained unchanged, and MAP 5, which greatly decreased. Among the neurofilament proteins, expression of M-NF preceded that of H-NF, with the latter being detectable only after approximately 3 weeks in culture. Furthermore, MAP 2 and tau protein showed a development-dependent change in expression from the juvenile toward the adult form. The comparison of these developmental changes in cytoskeletal protein levels with those observed in rat brain tissue revealed that protein expression in aggregate cultures is nearly identical to that in vivo during maturation of the neuronal cytoskeleton. Aggregate cultures deprived of glial cells, i.e., neuron-enriched cultures prepared by treating early cultures with the antimitotic drug cytosine arabinoside, exhibited pronounced deficits in M-NF, H-NF, MAP 2, MAP 1, synapsin I, and brain spectrin, with increased levels of a 145-kDa brain spectrin breakdown product. These adverse effects of glial cell deprivation could be reversed by the maintenance of neuron-enriched cultures at elevated concentrations of KCl (30 mM). This chronic treatment had to be started at an early developmental stage to be effective, a finding suggesting that sustained depolarization by KCl is able to enhance the developmental expression and maturation of the neuronal cytoskeleton.
An unusually high incidence of microcephaly in newborns has recently been observed in Brazil. There is a temporal association between the increase in cases of microcephaly and the Zika virus (ZIKV) epidemic. Viral RNA has been detected in amniotic fluid samples, placental tissues and newborn and fetal brain tissues. However, much remains to be determined concerning the association between ZIKV infection and fetal malformations. In this study, we provide evidence of the transplacental transmission of ZIKV through the detection of viral proteins and viral RNA in placental tissue samples from expectant mothers infected at different stages of gestation. We observed chronic placentitis (TORCH type) with viral protein detection by immunohistochemistry in Hofbauer cells and some histiocytes in the intervillous spaces. We also demonstrated the neurotropism of the virus via the detection of viral proteins in glial cells and in some endothelial cells and the observation of scattered foci of microcalcifications in the brain tissues. Lesions were mainly located in the white matter. ZIKV RNA was also detected in these tissues by real-time-polymerase chain reaction. We believe that these findings will contribute to the body of knowledge of the mechanisms of ZIKV transmission, interactions between the virus and host cells and viral tropism.
T-cell development depends upon interactions between thymocytes and thymic epithelial cells (TECs). The engagement of delta-like 4 (DL4) on TECs by Notch1 expressed by blood-borne BM-derived precursors is essential for T-cell commitment in the adult thymus. In contrast to the adult, the earliest T-cell progenitors in the embryo originate in the fetal liver and migrate to the nonvascularized fetal thymus via chemokine signals. Within the fetal thymus, some T-cell precursors undergo programmed TCRγ and TCRδ rearrangement and selection, giving rise to unique γδ T cells. Despite these fundamental differences between fetal and adult T-cell lymphopoiesis, we show here that DL4-mediated Notch signaling is essential for the development of both αβ and γδ T-cell lineages in the embryo. Deletion of the DL4 gene in fetal TECs results in an early block in αβ T-cell development and a dramatic reduction of all γδ T-cell subsets in the fetal thymus. In contrast to the adult, no dramatic deviation of T-cell precursors to alternative fates was observed in the fetal thymus in the absence of Notch signaling. Taken together, our data reveal a common requirement for DL4-mediated Notch signaling in fetal and adult thymopoiesis.
We present a segmentation method for fetal brain tissuesof T2w MR images, based on the well known ExpectationMaximization Markov Random Field (EM- MRF) scheme. Ourmain contribution is an intensity model composed of 7Gaussian distribution designed to deal with the largeintensity variability of fetal brain tissues. The secondmain contribution is a 3-steps MRF model that introducesboth local spatial and anatomical priors given by acortical distance map. Preliminary results on 4 subjectsare presented and evaluated in comparison to manualsegmentations showing that our methodology cansuccessfully be applied to such data, dealing with largeintensity variability within brain tissues and partialvolume (PV).
Previous studies showed a fetal sheep liver extract (FSLE), in association with monophosphoryl lipid A, MPLA (a bioactive component of lipid A of LPS), could interact to induce the development of dendritic cells (DCs) which regulated production of Foxp3+ Treg. This interaction was associated with an altered gene expression both of distinct subsets of TLRs and of CD200Rs. Prior studies had suggested that major interacting components within FSLE were gamma-chain of fetal hemoglobin (Hgbgamma) and glutathione (GSH). We investigated whether differentiation/maturation of DCs in vitro in the presence of either GM-CSF or Flt3L to produce preferentially either immunogenic or tolerogenic DCs was itself controlled by an interaction between MPLA, GSH and Hgbgamma. At low (approximately 10 microg/ml) Hgbgamma concentrations, DCs developing in culture with GSH and MPLA produced optimal stimulation of allogeneic CTL cell responses in vitro (and enhanced skin graft rejection in vivo). At higher concentrations (>40 microg/ml Hgbgamma) and equivalent concentrations of MPLA and GSH, the DCs induce populations of Treg which can suppress the induction of allogeneic CTL and graft rejection in vivo. These different populations of DCs express different patterns of mRNAs for the CD200R family. Addition of anti-TLR or anti-MD-1 mAbs to DCs developing in this mixture (Hgbgamma+GSH+MPLA), suggests that one effect of (GSH+Hgbgamma) on MPLA stimulation may involve altered signaling through TLR4.
The otter shrews of mainland Africa are the closest relatives of the Madagascar tenrecs. We sought for similarities in placentation between the two groups and, in a wider context, with other mammals of the Afrotheria clade. Specimens of the Nimba otter shrew (Micropotamogale lamottei) were obtained from the Ivory Coast and examples of the giant otter shrew (Potamogale velox) from the Hill Collection. The Nimba otter shrew has a central haemophagous organ similar to that in tenrecs. The labyrinth of the Nimba otter shrew, however, is endotheliochorial with syncytial trophoblast enclosing the maternal vessels. On the other hand tenrecs have cellular haemomonochorial placentae and an associated spongy zone, which is not present in the Nimba otter shrew. The placenta of the giant otter shrew is also endotheliochorial. The central region of its placenta is particularly interesting, since the juxtafetal portion is clearly a haemophagous region whereas the labyrinth feeding this region is endotheliochorial. Thus there is considerable variation in placental morphology within Tenrecidae. Importantly, however, both otter shrews have a large allantoic sac divided into four intercommunicating lobes by two pairs of septal folds. A similar arrangement has been described for representatives of each of the remaining five orders within Afrotheria. This is significant because previous anatomical studies have failed to establish a single synapomorphy in support of Afrotheria.