942 resultados para Molecular processes


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The sensing of foreign agents by the innate and adaptive immune system triggers complex signal transduction cascades that culminate in expression of gene patterns that facilitate host protection from the invading agent. Post-translational modification of intracellular signaling proteins in these pathways is a key regulatory mechanism with ubiquitination being one of the important processes that controls levels and activities of signaling molecules. E3 ubiquitin ligases are the determining enzymes in dictating the ubiquitination status of individual proteins. Among these hundred E3 ubiquitin ligases are a family of Pellino proteins that are emerging to be important players in immunity and beyond. Herein, we review the roles of the Pellino E3 ubiquitin ligases in innate and adaptive immunity. We discuss their early discovery and characterization and how this has been aided by the highly conserved nature of innate immune signaling across evolution. We describe the molecular roles of Pellino proteins in immune signaling with particular emphasis on their involvement in pathogen recognition receptor (PRR) signaling. The growing appreciation of the importance of Pellino proteins in a wide range of immune-mediated diseases are also evaluated.


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Molecular Medicine and Molecular Pathology are integral parts of Haematology as we enter the new millennium. Their origins can be linked to fundamental developments in the basic sciences, particularly genetics, chemistry and biochemistry. The structure of DNA and the genetic code that it encrypts are the critical starting points to our understanding of these new disciplines. The genetic alphabet is a simple one, consisting of just 4 letters, buts its influence is crucial to human development and differentiation. The concept of a gene is not a new one but the Human Genome Project (a joint world-wide effort to characterise our entire genetic make-up) is providing an invaluable understanding of how genes function in normal cellular processes and pinpointing how disruption of these processes can lead to disease. Transcription and translation are the key events by which our genotype is converted to our phenotype (via a messenger RNA intermediate), producing the myriad proteins and enzymes which populate the cellular factory of our body. Unlike the bacterial or prokaryotic genome, the human genome contains a large amount of non coding DNA (less than 1% of our genome codes for proteins), and our genes are interrupted, with the coding regions or exons separated by non coding introns. Precise removal of the intronic material after transcription (though a process called splicing) is critical for efficient translation to occur. Incorrect splicing can lead to the generation of mutant proteins, which can have a dilaterious effect on the phenotype of the individual. Thus the 100,000-200,000 genes which are present in each cell in our body have a defined control mechanism permitting efficient and appropriate expression of proteins and enzymes and yet a single base change in just one of those genes can lead to diseases such as haemophilia or fanconis anaemia.


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One of the most cost effective methods of pollution remediation is through natural attenuation where the resident microorganisms are responsible for the breakdown of pollutants (Dou et al. 2008). Other forms of bioremediation - such as analogue enrichment, composting and bio-venting - also use the microbes already present in a contaminated site to enhance the remediation process. In order for these approaches to be successful, in an industrial setting, some form of monitoring needs to take place enabling conclusions to be drawn about the degradation processes occurring. In this review we look at some key molecular biology techniques that have the potential to act as a monitoring tool for industries dealing with contaminated land. 


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Molecular testing is becoming an important part of the diagnosis of any patient with cancer. The challenge to laboratories is to meet this need, using reliable methods and processes to ensure that patients receive a timely and accurate report on which their treatment will be based. The aim of this paper is to provide minimum requirements for the management of molecular pathology laboratories. This general guidance should be augmented by the specific guidance available for different tumour types and tests. Preanalytical considerations are important, and careful consideration of the way in which specimens are obtained and reach the laboratory is necessary. Sample receipt and handling follow standard operating procedures, but some alterations may be necessary if molecular testing is to be performed, for instance to control tissue fixation. DNA and RNA extraction can be standardised and should be checked for quality and quantity of output on a regular basis. The choice of analytical method(s) depends on clinical requirements, desired turnaround time, and expertise available. Internal quality control, regular internal audit of the whole testing process, laboratory accreditation, and continual participation in external quality assessment schemes are prerequisites for delivery of a reliable service. A molecular pathology report should accurately convey the information the clinician needs to treat the patient with sufficient information to allow for correct interpretation of the result. Molecular pathology is developing rapidly, and further detailed evidence-based recommendations are required for many of the topics covered here.


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As proteínas existentes nas células são produzidas pelo mecanismo de tradução do mRNA, no qual a informação genética contida nos genes é descodificada em cadeias polipeptídicas. O código genético, que define as regras de descodificação do genoma, minimiza os erros de tradução do mRNA, garantindo a síntese de proteínas com elevada fidelidade. Esta é essencial para a estabilidade do proteoma e para a manutenção e funcionamento dos processos celulares. Em condições fisiológicas normais, os erros da tradução do mRNA ocorrem com frequências que variam de 10-3 a 10-5 erros por codão descodificado. Situações que aumentam este erro basal geralmente estão associadas ao envelhecimento, stresse e a doenças; no entanto, em certos organismos o código genético é traduzido naturalmente com elevado erro, indicando que a síntese de proteínas aberrantes pode de algum modo ser vantajosa. A fim de estudar a resposta celular aos erros de tradução do mRNA, construímos leveduras que incorporam serina no proteoma em resposta a um codão de leucina, usando a expressão constitutiva de um tRNASer mutante. Este fenómeno genético artificial provocou uma forte diminuição da esporulação, da viabilidade e da eficiência de mating, afectando imensamente a reprodução sexual da levedura. Observou-se também uma grande heterogeneidade no tamanho e na forma das células e elevada instabilidade genómica, com o aparecimento de populações poliplóides e aneuplóides. No sentido de clarificar as bases celulares e moleculares daqueles fenótipos e compreender melhor a biologia do erro de tradução do mRNA, construímos também células de levedura que inserem serina em resposta a um codão de leucina de modo indutível e controlado. Utilizaram-se perfis de mRNA total e de mRNA associado a polissomas para elucidar a resposta celular ao erro de tradução do mRNA. Observou-se a indução de genes envolvidos na resposta ao stresse geral, stresse oxidativo e na unfolded protein response (UPR). Um aumento significativo de espécies reactivas de oxigénio (ROS) e um forte impacto negativo na capacidade das células pós-mitóticas re-iniciarem o crescimento foram também observados. Este fenótipo de perda de viabilidade celular foi resgatado por scavangers de ROS, indicando que o stresse oxidativo é a principal causa de morte celular causada pelos erros de tradução. Este estudo levanta a hipótese de que o stresse oxidativo e a acumulação de ROS, ao invés do colapso súbito do proteoma, são as principais causas da degeneração celular e das doenças humanas associadas aos erros de tradução do genoma. ABSTRACT: Proteins are synthesized through the mechanism of translation, which uses the genetic code to transform the nucleic acids based information of the genome into the amino acids based information of the proteome. The genetic code evolved in such a manner that translational errors are kept to a minimum and even when they occur their impact is minimized by similar chemical properties of the amino acids. Protein synthesis fidelity is essential for proteome stability and for functional maintenance of cellular processes. Indeed, under normal physiological conditions, mistranslation occurs at frequencies that range from 10-3 to 10-5 errors per codon decoded. Situations where this basal error frequency increases are usually associated to aging and disease. However, there are some organisms where genetic code errors occur naturally at high level, suggesting that mRNA mistranslation can somehow be beneficial. In order to study the cellular response to mRNA mistranslation, we have engineered single codon mistranslation in yeast cells, using constitutive expression of mutant tRNASer genes. These mistranslating strains inserted serines at leucine-CUG sites on a proteome wide scale due to competition between the wild type tRNALeu with the mutant tRNASer. Such mistranslation event decreased yeast sporulation, viability and mating efficiencies sharply and affected sexual reproduction strongly. High heterogeneity in cell size and shape and high instability in the genome were also observed, with the appearance of some polyploid or aneuploid cell populations. To further study the cellular and molecular basis of those phenotypes and the biology of mRNA mistranslation, we have also engineered inducible mRNA misreading in yeast and used total mRNA and polysome associated mRNA profiling to determine whether codon misreading affects gene expression. Induced mistranslation up-regulated genes involved in the general stress response, oxidative stress and in the unfolded protein response (UPR). A significant increase in reactive oxygen species (ROS) and a strong negative impact on the capacity of post-mitotic cells to re-initiate growth in fresh media were also observed. This cell viability phenotype was rescued by scavengers of ROS, indicating that oxidative stress is the main cause of cell death caused by mRNA mistranslation. This study provides strong support for the hypothesis that oxidative stress and ROS accumulation, rather than sudden proteome collapse or major proteome disruption, are the main cause of the cellular degeneration observed in human diseases associated mRNA mistranslation.


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A aplicação de simulações de mecânica e dinâmica molecular ao estudo de sistemas supramoleculares tem adquirido, ao longo dos últimos anos, enorme relevância. A sua utilização não só tem levado a uma melhor compreensão dos mecanismos de formação desses mesmos sistemas, como também tem fornecido um meio para o desenvolvimento de novas arquitecturas supramoleculares. Nesta tese são descritos os trabalhos de mecânica e dinâmica molecular desenvolvidos no âmbito do estudo de associações supramoleculares entre aniões e receptores sintéticos do tipo [2]catenano, [2]rotaxano e pseudorotaxano. São ainda estudados complexos supramoleculares envolvendo receptores heteroditópicos do tipo calix[4]diquinona e pares iónicos formados por aniões halogeneto e catiões alcalinos e amónio. Os estudos aqui apresentados assentam essencialmente em duas vertentes: no estudo das propriedades dinâmicas em solução dos vários complexos supramoleculares considerados e no cálculo das energias livres de Gibbs de associação relativas dos vários iões aos receptores sintéticos. As metodologias utilizadas passaram por dinâmica molecular convencional e REMD (Replica Exchange Molecular Dynamics), para o estudo das propriedades em solução, e por cálculos de integração termodinâmica e MMPBSA (Molecular Mechanics – Poisson Boltzmann Surface Area), para a computação das energias livres de associação relativas. Os resultados obtidos, além de terem permitido uma visão mais detalhada dos mecanismos envolvidos no reconhecimento e associação dos vários receptores aos aniões e pares iónicos abordados, encontram-se, globalmente, de acordo com os análogos determinados experimentalmente, validando assim as metodologias empregadas. Em jeito de conclusão, investigou-se ainda a capacidade de um dos receptores heteroditópicos estudados para assistir favoravelmente na migração do par iónico KCl através da interface água-clorofórmio. Para tal, foram utilizadas simulações SMD (Steered Molecular Dynamics) para a computação do perfil de energia livre de Gibbs associada à migração do par iónico através da interface.


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The genetic code is not universal. Alterations to its standard form have been discovered in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes and demolished the dogma of an immutable code. For instance, several Candida species translate the standard leucine CUG codon as serine. In the case of the human pathogen Candida albicans, a serine tRNA (tRNACAGSer) incorporates in vivo 97% of serine and 3% of leucine in proteins at CUG sites. Such ambiguity is flexible and the level of leucine incorporation increases significantly in response to environmental stress. To elucidate the function of such ambiguity and clarify whether the identity of the CUG codon could be reverted from serine back to leucine, we have developed a forced evolution strategy to increase leucine incorporation at CUGs and a fluorescent reporter system to monitor such incorporation in vivo. Leucine misincorporation increased from 3% up to nearly 100%, reverting CUG identity from serine back to leucine. Growth assays showed that increasing leucine incorporation produced impressive arrays of phenotypes of high adaptive potential. In particular, strains with high levels of leucine misincorporation exhibited novel phenotypes and high level of tolerance to antifungals. Whole genome re-sequencing revealed that increasing levels of leucine incorporation were associated with accumulation of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and loss of heterozygozity (LOH) in the higher misincorporating strains. SNPs accumulated preferentially in genes involved in cell adhesion, filamentous growth and biofilm formation, indicating that C. albicans uses its natural CUG ambiguity to increase genetic diversity in pathogenesis and drug resistance related processes. The overall data provided evidence for unantecipated flexibility of the C. albicans genetic code and highlighted new roles of codon ambiguity on the evolution of genetic and phenotypic diversity.


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Tese de dout., Ciências Biotecnológicas (Biotecnologia Ambiental), Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Univ. do Algarve, 2010


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Tese de doutoramento, Ciências Biomédicas, Departamento de Ciências Biomédicas e Medicina, Universidade do Algarve, 2014


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Tese de doutoramento, Ciências Biomédicas (Neurociências), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Medicina, 2014


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Dissertation presented to obtain a Ph.D. degree (Doutoramento) in Chemistry at the Instituto de Tecnologia Quimica e Biol6gica da Universidade Nova de Lisboa


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Dissertation presented to obtain the Ph.D degree in Chemistry


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Dissertation presented to obtain the Ph.D degree in Molecular Biology


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Dissertation presented to obtain the Ph.D degree in Engineering and Technology Sciences, Biotechnology.


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The analysis of molecular regulators involved in controlling the maintenance and function of plant meristems has been the subject of many studies. Some master regulators of these processes have been identified in Arabidopsis benefiting from the array of tools available for genetic and molecular analysis in this model plant. However, aspects such as secondary growth that are more extensively observed in woody plants, have been less studied. Secondary growth is responsible for the enlargement of the plant stems and roots and results from the activity of the lateral (secondary) meristems, vascular cambium and cork cambium (phellogen), which produce two important renewable natural resources, wood and cork, respectively.(...)