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Sown pasture rundown and declining soil fertility for forage crops are too serious to ignore with losses in beef production of up to 50% across Queensland. The feasibility of using strategic applications of nitrogen (N) fertiliser to address these losses was assessed by analysing a series of scenarios using data drawn from published studies, local fertiliser trials and expert opinion. While N fertilser can dramatically increase productivity (growth, feed quality and beef production gains of over 200% in some scenarios), the estimated economic benefits, derived from paddock level enterprise budgets for a fattening operation, were much more modest. In the best-performing sown grass scenarios, average gross margins were doubled or tripled at the assumed fertiliser response rates, and internal rates of return of up to 11% were achieved. Using fertiliser on forage sorghum or oats was a much less attractive option and, under the paddock level analysis and assumptions used, forages struggled to be profitable even on fertile sites with no fertiliser input. The economics of nitrogen fertilising on grass pasture were sensitive to the assumed response rates in both pasture growth and liveweight gain. Consequently, targeted research is proposed to re-assess the responses used in this analysis, which are largely based on research 25-40 years ago when soils were generally more fertile and pastures less rundown.


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The study examines various uses of computer technology in acquisition of information for visually impaired people. For this study 29 visually impaired persons took part in a survey about their experiences concerning acquisition of infomation and use of computers, especially with a screen magnification program, a speech synthesizer and a braille display. According to the responses, the evolution of computer technology offers an important possibility for visually impaired people to cope with everyday activities and interacting with the environment. Nevertheless, the functionality of assistive technology needs further development to become more usable and versatile. Since the challenges of independent observation of environment were emphasized in the survey, the study led into developing a portable text vision system called Tekstinäkö. Contrary to typical stand-alone applications, Tekstinäkö system was constructed by combining devices and programs that are readily available on consumer market. As the system operates, pictures are taken by a digital camera and instantly transmitted to a text recognition program in a laptop computer that talks out loud the text using a speech synthesizer. Visually impaired test users described that even unsure interpretations of the texts in the environment given by Tekstinäkö system are at least a welcome addition to complete perception of the environment. It became clear that even with a modest development work it is possible to bring new, useful and valuable methods to everyday life of disabled people. Unconventional production process of the system appeared to be efficient as well. Achieved results and the proposed working model offer one suggestion for giving enough attention to easily overlooked needs of the people with special abilities. ACM Computing Classification System (1998): K.4.2 Social Issues: Assistive technologies for persons with disabilities I.4.9 Image processing and computer vision: Applications Keywords: Visually impaired, computer-assisted, information, acquisition, assistive technology, computer, screen magnification program, speech synthesizer, braille display, survey, testing, text recognition, camera, text, perception, picture, environment, trasportation, guidance, independence, vision, disabled, blind, speech, synthesizer, braille, software engineering, programming, program, system, freeware, shareware, open source, Tekstinäkö, text vision, TopOCR, Autohotkey, computer engineering, computer science


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Modern Christian theology has been at pain with the schism between the Bible and theology, and between biblical studies and systematic theology. Brevard Springs Childs is one of biblical scholars who attempt to dismiss this “iron curtain” separating the two disciplines. The present thesis aims at analyzing Childs’ concept of theological exegesis in the canonical context. In the present study I employ the method of systematic analysis. The thesis consists of seven chapters. Introduction is the first chapter. The second chapter attempts to find out the most important elements which exercise influence on Childs’ methodology of biblical theology by sketching his academic development during his career. The third chapter attempts to deal with the crucial question why and how the concept of the canon is so important for Childs’ methodology of biblical theology. In chapter four I analyze why and how Childs is dissatisfied with historical-critical scholarship and I point out the differences and similarities between his canonical approach and historical criticism. The fifth chapter attempts at discussing Childs’ central concepts of theological exegesis by investigating whether a Christocentric approach is an appropriate way of creating a unified biblical theology. In the sixth chapter I present a critical evaluation and methodological reflection of Childs’ theological exegesis in the canonical context. The final chapter sums up the key points of Childs’ methodology of biblical theology. The basic results of this thesis are as follows: First, the fundamental elements of Childs’ theological thinking are rooted in Reformed theological tradition and in modern theological neo-orthodoxy and in its most prominent theologian, Karl Barth. The American Biblical Theological Movement and the controversy between Protestant liberalism and conservatism in the modern American context cultivate his theological sensitivity and position. Second, Childs attempts to dismiss negative influences of the historical-critical method by establishing canon-based theological exegesis leading into confessional biblical theology. Childs employs terminology such as canonical intentionality, the wholeness of the canon, the canon as the most appropriate context for doing a biblical theology, and the continuity of the two Testaments, in order to put into effect his canonical program. Childs demonstrates forcefully the inadequacies of the historical-critical method in creating biblical theology in biblical hermeneutics, doctrinal theology, and pastoral practice. His canonical approach endeavors to establish and create post-critical Christian biblical theology, and works within the traditional framework of faith seeking understanding. Third, Childs’ biblical theology has a double task: descriptive and constructive, the former connects biblical theology with exegesis, the later with dogmatic theology. He attempts to use a comprehensive model, which combines a thematic investigation of the essential theological contents of the Bible with a systematic analysis of the contents of the Christian faith. Childs also attempts to unite Old Testament theology and New Testament theology into one unified biblical theology. Fourth, some problematic points of Childs’ thinking need to be mentioned. For instance, his emphasis on the final form of the text of the biblical canon is highly controversial, yet Childs firmly believes in it, he even regards it as the corner stone of his biblical theology. The relationship between the canon and the doctrine of biblical inspiration is weak. He does not clearly define whether Scripture is God’s word or whether it only “witnesses” to it. Childs’ concepts of “the word of God” and “divine revelation” remain unclear, and their ontological status is ambiguous. Childs’ theological exegesis in the canonical context is a new attempt in the modern history of Christian theology. It expresses his sincere effort to create a path for doing biblical theology. Certainly, it was just a modest beginning of a long process.


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PURPOSE The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between objectively measured ambient light exposure and longitudinal changes in axial eye growth in childhood. METHODS A total of 101 children (41 myopes and 60 nonmyopes), 10 to 15 years of age participated in this prospective longitudinal observational study. Axial eye growth was determined from measurements of ocular optical biometry collected at four study visits over an 18-month period. Each child’s mean daily light exposure was derived from two periods (each 14 days long) of objective light exposure measurements from a wrist-worn light sensor. RESULTS Over the 18-month study period, a modest but statistically significant association between greater average daily light exposure and slower axial eye growth was observed (P ¼ 0.047). Other significant predictors of axial eye growth in this population included children’s refractive error group (P < 0.001), sex (P < 0.01), and age (P < 0.001). Categorized according to their objectively measured average daily light exposure and adjusting for potential confounders (age, sex, baseline axial length, parental myopia, nearwork, and physical activity), children experiencing low average daily light exposure (mean daily light exposure: 459 6 117 lux, annual eye growth: 0.13 mm/y) exhibited significantly greater eye growth than children experiencing moderate (842 6 109 lux, 0.060 mm/y), and high (1455 6 317 lux, 0.065 mm/y) average daily light exposure levels (P ¼ 0.01). CONCLUSIONS In this population of children, greater daily light exposure was associated with less axial eye growth over an 18-month period. These findings support the role of light exposure in the documented association between time spent outdoors and childhood myopia.


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This study examines Finnish economic growth. The key driver of economic growth was productivity. And the major engine of productivity growth was technology, especially the general purpose technologies (GPTs) electricity and ICT. A new GPT builds on previous knowledge, yet often in an uncertain, punctuated, fashion. Economic history, as well as the Finnish data analyzed in this study, teaches that growth is not a smooth process but is subject to episodes of sharp acceleration and deceleration which are associated with the arrival, diffusion and exhaustion of new general purpose technologies. These are technologies that affect the whole economy by transforming both household life and the ways in which firms conduct business. The findings of previous research, that Finnish economic growth exhibited late industrialisation and significant structural changes were corroborated by this study. Yet, it was not solely a story of manufacturing and structural change was more the effect of than the cause for economic growth. We offered an empirical resolution to the Artto-Pohjola paradox as we showed that a high rate of return on capital was combined with low capital productivity growth. This result is important in understanding Finnish economic growth 1975-90. The main contribution of this thesis was the growth accounting results on the impact of ICT on growth and productivity, as well as the comparison of electricity and ICT. It was shown that ICT s contribution to GDP growth was almost twice as large as electricity s contribution over comparable periods of time. Finland has thus been far more successful as an ICT producer than a producer of electricity. Unfortunately in the use of ICT the results were still more modest than for electricity. During the end of the period considered in this thesis, Finland switched from resource-based to ICT-based growth. However, given the large dependency on the ICT-producing sector, the ongoing outsourcing of ICT production to low wage countries provides a threat to productivity performance in the future. For a developed country only change is constant and history teaches us that it is likely that Finland is obliged to reorganize its economy once again in the digital era.


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Exposure to ambient air pollution is a major risk factor for global disease. Assessment of the impacts of air pollution on population health and the evaluation of trends relative to other major risk factors requires regularly updated, accurate, spatially resolved exposure estimates. We combined satellite-based estimates, chemical transport model (CTM) simulations and ground measurements from 79 different countries to produce new global estimates of annual average fine particle (PM2.5) and ozone concentrations at 0.1° × 0.1° spatial resolution for five-year intervals from 1990-2010 and the year 2013. These estimates were then applied to assess population-weighted mean concentrations for 1990 – 2013 for each of 188 countries. In 2013, 87% of the world’s population lived in areas exceeding the World Health Organization (WHO) Air Quality Guideline of 10 μg/m3 PM2.5 (annual average). Between 1990 and 2013, decreases in population-weighted mean concentrations of PM2.5 were evident in most high income countries, in contrast to increases estimated in South Asia, throughout much of Southeast Asia, and in China. Population-weighted mean concentrations of ozone increased in most countries from 1990 - 2013, with modest decreases in North America, parts of Europe, and several countries in Southeast Asia.


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Several metal complexes of three different functionalized salen derivatives have been synthesized. The salens differ in terms of the electrostatic character and the location of the charges. The interactions of such complexes with DNA were first investigated in detail by UV−vis absorption titrimetry. It appears that the DNA binding by most of these compounds is primarily due to a combination of electrostatic and other modes of interactions. The melting temperatures of DNA in the presence of various metal complexes were higher than that of the pure DNA. The presence of additional charge on the central metal ion core in the complex, however, alters the nature of binding. Bis-cationic salen complexes containing central Ni(II) or Mn(III) were found to induce DNA strand scission, especially in the presence of co-oxidant as revealed by plasmid DNA cleavage assay and also on the basis of the autoradiogram obtained from their respective high-resolution sequencing gels. Modest base selectivity was observed in the DNA cleavage reactions. Comparisons of the linearized and supercoiled forms of DNA in the metal complex-mediated cleavage reactions reveal that the supercoiled forms are more susceptible to DNA scission. Under suitable conditions, the DNA cleavage reactions can be induced either by preformed metal complexes or by in situ complexation of the ligand in the presence of the appropriate metal ion. Also revealed was the fact that the analogous complexes containing Cu(II) or Cr(III) did not effect any DNA strand scission under comparable conditions. Salens with pendant negative charges on either side of the precursor salicylaldehyde or ethylenediamine fragments did not bind with DNA. Similarly, metallosalen complexes with net anionic character also failed to induce any DNA modification activities.


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This paper reports on a qualitative case study undertaken in a remote part of Queensland, Australia. While there is some modest agreement about the capacity of contemporary information technologies to overcome the problems of schooling in areas of extreme remoteness, generally, children educated in such contexts are considered to be disadvantaged. The experiential areas of the curriculum, which often require specific teaching expertise, present the greatest challenge to teachers, and of these, physical education is perhaps the most problematic. This research reports on a case study of three remote Queensland multi-age primary (elementary) schools that come together to form a community of practice to overcome the problems of teaching physical education in such difficult circumstances. Physical education is constructed in these contexts by blurring the school and community boundaries, by contextualizing the subject content to make it relevant, and by adjusting the school day to accommodate potential physical education experiences. Each community gathers its collective experience to ensure the widest possible experiences are made available for the children. In doing so, the children develop a range of competencies that enable seamless transition to boarding high schools.


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Understanding the ways in which teachers make sense of what they do and why is critical to a broader understanding of pedagogy. Historically, teachers have been understood through the thematic and content analysis of their beliefs or philosophies. In this paper, we argue that discourse analysis (DA) involves a much finer-grained analysis of the ‘lifeworlds’ of teachers and, in our view, provides a more detailed canvas from which inferences can be made. Our argument is structured in four parts. We begin by locating DA within the physical education (PE) literature and discuss what others have referred to as its relatively modest use. Following our location of DA, we outline a conceptual framework that we regard as useful, which contains six interrelated principles. We then introduce the idea of interpretive repertoires, which we consider to have particular explanatory power as well as being a sophisticated way to represent the subjectivities of PE teachers. Finally, we discuss the methodological strengths of interpretive repertoires. The paper concludes with a discussion on the theoretical and practical merits of adopting DA to analyse problems within PE.


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Lidocaine is a widely used local anaesthetic agent that also has anti-arrhythmic effects. It is classified as a type Ib anti-arrhythmic agent and is used to treat ventricular tachycardia or ventricular fibrillation. Lidocaine is eliminated mainly by metabolism, and less than 5% is excreted unchanged in urine. Lidocaine is a drug with a medium to high extraction ratio, and its bioavailability is about 30%. Based on in vitro studies, the earlier understanding was that CYP3A4 is the major cytochrome P450 (CYP) enzyme involved in the metabolism of lidocaine. When this work was initiated, there was little human data on the effect of inhibitors of CYP enzymes on the pharmacokinetics of lidocaine. Because lidocaine has a low therapeutic index, medications that significantly inhibit lidocaine clearance (CL) could increase the risk of toxicity. These studies investigated the effects of some clinically important CYP1A2 and CYP3A4 inhibitors on the pharmacokinetics of lidocaine administered by different routes. All of the studies were randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled cross-over studies in two or three phases in healthy volunteers. Pretreatment with clinically relevant doses of CYP3A4 inhibitors erythromycin and itraconazole or CYP1A2 inhibitors fluvoxamine and ciprofloxacin was followed by a single dose of lidocaine. Blood samples were collected to determine the pharmacokinetic parameters of lidocaine and its main metabolites monoethylglycinexylidide (MEGX) and 3-hydroxylidocaine (3-OH-lidocaine). Itraconazole and erythromycin had virtually no effect on the pharmacokinetics of intravenous lidocaine, but erythromycin slightly prolonged the elimination half-life (t½) of lidocaine (Study I). When lidocaine was taken orally, both erythromycin and itraconazole increased the peak concentration (Cmax) and the area under the concentration-time curve (AUC) of lidocaine by 40-70% (Study II). Compared with placebo and itraconazole, erythromycin increased the Cmax and the AUC of MEGX by 40-70% when lidocaine was given intravenously or orally (Studies I and II). The pharmacokinetics of inhaled lidocaine was unaffected by concomitant administration of itraconazole (Study III). Fluvoxamine reduced the CL of intravenous lidocaine by 41% and prolonged the t½ of lidocaine by 35%. The mean AUC of lidocaine increased 1.7-fold (Study IV). After oral administration of lidocaine, the mean AUC of lidocaine in-creased 3-fold and the Cmax 2.2-fold by fluvoxamine (Study V). During the pretreatment with fluvoxamine combined with erythromycin, the CL of intravenous lidocaine was 53% smaller than during placebo and 21% smaller than during fluvoxamine alone. The t½ of lidocaine was significantly longer during the combination phase than during the placebo or fluvoxamine phase. The mean AUC of intravenous lidocaine increased 2.3-fold and the Cmax 1.4-fold (Study IV). After oral administration of lidocaine, the mean AUC of lidocaine increased 3.6-fold and the Cmax 2.5-fold by concomitant fluvoxamine and erythromycin. The t½ of oral lidocaine was significantly longer during the combination phase than during the placebo (Study V). When lidocaine was given intravenously, the combination of fluvoxamine and erythromycin prolonged the t½ of MEGX by 59% (Study IV). Compared with placebo, ciprofloxacin increased the mean Cmax and AUC of intravenous lidocaine by 12% and 26%, respectively. The mean plasma CL of lidocaine was reduced by 22% and its t½ prolonged by 7% (Study VI). These studies clarify the principal role of CYP1A2 and suggest only a modest role of CYP3A4 in the elimination of lidocaine in vivo. The inhibition of CYP1A2 by fluvoxamine considerably reduces the elimination of lidocaine. Concomitant use of fluvoxamine and the CYP3A4 inhibitor erythromycin further increases lidocaine concentrations. The clinical implication of this work is that clinicians should be aware of the potentially increased toxicity of lidocaine when used together with inhibitors of CYP1A2 and particularly with the combination of drugs inhibiting both CYP1A2 and CYP3A4 enzymes.


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Background: The number of available structures of large multi-protein assemblies is quite small. Such structures provide phenomenal insights on the organization, mechanism of formation and functional properties of the assembly. Hence detailed analysis of such structures is highly rewarding. However, the common problem in such analyses is the low resolution of these structures. In the recent times a number of attempts that combine low resolution cryo-EM data with higher resolution structures determined using X-ray analysis or NMR or generated using comparative modeling have been reported. Even in such attempts the best result one arrives at is the very course idea about the assembly structure in terms of trace of the C alpha atoms which are modeled with modest accuracy. Methodology/Principal Findings: In this paper first we present an objective approach to identify potentially solvent exposed and buried residues solely from the position of C alpha atoms and amino acid sequence using residue type-dependent thresholds for accessible surface areas of C alpha. We extend the method further to recognize potential protein-protein interface residues. Conclusion/Significance: Our approach to identify buried and exposed residues solely from the positions of C alpha atoms resulted in an accuracy of 84%, sensitivity of 83-89% and specificity of 67-94% while recognition of interfacial residues corresponded to an accuracy of 94%, sensitivity of 70-96% and specificity of 58-94%. Interestingly, detailed analysis of cases of mismatch between recognition of interface residues from C alpha positions and all-atom models suggested that, recognition of interfacial residues using C alpha atoms only correspond better with intuitive notion of what is an interfacial residue. Our method should be useful in the objective analysis of structures of protein assemblies when positions of only C alpha positions are available as, for example, in the cases of integration of cryo-EM data and high resolution structures of the components of the assembly.


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The need to address substance use among people with psychosis has been well established. However, treatment studies targeting substance use in this population have reported mixed results. Substance users with psychosis in no or minimal treatment control groups achieve similar reductions in substance use compared to those in more active substance use treatment, suggesting a role for natural recovery from substance use. This meta-analysis aims to quantify the amount of natural recovery from substance use within control groups of treatment studies containing samples of psychotic substance users, with a particular focus on changes in cannabis use. A systematic search was conducted to identify substance use treatment studies. Meta-analyses were performed to quantify reductions in the frequency of substance use in the past 30 days. Significant but modest reductions (mean reduction of 0.3–0.4 SD across the time points) in the frequency of substance use were found at 6 to 24 months follow up. The current study is the first to quantify changes in substance use in samples enrolled in no treatment or minimal treatment control conditions. These findings highlight the potential role of natural recovery from substance use among individuals with psychosis, although they do not rule out effects of regression to the mean. Additionally, the results provide a baseline from which to estimate likely changes or needed effects sizes in intervention studies. Future research is required to identify the processes underpinning these changes, in order to identify strategies that may better support self-management of substance use in people with psychosis.


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A randomised and population-based screening design with new technologies has been applied to the organised cervical cancer screening programme in Finland. In this experiment the women invited to routine five-yearly screening are individually randomised to be screened with automation-assisted cytology, human papillomavirus (HPV) test or conventional cytology. By using the randomised design, the ultimate aim is to assess and compare the long-term outcomes of the different screening regimens. The primary aim of the current study was to evaluate, based on the material collected during the implementation phase of the Finnish randomised screening experiment, the cross-sectional performance and validity of automation-assisted cytology (Papnet system) and primary HPV DNA testing (Hybrid Capture II assay for 13 oncogenic HPV types) within service screening, in comparison to conventional cytology. The parameters of interest were test positivity rate, histological detection rate, relative sensitivity, relative specificity and positive predictive value. Also, the effect of variation in performance by screening laboratory on age-adjusted cervical cancer incidence was assessed. Based on the cross-sectional results, almost no differences were observed in the performance of conventional and automation-assisted screening. Instead, primary HPV screening found 58% (95% confidence interval 19-109%) more cervical lesions than conventional screening. However, this was mainly due to overrepresentation of mild- and moderate-grade lesions and, thus, is likely to result in overtreatment since a great deal of these lesions would never progress to invasive cancer. Primary screening with an HPV DNA test alone caused substantial loss in specificity in comparison to cytological screening. With the use of cytology triage test, the specificity of HPV screening improved close to the level of conventional cytology. The specificity of primary HPV screening was also increased by increasing the test positivity cutoff from the level recommended for clinical use, but the increase was more modest than the one gained with the use of cytology triage. The performance of the cervical cancer screening programme varied widely between the screening laboratories, but the variation in overall programme effectiveness between respective populations was more marginal from the very beginning of the organised screening activity. Thus, conclusive interpretations on the quality or success of screening should not be based on performance parameters only. In the evaluation of cervical cancer screening the outcome should be selected as closely as possible to the true measure of programme effectiveness, which is the number of invasive cervical cancers and subsequent deaths prevented in the target population. The evaluation of benefits and adverse effects of each new suggested screening technology should be performed before the technology becomes an accepted routine in the existing screening programme. At best, the evaluation is performed randomised, within the population and screening programme in question, which makes the results directly applicable to routine use.


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Lupus erythematosus (LE) is a chronic, heterogeneous autoimmune disorder with abnormal immune responses, including production of autoantibodies and immune complexes. Clinical presentations of the disease range from mild cutaneous manifestations to a more generalised systemic involvement of internal organs. Cutaneous (CLE) forms are further subclassified into discoid LE (DLE), subacute cutaneous LE (SCLE) and acute cutaneous lupus erythematosus (ACLE), and may later progress to systemic disease (SLE). Both genetic and environmental factors contribute to the disease, although the precise aetiology is still elusive. Furthermore, complex gene-gene or gene-environment interactions may result in different subphenotypes of lupus. The genetic background of CLE is poorly known and only a few genes are confirmed, while the number of robust genetic associations in SLE exceeds 30. The aim of this thesis was to characterise the recruited patients clinically, and identify genetic variants conferring susceptibility to cutaneous variants of LE. Given that cutaneous and systemic disease may share underlying genetic factors, putative CLE candidate genes for genotyping were selected among those showing strong evidence of association in SLE. The correlation between relevant clinical manifestations and risk genotypes was investigated in order to find specific subphenotype associations. In addition, epistatic interactions in SLE were studied. Finally, the role of tissue degrading matrix metalloproteinases (MMP) in LE tissue injury was explored. These studies were conducted in Finnish case-control and family cohort, and Swedish case-control cohort. The clinical picture of the patients in terms of cutaneous, haematological and immunological findings resembled that described in the contemporary literature. However, the proportion of daily smokers was very high supporting the role of smoking in disease aetiology. The results confirmed that, even though clinically distinct entities, CLE and SLE share predisposing genetic factors. For the first time it was shown that known SLE susceptibility genes IRF5 and TYK2 also increase the risk of CLE. A tendency toward gene-gene interaction between these genes was found in SLE. As a remarkable novel finding, it was observed that ITGAM polymorphisms associated even more strongly to DLE than SLE, and the risk estimates were substantially higher than those reported for SLE. Several other recently identified SLE susceptibility genes showed signs of good or modest association especially in DLE. Subphenotype analyses indicated possible associations to clinical features, but marginally significant results reflected lack of sufficient power for these studies. Thorough immunohistochemical analyses of several MMPs demonstrated a role in epidermal changes and dermal tissue remodelling in diseased skin, and suggested that targeted action using selective MMP inhibitors may reduce lupus-induced damage in inflamed tissues. In conclusion, the results provide an insight into the genetics of CLE and demonstrate that genetic predisposition is at least in part shared between cutaneous and systemic variants of LE. This doctoral study has contributed IRF5, TYK2, ITGAM and several other novel genes to the so far short list of genes implicated in CLE susceptibility. Detailed examination of the function of these genes in CLE pathogenesis warrants further studies. Furthermore, the results support the need of subphenotype analysis with sample sizes large enough to reveal possible specific disease associations in order to better understand the heterogeneous nature and clinical specificities of the disease. Comprehensive analysis of clinical data suggests that smoking is an environmental triggering factor.


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Atopy-related allergic diseases, i.e. allergic rhinoconjunctivitis, atopic dermatitis and asthma, have increased in frequency in the industrialized countries. In order to reverse this trend, effective preventive strategies need to be developed. This requires a better understanding of the early-life events leading to the expression of the atopic phenotype. The present study has aimed at defining early-life factors and markers associated with the subsequent development of allergic diseases in a cohort of 200 healthy, unselected Finnish newborns prospectively followed up from birth to age 20 years. Their mothers were encouraged to start and maintain exclusive breastfeeding as long as it was nutritionally sufficient for the infant. Consequently, all the infants received some duration of exclusive breastfeeding, 58% of the infants were on exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months of life, and 18% received this feeding at least for the first 9 months. Of the infants, 42% had a family history of allergy. After the first year of follow-up, the children were re-assessed at ages 5, 11 and 20 years with clinical examination, skin prick testing, and parental and personal interviews. Exclusive breastfeeding for over 9 months was associated with atopic dermatitis and symptoms of food hypersensitivity at age 5 years, and with symptoms of food hypersensitivity at age 11 years in the children with a familial allergy. Subjects with allergic symptoms or a positive skin prick test in childhood or adolescence had lower retinol concentrations during their infancy and childhood than others. An elevated cord serum immunoglobulin E concentration predicted subsequent atopic manifestations though with modest sensitivity. Children and adolescents with allergic symptoms, skin prick test positivity and an elevated IgE had lower total cholesterol levels in infancy and childhood than the nonatopic subjects. In conclusion, prolonging strictly exclusive breastfeeding for over 9 months of age was not of help in prevention of allergic symptoms; instead, it was associated with increased atopic dermatitis and food hypersensitivity symptoms in childhood. Due to the modest sensitivity, cord serum IgE is not an effective screening method for atopic predisposition in the general population. Retinol and cholesterol concentrations in infancy were inversely associated with the subsequent development of allergic symptoms. Based on these findings, it is proposed that there may be differences in the inborn regulation of retinol and cholesterol levels in children with and without a genetic susceptibility to atopy, and these may play a role in the development of atopic sensitization and allergic diseases.