993 resultados para Miró, Gabriel, 1879-1930-Biografies


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This paper examines the importance of British contributions to the success of the Irish hospitals sweepstake. In its early years, up to three-quarters of these tickets were sold in Britain, bringing millions of pounds into Ireland annually to improve and expand the state's hospitals. The vast amount of money leaving Britain in this way angered the British government and forced it to introduce new legislation to curtail the activities of the Irish sweep. The paper will highlight the extent to which the success of the sweepstake depended on the market for tickets in Britain; the threat to the sweep's survival posed by the restriction of its activities in Britain after 1935; the role of the sweepstake controversy in exacerbating further already strained relations between Britain and the Irish Free State in the 1930s; how the success of the sweep raised the issue of legalising a British lottery; and the eventual decline of the sweepstake as a force in British gambling in the post-war years.


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The reproductive biology of two species of endemic Southern Ocean octopods was investigated around the sub-Antarctic islands of South Georgia and Shag Rocks. The females of both the species produce few, large eggs. This appears to be governed by phylogenetic constraint. No evidence was found for ontogenetic migration or seasonality associated with gonad maturation. Based on oocyte length frequency distributions and observations of oocyte development within the ovary, it is possible that both species could have either a single or multiple-batch spawning strategy. Pareledone turqueti ovaries contained fewer larger oocytes than those of Adefieledone polymorpha, which may help to reduce competition for resources immediately after hatching.


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¿Puede un retrato pictórico suscitar un ejercicio de microhistoria? Nuestra investigación tratará de aportar una respuesta positiva a esta cuestión, analizando para ello uno de los pocos retratos del pintor postimpresionista Joaquim Mir Trinxet, fechado en 1926. El protagonista representado no es otro que el suegro del pintor, Antoni Estalella i Trinxet, un insigne personaje de Vilanova y la Geltrú (Barcelona) que vivió entre dos siglos. La obra está ambientada en la tienda de juguetes de la familia, convirtiéndose así en una de las escasas pinturas que han captado el interior de una juguetería en la España anterior a la Guerra Civil. Gracias a los trabajos de archivo realizados, este artículo reúne diversos documentos inéditos que permiten reconstruir no sólo la vida del retratado, que llegó a ser corresponsal de Francisco Pi y Margall, sino también el ambiente social, artístico y comercial de Vilanova, en un período que abarca desde la década de 1870 a la primera mitad del siglo XX, en plena “Edad de Oro” de la industria juguetera. Es esta una propuesta de metodología historiográfica cuyo recorrido comienza en el oficio arcaico de la tonelería para desembocar al fin en los albores del comercio moderno de juguetes.


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The mammalian nervous system exerts essential control on many physiological processes in the organism and is itself controlled extensively by a variety of genetic regulatory mechanisms. microRNA (miR), an abundant class of small non-coding RNA, are emerging as important post-transcriptional regulators of gene expression in the brain. Increasing evidence indicates that miR regulate both the development and function of the nervous system. Moreover, deficiency in miR function has also been implicated in a number of neurological disorders. Expression profile analysis of miR is necessary to understand their complex role in the regulation of gene expression during the development and differentiation of cells. Here we present a comparative study of miR expression profiles in neuroblastoma, in cortical development, and in neuronal differentiation of embryonic stem (ES) cells. By microarray profiling in combination with real time PCR we show that miR-7 and miR-214 are modulated in neuronal differentiation (as compared to miR-1, -16 and -133a), and control neurite outgrowth in vitro. These findings provide an important step toward further elucidation of miR function and miR-related gene regulatory networks in the mammalian central nervous system. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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This article analyzes how Lorca develops the concept of ‘duende’, finding a crucial missing link in the Elogio de Antonia Mercé, ‘la Argentina’ (1930). ‘Duende’ crystallizes around 1929/1930 when the poet explicitly takes into account the art of the dancer in performance. Three aspects of performance are singled out and systematically traced through Lorca's evolving reflections on popular art and the struggle of the modern artist to create the new – from his first lecture on the cante jondo in 1922 to the Arquitectura del cante jondo (1930) and finally Juego y teoría del duende (1933). The conclusion is drawn that it is in the performance and reception of a text – whether it is heard or read – that the artist's agonistic stand between tradition and modernity, repetition and singularity, is played out, in an invitation to the listener or reader to celebrate his or her mortality.


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MicroRNAs (miRNAs) bind to complementary sequences within the 3? untranslated region (UTR) of mRNAs from hundreds of target genes, leading either to mRNA degradation or suppression of translation. We found that a mutation in the seed region of miR-184 (MIR184) is responsible for familial severe keratoconus combined with early-onset anterior polar cataract, by deep sequencing of a linkage region known to contain the mutation. The mutant form fails to compete with miR-205 (MIR205) for overlapping target sites on the 3? UTRs of INPPL1 and ITGB4. Although these target genes and miR-205 are expressed widely, the phenotype is restricted to the cornea and lens because of the very high expression of miR-184 in these tissues. Our finding highlights the tissue-specificity of a gene network regulated by a miRNA. Awareness of the important function of miRNAs may aid identification of susceptibility genes and new therapeutic targets for treatment of both rare and common diseases.


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The retinal vascular endothelium is essential for angiogenesis and is involved in maintaining barrier selectivity and vascular tone. The aim of this study was to identify and quantify microRNAs and other small regulatory non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) which may regulate these crucial functions. Primary bovine retinal microvascular endothelial cells (RMECs) provide a well-characterized in vitro system for studying angiogenesis. RNA extracted from RMECs was used to prepare a small RNA library for deep sequencing (Illumina Genome Analyzer). A total of 6.8 million reads were mapped to 250 known microRNAs in miRBase (release 16). In many cases, the most frequent isomiR differed from the sequence reported in miRBase. In addition, five novel microRNAs, 13 novel bovine orthologs of known human microRNAs and multiple new members of the miR-2284/2285 family were detected. Several similar to 30 nucleotide sno-miRNAs were identified, with the most highly expressed being derived from snoRNA U78. Highly expressed microRNAs previously associated with endothelial cells included miR-126 and miR-378, but the most highly expressed was miR-21, comprising more than one-third of all mapped reads. Inhibition of miR-21 with an LNA inhibitor significantly reduced proliferation, migration, and tube-forming capacity of RMECs. The independence from prior sequence knowledge provided by deep sequencing facilitates analysis of novel microRNAs and other small RNAs. This approach also enables quantitative evaluation of microRNA expression, which has highlighted the predominance of a small number of microRNAs in RMECs. Knockdown of miR-21 suggests a role for this microRNA in regulation of angiogenesis in the retinal microvasculature. J. Cell. Biochem. 113: 20982111, 2012. (C) 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Gene targeting by microRNAs is important in health and disease. We developed a functional assay for identifying microRNA targets and applied it to the K+ channel Kir2.1 (KCNJ2) which is dysregulated in cardiac and vascular disorders. The 3'UTR was inserted downstream of the mCherry red fluorescent protein coding sequence in a mammalian expression plasmid. MicroRNA sequences were inserted into the pSM30 expression vector which provides enhanced green fluorescent protein as an indicator of microRNA expression. HEK293 cells were co-transfected with the mCherry-3'UTR plasmid and a pSM30-based plasmid with a microRNA insert. The principle of the assay is that functional targeting of the 3'UTR by the microRNA results in a decrease in the red/green fluorescence intensity ratio as determined by automated image analysis. The method was validated with miR-1, a known downregulator of Kir2.1 expression, and was used to investigate targeting of the Kir2.1 3'UTR by miR-212. Red/green ratio was lower in miR-212-expressing cells compared to non-targeting controls, an effect that was attenuated by mutating the predicted target site. MiR-212 also reduced inward rectifier current and Kir2.1 protein in HeLa cells. This novel assay has several advantages over traditional luciferase-based assays including larger sample size, amenability to time course studies and adaptability to high-throughput screening.


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The Seabury Commission, 1930-32, probed allegations of corruption made against, amongst others, the Irish-American Mayor of New York City, James J. ‘Jimmy’ Walker, and the Irish-dominated Tammany Hall, the Democratic political machine that had supported Walker. Taking the Seabury inquiry as its focus, this article explores these allegations from the perspective of Critical Studies in Improvisation (C.S.I.) fused with postcolonial critique. Improvisation, in accordance with C.S.I. principles, is not a lawless or extempore event; it is, instead, lawful, or full of law. The laws of improvisation may appear impenetrable to those unfamiliar with the practice. However, when read through a hibernocentric postcolonial perspective, their meaning and form become more understandable. As will be argued in this article, diasporic communities are inherently improvisatory; that is, they utilise improvisational techniques to help adapt and respond to new situations and social contexts. To be queried is whether the law and politics practiced by Tammany and Walker, taken together, constituted a markedly Irish approach to justice, one that entailed not scripted or planned illegality, as was alleged by Judge Seabury, but improvisations on Anglo-Protestant law as a response to the displacement of and discrimination against the Irish Diaspora in early twentieth century America.