815 resultados para Milliken, Weston Freeman
Refers To Deborah L Harris, Philip J Weston, Matthew Signal, J Geoffrey Chase, Jane E Harding Dextrose gel for neonatal hypoglycaemia (the Sugar Babies Study): a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial The Lancet, Volume 382, Issue 9910, 21 December 2013-3 January 2014, Pages 2077-2083 Referred to by Jane E Harding, Deborah L Harris, Philip J Weston, Matthew Signal, Geoffrey Chase Sublingual sugar for infant hypoglycaemia - Authors' reply The Lancet, Volume 383, Issue 9924, 5-11 April 2014, Pages 1208-1209
The cytokine TWEAK and its cognate receptor Fn14 are members of the TNF/TNFR superfamily and are upregulated in tumors. We found that Fn14, when expressed in tumors, causes cachexia and that antibodies against Fn14 dramatically extended lifespan by inhibiting tumor-induced weight loss although having only moderate inhibitory effects on tumor growth. Anti-Fn14 antibodies prevented tumor-induced inflammation and loss of fat and muscle mass. Fn14 signaling in the tumor, rather than host, is responsible for inducing this cachexia because tumors in Fn14- and TWEAK-deficient hosts developed cachexia that was comparable to that of wild-type mice. These results extend the role of Fn14 in wound repair and muscle development to involvement in the etiology of cachexia and indicate that Fn14 antibodies may be a promising approach to treat cachexia, thereby extending lifespan and improving quality of life for cancer patients.
A rare germ-line polymorphism in codon 47 of the p53 gene replaces the wild-type proline (CCG) with a serine (TCG). Restriction analysis of 101 human samples revealed the frequency of the rare allele to be 0% (n = 69) in Caucasians and 4.7% (3/64, n = 32) among African-Americans. To investigate the consequence of this amino acid substitution, a cDNA construct (p53 mut47ser) containing the mutation was introduced into a lung adenocarcinoma cell line (Calu-6) that does not express p53. A growth suppression similar to that obtained after introduction of a wild-type p53 cDNA construct was observed, in contrast to the result obtained by introduction of p53 mut143ala. Furthermore, expression of neither p53 mut47ser nor wild-type p53 was tolerated by growing cells. In transient expression assays, both mut47ser and wild-type p53 activated the expression of a reporter gene linked to a p53 binding sequence (PG13-CAT) and inhibited the expression of the luciferase gene under the control of the Rous sarcoma virus promoter (RSVluc). In the same assay, mut143ala did not activate the expression of PG13-CAT and produced only a slight inhibitory effect on RSVluc. These findings indicate that the p53 variant with a serine at codon 47 should be considered as a rare germ-line polymorphism that does not alter the growth-suppression activity of p53.
O uso de FDG-PET/TC scan no planejamento da radioterapia em câncer do pulmão não de pequenas células
Radioterapia é uma importante alternativa de tratamento curativo em pacientes com câncer do pulmão não de pequenas células. Entretanto, pulmões são muito sensíveis à radiação e isto aumenta a importância em se delimitar o volume a ser irradiado com precisão. Ultimamente, a tomografia por emissão de pósitron (PET) e a tomografia computadorizada (TC) são feitas de forma combinada, e a literatura sugere que seu impacto no planejamento da radioterapia é significativo. Ao se utilizar exames de PET/TC no planejamento da radioterapia é importante reconhecer e adaptar-se às diferenças entre os equipamentos de diagnóstico e de tratamento. Este texto discute alguns dos problemas técnicos que devem ser resolvidos quando se incorpora PET no planejamento radioterápico.
Declining agricultural productivity, land clearance and climate change are compounding the vulnerability of already marginal rural populations in West Africa. 'Farmer-Managed Natural Regeneration' (FMNR) is an approach to arable land restoration and reforestation that seeks to reconcile sustained food production, conservation of soils and protection of biodiversity. It involves selecting and protecting the most vigorous stems regrowing from live stumps of felled trees, pruning off all other stems, and pollarding the chosen stems to grow into straight trunks. Despite widespread enthusiasm and application of FMNR by environmental management and development projects, to date, no research has provided a measure of the aggregate livelihood impact of community adoption of FMNR. This paper places FMNR in the context of other agroforestry initiatives, then seeks to quantify the value of livelihood outcomes of FMNR. We review published and unpublished evidence about the impacts of FMNR, and present a new case study that addresses gaps in the evidence base. The case study focuses on a FMNR project in the district of Talensi in the semi-arid Upper East Region in Ghana. The case study employs a Social Return on Investment (SROI) analysis, which identifies proxy financial values for non-economic as well as economic benefits. The results demonstrate income and agricultural benefits, but also show that asset creation, increased consumption of wild resources, health improvements and psycho-social benefits created more value in FMNR-adopting households during the period of the study than increases in income and agricultural yields.
Background: Being physically assaulted is known to increase the risk of the occurrence of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms but it may also skew judgements about the intentions of other people. The objectives of the study were to assess paranoia and PTSD after an assault and to test whether theory-derived cognitive factors predicted the persistence of these problems. Method: At 4 weeks after hospital attendance due to an assault, 106 people were assessed on multiple symptom measures (including virtual reality) and cognitive factors from models of paranoia and PTSD. The symptom measures were repeated 3 and 6 months later. Results: Factor analysis indicated that paranoia and PTSD were distinct experiences, though positively correlated. At 4 weeks, 33% of participants met diagnostic criteria for PTSD, falling to 16% at follow-up. Of the group at the first assessment, 80% reported that since the assault they were excessively fearful of other people, which over time fell to 66%. Almost all the cognitive factors (including information-processing style during the trauma, mental defeat, qualities of unwanted memories, self-blame, negative thoughts about self, worry, safety behaviours, anomalous internal experiences and cognitive inflexibility) predicted later paranoia and PTSD, but there was little evidence of differential prediction. Conclusions: Paranoia after an assault may be common and distinguishable from PTSD but predicted by a strikingly similar range of factors.
The presentation of acute appendicitis in femoral hernia is rare. The gastrointestinal symptons are overshadowed by the local findings. This may lead to delayed diagnosis and complications such as formation of fistula. The authors report a case of a 76-year-old female patient which presented with stercoral fistula after drainage of a right groin abscess ten months earlier.
Guanylate cyclases (GC) serve in two different signaling pathways involving cytosolic and membrane enzymes. Membrane GCs are receptors for guanylin and atriopeptin peptides, two families of cGMP-regulating peptides. Three subclasses of guanylin peptides contain one intramolecular disulfide (lymphoguanylin), two disulfides (guanylin and uroguanylin) and three disulfides (E. coli stable toxin, ST). The peptides activate membrane receptor-GCs and regulate intestinal Cl- and HCO3- secretion via cGMP in target enterocytes. Uroguanylin and ST also elicit diuretic and natriuretic responses in the kidney. GC-C is an intestinal receptor-GC for guanylin and uroguanylin, but GC-C may not be involved in renal cGMP pathways. A novel receptor-GC expressed in the opossum kidney (OK-GC) has been identified by molecular cloning. OK-GC cDNAs encode receptor-GCs in renal tubules that are activated by guanylins. Lymphoguanylin is highly expressed in the kidney and heart where it may influence cGMP pathways. Guanylin and uroguanylin are highly expressed in intestinal mucosa to regulate intestinal salt and water transport via paracrine actions on GC-C. Uroguanylin and guanylin are also secreted from intestinal mucosa into plasma where uroguanylin serves as an intestinal natriuretic hormone to influence body Na+ homeostasis by endocrine mechanisms. Thus, guanylin peptides control salt and water transport in the kidney and intestine mediated by cGMP via membrane receptors with intrinsic guanylate cyclase activity.
Tämän tutkielman tarkoituksena on tutkia syntaktista kompleksisuutta ja kompleksisten rakenteiden oikeellisuutta sekä näiden aspektien suhdetta suomenkielisten lukiolaisten kirjoitetussa oppijankielessä sekä ryhmä- että yksilötasolla. Lisäksi tarkoituksena on tutkia, miten syntaktinen kompleksisuus, oikeellisuus ja näiden välinen suhde kehittyy Eurooppalaiseen viitekehykseen perustuvien taitotasojen välillä ja yksilötasolla. Oppijankielen rakennetta lähestytään CAF-teorian (kompleksisuus, tarkkuus ja sujuvuus) näkökulmasta. CAF-hypoteesien mukaan oppijankieli kehittyy sekä kompleksisuuden että oikeellisuuden osalta oppijankielen yleisen taitotason kehittyessä. Kompleksisuuden ja oikeellisuuden välistä suhdetta tarkastellaan sekä Trade-Off-teorian (Skehan 1998) että kognitioteorian (Robinson 2001) avulla. Teoreettiseen viitekehykseen kuuluvat myös Dynamic Systems -teoria (esim. Larsen-Freeman 2006) ja prosessoitavuusteoria (Pienemann 1998). Näitä hypoteeseja ja teorioita tarkastellaan sekä kvantitatiivisesti että kvalitatiivisesti. Kvalitatiiviseen analyysiin sisältyy tapaustutkimus, jossa kuuden koehenkilön tekstejä tarkastellaan oppijatyyppikategorisoinnin avulla (Norrby & Håkansson 2007). Aiemman tutkimuksen pohjalta (Wolfe-Quintero, Inagaki & Kim 1998, Bergman & Abrahamsson 2004) valittiin seuraavat mittarityypit kompleksisuudelle: tuotosyksiköiden keskimääräinen pituus, suhdelukuihin perustuva kompleksisuus ja ns. topikalisoitujen rakenteiden määrä. Oikeellisuutta mitataan virheettömien lauseiden, sivulauseiden ja topikalisoitujen rakenteiden avulla. Tutkimuksessa tutkitaan 46 lukiolaisen kolmella materiaalinkeräyskierroksella kirjoittamia mielipidetekstejä. Analysoitavien tekstien kokonaismäärä on täten 138. Käytetty materiaali on osa Topling-projektia, jonka yhteydessä tekstit on arvioitu Eurooppalaisen viitekehyksen taitotasojen mukaan. Tässä tutkielmassa analysoitavat tekstit sijoittuvat taitotasoille A1, A2 ja B1. Kvantitatiivinen analyysi osoitti merkittävän yhteyden taitotason ja kompleksisuuden välille. Myös vertailu kolmen aineistonkeruukierroksen välillä osoitti tilastollisesti merkitsevää kehitystä lähes kaikkien kompleksisuusmittareiden osalta. Oikeellisuusaspektin tilastollinen analyysi puolestaan osoitti, ettei taitotaso korreloi oikeellisuuden kanssa. Ainoan tilastollisesti merkitsevän eron aineistonkeruukierrosten välille näyttää mittari EFC/C, mutta ero on negatiivinen. Toisin sanoen virheettömien lauseiden osuus väheni kierrosten välillä. Nämä havainnot kompleksisuudesta ja oikeellisuudesta viittaavat trade-off-vaikutukseen aspektien välillä. Tilastollinen analyysi ei kuitenkaan osoittanut, että aspektien välillä olisi lineaarista suhdetta. Kvalitatiivinen analyysi osoitti, että koehenkilöiden tapa käsitellä informaatiota teksteissään vaikuttaa kompleksisuuden ja oikeellisuuden väliseen suhteeseen, ja että tämä suhde on luonteeltaan dynaaminen. Tutkielman keskeisimmät tulokset osoittavat, että kompleksisuuden ja oikeellisuuden välinen suhde vaihtelee sekä koehenkilöiden että koehenkilön eri tekstien välillä. Lisäksi tulokset osoittavat, että komponenttien välinen suhde voi olla luonteeltaan sekä kilpailevaa (Trade-Off-teoria) että tasapuolista (kognitioteoria).
Modelos neurocognitivos têm sido propostos para investigar a consciência. O objetivo é responder à pergunta sobre como o cérebro é capaz de produzir estados conscientes qualitativos. Os modelos são representações teóricas baseadas em algumas pesquisas empíricas. Contudo, a questão central, aparentemente trivial para alguns autores, refere-se à representatividade e confiabilidade dos modelos, i.e., saber se são capazes de explicar como a consciência emerge de processos neurais. Esses modelos são considerados como guia no estudo científico da consciência: os modelos cognitivos de Dennett (Multiple Draft) e Baars (Global Workspace), os modelos neurobiológicos de Edelman (Dynamic Core), Dehaene et al. (Global Neuronal), de Damásio (Somatic Markers Hypothesis), e o modelo neurodinâmico (Neurodynamic Model) proposto por Freeman. O presente texto visa a analisar a coerência e a plausibilidade dos modelos, i.e., se realmente explicam a “consciência” e suas propriedades em termos neurais ou se explicam apenas mecanismos neurobiológicos subjacentes no cérebro. O objetivo é avaliar escopo e limites dos modelos além da aplicabilidade na resolução do problema da consciência.
The 1964-65 Board of Governors. Pictured here are those who attended the first meeting on December 8, 1964. From left to right - Front Row: E. E. Mitchelson, Niagara Falls. Mrs. J. J. Bench, St. Catharines. W. B. Gunning, Chippawa. Dr. J. A. Gibson, St. Catharines. D. G. Willmot, St. Catharines. J. M. Trott, Welland. C. B. Hill, St. Catharines. A. C. Rae, Fonthill. Back Row: E. S. Howard, Fort Erie. W. J. Freeman, Port Colborne. M. L. Swart, Thorold. C. F. Anderson, Port Colborne. W. S. Martin, Queenston. E. R. Davey, Niagara Falls. R. L. Hearn, Queenston. C. W. Morehead, Welland. S. J. Leishman, Thorold. F. H. Leslie, Chippawa. F. C. Cullimore, Chippawa. W. B. C. Burgoyne, St. Catharines. H. C. Blenkhorn, St. Catharines. M. A. Chown, St. Catharines. B. P. R. Newman, St. Catharines. R. S. Misener, St. Catharines. Missing: R. M. Schmon, Niagara on the Lake. E. J. Barbeau, St. Catharines. P. E. Roberts, Toronto. L. R. Williams, Welland.