952 resultados para Microorganisms in the animal body


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While the incorporation of mathematical and engineering methods has greatly advanced in other areas of the life sciences, they have been under-utilized in the field of animal welfare. Exceptions are beginning to emerge and share a common motivation to quantify 'hidden' aspects in the structure of the behaviour of an individual, or group of animals. Such analyses have the potential to quantify behavioural markers of pain and stress and quantify abnormal behaviour objectively. This review seeks to explore the scope of such analytical methods as behavioural indicators of welfare. We outline four classes of analyses that can be used to quantify aspects of behavioural organization. The underlying principles, possible applications and limitations are described for: fractal analysis, temporal methods, social network analysis, and agent-based modelling and simulation. We hope to encourage further application of analyses of behavioural organization by highlighting potential applications in the assessment of animal welfare, and increasing awareness of the scope for the development of new mathematical methods in this area.


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PURPOSE: Animal models are important for pre-clinical assessment of novel therapies in metastatic bladder cancer. The F344/AY-27 model involves orthotopic colonisation with AY-27 tumour cells which are syngeneic to F344 rats. One disadvantage of the model is the unknown status of colonisation between instillation and sacrifice. Non-invasive optical imaging using red fluorescence reporters could potentially detect tumours in situ and would also reduce the number of animals required for each experiment.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: AY-27 cells were stably transfected with either pDsRed2-N1 or pcDNA3.1tdTomato. The intensity and stability of fluorescence in the resultant AY-27/DsRed2-N1 and AY-27/tdTomato stable cell lines were compared using Xenogen IVIS®200 and Olympus IX51 systems.

RESULTS: AY-27/tdTomato fluorescence intensity was 60-fold brighter than AY-27/DsRed2-N1 and was sustained in AY-27/tdTomato cells following freezing and six subsequent sub-cultures. After sub-cutaneous injection, fluorescence intensity from AY-27/tdTomato cells was threefold stronger than that detected from AY-27/DsRed2-N1 cells. IVIS®200 detected fluorescence from AY-27/tdTomato and AY-27/DsRed2-N1 cells colonising resected and exteriorised bladders, respectively. However, the deep-seated position of the bladder precluded in vivo imaging. Characteristics of AY-27/tdTomato cells in vitro and in tumours colonising F344 rats resembled those of parental AY-27 cells. Tumour transformation was observed in the bladders colonised with AY-27/DsRed2-N1 cells.

CONCLUSIONS: In vivo whole-body imaging of internal red fluorescent animal tumours should use pcDNA3.1tdTomato rather than pDsRed2-N1. Optical imaging of deep-seated organs in larger animals remains a challenge which may require proteins with brighter red or far-red fluorescence and/or alternative approaches.


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The female body is central to the performance art, poetry and blog site interventions of Guatemalan Regina José Galindo. While Galindo is best known for her performance work, this article compares the hereto overlooked, distinctive and often shocking representations of the female body across her multimedia outputs. We first consider the ways in which, in all three media, Galindo presents an ‘excessive’, carnivalised, grotesque and abject female body. Second, we analyse representations of the female body that has been subjected to violence at a private and public level. In so doing, we show how Galindo not only contests hegemonic visions of gender and (national) identity but also challenges the viewer/reader to engage with, rather than look away from, the violence to which women are subjected in patriarchal society.


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Although variation in body size has been recently reported in stingless bees (Meliponini), empirical evidence evaluating possible factors related to such variation is lacking, and thus it is not clear if it may have an adaptive significance. We evaluated if variation in the body size and weight of workers of stingless bees fluctuates across a seasonal pattern and if this could be related to characteristics of the food consumed during the larval stage. The weight of larval provisions, their protein, and sugar content were evaluated in four colonies of Nannotrigona perilampoides every 2 months across 1 year. Worker-destined larvae from the same combs were allowed to develop and were sampled as callow workers to determine their weight and size using morphometric data. The weight and size of workers were highly correlated and varied across the seasons in established colonies, suggesting that size variation cycles across the year in stingless bees. An increase in the protein content and, to a lesser degree, the quantity of larval food were positively linked to variation in body weight and size; food with richer protein content resulted in larger and heavier workers. This study provides the first evidence of an effect of the quantity and composition of larval food on the size of workers in stingless bees. Although body weight and size of workers differed across seasons, they were not readily noticeable as changes seem to occur as a continuum across the year. Since size polymorphism was of a larger magnitude across time but not within age cohorts and as it was highly determined by food resources, it may not be an adaptive feature in stingless bees. However, more studies are needed to determine the role of the cyclical change in worker body size on colony performance and thus its adaptive significance in stingless bees.


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Arsenic is accumulated by free-living small mammals, but there is little information on the resultant concentrations in different tissues other than liver and kidney. Such information is important because the severity of toxicological effects may be related to the amount of arsenic accumulated in specific organs, and the availability of arsenic to predators is, in part, dependent on which tissues accumulate arsenic. The objective of this study was to quantify the arsenic concentrations and the percentage of the total body burden (%TBB) accumulated in different body tissues of free-living small mammals and to determine how these factors varied with severity of habitat contamination. Arsenic concentrations were measured in various tissues of wood mice (Apodemus sylvaticus) and bank voles (Clethrionomys glareolus) from a range of arsenic-contaminated sites in southwest Britain. Arsenic concentrations in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract (including contents), liver, kidneys, spleen, lung, femur, and fur of both species varied significantly between sites and were higher in mice and voles from heavily contaminated areas. Heart and brain arsenic concentrations did not vary with degree of environmental contamination. The GI tract and excised carcass contained roughly equal amounts of arsenic and, in sum, comprised 75-85% of the TBB on uncontaminated sites and 90-99% on contaminated sites. Although the excised carcass contains about half of the TBB, its importance in food-chain transfer of arsenic to predators may depend on the bioavailability of arsenic sequestered in fur. In contrast, the GI tract and its contents, provided that it is consumed, will always be a major transfer pathway for arsenic to predators, regardless of the severity of habitat contamination.


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This study presents the findings of an empirical channel characterisation for an ultra-wideband off-body optic fibre-fed multiple-antenna array within an office and corridor environment. The results show that for received power experiments, the office and corridor were best modelled by lognormal and Rician distributions, respectively [for both line of sight (LOS) and non-LOS (NLOS) scenarios]. In the office, LOS measurements for t and tRMS were both described by the Normal distribution for all channels, whereas NLOS measurements for t and t were Nakagami and Weibull distributed, respectively. For the corridor measurements, LOS for t and t were either Nakagami or normally distributed for all channels, with NLOS measurements for t and t being Nakagami and normally distributed, respectively. This work also shows that achievable diversity gain was influenced by both mutual coupling and cross-correlation co-efficients. Although the best diversity gains were 1.8 dB for three-channel selective diversity combining, the authors present recommendations for improving these results. © The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2013.


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The aim of this project was to develop and pharmacologically characterize an experimental dog model of nasal congestion in which nasal patency is measured using acoustic rhinometry. Solubilized compound 48/80 (0.3-3.0%) was administered intranasally to thiopental anesthetized beagle dogs to elicit nasal congestion via localized mast cell degranulation. Compound 48/80-induced effects on parameters of nasal patency were studied in vehicle-treated animals, as well as in the same animals pretreated 2 hours earlier with oral d-pseudoephedrine or chlorpheniramine. Local mast cell degranulation caused a close-related decrease in nasal cavity volume and minimal cross-sectional area (Amin) together with a highly variable increase in nasal secretions. Maximal responses were seen at 90-120 minutes after 48/80 administration. Oral administration of the adrenergic agonist, d-pseudoephedrine (3.0 mg/kg), significantly antagonized all of the nasal effects of compound 48/80 (3.0%). In contrast, oral administration of the histamine H1 receptor antagonist chlorpheniramine (10 mg/kg) appeared to reduce the increased nasal secretions but was without effect on the compound 48/ 80-induced nasal congestion (i.e., volume and Amin). These results show the effectiveness of using acoustic rhinometry in this anesthetized dog model. The observations that compound 48/80-induced nasal congestion was prevented by d-pseudoephedrine pretreatment, but not by chlorpheniramine, suggest that this noninvasive model system may provide an effective tool with which to study the actions of decongestant drugs in preclinical investigations.


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How animals manage time and expend energy has implications for survivorship. Being able to measure key metabolic costs of animals under natural conditions is therefore an important tool in behavioral ecology. One method for estimating activity-specific metabolic rate is via derived measures of acceleration, often 'overall dynamic body acceleration' (ODBA), recorded by an instrumented acceleration logger. ODBA has been shown to correlate well with rate of oxygen consumption (V ?o) in a range of species during activity in the laboratory. This study devised a method for attaching acceleration loggers to decapod crustaceans and then correlated ODBA against concurrent respirometry readings to assess accelerometry as a proxy for activity-specific energy expenditure in a model species, the American lobster Homarus americanus. Where the instrumented animals exhibited a sufficient range of activity levels, positive linear relationships were found between V ?o and ODBA over 20min periods at a range of ambient temperatures (6, 13 and 20°C). Mixed effect linear models based on these data and morphometrics provided reasonably strong predictive power for estimating activity-specific V ?o from ODBA. These V ?o-ODBA calibrations demonstrate the potential of accelerometry as an effective predictor of behavior-specific metabolic rate of crustaceans in the wild during periods of activity. © 2013 Elsevier Inc.