967 resultados para Maxima and minima.


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Energetics of the ground and excited state intramolecular proton transfer in salicylic acid have been studied by ab initio molecular orbital calculations using the 6-31G** basis set at the restricted Hartree-Fock (RHF) and configuration interaction-single excitation (CIS) levels and also using the semiempirical method AM1 at the RHF level as well as with single and pair doubles excitation configuration interaction spanning eight frontier orbitals (PECI = 8). The ab initio potential energy profile for intramolecular proton transfer in the ground state reveals a single minimum corresponding to the primary form, in the first excited singlet state, however, there are two minima corresponding to the primary and tautomeric forms, separated by a barrier of similar to 6 kcal/mol, thus accounting for dual emission in salicylic acid. Electron density changes with electronic excitation and tautomerism indicate no zwitterion formation. Changes in spectral characteristics with change in pH, due to protonation and deprotonation of salicylic acid, are also accounted for, qualitatively. Although the AM1 calculations suggest a substantial barrier for proton transfer in the ground as well as the first excited state of SA, it predicts the transition wavelength in near quantitative accord with the experimental results for salicylic acid and its protonated and deprotonated forms.


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Antiferroelectric lead zirconate (PZ) thin films were deposited by pulsed laser ablation on platinum-coated silicon substrates. Films showed a polycrystalline pervoskite structure upon annealing at 650 degrees C for 5-10 min. Dielectric properties were investigated as a function of temperature and frequency. The dielectric constant of PZ films was 220 at 100 kHz with a dissipation factor of 0.03. The electric field induced transformation from the antiferroelectric phase to the ferroelectric phase was observed through the polarization change, using a Sawyer-Tower circuit. The maximum polarization value obtained was 40 mu C/cm(2). The average fields to excite the ferroelectric state, and to reverse to the antiferroelectric state were 71 and 140 kV/cm, respectively. The field induced switching was also observed through double maxima in capacitance-voltage characteristics. Leakage current was studied in terms of current versus time and current versus voltage measurements. A leakage current density of 5x10(-7) A/cm(2) at 3 V, for a film of 0.7 mu m thickness, was noted at room temperature. The trap mechanism was investigated in detail in lead zirconate thin films based upon a space charge limited conduction mechanism. The films showed a backward switching time of less than 90 ns at room temperature.


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We believe the Babcock-Leighton process of poloidal field generation to be the main source of irregularity in the solar cycle. The random nature of this process may make the poloidal field in one hemisphere stronger than that in the other hemisphere at the end of a cycle. We expect this to induce an asymmetry in the next sunspot cycle. We look for evidence of this in the observational data and then model it theoretically with our dynamo code. Since actual polar field measurements exist only from the 1970s, we use the polar faculae number data recorded by Sheeley (1991, 2008) as a proxy of the polar field and estimate the hemispheric asymmetry of the polar field in different solar minima during the major part of the twentieth century. This asymmetry is found to have a reasonable correlation with the asymmetry of the next cycle. We then run our dynamo code by feeding information about this asymmetry at the successive minima and compare the results with observational data. We find that the theoretically computed asymmetries of different cycles compare favorably with the observational data, with the correlation coefficient being 0.73. Due to the coupling between the two hemispheres, any hemispheric asymmetry tends to get attenuated with time. The hemispheric asymmetry of a cycle either from observational data or from theoretical calculations statistically tends to be less than the asymmetry in the polar field (as inferred from the faculae data) in the preceding minimum. This reduction factor turns out to be 0.43 and 0.51 respectively in observational data and theoretical simulations.


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We study the secondary structure of RNA determined by Watson-Crick pairing without pseudo-knots using Milnor invariants of links. We focus on the first non-trivial invariant, which we call the Heisenber invariant. The Heisenberg invariant, which is an integer, can be interpreted in terms of the Heisenberg group as well as in terms of lattice paths. We show that the Heisenberg invariant gives a lower bound on the number of unpaired bases in an RNA secondary structure. We also show that the Heisenberg invariant can predict allosteric structures for RNA. Namely, if the Heisenberg invariant is large, then there are widely separated local maxima (i.e., allosteric structures) for the number of Watson-Crick pairs found.


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Experimental results are presented of ionisation (a)a nd electron attachment ( v ) coefficients evaluated from the steady-state Townsend curregnrto wth curves for SFsN2 and CC12FrN2 mixtures over the range 60 S E/P 6 240 (where E is the electric field in V cm" and P is the pressure in Torr reduced to 20'C). In both the mixtures the attachment coefficients (vmu) evaluated were found to follow the relationship; where 7 is the attachment coefficient of pure electronegative gas, F is the fraction of the electronegative gas in the mixture and /3 is a constant. The ionisation coefficients (amlx) generally obeyed the relationship where w2a nd aAa re thei onisation coefficients of nitrogen and the attachinggraess pectively. However, in case of CC12FrN2 mixtures, there were maxima in the a,,,v,a,l ues for CCI2F2 concentrations varying between 10% and 30% at all values of E/P investigated. Effective ionisation coefficients (a - p)/P obtained in these binary mixtures show that the critical E/P (corresponding to (a - q)/P = 0) increases with increase in the concentration of the electronegative gas up to 40%. Further increase in the electronegative gas content does not seem to alter the critical E/P.


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M r = 188.22, monoclinic, P21/n, a = 6.219 (2), b= 10.508 (2), c=7.339 (1)A, t= 107.64 (2) °, V= 457 ,/k 3, Z = 2, D m - - 1.360 (3), D x = 1.366 (2)Mgm -3, ~,(MoKa) = 0.7107/~, #= 0.053 mm -I, F(000) = 200, T= 293 K. Final R = 5.8% for 614 significant reflections. The molecule, which does not possess a centre of symmetry, occupies a crystallographic centre of symmetry because of the statistical enantiomeric and rotational disorder. Latticeenergy calculations, based on van der Waals attractive and repulsive potentials, clearly show minima at the observed disordered positions.


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The resistivity of two types of lithium fast-ion conductors, Li16-2xZnx(GeO4)4 (x=1,2) and Li3+xGexV1-xO4 (x=0.25,0.6,0.72), showed pronounced maxima as a function of pressure. For the first type, ln(ρ / ρ0) peaked at values of 0.12 (x=1) and 0.35 (x=2) near 20 kbar and decreased thereafter up to 80 kbar. Thermal activation energies and prefactors also showed corresponding maxima. For the second type, ln(ρ / ρ0) increased to 3-4 between 20 and 32 kbar. Near 80 kbar, ρ decreased (for x=0.25) by a factor of 250. The results are interpreted in terms of negative activation volumes.


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Ultrafine powders of SrTiO3 are prepared at 100–150°C by the hydrothermal method, starting from TiO2·xH2O gel and Sr(OH)2 and H2O-isopropanol mixed solvent as the medium, The X-ray diffractograms of the powder show line broadening. The minimum crystallite size obtained ranges from 5 to 20nm with 20% H2O-80% C3H7OH as the reaction medium, as estimated from X-ray half-peak widths and TEM studies. The electron diffraction results indicate high concentration of lattice defects in these crystallites. The optical spectra of the particle suspensions in water show that the absorption around the band gap is considerably broadened, together with the appearance of maxima in the far ultraviolet. Aqueous suspensions of SrTiO3 powders, as such, do not produce H2 or O2 on UV irradiation. After coating with rhodium, H2 and O2 are evolved on illumination. However, the turn over number of O2 is lower than the stoichiometrically expected values from the corresponding values of H2. No correlation of the photocatalytic activity with surface area is observed. The activity of Rh-SrTiO3 slowly deteriorates with extended period of irradiation.


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Develop microsatellite markers to distinguish strains of Eimeria acervulina, E. brunetti and E. maxima. Conduct nationwide sampling of chicken faeces to build baseline of Eimeria population genetic diversity for 5 economically important speces (3 species above plus E. tenella and E. necatrix). Conduct focused local screening to assess temporal changes in populations historically sampled.


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Virus diseases cause serious yield and quality losses in field grown cucurbit crops worldwide. In Australia, the main viruses of cucurbits are Papaya ringspot virus (PRSV), Squash mosaic virus (SqMV), Watermelon mosaic virus (WMV) and Zucchini yellow mosaic virus (ZYMV). Plants infected early have severely distorted fruit. High infection incidences, of ZYMV and PRSV in crops cause losses of marketable fruit of up to 100% and infected crops are often abandoned. Two new alternative hosts of ZYMV were identified, the native cucurbit Cucumis maderaspatanus and wild legume Rhyncosia minima. No new alternative hosts of PRSV, SqMV or WMV were found in Western Australia or Queensland. Seed transmission of ZYMV (0.7%) was found in seedlings grown from ZYMV-infected fruit of zucchini but not of pumpkin. None was detected with PRSV or SqMV in zucchini or pumpkin seedlings, respectively. ZYMV spread to pumpkins by aphids was greater downwind than upwind of a virus source. Delaying sowing by 2 weeks decreased ZYMV spread. Millet non-host barriers between pumpkin plantings slowed ZYMV infection. Host resistance gene (zym) in cucumber cultivars was effective against ZYMV. Pumpkin cultivars with resistance gene (Zym) became infected under high virus pressure but leaf symptoms were milder and infected plants higher yielding with more market-acceptable fruit than those without Zym. Most zucchini cultivars with Zym developed severe leaf and fruit symptoms. ZYMV, PRSV, WMV and SqMV spread readily from infected to healthy cucurbit plants by direct leaf contact. ZYMV survives and remains infective on diverse surfaces for up to 6 hours but can be inactivated by some disinfectants. Phylogenetic analysis indicates at least three separate introductions of ZYMV into Australia, with new introductions rarely occurring. ZYMV isolates clustered into three groups according to collection location i) Kununurra, ii) Northern Territory and iii) Carnarvon, Qld and Vic. A multiplex Real-Time PCR was developed which distinguished between the three groups of Australian isolates. Integrated disease management (IDM) strategies for virus diseases of vegetable cucurbit crops grown in the field were improved incorporating the new information gathered. These strategies are aimed at causing using minimal extra expense, labour demands and disruption to normal practices.


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The retinylidene Schiff base derivative of seven lysine containing peptides have been prepared in order to investigate solvent and neighboring group effects, on the absorption maximum of the protonated Schiff base chromophore. The peptides studied are Boc-Aib-Lys-Aib-OMe (1), Boc-Ala-Aib-Lys-OMe (2), Boc-Ala-Aib-Lys-Aib-OMe (3), Boc-Aib-Asp-Aib-Aib-Lys-Aib-OMe (4), Boc-Aib-Asp-Aib-Ala-Aib-Lys-Aib-OMe (5), Boc-Lys-Val-Gly-Phe-OMe (6) and Boc-Ser-Ala-Lys-Val-Gly-Phe-OMe (7). In all cases protonation shifts the absorption maxima to the red by 3150–8450 cm-1. For peptides 1–3 the protonation shifts are significantly larger in nonhydrogen bonding solvents like CHCl3 or CH2Cl2 as compared to hydrogen bonding solvents like CH3OH. The presence of a proximal Asp residue in 4 and 5 results in pronounced blue shift of the absorption maximum of the protonated Schiff base in CHCl3, relative to peptides lacking this residue. Peptides 6 and 7 represent small segments of the bacteriorhodopsin sequence in the vicinity of Lys-216. The presence of Ser reduces the magnitude of the protonation shift.


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Serine hydroxymethyltransferase, the first enzyme in the pathway for interconversion of C1 fragments, was purified to homogeneity for the first time from any plant source. The enzyme from 72-h mung bean (Vigna radiata L.) seedlings was isolated using Blue Sepharose CL-6B and folate-AH-Sepharose-4B affinity matrices and had the highest specific activity (1.33 micromoles of HCHO formed per minute per milligram protein) reported hitherto. The enzyme preparation was extremely stable in the presence of folate or L-serine. Pyridoxal 5'-phosphate, ethylenediaminetetraacetate and 2-mercaptoethanol prevented the inactivation of the enzyme during purification. The enzyme functioned optimally at pH 8.5 and had two temperature maxima at 35 and 55°C. The Km values for serine were 1.25 and 68 millimolar, corresponding to Vmax values of 1.8 and 5.4 micromoles of HCHO formed per minute per milligram protein, respectively. The K0.5 value for L-tetrahydrofolate (H4folate) was 0.98 millimolar. Glycine, the product of the reaction and D-cycloserine, a structural analog of D-alanine, were linear competitive inhibitors with respect to L-serine with Ki values of 2.30 and 2.02 millimolar, respectively. Dichloromethotrexate, a substrate analog of H4folate was a competitive inhibitor when H4folate was the varied substrate. Results presented in this paper suggested that pyridoxal 5'-phosphate may not be essential for catalysis.The sigmoid saturation pattern of H4folate (nH = 2.0), one of the substrates, the abolition of sigmoidicity by NADH, an allosteric positive effector (nH = 1.0) and the increase in sigmoidicity by NAD+ and adenine nucleotides, negative allosteric effectors (nH = 2.4) clearly established that this key enzyme in the folate metabolism was an allosteric protein. Further support for this conclusion were the observations that (a) serine saturation exhibited an intermediary plateau region; (b) partial inhibition by methotrexate, aminopterin, O-phosphoserine, DL-{alpha}-methylserine and DL-O-methylserine; (c) subunit nature of the enzyme; and (d) decrease in the nH value from 2.0 for H4folate to 1.5 in presence of L-serine. These results highlight the regulatory nature of mung bean serine hydroxymethyltransferase and its possible involvement in the modulation of the interconversion of folate coenzymes.


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Among different methods, the transmission-line or the impedance tube method has been most popular for the experimental evaluation of the acoustical impedance of any termination. The current state of method involves extrapolation of the measured data to the reflecting surface or exact locations of the pressure maxima, both of which are known to be rather tricky. The present paper discusses a method which makes use of the positions of the pressure minima and the values of the standing-wave ratio at these points. Lippert's concept of enveloping curves has been extended. The use of Smith or Beranek charts, with their inherent inaccuracy, has been altogether avoided. The existing formulas for the impedance have been corrected. Incidentally, certain other errors in the current literature have also been brought to light.Subject Classification: 85.20.


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The theory of polarographic maxima is presented taking into account the interaction of momentum transport, the electrostatic potential field, the adsorption—desorption and the faradaic processes. Several earlier results are generalised. The systems approach employed here is also extended to quasi-linear situations.


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The transmission-line or the impedance-tube method for the measurement of the acoustic impedance of any termination involves a search for various minima and maxima of pressure. For this purpose, arrangement has to be made for the microphone to travel along the length of the impedance tube, and this complicates the design of the tube considerably. The present paper discusses a method which consists in evaluating the tube attenuation factor at any convenient frequency by making use of measured SPL's at two (or more) fixed locations with a rigid termination, calculating the tube attenuation factor and wave number at the required frequency of interest with or without mean flow (as applicable), and finally evaluating the impedance of the given termination by measuring and using SPL's at three (or more) fixed locations. Thus, the required impedance tube is considerably smaller in length, simpler in design, easier to manufacture, cheaper in cost and more convenient to use. The design of the tube is also discussed. Incidentally, it is also possible to evaluate the impedance at any low frequency without having to use a larger impedance tube.