991 resultados para Maturity level
Purpose: The aims of this study are two-fold: first, to analyze intraindividual allometric development of aerobic power of 73 boys followed at annual intervals from 8 to 16 yr, and second, to relate scaled aerobic power with level of habitual physical activity and biological maturity status. Methods: Peak (V) over dot O-2 (treadmill), height, and body mass were measured. Biological maturity was based on age at peak height velocity (PHV) and level of physical activity was based on five assessments between 11 and 15 yr and at 17 yr. Interindividual and intraindividual allometric coefficients were calculated. Multilevel modeling was applied to verify if maturity status and activity explain a significant proportion of peak (V) over dot O-2 after controlling for other explanatory characteristics. Results: At most age levels, interindividual allometry coefficients for body mass exceed k = 0.750. Intraindividual coefficients of peak (V) over dot O-2 by body mass vary widely and range from k' = 0,555 to k' = 1,178. Late maturing boys have smaller k' coefficients than early maturing boys. Conclusion: Peak (V) over dot O-2 is largely explained by body mass, but activity level and its interaction with maturity status contribute independently to peak (V) over dot O-2 even after adjusting for body mass.
Purpose: The range of variability between individuals of the same chronological age (CA) in somatic and biological maturity is large and especially accentuated around the adolescent growth spurt. Maturity assessment is an important consideration when dealing with adolescents, from both a research perspective and youth sports stratification. A noninvasive, practical method predicting years from peak height velocity (a maturity offset value) by using anthropometric variables is developed in one sample and cross-validated in two different samples. Methods: Gender specific multiple regression equations were calculated on a sample of 152 Canadian children aged 8-16 yr (79 boys; 73 girls) who were followed through adolescence from 1991 to 1997, The equations included three somatic dimensions (height, sitting height, and leg length), CA, and their interactions. The equations were cross-validated on a Combined sample of Canadian (71 boys, 40 girls measured from 1964 through 1973) and Flemish children (50 boys, 48 girls measured from 1985 through 1999). Results: The coefficient of determination (R2) for the boys' model was 0.92 and for the girls' model 0.91 the SEEs were 0.49 and 0.50, respectively, Mean difference between actual and predicted maturity offset for the verification samples was 0.24 (SD 0.65) yr in boys and 0,001 (SD 0.68) yr in girls. Conclusion: Although the cross-validation meets statistical standards or acceptance, caution 1, warranted with regard to implementation. It is recommended that maturity offset be considered as a categorical rather than a continuous assessment. Nevertheless, the equations presented are a reliable, noninvasive and a practical solution for the measure of biological maturity for matching adolescent athletes.
Changes in carbohydrate metabolism of 'Kensington' mango fruit from 2 major production regions in Queensland were measured after conditioning fruit with hot air at 40degreesC for 0, 2, 4, 8 and 16 h or at 22degreesC for 16 h (control) followed by hot-water treatment at either 45degreesC fruit-core temperature for 30 min or 47degreesC fruit-core temperature held for 15 min. Advancing physiological maturity of 'Kensington' mango fruit was correlated with increased starch concentration within the mesocarp. An alpha-amylase inhibitor was present in unripe 'Kensington' mesocarp. alpha-Amylase activity was promoted by conditioning fruit at 40degreesC for 8 h, and this enhanced enzyme activity persisted until the fruit were ripe. Consequently, starch degradation was accelerated and the concentration of total soluble solids was higher in fruit conditioned at 40degreesC for 8 h than in fruit left at the lower temperature of 22degreesC for 16 h or not conditioned. Immediately on removal of fruit from hot-water treatment, activities of alpha-amylase and phosphorylase were inhibited. This inhibition was correlated with higher starch concentration and starch layer and starch spot injuries in these fruit. A positive correlation was also found between increased sucrose concentration and greater starch loss in 40degreesC conditioned 'Kensington' fruit. It is proposed that increased sugar concentration in the mesocarp increased the level of fruit heat tolerance.
zFour rumen-fistulated, multiparous Holstein-Friesian cows in early lactation were offered mixed diets based on rhodes grass hay (Chloris gayana) cv. Callide containing 13, 14, 15 or 16% crude protein (CP) on a dry matter basis, in a 4 x 4 latin square design. The estimated undegradable protein concentration in these diets was similar with rumen degradable protein concentration varying. Cows fed a diet containing 13% CP had lower (P = 0.07) milk yields than cows in other treatments (20.4 vs 21.9, 22.0 and 22.2 L/d for 13, 14, 15 and 16% CP, respectively). A positive linear relationship was found (P = 0.06) between organic matter intake and dietary CP%. There were negative linear relationships between dietary CP% and digestibilities of dry matter (P = 0.09), organic matter (P = 0.06) and neutral detergent fibre (P = 0.02). Feeding a diet containing 13% CP resulted in significantly lower (P = 0.001) molar proportions (%) of rumen valerate in comparison with other treatments. The molar proportions of isovalerate differed (P = 0.001) between treatments (0.66, 0.78, 0.89 and 1.04%) for 13, 14, 15 and 16% CP, respectively). Dietary protein level had no effect on rates of passage, in situ digestion of rhodes grass hay or ratios of allantoin: creatinine in urine. These data showed that increasing the dietary CP concentration of lactating cows fed diets based on rhodes grass hay increased intakes and not significantly improved at dietary CP concentrations above 14% DM.
The effects of dietary level of protein (151, 181 g/kg), lysine (nil, 10g L-lysine hydrochloride/kg) and methionine (nil, 5g DL-methionine/kg) on the production performance and egg yolk cholesterol of two strains of birds were studied for 12 weeks. Birds fed on the high protein diet had higher body weight gain, feed conversion ratio (FCR), rate of lay, egg weight and mass and yolk weight and mass. A high lysine diet decreased feed intake and improved FCR. High dietary level of methionine increased egg yolk cholesterol. There were differences between strains of laying bird in feed intake, rate of lay, egg and yolk weights and egg cholesterol content. It is concluded that strain of bird and dietary level of protein and lysine influenced the production performance of birds. Whilst, egg yolk cholesterol was not reduced by any of the factors studied.
alpha-Conotoxin AuIB and a disulfide bond variant of AuIB have been synthesized to determine the role of disulfide bond connectivity on structure and activity. Both of these peptides contain the 15 amino acid sequence GCCSYPPCFATNPDC, with the globular (native) isomer having the disulfide connectivity Cys(2-8 and 3-15) and the ribbon isomer having the disulfide connectivity Cys(2-15 and 3-8). The solution structures of the peptides were determined by NAIR spectroscopy, and their ability to block the nicotinic acetylcholine receptors on dissociated neurons of the rat parasympathetic ganglia was examined. The ribbon disulfide isomer, although having a less well defined structure, is surprisingly found to have approximately 10 times greater potency than the native peptide. To our knowledge this is the first demonstration of a non-native disulfide bond isomer of a conotoxin exhibiting greater biological activity than the native isomer.
An approach based on a linear rate of increase in harvest index (141) with time after anthesis has been used as a simple means-to predict grain growth and yield in many crop simulation models. When applied to diverse situations, however, this approach has been found to introduce significant error in grain yield predictions. Accordingly, this study was undertaken to examine the stability of the HI approach for yield prediction in sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench]. Four field experiments were conducted under nonlimiting water. and N conditions. The experiments were sown at times that ensured a broad range in temperature and radiation conditions. Treatments consisted of two population densities and three genotypes varying in maturity. Frequent sequential harvests were used to monitor crop growth, yield, and the dynamics of 111. Experiments varied greatly in yield and final HI. There was also a tendency for lower HI with later maturity. Harvest index dynamics also varied among experiments and, to a lesser extent, among treatments within experiments. The variation was associated mostly with the linear rate of increase in HI and timing of cessation of that increase. The average rate of HI increase was 0.0198 d(-1), but this was reduced considerably (0.0147) in one experiment that matured in cool conditions. The variations found in IN dynamics could be largely explained by differences in assimilation during grain filling and remobilization of preanthesis assimilate. We concluded that this level of variation in HI dynamics limited the general applicability of the HI approach in yield prediction and suggested a potential alternative for testing.
Functional genomics is the systematic study of genome-wide effects of gene expression on organism growth and development with the ultimate aim of understanding how networks of genes influence traits. Here, we use a dynamic biophysical cropping systems model (APSIM-Sorg) to generate a state space of genotype performance based on 15 genes controlling four adaptive traits and then search this spice using a quantitative genetics model of a plant breeding program (QU-GENE) to simulate recurrent selection. Complex epistatic and gene X environment effects were generated for yield even though gene action at the trait level had been defined as simple additive effects. Given alternative breeding strategies that restricted either the cultivar maturity type or the drought environment type, the positive (+) alleles for 15 genes associated with the four adaptive traits were accumulated at different rates over cycles of selection. While early maturing genotypes were favored in the Severe-Terminal drought environment type, late genotypes were favored in the Mild-Terminal and Midseason drought environment types. In the Severe-Terminal environment, there was an interaction of the stay-green (SG) trait with other traits: Selection for + alleles of the SG genes was delayed until + alleles for genes associated with the transpiration efficiency and osmotic adjustment traits had been fixed. Given limitations in our current understanding of trait interaction and genetic control, the results are not conclusive. However, they demonstrate how the per se complexity of gene X gene X environment interactions will challenge the application of genomics and marker-assisted selection in crop improvement for dryland adaptation.
A identificação e a avaliação de crianças com desenvolvimento atípico configuram um processo muito importante para subsidiar as estratégias de ensino voltadas para a promoção do potencial de aprendizagem. O interesse em relação ao prognóstico de crianças com deficiência tem impulsionado o desenvolvimento de novas tecnologias e pesquisas relacionadas à avaliação, prevenção e intervenção. Nesse contexto, torna-se relevante verificar com instrumentos adequados indicadores linguísticos, cognitivos e comportamentais, para assim traçar metas a partir daquilo que as crianças podem aprender. Dessa forma, esta pesquisa teve por objetivo verificar se a avaliação assistida informatizada se apresenta como uma modalidade de diagnóstico mais prescritivo do desenvolvimento cognitivo, quando comparada à avaliação psicométrica, na aplicação em crianças com deficiência. Na modalidade assistida há ajuda do examinador para conduzir a criança a um melhor nível de desempenho cognitivo. Participaram 11 crianças que frequentam uma instituição de atendimento clínico, em saúde, para crianças com deficiência, na Grande Vitória. Na avaliação psicométrica foram utilizados a Escala de Maturidade Mental Colúmbia computadorizada – Colúmbiacomp e o Teste de Vocabulário por Imagens Peabody - TVIPcomp. Na avaliação assistida informatizada foram aplicadas três provas voltadas para as habilidades de classificação e raciocínio analógico: Exclusão de Objetos, Exclusão de Figuras Geométricas e Jogo de Analogia de Figuras, no ambiente informatizado SINDAPSI. Protocolos de registro de fatores afetivo-motivacionais e de operações cognitivas foram utilizados durante as tarefas assistidas. Na avaliação do comportamento, o Child Behavior Checklist – CBCL foi respondido pelas mães. Dados documentais e dos instrumentos foram submetidos à análise estatística descritiva para verificar o desempenho das crianças nas duas formas de avaliação informatizada (psicométrica e assistida). Nos testes psicométricos, 64% das crianças alcançaram índice “abaixo da média” no TVIPcomp, e 55% “médio-inferior” no Colúmbiacomp. Em relação ao perfil de desempenho cognitivo, na Prova de Exclusão de Objetos computadorizada 55% das crianças foram avaliadas como “não-mantenedoras”. Na Prova de Exclusão de Figuras Geométricas computadorizada 55% da amostra foi classificada no perfil “alto-escore”, e no Jogo de Analogias de Figuras computadorizado 45% apresentou o perfil “ganhador”. A amostra demonstrou níveis de dificuldade na realização dos testes,tanto na modalidade psicométrica quanto assistida. Contudo, o desempenho nos testes assistidos foi relativamente melhor, evidenciando que o grupo se beneficiou da mediação,implementada na fase de assistência, para melhorar as habilidades cognitivas. Além disso, a apresentação informatizada dos testes apresentou-se como fator motivador para a realização e persistência nas tarefas.
Implementing multi-level governance has been a key priority in EU cohesion policy. This study assesses the perceived achievements and shortcomings in implementing European Social Fund by analyzing the deficits and weaknesses as well as the poor participation of local agents who are in direct contact with the beneficiaries in order to design and implement this fund, which is the main financial instrument of EU social policy.
Among phytophagous spider mites, the two-spotted spider mite Tetranychus urticae Koch, 1836 is one of the most important agricultural pests, not only because of the damage it causes, but also because it has a wide host range, infesting many commercial crops such as leafy greens, cotton, beans, and soybeans, among others. This study was carried out in a greenhouse of the Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias (FCA) of the Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados (UFGD), located in the city of Dourados, state of Mato Grosso do Sul. The experiment was arranged in a randomized block design with 5 treatments and 4 replicates. The treatments consisted of 5 levels in percentage of chlorotic symptoms (indicating mite damage): 0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100%. All of the characteristics evaluated, except for number of pods per plant, the number of seeds per plant, the total weight (productivity), and the weight of 1000 seeds, were significantly influenced by the different levels of chlorotic symptoms. The economic damage level for the two-spotted spider mite Tetranychus urticae, according to the equation y = 66.63-0.51 x, based on the price of US$ 11.00 per bag of soybeans and a control cost of US$ 16.00, would be 15.80% chlorotic symptoms. At a price of US$ 29.00 per bag with the same control cost, the economic damage level would be 13% of chlorotic symptoms.
Periodontal disease (PD) is widely known among veterinarians for its high prevalence and serious consequences to the dogs. The objective of this study was to assess the occurrence of PD in dogs that live in the micro-region of Viçosa, treated at the Veterinary Hospital of the Federal University of Viçosa (HVT - Hospital Veterinário da Universidade Federal de Viçosa), as well as to assess how aware of this disease dog owners are. In order to do so, all dogs treated at the HVT from March 10th, 2009 to November 30th, 2009, on alternate days, had their oral cavities examined. Medical history data, such as age, type of food, main complaint and owner consent, halitosis, presence of dental calculus, inflammation and gingival recession and tooth loss, were collected. A prevalence of 88.67% was found for PD in dogs referred to the HVT, and 2.67% were referred due to this disease. Of all the owners who participated in the study, 43.83% knew about periodontal disease and of these 17.46% made use of some type of prevention or treatment. Therefore, periodontal disease is highly prevalent and the owners are not aware of the disease. Thus, a dog owner clarification program on periodontal disease is needed in the area where HVT-UFV operates.
Existing studies on global sourcing strategy have implicitly adopted a cJosed-systems perspective in which sourcing activities are managed within a multinational company across national boundaries. Produd and process innovations and components procurement that are jointly managed by a consortium of cooperating firms have not been examined. In this paper, we empiricallyexamine the issues concerning sourcing partnerships in an open-systems perspective. Findings suggest that even in a sourcing partnership arrangement with a foreign supplier, the principal firm's ability to procure and control the supply of major components has a positive bearing on its market performance.