987 resultados para Material Obturador de Canal Radicular


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Fifty-eight species of Decapods are enumerated from the collections examined by the author. Three species described by other authors are inserted in systematic order, thus making the list complete for the Panama region. All available material in the United States National Museum from Panama and Costa Rica is included; it ranges in age from the Oligocene (Culebra formation) to the Pleistocene.


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With the cooperation of several of the executive departments, and of the Field Museum of Natural History, a party of about 10 naturalists was accordingly sent to the zone, and the results so far accomplished have been very satisfactory. Large collections of biological material have been received, including specimens of a considerable number of genera and species new to science. It also seemed important to determine exactly the geographical distribution of the various organisms inhabiting the Isthmus, which is one of the routes by which the animals and plants of South America have entered North America and vice versa. The estimated cost of the survey which would have to be met by the Institution is $11,000...


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Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Medicina Dentária


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The material is a printed record of two dispatches sent by Sir Peregrine Maitland, Lieutenant Governor of Upper Canada to secretary of state for the colonies, the first in 1827 to Earl Bathurst, the second in 1828 to Right Hon. W. Huskisson. The dispatches concern funding for the canal as well as an introduction of William Hamilton Merritt as managing agent of the Welland Canal Company. It was the intention of the Welland Canal Company to send Mr. Merritt to England to gain further assistance from the government and private investors.


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The Canadian Canal Society was founded in 1982 in St. Catharines, Ontario. The Society is a "not-for-profit, educational, scientific and historical organization, dedicated to the preservation of the canal heritage of Canada." To this end, the Society endeavours to promote the collection and publication of materials related to the preservation, documentation and interpretation of Canadian canals. Their newsletter, Canals Canada/Canaux du Canada is distributed to Society members, and regular field trips are organized for interested members.


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Proyecto realizado por tres profesores desde el Instituto 'Alonso Berruguete' de Palencia. Tienen como objetivo: Acercar al alumno a la realidad geográfica e histórica del entorno y facilitar la labor del profesorado mediante un material didáctico de apoyo. El desarrollo del proyecto pasó por las siguientes fases: -Planificación y planteamiento de la actividad; -Investigación y recogida de datos; -Reconocimiento 'in situ' tomando fotografías, dibujos, planos..; -Información y contacto con las gentes de la zona; -Localización de lugares y puntos de interés; -Confección de materiales: cuadernillo, fichas de campo. Este proyecto forma parte de un ciclo comenzado el curso pasado con el título genérico de 'Viajes y Rutas de estudio a través de la Geografía e Historia Palentinas' y trata de abarcar toda la provincia, siguiendo criterios geográficos, históricos, económicos, humanos y artísticos. Como material didáctico presentan: cuadernillos con una serie de cuestiones teóricas y prácticas que ayudarán a fijar los conceptos básicos de carácter general, incluyen también unas fichas de campo con cuestiones que responden a las capacidades que han tratado de desarrollar y estimular en el alumno: observación, deducción, inducción, análisis, localización, etc., y que se irán respondiendo durante el viaje. El trabajo no está publicado..


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Se presenta una serie de contenidos que pretenden servir de ayuda a las personas adultas que se preparan las pruebas libres para obtener el Graduado en Educación Secundaria (GES). El material de apoyo incluido consiste en pruebas de años anteriores, exámenes tipo, soluciones, errores más frecuentes y listado de enlaces recomendados.


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Este artículo pertenece a una sección de la revista dedicada a propuestas didácticas. - Material fotocopiable. - A modo de anexo se incluyen las fichas de la unidad


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El objetivo de este dise??o es la creaci??n de un material que facilite el aprendizaje de los s??mbolos Bliss, en ni??os paral??ticos cerebrales, por medio de la identificaci??n visual de los s??mbolos con aquello que representa. Partiendo de que el aprendizaje de los s??mbolos viene dado por la identificaci??n del referente con el signo, si en el proceso de ense??anza se incluye un medio en el que de forma gr??fica se pudiera realizar dicha identificaci??n, el refuerzo y, por tanto, la memorizaci??n del s??mbolo se realizar??a m??s f??cilmente. La comunicaci??n, m??s concretamente la comunicaci??n no verbal. Elaboraci??n de material a partir de la revisi??n te??rica efectuada. Fuentes bibliogr??ficas, material audiovisual. An??lisis cualitativo de la informaci??n obtenida. El material audiovisual est?? formado por dos series de diapositivas y una banda sonora. La primera serie de diapositivas la componen los s??mbolos Bliss, la segunda, la imagen o representaci??n de estos s??mbolos. Estas dos series de diapositivas estan pensadas para que mediante fundidos encadenados, se superpongan una sobre la otra, creando la funci??n del s??mbolo con su representaci??n en la pantalla. Las diapositivas van acompa??adas de una cinta magnetof??nica que reproduce el sonido del concepto (en caso de que lo posea y sea reproducible) con el fin de reforzar la memorizaci??n del s??mbolo. Se ha presentado un dise??o de material audiovisual partiendo de la idea de que la utilizaci??n del canal auditivo y visual, as?? como las concretas del medio, pueden posibilitar la adaptaci??n de los s??mbolos Bliss a sujetos con par??lisis cerebral, de forma m??s sencilla.


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Four studies were conducted to compare the effect of four indigestible markers (LiCoEDTA, Yb-acetate, Cr-mordanted straw and indigestible neutral-detergent fibre (INDF)) and three marker systems on the flow of digesta entering the omasal canal of lactating dairy cows. Samples of digesta aspirated from the omasal canal were pooled and separated using filtration and high-speed centrifugation into three fractions defined as the liquid phase, small particulate and large particulate matter. Co was primarily associated with the liquid phase, Yb was concentrated in small particulate matter, whilst Cr and INDF were associated with large particles. Digesta flow was calculated based on single markers or using the reconstitution system based on combinations of two (Co + Yb, Co + Cr and Co + INDF) or three markers (Co + Yb + Cr and Co + Yb + INDF). Use of single markers resulted in large differences between estimates of organic matter (OM) flow entering the omasal canal suggesting that samples were not representative of true digesta. Digesta appeared to consist of at least three phases that tended to separate during sampling. OM was concentrated in particulate matter, whilst the liquid phase consisted mainly of volatile fatty acids and inorganic matter. Yb was intimately associated with nitrogenous compounds, whereas Cr and INDF were concentrated in fibrous material. Current data indicated that marker systems based on Yb in combination with Cr or INDF are required for the accurate determination of OM, N and neutral-detergent fibre flow. In cases where the flow of water-soluble nutrients entering the omasal canal is also required, the marker system should also include Co.


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Objective. The objective of this study was to evaluate the disinfection degree of dentine caused by the use of diode laser after biomechanical procedures. Study design. Thirty teeth were sectioned and roots were autoclaved and incubated for 4 weeks with a suspension of Enterococcus faecalis. The specimens were randomly divided into 3 groups (n = 10): G1, instrumented with rotary files, irrigated with 0.5% sodium hypochlorite and 17% EDTA-T, and then irradiated by 830-nm diode laser at 3 W; G2, the same procedures as G1 but without laser irradiation; and G3, irrigation with saline solution (control). Dentin samples of each third were collected with carbide burs and aliquots were sowed to count viable cells. Results. The disinfection degree achieved was 100% in G1 and 98.39% in G2, when compared to the control group (G3). Conclusion. Diode laser irradiation provided increased disinfection of the deep radicular dentin in the parameters and samples tested.