901 resultados para Managerial Accountability


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This research work is focused to show the changes in educational administration from the agreements between the Mossoró / RN and the Ayrton Senna Institute IAS, for education provision. Nowadays, the partnership policy is a constitutive element of the reform of the Brazilian State, which dropped its action on social policies and to strengthen its regulatory role, encouraging private participation in planning, preparation and implementation of public policies, new printing setting the political-social. In this context, the 10 Note Management Programme, developed by the IAS, is part of the neoliberal logic of modernization of public school systems, focusing on results and developing strategies for control and regulation of schools work and its efficiency, effectiveness and greater productivity. The 10 Note focuses on two dimensions: the management of learning and teaching in networking, in a managerial perspective to overcome the culture of failure (expressed as age-grade, dropout and repetition rates in) and implantation of culture of success (as measured in the improvement of the indices). To understanding the process, we have delimited as the object of study, the process of implementing them mentioned program in the city, which its objective is to analyze implications for the school community from the perspective of democratic management, adopting the dimensions of autonomy and participation in institutional processes as a criterion of analysis. From a methodological point of view, the survey was conducted from a literature review and documentary about educational policy developed in the country since the 1990´s, seeking to understand, in a dialectical perspective, the political dimensions of teaching, training and performance of the subjects involved in the school work. Besides the empirical observation, it was also used semi-structured interviews with a methodological tool for gathering information and opinions about the partnership and the implementation of the 10 Note Management Program in the county. The interviewee participants were ex-former education managers, coordinators, school managers, secretaries and teachers. Regarding the dimensions inside the analysis (autonomy and participation), the research led to the conclusion: that GEED, under the guidance of IAS promoted regulation of school autonomy, set up the selection process for exercising the office of school administration and system awards to schools, pupils and teachers, subject to results, there is mismatch between the managerial logic and the democratic management principles, that the ideological discourse of modernization of municipal management coexists with traditional practices, centralizing patronage, which ignores the democratic participation in the school decisions processes, the goals of the partnership were partially achieved, since that the city has improved over the approval and dropouts, although the approval of the Education Municipal Plan of the rules institutional (administrative, financial and educational) and the creation of the Councils observed that the school community participation is still limited, not being characterized as a coordinated intervention, capable of promoting the transformation and improvement its quality in the county. In the same way, the orientation of networking is a limit to the autonomy of schools, given the external definition of goals and strategies to be adopted, along with pressure exerted through the accountability of each school community for their achievements


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Smart microgrids offer a new challenging domain for power theories and metering techniques because they include a variety of intermittent power sources which positively impact on power flow and distribution losses but may cause voltage asymmetry and frequency variation. In smart microgrids, the voltage distortion and asymmetry in presence of poly-phase nonlinear loads can be also greater than in usual distribution lines fed by the utility, thus affecting measurement accuracy and possibly causing tripping of protections. In such a context, a reconsideration of power theories is required since they form the basis for supply and load characterization. A revision of revenue metering techniques is also suggested to ensure a correct penalization of the loads for their responsibility in generating reactive power, voltage asymmetry, and distortion. This paper shows that the conservative power theory provides a suitable background to cope with smart grids characterization and metering needs. Simulation and experimental results show the properties of the proposed approach.


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Smart micro-grids offer a new challenging domain for power theories and metering techniques, because they include a variety of intermittent power sources which positively impact on power flow and distribution losses, but may cause voltage asymmetry and frequency variation. Due to the limited power capability of smart micro-grids, the voltage distortion can also get worse (in case of supplying non-linear loads), affecting measurement accuracy and possibly causing tripping of protections. In such a context, a reconsideration of power theories is required, since they form the basis for supply and load characterization. A revision of revenue metering techniques is also needed, to ensure a correct penalization of the loads for their responsibility in generating reactive power, voltage unbalance and distortion. This paper shows that the Conservative Power Theory (CPT) provides a suitable background to cope with smart grids characterization and metering needs. Experimental results validate the proposed approach. © 2010 IEEE.


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Includes bibliography


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Includes bibliography


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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O presente trabalho objetiva analisar as implicações do Programa “Excelência em Gestão Educacional” da Fundação Itaú Social na gestão da escola pública brasileira, em termos de orientações teórico- metodológicas contidas em documentos balizadores da parceria firmada. Para tanto, foi feita uma pesquisa documental que, por meio de análise de conteúdo, buscou analisar os documentos referentes a esse programa. As análises desenvolvidas mostraram que o modelo de gestão defendido pela Fundação Itaú para a educação brasileira é o das escolas charter americanas, escolas financiadas pelo setor público, mas administradas pelo setor privado. Tais escolas são apresentadas como tendo melhorado significativamente os índices educacionais nos EUA. No entanto, constatou-se que a realidade concreta não condiz com a apresentada pelo Programa Excelência em Gestão, pois o modelo de gestão baseada nos parâmetros do mercado, que associa conceitos como qualidade, participação, descentralização, autonomia e avaliação à ideia de gerenciamento de recursos com vista à produtividade do sistema educacional, não foi capaz de melhorar o sistema educacional americano. Muito pelo contrário, agravou ainda mais a crise da educação pública naquele País. No Brasil, já existem experiências nesse sentido e as análises sobre as escolas charter que foram implantadas em Pernambuco revelaram que as mesmas adotam na sua gestão padrões gerenciais trazidos do mundo empresarial. Assim, verificou-se a introdução de princípios de mercado como o da gestão gerencial, da definição de metas e resultados, expressos nos seus planejamentos estratégicos, da remuneração por mérito para os professores e a generalização dos testes de avaliação, dentre outros. Nesse contexto, a autonomia escolar é entendida como maior responsabilização dos professores e diretores pelo sucesso ou fracasso da escola, e, sobretudo do gestor, como liderança de todo o processo. Além disso, nessas escolas não existe autonomia pedagógica, pois o projeto pedagógico é elaborado de acordo com critérios de produtividade definidos previamente pelo órgão responsável pela implantação dessas escolas (PROCENTRO). A participação que se desenvolve nesse contexto não passa de um mero processo de colaboração, de mão única, de adesão, de obediência às decisões que são tomadas de cima para baixo. Fica claro que esse modelo de gestão e de escola não contribui para a democratização das relações de poder na escola e consequentemente para a formação da cidadania.