639 resultados para METRO
This thesis focuses on the modelling of settlement induced damage to masonry buildings. In densely populated areas, the need for new space is nowadays producing a rapid increment of underground excavations. Due to the construction of new metro lines, tunnelling activity in urban areas is growing. One of the consequences is a greater attention to the risk of damage on existing structures. Thus, the assessment of potential damage of surface buildings has become an essential stage in the excavation projects in urban areas (Chapter 1). The current damage risk assessment procedure is based on strong simplifications, which not always lead to conservative results. Object of this thesis is the development of an improved damage classification system, which takes into account the parameters influencing the structural response to settlement, like the non-linear behaviour of masonry and the soil-structure interaction. The methodology used in this research is based on experimental and numerical modelling. The design and execution of an experimental benchmark test representative of the problem allows to identify the principal factors and mechanisms involved. The numerical simulations enable to generalize the results to a broader range of physical scenarios. The methodological choice is based on a critical review of the currently available procedures for the assessment of settlement-induced building damage (Chapter 2). A new experimental test on a 1/10th masonry façade with a rubber base interface is specifically designed to investigate the effect of soil-structure interaction on the tunnelling-induced damage (Chapter 3). The experimental results are used to validate a 2D semi-coupled finite element model for the simulation of the structural response (Chapter 4). The numerical approach, which includes a continuum cracking model for the masonry and a non-linear interface to simulate the soil-structure interaction, is then used to perform a sensitivity study on the effect of openings, material properties, initial damage, initial conditions, normal and shear behaviour of the base interface and applied settlement profile (Chapter 5). The results assess quantitatively the major role played by the normal stiffness of the soil-structure interaction and by the material parameters defining the quasi-brittle masonry behaviour. The limitation of the 2D modelling approach in simulating the progressive 3D displacement field induced by the excavation and the consequent torsional response of the building are overcome by the development of a 3D coupled model of building, foundation, soil and tunnel (Chapter 6). Following the same method applied to the 2D semi-coupled approach, the 3D model is validated through comparison with the monitoring data of a literature case study. The model is then used to carry out a series of parametric analyses on geometrical factors: the aspect ratio of horizontal building dimensions with respect to the tunnel axis direction, the presence of adjacent structures and the position and alignment of the building with respect to the excavation (Chapter 7). The results show the governing effect of the 3D building response, proving the relevance of 3D modelling. Finally, the results from the 2D and 3D parametric analyses are used to set the framework of an overall damage model which correlates the analysed structural features with the risk for the building of being damaged by a certain settlement (Chapter 8). This research therefore provides an increased experimental and numerical understanding of the building response to excavation-induced settlements, and sets the basis for an operational tool for the risk assessment of structural damage (Chapter 9).
The assessment of settlement induced damage on buildings during the preliminary phase of tunnel excavation projects, is nowadays receiving greater attention. Analyses at different levels of detail are performed on the surface building in proximity to the tunnel, to evaluate the risk of structural damage and the need of mitigation measures. In this paper, the possibility to define a correlation between the main parameters that influence the structural response to settlement and the potential damage is investigated through numerical analysis. The adopted 3D finite element model allows to take into account important features that are neglected in more simplified approaches, like the soil-structure interaction, the nonlinear behaviour of the building, the three dimensional effect of the tunnelling induced settlement trough and the influence of openings in the structure. Aim of this approach is the development of an improved classification system taking into account the intrinsic vulnerability of the structure, which could have a relevant effect on the final damage assessment. Parametric analyses are performed, focusing on the effect of the orientation and the position of the structure with respect to the tunnel. The obtained results in terms of damage are compared with the Building Risk Assessment (BRA) procedure. This method was developed by Geodata Engineering (GDE) on the basis of empirical observations and building monitoring and applied during the construction of different metro lines in urban environment. The comparison shows a substantial agreement between the two procedures on the influence of the analysed parameters. The finite element analyses suggest a refinement of the BRA procedure for pure sagging conditions.
A novel distribute feedback (DFB) laser which gave two different wavelengths under two distinct work conditions was fabricated. The laser consists of two Bragg gratings with different periods corresponding to wavelength spacing of 20 nm in an identical active area. When driving current was injected into one of the different sections separately, two different wavelengths at 1542.4 and 1562.5 nm were realized. The side mode suppression ratio (SMSR) of 45 dB or more both for the two Bragg wavelengths were achieved. The fabricating process of the laser was just the same as that of traditional DFB laser diode. This device can be potentially used in coarse wavelength division multiplexer (CWDM) as a promising light source and the technology idea can be used to enlarge the transmission capacity in metro area network (MAN).
Algumas práticas agrícolas como o plantio direto pode afetar a lixiviação. Para estudar os efeitos desta prática, foi instalado um experimento de campo na área do Núcleo de Agronomia da Alta Mogiana, Instituto Agronômico de Campinas/Ribeirão Preto, de onde foram coletadas amostras de solos e água para estudos de herbicidas do grupo das triazinas: atrazina, simazina e ametrina. Foi instalado um experimento em área de cana colhida mecanicamente plantada com amendoim em diferentes sistemas de cultivo (plantio direto e plantio convencional) nas quais a cada 10 cm. foram retiradas amostras de solos até atingir 90 cm. Determinaram-se os seguintes parâmetros em laboratório: a) Densidade do solo, b) Porosidade total c) Microporosidade e d) Macroporosidade. Amostras de água coletada a cada três meses em poços da Prefeitura Municipal de Ribeirão Preto foram analisadas por GC-MS (cromatografia gasosa-espectrometria de massa). Não houve efeito dos sistemas de plantio na macro, micro e porosidade total. Houve apenas diferença significativa na densidade, sendo maior na camada superficial nos solos com plantio direto. Em todas as amostras de poços coletadas não foram detectados resíduos de triazinas, no limite de quantificação de 10 mg/L. Foram também reconstituídos os solos em colunas em laboratório e observou-se o movimento de atrazina e simazina no máximo até 20cm de profundidade. Não foi encontrado nenhum herbicida abaixo dos 20 cm. Para melhor entender os resultados, foi utilizado o simulador CMLS-94 "Chemical Movement in Layered Soils" e observou-se também que praticamente não houve diferença entre os resultados obtidos pelas simulações realizadas para plantios direto e convencional com relação à lixiviação das triazinas e que os valores de simulação indicaram que os produtos alcançam profundidades máximas de um metro, bem mais do que o encontrado nas colunas em laboratório.
MINHOCÁRIO CAMPEIRO: RESUMO:A minhocultura é uma atividade muito interessante para a produção de adubo orgânico de qualidade nas propriedades familiares. O húmus de minhoca, além de ser rico em nutrientes para as plantas, ajuda a melhorar as características físicas do solo, como a aeração e a retenção de água. Ao contrário do que grande parte dos agricultores pensa, a principal causa do insucesso de um minhocário está em seu no manejo inadequado e não na falta de uma maior infraestrutura, feita com tijolos, telhas e cimento. O minhocário campeiro de baixo custo é construído com materiais disponíveis na própria propriedade e pode ser adaptado a diversas condições. Sugere-se contruir o minhocário com bambus e adotar a largura máxima de 1 metro; o comprimento pode ser variável. Os bambus devem ser colocados intercalados um sobre o outro de forma que suas pontas se cruzem cerca de 5 cm. Para guarnecer as pontas, deve ser fixada uma estaca de cada lado da cruz formada na junção. Os bambus devem ser empilhados até atingirem a altura de 30 cm, embora esse limite possa ser maior conforme a necessidade. O fato de não requerer o uso de arame na sua estrutura e de poder ter sua altura aumentada a qualquer momento, é o que diferencia esse minhocário de outros modelos também construídos com bambu. O interior do minhocário deve ser forrado com sombrite ou filme plástico perfurado, para, ao mesmo tempo, conter o alimento e as minhocas e permitir a drenagem da água da chuva que por ventura venha a cair em seu interior. Para reduzir ao máximo o efeito do impacto da gota da chuva sobre o minhocário, deve ser colocada uma cobertura de folhas secas ou construir uma tampa com ripas de bambus cortadas ao meio e revestí-la com lona plástica. O minhocário deve ser montado em um local onde faça sombra durante a maior parte do dia. A área deve ter uma leve declividade, para que a água da chuva ou de escorrimento não acumule em seu interior. SCHIEDECK, G.; SCHWENGBER, J.E.; GONÇALVES, M. de M.; SCHIAVON, G. de A.; CARDOSO, J.H. Minhocário campeiro de baixo custo para a agricultura familiar. Pelotas: Embrapa Clima Temperado, 2007. (Comunicado Técnico, 171).
8 hojas : ilustraciones, fotografías a color
We review recent advances in all-optical OFDM technologies and discuss the performance of a field trial of a 2 Tbit/s Coherent WDM over 124 km with distributed Raman amplification. The results indicate that careful optimisation of the Raman pumps is essential. We also consider how all-optical OFDM systems perform favourably against energy consumption when compared with alternative coherent detection schemes. We argue that, in an energy constrained high-capacity transmission system, direct detected all-optical OFDM with 'ideal' Raman amplification is an attractive candidate for metro area datacentre interconnects with ~100 km fibre spans, with an overall energy requirement at least three times lower than coherent detection techniques.
Reflective modulators based on the combination of an electroabsorption modulator (EAM) and semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA) are attractive devices for applications in long reach carrier distributed passive optical networks (PONs) due to the gain provided by the SOA and the high speed and low chirp modulation of the EAM. Integrated R-EAM-SOAs have experimentally shown two unexpected and unintuitive characteristics which are not observed in a single pass transmission SOA: the clamping of the output power of the device around a maximum value and low patterning distortion despite the SOA being in a regime of gain saturation. In this thesis a detailed analysis is carried out using both experimental measurements and modelling in order to understand these phenomena. For the first time it is shown that both the internal loss between SOA and R-EAM and the SOA gain play an integral role in the behaviour of gain saturated R-EAM-SOAs. Internal loss and SOA gain are also optimised for use in a carrier distributed PONs in order to access both the positive effect of output power clamping, and hence upstream dynamic range reduction, combined with low patterning operation of the SOA Reflective concepts are also gaining interest for metro transport networks and short reach, high bit rate, inter-datacentre links. Moving the optical carrier generation away from the transmitter also has potential advantages for these applications as it avoids the need for cooled photonics being placed directly on hot router line-cards. A detailed analysis is carried out in this thesis on a novel colourless reflective duobinary modulator, which would enable wavelength flexibility in a power-efficient reflective metro node.
Long reach passive optical networks (LR-PONs), which integrate fibre-to-the-home with metro networks, have been the subject of intensive research in recent years and are considered one of the most promising candidates for the next generation of optical access networks. Such systems ideally have reaches greater than 100km and bit rates of at least 10Gb/s per wavelength in the downstream and upstream directions. Due to the limited equipment sharing that is possible in access networks, the laser transmitters in the terminal units, which are usually the most expensive components, must be as cheap as possible. However, the requirement for low cost is generally incompatible with the need for a transmitter chirp characteristic that is optimised for such long reaches at 10Gb/s, and hence dispersion compensation is required. In this thesis electronic dispersion compensation (EDC) techniques are employed to increase the chromatic dispersion tolerance and to enhance the system performance at the expense of moderate additional implementation complexity. In order to use such EDC in LR-PON architectures, a number of challenges associated with the burst-mode nature of the upstream link need to be overcome. In particular, the EDC must be made adaptive from one burst to the next (burst-mode EDC, or BM-EDC) in time scales on the order of tens to hundreds of nanoseconds. Burst-mode operation of EDC has received little attention to date. The main objective of this thesis is to demonstrate the feasibility of such a concept and to identify the key BM-EDC design parameters required for applications in a 10Gb/s burst-mode link. This is achieved through a combination of simulations and transmission experiments utilising off-line data processing. The research shows that burst-to-burst adaptation can in principle be implemented efficiently, opening the possibility of low overhead, adaptive EDC-enabled burst-mode systems.
Conventional hedonic techniques for estimating the value of local amenities rely on the assumption that households move freely among locations. We show that when moving is costly, the variation in housing prices and wages across locations may no longer reflect the value of differences in local amenities. We develop an alternative discrete-choice approach that models the household location decision directly, and we apply it to the case of air quality in US metro areas in 1990 and 2000. Because air pollution is likely to be correlated with unobservable local characteristics such as economic activity, we instrument for air quality using the contribution of distant sources to local pollution-excluding emissions from local sources, which are most likely to be correlated with local conditions. Our model yields an estimated elasticity of willingness to pay with respect to air quality of 0.34-0.42. These estimates imply that the median household would pay $149-$185 (in constant 1982-1984 dollars) for a one-unit reduction in average ambient concentrations of particulate matter. These estimates are three times greater than the marginal willingness to pay estimated by a conventional hedonic model using the same data. Our results are robust to a range of covariates, instrumenting strategies, and functional form assumptions. The findings also confirm the importance of instrumenting for local air pollution. © 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Musicians living in the Arab Diaspora around the Washington, D.C. metro area are a small group of multi-faceted individuals with significant contributions and intentions to propagate and disseminate their music. Various levels of identity are discussed and analyzed, including self-identity, group/ collective identity, and Arab ethnic identity. The performance and negotiation of Arab ethnic identity is apparent in selected repertoire, instrumentation, musical style, technique and expression, shared conversations about music, worldview on Arabic music and its future. For some musicians, further evidence of self-construction of one's ethnic identity entails choice of name, costume, and venue. Research completed is based on fieldwork, observations, participant-observations, interviews, and communications by phone and email. This thesis introduces concepts of Arabic music, discusses recent literature, reveals findings from case studies on individual Arab musicians and venues, and analyzes Arab identity and ethnicity in relation to particular definitions of identity found in anthropological and ethnomusicological writings. Musical lyrics, translations, transcriptions, quotes, discussions, analyses, as well as charts and diagrams of self-identity analyses are provided as evidence of the performance and negotiation of Arab identity.
El paisaje de la pampa arenosa fue construido sobre antiguas geoformas medanosas que determinaron la presencia de suelos muy disímiles coexistiendo a nivel de lote. En los últimos años, fue aumentando la superficie destinada al cultivo de granos a expensas de las pasturas. Los objetivos generales fueron evaluar el secuestro de carbono y la calidad de suelos mono y poligenéticos bajo distintos usos, considerando las propiedades más sensibles a modo de lograr un conjunto mínimo para un monitoreo más simple de los cambios en la calidad de los suelos de la región. Se muestrearon dos situaciones de uso; agricultura continua (AGRICOLA) y en rotación con pasturas (MIXTO), evaluadas en dos subgrupos taxonómicos; Hapludoles énticos (HE) y Hapludoles thapto árgicos (HTA), considerándose dos profundidades 0-10 cm y 10-20 cm. De cada situación (USO SUELO) se realizaron tres repeticiones. Las propiedades determinadas fueron: carbono orgánico total (COT), carbono orgánico particulado (COP), carbono orgánico asociado a la fracción mineral (COM), densidad aparente (DAP), resistencia a la penetración (RP), infiltración básica (IB), índice de estructura (IE) y estabilidad de agregados (PromE), distinguiendo mediante diferentes pretratamientos (Le Bissonnais, 1996) entre mecanismos de desagregación (HRap, HLen, Heta). Los mejores indicadores de calidad dinámica para conformar un conjunto mínimo de aplicación en la región fueron HRap, COP y DAP. Estos indicadores mostraron que los suelos en rotación presentaron una condición de calidad superior. Las propiedades de mayor divergencia entre tipos de suelos fueron las relacionadas con sus diferencias texturales: COM, DAP, RP, IE y Heta. El método de Le Bissonnais presentó gran habilidad para detectar los mecanismos de desagregación que más condicionan la estabilidad de los suelos bajo las situaciones de uso evaluadas. Si bien se percibieron cambios en la distribución vertical del COT entre usos y suelos, la capacidad de secuestro de carbono hasta el metro de profundidad fue similar.
La deforestación a gran escala de los bosques secos de Argentina es un ejemplo de la intensificación del uso de la tierra que está sufriendo el planeta. Aprovechando la aplicación de una técnica de manejo que elimina grandes extensiones de vegetación arbustiva (rolado), este trabajo evaluó cómo los cambios en la estructura de la vegetación afectaron el balance hídrico y la productividad de un bosque seco del centro de la provincia de San Luis, Argentina. Mediante experimentos a campo (escala de parcela) y usando imágenes satelitales (escala de paisaje) se realizaron comparaciones de la dinámica del agua y de la dinámica de la vegetación en sitios pareados de bosque/desmonte. A escala de parcela, la eliminación de los arbustos produjo un aumento en la cobertura de los pastos y en la biomasa radical fina del primer metro de suelo. A lo largo del tiempo, los sitios deforestados presentaron cada vez menores cantidades de sal en los primeros metros del perfil pero también menores cantidades de agua, sugiriendo un lixiviado de sales, que elevó el potencial osmótico y permitió una reducción del potencial mátrico de magnitud similar. A escala de paisaje, el desmonte produjo una caída en la productividad total, acortando la estación de crecimiento hasta 3 meses. El cambio en la proporción leñosas/herbáceas incrementó el albedo (de 0.8 a 0.12) y la temperatura superficial (entre 1.5- 4°C dependiendo de la fecha) y redujo la evapotranspiración en un 30 por ciento. La sabanización de este ecosistema ilustra cómo, al simplificarse las comunidades vegetales, los flujos de agua se pueden modificar al punto de alterar la dinámica de las sales, las que a su vez pueden producir a mediano plazo efectos suficientes sobre la vegetación como para alterar el balance hídrico y llevar el sistema hacia un funcionamiento hidrológico diferente.
Numerosos trabajos alrededor del Mundo han demostrado cambios en los contenidos de carbono orgánico por el uso y algunos han reportado cambios en los niveles de carbono de carbonatos. También se ha reportado que la vegetación afecta la distribución vertical del carbono orgánico en el suelo. Sin embargo, el tipo de vegetación está asociado al clima y tipo de suelo y los efectos independientes de estas variables sobre la estratificación del carbono no han sido determinados. El objetivo de esta tesis fue establecer los patrones de variación del carbono orgánico y de carbonato secuestrado en superficie y en profundidad en suelos de la Región Pampeana en función de las condiciones ambientales, de vegetación y de manejo y establecer modelos empíricos predictivos de la capacidad de secuestro de carbono de los agrosistemas. Se muestrearon 82 establecimientos de la Región Pampeana, seleccionando en cada uno 5 situaciones: arboledas, parques, pasturas, suelos agrícolas y bajos. Se muestreó por estratos de 25 cm hasta 1 m de profundidad y se determinó la densidad aparente, pH, conductividad eléctrica, carbono orgánico y de carbonatos. Se ajustaron funciones para describir la acumulación de carbono en el perfil. Los contenidos de carbono orgánico promedio hasta 1 metro fueron: arboledas 131 t ha-1, parques 101 t ha-1, pasturas 90 t ha-1, suelos agrícolas 86 t ha-1 y bajos 70 t ha-1. Las arboledas aumentaron significativamente el contenido de carbono hasta 1 metro respecto de los parques, tomados como tratamiento control, mientras que el uso agrícola redujo el carbono orgánico en el estrato 0-50 cm, y estos efectos fueron encontrados en todos los tipos de suelo No se encontró efecto significativo del uso del suelo sobre el carbono de carbonatos. El modelo potencial fue el que mejor describió la estratificación del carbono orgánico en profundidad y se pudo ajustar en casi todos los sitios adecuadamente (R2 menor a 0,92). El parámetro B de este modelo, que describe la tasa de acumulación del carbono con la profundidad, no difirió entre tratamientos. La vegetación y el uso del suelo no afectaron la distribución vertical del carbono en la Región Pampeana. El parámetro B promedio fue 0,56 y puede ser usado para hacer estimaciones del contenido de carbono en profundidad disponiendo de datos de contenido superficial. Empleando redes neuronales artificiales se generó un modelo predictivo de los niveles de carbono orgánico de los suelos que explica 66 por ciento de la variación.