921 resultados para Lymphocytes CD4 and CD8


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<p>Immunity is broadly defined as a mechanism of protection against non-self entities, a process which must be sufficiently robust to both eliminate the initial foreign body and then be maintained over the life of the host. Life-long immunity is impossible without the development of immunological memory, of which a central component is the cellular immune system, or T cells. Cellular immunity hinges upon a nave T cell pool of sufficient size and breadth to enable Darwinian selection of clones responsive to foreign antigens during an initial encounter. Further, the generation and maintenance of memory T cells is required for rapid clearance responses against repeated insult, and so this small memory pool must be actively maintained by pro-survival cytokine signals over the life of the host.</p><p>T cell development, function, and maintenance are regulated on a number of molecular levels through complex regulatory networks. Recently, small non-coding RNAs, miRNAs, have been observed to have profound impacts on diverse aspects of T cell biology by impeding the translation of RNA transcripts to protein. While many miRNAs have been described that alter T cell development or functional differentiation, little is known regarding the role that miRNAs have in T cell maintenance in the periphery at homeostasis. </p><p>In Chapter 3 of this dissertation, tools to study miRNA biology and function were developed. First, to understand the effect that miRNA overexpression had on T cell responses, a novel overexpression system was developed to enhance the processing efficiency and ultimate expression of a given miRNA by placing it within an alternative miRNA backbone. Next, a conditional knockout mouse system was devised to specifically delete miR-191 in a cell population expressing recombinase. This strategy was expanded to permit the selective deletion of single miRNAs from within a cluster to discern the effects of specific miRNAs that were previously inaccessible in isolation. Last, to enable the identification of potentially therapeutically viable miRNA function and/or expression modulators, a high-throughput flow cytometry-based screening system utilizing miRNA activity reporters was tested and validated. Thus, several novel and useful tools were developed to assist in the studies described in Chapter 4 and in future miRNA studies. </p><p>In Chapter 4 of this dissertation, the role of miR-191 in T cell biology was evaluated. Using tools developed in Chapter 3, miR-191 was observed to be critical for T cell survival following activation-induced cell death, while proliferation was unaffected by alterations in miR-191 expression. Loss of miR-191 led to significant decreases in the numbers of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells in the periphery lymph nodes, but this loss had no impact on the homeostatic activation of either CD4+ or CD8+ cells. These peripheral changes were not caused by gross defects in thymic development, but rather impaired STAT5 phosphorylation downstream of pro-survival cytokine signals. miR-191 does not specifically inhibit STAT5, but rather directly targets the scaffolding protein, IRS1, which in turn alters cytokine-dependent signaling. The defect in peripheral T cell maintenance was exacerbated by the presence of a Bcl-2YFP transgene, which led to even greater peripheral T cell losses in addition to developmental defects. These studies collectively demonstrate that miR-191 controls peripheral T cell maintenance by modulating homeostatic cytokine signaling through the regulation of IRS1 expression and downstream STAT5 phosphorylation.</p><p>The studies described in this dissertation collectively demonstrate that miR-191 has a profound role in the maintenance of T cells at homeostasis in the periphery. Importantly, the manipulation of miR-191 altered immune homeostasis without leading to severe immunodeficiency or autoimmunity. As much data exists on the causative agents disrupting active immune responses and the formation of immunological memory, the basic processes underlying the continued maintenance of a functioning immune system must be fully characterized to facilitate the development of methods for promoting healthy immune function throughout the life of the individual. These findings also have powerful implications for the ability of patients with modest perturbations in T cell homeostasis to effectively fight disease and respond to vaccination and may provide valuable targets for therapeutic intervention.</p>


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<p>BACKGROUND: Previously we identified a DNA damage response-deficient (DDRD) molecular subtype within breast cancer. A 44-gene assay identifying this subtype was validated as predicting benefit from DNA-damaging chemotherapy. This subtype was defined by interferon signaling. In this study, we address the mechanism of this immune response and its possible clinical significance.</p><p>METHODS: We used immunohistochemistry (IHC) to characterize immune infiltration in 184 breast cancer samples, of which 65 were within the DDRD subtype. Isogenic cell lines, which represent DDRD-positive and -negative, were used to study the effects of chemokine release on peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) migration and the mechanism of immune signaling activation. Finally, we studied the association between the DDRD subtype and expression of the immune-checkpoint protein PD-L1 as detected by IHC. All statistical tests were two-sided.</p><p>RESULTS: We found that DDRD breast tumors were associated with CD4+ and CD8+ lymphocytic infiltration (Fisher's exact test P &lt; .001) and that DDRD cells expressed the chemokines CXCL10 and CCL5 3.5- to 11.9-fold more than DNA damage response-proficient cells (P &lt; .01). Conditioned medium from DDRD cells statistically significantly attracted PBMCs when compared with medium from DNA damage response-proficient cells (P &lt; .05), and this was dependent on CXCL10 and CCL5. DDRD cells demonstrated increased cytosolic DNA and constitutive activation of the viral response cGAS/STING/TBK1/IRF3 pathway. Importantly, this pathway was activated in a cell cycle-specific manner. Finally, we demonstrated that S-phase DNA damage activated expression of PD-L1 in a STING-dependent manner.</p><p>CONCLUSIONS: We propose a novel mechanism of immune infiltration in DDRD tumors, independent of neoantigen production. Activation of this pathway and associated PD-L1 expression may explain the paradoxical lack of T-cell-mediated cytotoxicity observed in DDRD tumors. We provide a rationale for exploration of DDRD in the stratification of patients for immune checkpoint-based therapies.</p>


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Le diabte auto-immun rsulte de la destruction des cellules bta pancratiques scrtrices dinsuline par les lymphocytes T du systme immunitaire. Il sensuit une dficience hormonale qui peut tre comble par des injections quotidiennes dinsuline dorigine exogne, toutefois il demeure ce jour impossible de gurir les patients atteints de la maladie. De faon gnrale, un systme immunitaire sain reconnat une multitude dantignes diffrents et assure ainsi notre dfense lgard de diffrents pathognes ou encore de cellules tumorales. Il arrive cependant que, pour des raisons gntiques et/ou environnementales, les lymphocytes T puissent sactiver de faon aberrante suite la reconnaissance dantignes provenant du soi. Cest ce bris de tolrance qui mne au dveloppement de pathologies auto-immunes telles que le diabte auto-immun. Afin de limiter lauto-immunit, des mcanismes de slection stricts permettent dliminer la majorit des lymphocytes T prsentant une forte affinit envers des antignes du soi lors de leur dveloppement dans le thymus. Certains de ces lymphocytes russissent toutefois chapper lapoptose et migrent en priphrie afin dy circuler en qute dun antigne spcifiquement reconnu. Il est alors primordial que des mcanismes priphriques assurent le maintien de la tolrance immunitaire en faisant obstacle lactivation et la prolifration des lymphocytes T auto-ractifs. Lune des avenues afin dinhiber le dveloppement de rponses immunitaires aberrantes est la gnration de lymphocytes T rgulateurs. Ces cellules, dorigine thymique ou priphrique, peuvent arborer diffrents phnotypes et agissent via de multiples mcanismes afin dinactiver et/ou liminer les cellules impliques dans lapparition de pathologies auto-immunes. Lutilisation de modles murins transgniques a permis la mise en vidence dune population peu caractrise de lymphocytes T au potentiel rgulateur. En effet, la proportion de ces cellules T nexprimant pas les corcepteurs CD4 et CD8 (double ngatives, DN) a t inversement corrle la prdisposition lauto-immunit chez ces ii souris. Lobjectif principal de cette thse est de dmontrer la fonction immuno-rgulatrice des lymphocytes T DN, tout en investiguant les facteurs gntiques responsables du maintien de cette population cellulaire. Nous avons observ que les lymphocytes T DN exercent une activit cytotoxique lgard des lymphocytes B de faon spcifique lantigne, via la libration de granules cytolytiques contenant du granzyme B et de la perforine. Par ailleurs, nous avons tabli quun unique transfert adoptif de ces cellules est suffisant afin dinhiber le dveloppement du diabte auto-immun chez des htes transgniques prdisposs la maladie. Le recours des souris dficientes pour lexpression du gne CD47 a permis de constater que la voie de signalisation CD47-Sirp est essentielle dans le maintien de la proportion des lymphocytes T DN. De plus, le locus murin de prdisposition au diabte auto-immun Idd13, qui contient le gne Sirp, a t identifi pour son rle dans la rgulation de la proportion de ces cellules. Finalement, une analyse gntique a rvl que dautres intervalles gntiques sont impliqus dans le contrle de la population des lymphocytes T DN. Parmi ceux-ci, un locus situ en rgion proximale du chromosome 12 a t valid grce la cration de souris congniques. Grce aux rsultats prsents dans cette thse, notre comprhension de la biologie ainsi que de la rgulation des lymphocytes T DN est approfondie. Ces connaissances constituent un pas important vers la cration de thrapies cellulaires novatrices permettant de prvenir et de gurir diverses pathologies auto-immunes.


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We have previously demonstrated that PAS-1, a 200 kDa protein from Ascaris suum, has a potent immunomodulatory effect on humoral and cell-mediated responses induced by APAS-3 (an allergenic protein from A. suum) or unrelated antigens. In this study, we investigated the mechanisms by which PAS-1 is able to induce this effect on an allergic airway inflammation induced by OVA in mice. C57BL/6 mice were adoptively transferred on day 0 with seven different PAS-1-primed cell populations: PAS-1-primed CD19(+) or B220(+) or CD3(+) or CD4(+) or CD8(+) or CD4(+) CD25) or CD4(+) CD25(+) lymphocytes. These mice were immunized twice with OVA and alum by intraperitoneal route (days 0 and 7) and challenged twice by intranasal route (days 14 and 21). Two days after the last challenge, the airway inflammation was evaluated by antibody levels, cellular migration, eosinophil peroxidase levels, cytokine and eotaxin production, and pulmonary mechanical parameters. Among the adoptively transferred primed lymphocytes, only CD4(+) CD25(+), CD8(+) or the combination of both T cells impaired the production of total IgE and OVA-specific IgE and IgG1 antibodies, eosinophilic airway inflammation, Th2-type cytokines (IL-4, IL-5 and IL-13), eotaxin release and airway hyperreactivity. Moreover, airway recruited cells from CD4(+) CD25(+) and CD8(+) T-cell recipient secreted more IL-10/TGF-beta and IFN-gamma, respectively. Moreover, we found that PAS-1 expands significantly the number of CD4(+) CD25(+) FoxP3(+) and CD8(+) gamma delta TCR(+) cells. In conclusion, these findings demonstrate that the immunomodulatory effect of PAS-1 is mediated by these T-cell subsets.


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Dans les cas de lymphopnie, les lymphocytes T rsiduels prolifrent exagrment dans un phnomne appel expansion homostatique priphrique (HPE), qui est efficace pour la rgnration des T CD8+, mais inefficace pour les T CD4+. Linterleukine-7 (IL7) est une cytokine homostatique utilise afin daugmenter les comptes lymphocytaires T des patients lymphopniques. Toutefois, la raison de lexpansion prfrentielle des lymphocytes T CD8+ par lIL7 demeure toujours inconnue. Nous montrons que cette expansion est due au fait que lIL7 induit une prolifration efficace des T CD8+ priphriques (CD8+PERI) ainsi que des migrants thymiques CD8+ (CD8+RTEs). Par contre, leffet prolifratif de lIL7 est restreint presquuniquement aux CD4+RTEs mme si les CD4+PERI survivent mieux que les CD4+RTEs. De plus faibles doses dIL7 sont ncessaires aux CD4+RTEs afin de phosphoryler STAT5 ou de prolifrer comparativement aux CD4+PERI et nous dmontrons que les contacts TCR/CMHII sont ncessaires la prolifration induite par lIL7 des CD4+RTEs en priphrie. De fait, augmenter au Flt3 ligand le nombre de cellules dendritiques priphriques dune souris donneuse, avant de transfrer ses TPERI dans des souris receveuses traites lIL7 induit une prolifration significative des CD4+PERI. Nos rsultats indiquent donc que labondance des contacts TCR/CMHII reus dans le thymus semble contrler la sensibilit lIL7 des CD4+RTEs. Finalement, lobservation que les CD8+PERI et CD8+RTEs prolifrent pareillement pendant la thrapie lIL7, alors que la prolifration des T CD4+ est largement restreinte aux RTEs expliquerait pourquoi, dans les cas de lymphopnie, la rgnration des T CD4+ est aussi dpendante de la thymopose.


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Lymphocyte subsets, activation markers and apoptosis were assessed in 20 HIV-exposed noninfected (ENI) children born to HIV-infected women who were or not exposed to antiretroviral (ARV) drugs during pregnancy and early infancy. ENI children and adolescents were aged 6-18 years and they were compared to 25 age-matched healthy non-HIV-exposed children and adolescents (Control). ENI individuals presented lower CD4(+) T cells/mm(3) than Control group (control: 1120.3 vs. ENI: 876.3; t-test, p=0.030). ENI individuals had higher B-cell apoptosis than Control group (Control: 36.6%, ARV exposed: 82.3%, ARV nonexposed: 68.5%; Kruskal-Wallis, p < 0.05), but no statistical difference was noticed between those exposed and not exposed to ARV. Immune activation in CD4(+) T, CD8(+) T and in B cells was comparable in ENI and in Control children and adolescents. Subtle long-term immune alterations might persist among ENI individuals, but the clinical consequences if any are unknown, and these children require continued monitoring.


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Background Clinical relevance of tumor infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) in breast cancer is controversial. Here, we used a tumor microarray including a large series of ductal and lobular breast cancers with long term follow up data, to analyze clinical impact of TIL expressing specific phenotypes and distribution of TILs within different tumor compartments and in different histological subtypes. Methods A tissue microarray (TMA) including 894 ductal and 164 lobular breast cancers was stained with antibodies recognizing CD4, FOXP3, and IL-17 by standard immunohistochemical techniques. Lymphocyte counts were correlated with clinico-pathological parameters and survival. Results CD4+ lymphocytes were more prevalent than FOXP3+ TILs whereas IL-17+ TILs were rare. Increased numbers of total CD4+ and FOXP3+ TIL were observed in ductal, as compared with lobular carcinomas. High grade (G3) and estrogen receptor (ER) negative ductal carcinomas displayed significantly (p < 0.001) higher CD4+ and FOXP3+ lymphocyte infiltration while her2/neu over-expression in ductal carcinomas was significantly (p < 0.001) associated with higher FOXP3+ TIL counts. In contrast, lymphocyte infiltration was not linked to any clinico-pathological parameters in lobular cancers. In univariate but not in multivariate analysis CD4+ infiltration was associated with significantly shorter survival in patients bearing ductal, but not lobular cancers. However, a FOXP3+/CD4+ ratio > 1 was associated with improved overall survival even in multivariate analysis (p = 0.033). Conclusions Ductal and lobular breast cancers appear to be infiltrated by different lymphocyte subpopulations. In ductal cancers increased CD4+ and FOXP3+ TIL numbers are associated with more aggressive tumor features. In survival analysis, absolute numbers of TILs do not represent major prognostic indicators in ductal and lobular breast cancer. Remarkably however, a ratio > 1 of total FOXP3+/CD4+ TILs in ductal carcinoma appears to represent an independent favorable prognostic factor.


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AIDS is characterized by a progressive decrease of CD4+ helper T lymphocytes. Destruction of these cells may involve programmed cell death, apoptosis. It has previously been reported that apoptosis can be induced even in noninfected cells by HIV-1 gp120 and anti-gp120 antibodies. HIV-1 gp120 binds to T cells via CD4 and the chemokine coreceptor CXCR4 (fusin/LESTR). Therefore, we investigated whether CD4 and CXCR4 mediate gp120-induced apoptosis. We used human peripheral blood lymphocytes, malignant T cells, and CD4/CXCR4 transfectants, and found cell death induced by both cell surface receptors, CD4 and CXCR4. The induced cell death was rapid, independent of known caspases, and lacking oligonucleosomal DNA fragmentation. In addition, the death signals were not propagated via p56lck and Gi. However, the cells showed chromatin condensation, morphological shrinkage, membrane inversion, and reduced mitochondrial transmembrane potential indicative of apoptosis. Significantly, apoptosis was exclusively observed in CD4+ but not in CD8+ T cells, and apoptosis triggered via CXCR4 was inhibited by stromal cell-derived factor-1, the natural CXCR4 ligand. Thus, this mechanism of apoptosis might contribute to T cell depletion in AIDS and might have major implications for therapeutic intervention.


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T cells expressing NK cell receptors (NKR) display rapid MHC-unrestricted cytotoxicity and potent cytokine secretion and are thought to play roles in immunity against tumors. We have quantified and characterized NKR+ T cells freshly isolated from epithelial and lamina propria layers of duodenum and colon from 16 individuals with no evidence of gastrointestinal disease and from tumor and uninvolved tissue from 19 patients with colorectal cancer. NKR+ T cell subpopulations were differentially distributed in different intestinal compartments, and CD161+ T cells accounted for over one half of T cells at all locations tested. Most intestinal CD161+ T cells expressed alpha beta TCR and either CD4 or CD8. Significant proportions expressed HLA-DR,CD69 and Fas ligand. Upon stimulation in vitro, CD161+ T cells produced IFN-gamma and TNF-alpha but not IL-4. NKT cells expressing the Valpha24Vbeta11 TCR, which recognizes CD1d,were virtually absent from the intestine, but colonic cells produced IFN-gamma in response to the NKT cell agonist ligand alpha-galactosylceramide. NKR+ T cells were not expanded in colonic tumors compared to adjacent uninvolved tissue. The predominance, heterogeneity and differential distribution of NKR+ T cells at different intestinal locations suggests that they are central to intestinal immunity.


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BACKGROUND & AIMS: Few data are available on the potential role of T lymphocytes in experimental acute pancreatitis. The aim of this study was to characterize their role in the inflammatory cascade of acute pancreatitis. METHODS: To type this issue, acute pancreatitis was induced by repeated injections of cerulein in nude mice and in vivo CD4(+) or CD8(+) T cell-depleted mice. The role of T lymphocyte-costimulatory pathways was evaluated using anti-CD40 ligand or anti-B7-1 and -B7-2 monoclonal blocking antibodies. The role of Fas-Fas ligand was explored using Fas ligand-targeted mutant (generalized lymphoproliferative disease) mice. Severity of acute pancreatitis was assessed by serum hydrolase levels and histology. Intrapancreatic interleukin 12, interferon gamma, Fas ligand, and CD40 ligand messenger RNA were detected by reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction. Intrapancreatic T lymphocytes were identified by immunohistochemistry. RESULTS: In control mice, T cells, most of them CD4(+) T cells, are present in the pancreas and are recruited during acute pancreatitis. In nude mice, histological lesions and serum hydrolase levels are significantly decreased. T-lymphocyte transfer into nude mice partially restores the severity of acute pancreatitis and intrapancreatic interferon gamma, interleukin 12, and Fas ligand gene transcription. The severity of pancreatitis is also reduced by in vivo CD4(+) (but not CD8(+)) T-cell depletion and in Fas ligand-targeted mutant mice. Blocking CD40-CD40 ligand or B7-CD28 costimulatory pathways has no effect on the severity of pancreatitis. CONCLUSIONS: T lymphocytes, particularly CD4(+) T cells, play a pivotal role in the development of tissue injury during acute experimental pancreatitis in mice.


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Taking advantage of homeostatic mechanisms to boost tumor-specific cellular immunity is raising increasing interest in the development of therapeutic strategies in the treatment of melanoma. Here, we have explored the potential of combining homeostatic proliferation, after transient immunosuppression, and antigenic stimulation of Melan-A/Mart-1 specific CD8 T-cells. In an effort to develop protocols that could be readily applicable to the clinic, we have designed a phase I clinical trial, involving lymphodepleting chemotherapy with Busulfan and Fludarabine, reinfusion of Melan-A specific CD8 T-cell containing peripheral blood mononuclear cells (exempt of growth factors), and Melan-A peptide vaccination. Six patients with advanced melanoma were enrolled in this outpatient regimen that demonstrated good feasibility combined with low toxicity. Consistent depletion of lymphocytes with persistent increased CD4/CD8 ratios was induced, although the proportion of circulating CD4 regulatory T-cells remained mostly unchanged. The study of the immune reconstitution period showed a steady recovery of whole T-cell numbers overtime. However, expansion of Melan-A specific CD8 T-cells, as measured in peripheral blood, was mostly inconsistent, accompanied with marginal phenotypic changes, despite vaccination with Melan-A/Mart-1 peptide. On the clinical level, 1 patient presented a partial but objective antitumor response following the beginning of the protocol, even though a direct effect of Busulfan/Fludarabine cannot be completely ruled out. Overall, these data provide further ground for the development of immunotherapeutic approaches to be both effective against melanoma and applicable in clinic.


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La raction du greffon contre lhte (GvH) est responsable dun grand taux de morbidit et de mortalit chez les patients recevant des greffes de cellules souches (GCSH) allogniques. Dans ce contexte, les cellules T rgulatrices sont largement tudies et semblent avoir un grand potentiel dutilisation dans le domaine de la thrapie cellulaire de la GvH. Parmi les populations cellulaires T rgulatrices, les lymphocytes T CD4-CD8- TCR+ Doubles-Ngatifs (DN), qui ne reprsentent que 1-3% des lymphocytes T, ont t dcrits. Ces cellules ont des proprits inhibitrices de la rponse immunitaire qui savrent spcifiques aux antignes auxquels elles ont pralablement t exposes. La rpression de la rponse immunitaire par les cellules T DN rgulatrices semble tre un mcanisme important impliqu dans linduction de la tolrance aux allo-antignes. De plus, ces cellules confrent une tolrance immunitaire dans des modles de greffes allogniques et xnogniques. En effet, ces cellules ont la capacit dinhiber la raction contre un allo-antigne auquel elles ont t exposes, sans inhiber la raction contre un allo-antigne inconnu. Les cellules T DN ont t isoles et caractrises chez lhomme o elles ont la capacit dinteragir avec des cellules prsentatrices dantignes (APCs) par un contact cellulaire, comme chez la souris. Cependant, leur capacit immunomodulatrice reste inconnue chez lhumain. Notre objectif consistait donc principalement tudier le rle et le mcanisme daction des cellules T DN rgulatrices humaines in vitro, en tudiant leur capacit inhiber une raction lymphocytaire mixte (MLR). Nous avons montr que les cellules T DN stimules par un allo-antigne donn inhibent des cellules syngniques effectrices diriges contre ce mme alloantigne mais ninhibent pas des cellules syngniques effectrices diriges contre un autre alloantigne, dmontrant ainsi la spcificit aux antignes de ces cellules. De plus, les T DN non stimules par un allo-antigne nont pas de rle inhibiteur. Cependant, durant cette inhibition, nous nobservons pas de modulation de lexpression des marqueurs dactivation et dinduction de lapoptose. Afin dtudier le mcanisme daction des cellules T DN, nous avons mesur lexpression intracellulaire de la granzyme B. Les rsultats dmontrent que les cellules T DN stimules expriment un niveau significativement plus lev de granzyme B que les cellules T DN non-stimules par lallo-antigne. Ceci suggre que limmunosuppression induite par les cellules T DN stimules pourrait passer par la voie granzyme B. Le mcanisme utilis par ces cellules reste tre confirm par nos futures expriences.


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Les tumeurs solides sont infiltres par des cellules immunes (TIIC) dont la nature, la fonction et la composition varient dun patient l'autre. Ces cellules inflammatoires influencent l'invasion tumorale en contrlant la croissance et le potentiel mtastatique dune tumeur. Ainsi, il est propos dutiliser cette infiltration comme outil diagnostic et pronostic de routine. Certaines cellules sont bien connues pour jouer un rle important dans le contrle de la progression tumorale, comme cest le cas des lymphocytes T cytotoxiques CD8+ alors que dautres possdent un rle contradictoire. tant donn la dpendance des tumeurs sur lquilibre entre ces diffrentes cellules, il est important didentifier les fonctions prcises des cellules immunes au sein de la tumeur. De nombreuses tudes sont ralises afin didentifier des marqueurs descriptifs du phnotype et la fonction des cellules immunes dans la tumeur. Ce projet de doctorat se divise en deux parties : 1- Identifier la mthode de dsagrgation des tissus tumoraux altrant le moins la biologie des TIIC pour leur caractrisation. 2- Caractriser lexpression de la molcule dadhrence CD146 dans les TIIC et en identifier lorigine. Lidentification de marqueurs pour la caractrisation phnotypique et fonctionnelle des TIIC a t ralise, entre autres, par la dtection de protines exprimes par la cellule. Dans la premire partie de ce projet, nous avons dmontr que les mthodes utilises pour dsagrger les tissus tumoraux dans le but disoler les TIIC induisent des changements dans la biologie de ces cellules ce qui peut fausser les conclusions qui en drivent. Nous avons donc compar l'impact de trois mthodes de dsagrgation : une dissociation mcanique utilisant la MdimachineTM et deux digestions enzymatiques utilisant une collagnase de type I seule ou combine de la collagnase de type IV et de la DNase I de type II. Nous nous sommes intresss l'effet de ces mthodes sur des paramtres tels que la viabilit cellulaire, laltration des protines de surface et la capacit des cellules prolifrer. Nous avons dmontr que ces mthodes affectent la viabilit des cellules de manire comparable, alors que la dtection de certaines protines de surface et la capacit de prolifrer est rduite/inhibe par les traitements enzymatiques. Nous concluons quune mthode mcanique utilisant la MdimachineTM est mieux adapte la caractrisation des TIIC afin de conserver leurs proprits. Dans la deuxime partie de notre projet, nous avons adapt cette mthode la caractrisation des TIIC. Nous avons port une attention particulire la molcule dadhrence CD146 dont limplication dans la migration des cellules immunes travers lendothlium vers les sites dinflammation est de plus en plus tudie dans les maladies autoimmunes. Nous avons mis en vidence une augmentation des proportions de cellules immunes exprimant CD146 dans les tumeurs comparativement au sang de patients de cancers. Cette expression est induite par les cellules tumorales tout en tant accrue par la ncrose de celles-ci. Nous dmontrons que ces cellules sont majoritairement des lymphocytes T CD4+ prsentant un profil immunosuppressif. En conclusion, nos rsultats suggrent que CD146 participe la mise en place du contexte immunitaire dans la tumeur et augmente la capacit de migration des lymphocytes T CD4+. Linduction par les cellules tumorales de cette molcule dadhrence dans les cellules suppressives pourrait contribuer aux mcanismes immunorgulateurs mis en place par la tumeur. CD146 pourrait tre un marqueur dintrt pour lidentification des cellules immunosuppressives et pour le dveloppement de nouvelles thrapies.


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This study applied a socioeconomic questionnaire designed to evaluate the frequency of intestinal parasites and characterize epidemiological, nutritional, and immunological variables in 105 HIV/AIDS patients - with and without parasitic infections, attending the Day Hospital in Botucatu, UNESP, from 2007 to 2008. Body mass index was calculated and the following tests performed: parasitological stool examinations; eosinophil, IgE, CD4(+) T and CD8(+) T lymphocyte cell counts; albumin test; viral load measure; and TNF-alpha, IFN-gamma, IL-2, IL-5 and IL-10 cytokine levels. Results were positive for parasitic intestinal infections in 12.4% of individuals. Most patients had good socioeconomic conditions with basic sanitation, urban dwellings, treated water supply and sewage, good nutritional and immunological status and were undergoing HAART. Parasites were found at the following frequencies: Entamoeba - five patients (38.5%), Giardia lamblia-four (30.7%), Blastocystis hominis-three (23.0%), Endolimax nana-two (15.4%), and Ascaris lumbricoides - one (7.7%). There were no significant differences between the two groups for eosinophils, albumin, IgE, CD4(+) T and CD8(+) T lymphocytes, INF-gamma, IL-2, or IL-10. Most patients also showed undetectable viral load levels. Significant differences were found for TNF-alpha and IL-5. These results show the importance of new studies on immunodeficient individuals to increase understanding of such variables.