246 resultados para Lowlands
The hoatzin (Opisthocomus hoazin) lives in the humid lowlands of northern and central South America, often in riparian habitats. It is a slender bird approximately 65 cm in length, brownish with lighter streaks and buffy tips to the long tail feathers. The small head has a ragged, bristly crest of reddish-brown feathers, and the bare skin of the face is bright blue. It resembles a chachalaca (Ortalis, Cracidae) in size and shape, but its plumage and markings are similar to those of the smaller guira cuckoo (Guira guira). The hoatzin (pronounced Watson) has been a taxonomic puzzle since it was described in 1776. It usually has been viewed as related to the gallinaceous birds, but alliances to other groups have been suggested, including the cuckoos. We present DNA sequence evidence from the 12S and 16S rRNA mitochondrial genes, and from the nuclear gene that codes for the eye lens protein, alpha A-crystallin. The results indicate that the hoatzin is most closely related to the typical cuckoos and that the divergence occurred at or near the base of the cuculiform phylogenetic tree.
No estudo das comunidades florestais, estabelecer a importância relativa dos fatores que definem a composição e a distribuição das espécies é um desafio. Em termos de gradientes ambientais o estudo das respostas das espécies arbóreas são essenciais para a compreensão dos processos ecológicos e decisões de conservação. Neste sentido, para contribuir com a elucidação dos processos ecológicos nas principais formações florestais do Estado de São Paulo (Floresta Ombrófila Densa de Terras Baixas, Floresta Ombrófila Densa Submontana, Floresta Estacional Semidecidual e Savana Florestada) este trabalho objetivou responder as seguintes questões: (I) a composição florística e a abundância das espécies arbóreas, em cada unidade fitogeográfica, variam conforme o gradiente edáfico e topográfico?; (II) características do solo e topografia podem influenciar na previsibilidade de ocorrência de espécies arbóreas de ampla distribuição em diferentes tipos vegetacionais? (III) existe relação entre o padrão de distribuição espacial de espécies arbóreas e os parâmetros do solo e topografia? O trabalho foi realizado em parcelas alocadas em unidades de conservação (UC) que apresentaram trechos representativos, em termos de conservação e tamanho, das quatro principais formações florestais presentes no Estado de São Paulo. Em cada UC foram contabilizados os indivíduos arbóreos (CAP ≥ 15 cm), topografia, dados de textura e atributos químicos dos solos em uma parcela de 10,24 ha, subdividida em 256 subparcelas. Análises de correspodência canônica foram aplicadas para estabelecer a correspondência entre a abundância das espécies e o gradiente ambiental (solo e topografia). O método TWINSPAN modificado foi aplicado ao diagrama de ordenação da CCA para avaliar a influência das variáveis ambientais (solo e topografia) na composição de espécies. Árvores de regressão \"ampliadas\" (BRT) foram ajustadas para a predição da ocorrência das espécies segundo as variáveis de solo e topografia. O índice de Getis-Ord (G) foi utilizado para determinar a autocorrelação espacial das variáveis ambientais utilizadas nos modelos de predição da ocorrência das espécies. Nas unidades fitogeográficas analisadas, a correspondência entre o gradiente ambiental (solo e topografia) e a abundância das espécies foi significativa, especialmente na Savana Florestada onde observou-se a maior relação. O solo e a topografia também se relacionaram com a semelhança na composição florística das subparcelas, com exceção da Floresta Estacional Semicidual (EEC). As principais variáveis de solo e topografia relacionadas a flora em cada UC foram: (1) Na Floresta Ombrófila Densa de Terras Baixas (PEIC) - teor de alumínio na camada profunda (Al (80-100 cm)) que pode refletir os teor de Al na superfície, acidez do solo (pH(H2O) (5-25 cm)) e altitude, que delimitou as áreas alagadas; (2) Na Floresta Ombrófila Densa Submontana (PECB) - altitude, fator que, devido ao relevo acidentado, influencia a temperatura e incidência de sol no sub-bosque; (3) Na Savana Florestada (EEA) - fertilidade, tolerância ao alumínio e acidez do solo. Nos modelos de predição BRT, as variáveis químicas dos solos foram mais importantes do que a textura, devido à pequena variação deste atributo no solo nas áreas amostradas. Dentre as variáveis químicas dos solos, a capacidade de troca catiônica foi utilizada para prever a ocorrência das espécies nas quatro formações florestais, sendo particularmente importante na camada mais profunda do solo da Floresta Ombrófila Densa de Terras Baixas (PEIC). Quanto à topografia, a altitude foi inserida na maioria dos modelos e apresentou diferentes influências sobre as áreas de estudo. De modo geral, para presença das espécies de ampla distribuição observou-se uma mesma tendência quando à associação com os atributos dos solos, porém com amplitudes dos descritores edáficos que variaram de acordo com a área de estudo. A ocorrência de Guapira opposita e Syagrus romanzoffiana, cujo padrão variou conforme a escala, foi explicada por variáveis com padrões espaciais agregados que somaram entre 30% e 50% de importância relativa no modelo BRT. A presença de A. anthelmia, cujo padrão também apresentou certo nível de agregação, foi associada apenas a uma variável com padrão agregado, a altitude (21%), que pode ter exercido grande influência na distribuição da espécie ao delimitar áreas alagadas. T. guianensis se associou a variáveis ambientais preditoras com padrão espacial agregado que somaram cerca de 70% de importância relativa, o que deve ter sido suficiente para estabelecer o padrão agregado em todas as escalas. No entanto, a influência dos fatores ambientais no padrão de distribuição da espécie não depende apenas do ótimo ambiental da espécie, mas um resultado da interação espécie-ambiente. Concluiu-se que: (I) características edáficas e topográficas explicaram uma pequena parcela da composição florística, em cada unidade fitogeográfica, embora a ocorrência de algumas espécies tenha se associado ao gradiente edáfico e topográfico; (II) a partir de características dos solos e da topografia foi possível prever a presença de espécies arbóreas, que apresentaram particularidades em relação a sua associação com o solo de cada fitofisionomia; (III) a partir de associações descritivas o solo e a topografia influenciam o padrão de distribuição espacial das espécies, na proporção em que contribuem para a presença das mesmas.
Ce mémoire a été effectué dans le cadre d'une étude pour le Ministère des Transports.
Ce mémoire a été effectué dans le cadre d'une étude pour le Ministère des Transports.
This dataset contains continuous time series of land surface temperature (LST) at spatial resolution of 300m around the 12 experimental sites of the PAGE21 project (grant agreement number 282700, funded by the EC seventh Framework Program theme FP7-ENV-2011). This dataset was produced from hourly LST time series at 25km scale, retrieved from SSM/I data (André et al., 2015, doi:10.1016/j.rse.2015.01.028) and downscaled to 300m using a dynamic model and a particle smoothing approach. This methodology is based on two main assumptions. First, LST spatial variability is mostly explained by land cover and soil hydric state. Second, LST is unique for a land cover class within the low resolution pixel. Given these hypotheses, this variable can be estimated using a land cover map and a physically based land surface model constrained with observations using a data assimilation process. This methodology described in Mechri et al. (2014, doi:10.1002/2013JD020354) was applied to the ORCHIDEE land surface model (Krinner et al., 2005, doi:10.1029/2003GB002199) to estimate prior values of each land cover class provided by the ESA CCI-Land Cover product (Bontemps et al., 2013) at 300m resolution . The assimilation process (particle smoother) consists in simulating ensemble of LST time series for each land cover class and for a large number of parameter sets. For each parameter set, the resulting temperatures are aggregated considering the grid fraction of each land cover and compared to the coarse observations. Miniminizing the distance between the aggregated model solutions and the observations allow us to select the simulated LST and the corresponding parameter sets which fit the observations most closely. The retained parameter sets are then duplicated and randomly perturbed before simulating the next time window. At the end, the most likely LST of each land cover class are estimated and used to reconstruct LST maps at 300m resolution using ESA CCI-Land Cover. The resulting temperature maps on which ice pixels were masked, are provided at daily time step during the nine-year analysis period (2000-2009).
The German-Russian project CARBOPERM - Carbon in Permafrost, origin, quality, quantity, and degradation and microbial turnover - is devoted to studying soil organic matter history, degradation and turnover in coastal lowlands of Northern Siberia. The multidisciplinary project combines research from various German and Russian institutions and runs from 2013 to 2016. The project aims assessing the recent and the ancient trace gas budget over tundra soils in northern Siberia. Studied field sites are placed in the permafrost of the Lena Delta and on Bol'shoy Lyakhovsky, the southernmost island of the New Siberian Archipelago in the eastern Laptev Sea. Field campaigns to Bol'shoy Lyakhovsky in 2014 (chapter 2) were motivated by research on palaeoenvironmental and palaeoclimate reconstruction, sediment dating, near surface geophysics and microbiological research. In particular the field campaigns focussed on: - coring Quaternary strata with a ages back to ~200.000 years ago as found along the southern coast; they allow tracing microbial communities and organic tracers (i.e. lipids and biomarkers, sedimentary DNA) in the deposits across two climatic cycles (chapter 3), - instrumenting a borehole with a thermistor chain for measuring permafrost temperatures (chapter 3), - sampling Quaternary strata for dating permafrost formation periods based on the optical stimulated luminescence (OSL) technique (chapter 4), - sampling soil and geologic formations for carbon content in order to highlight potential release of CO2 and methane based on incubation experiments (chapter 5), - profiling near surface permafrost using ground-penetrating radar and geoelectrics for defining the spatial depositional context, where the cores are located (chapters 6 + 7).
Thermokarst lakes and basins are major components of ice-rich permafrost landscapes in East Siberian coastal lowlands and are regarded as indicators of regional climatic changes. We investigate the temporal and spatial dynamics of a 7.5 km**2, partly drained thermokarst basin (alas) using field investigations, remote sensing, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), and sediment analyses. The evolution of the thermokarst basin proceeded in two phases. The first phase started at the Pleistocene/Holocene transition (13 to 12 ka BP) with the initiation of a primary thermokarst lake on the Ice Complex surface. The lake expanded and persisted throughout the early Holocene before it drained abruptly about 5.7 ka BP, thereby creating a > 20 m deep alas with residual lakes. The second phase (5.7 ka BP to present) is characterized by alternating stages of lower and higher thermokarst intensity within the alas that were mainly controlled by local hydrological and relief conditions and accompanied by permafrost aggradation and degradation. It included diverse concurrent processes like lake expansion and stepwise drainage, polygonal ice-wedge growth, and the formation of drainage channels and a pingo, which occurred in different parts of the alas. This more dynamic thermokarst evolution resulted in a complex modern thermokarst landscape. However, on the regional scale, the changes during the second evolutionary phase after drainage of the initial thermokarst lakes were less intense than the early Holocene extensive thermokarst development in East Siberian coastal lowlands as a result of a significant regional change to warmer and wetter climate conditions.
Non-glaciated Arctic lowlands in north-east Siberia were subjected to extensive landscape and environmental changes during the Late Quaternary. Coastal cliffs along the Arctic shelf seas expose terrestrial archives containing numerous palaeoenvironmental indicators (e.g., pollen, plant macro-fossils and mammal fossils) preserved in the permafrost. The presented sedimentological (grain size, magnetic susceptibility and biogeochemical parameters), cryolithological, geochronological (radiocarbon, accelerator mass spectrometry and infrared-stimulated luminescence), heavy mineral and palaeoecological records from Cape Mamontov Klyk record the environmental dynamics of an Arctic shelf lowland east of the Taymyr Peninsula, and thus, near the eastern edge of the Eurasian ice sheet, over the last 60 Ky. This region is also considered to be the westernmost part of Beringia, the non-glaciated landmass that lay between the Eurasian and the Laurentian ice caps during the Late Pleistocene. Several units and subunits of sand deposits, peat-sand alternations, ice-rich palaeocryosol sequences (Ice Complex) and peaty fillings of thermokarst depressions and valleys were presented. The recorded proxy data sets reflect cold stadial climate conditions between 60 and 50 Kya, moderate inderstadial conditions between 50 and 25 Kya and cold stadial conditions from 25 to 15 Kya. The Late Pleistocene to Holocene transition, including the Allerød warm period, the early to middle Holocene thermal optimum and the late Holocene cooling, are also recorded. Three phases of landscape dynamic (fluvial/alluvial, irregular slope run-off and thermokarst) were presented in a schematic model, and were subsequently correlated with the supraregional environmental history between the Early Weichselian and the Holocene.
A Late Pleistocene and Holocene sediment core from the nowadays terrestrialised portion of the Löddigsee in Southern Mecklenburg, Germany was palynologically investigated. The lake is situated in the rarely investigated Young moraine area at the transition from the Weichselian to the Saalian glaciation. The high-resolution pollen diagram contributes to the establishment of the north-eastern German Late Pleistocene pollen stratigraphy. The vegetation distribution pattern after the end of the Weichselian is in good agreement with other studies from North-eastern Germany, but also has its own characteristics. The Holocene vegetation development reveals features from the north-eastern and north-western German lowlands. A special focus was laid on the environmental history of the two settlements on an island within the lake (Late Neolithic and Younger Slavic period), which were preserved under moist conditions. Both settlements were constructed during a period of low lake level. Although there is evidence of agriculture in the area during the respective periods, the two island settlements seem to have served other purposes.
The Arctic Ocean System is a key player regarding the climatic changes of Earth. Its highly sensitive ice Cover, the exchange of surface and deep water masses with the global ocean and the coupling with the atmosphere interact directly with global climatic changes. The output of cold, polar water and sea ice influences the production of deep water in the North Atlantic and controls the global ocean circulation ("the conveyor belt"). The Arctic Ocean is surrounded by the large Northern Hemisphere ice sheets which not only affect the sedimentation in the Arctic Ocean but also are supposed to induce the Course of glacials and interglacials. Terrigenous sediment delivered from the ice sheets by icebergs and meltwater as well as through sea ice are major components of Arctic Ocean sediments. Hence, the terrigenous content of Arctic Ocean sediments is an outstanding archive to investigate changes in the paleoenvironment. Glazigenic sediments of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago and surface samples of the Arctic Ocean and the Siberian shelf regions were investigated by means of x-ray diffraction of the bulk fraction. The source regions of distinct mineral compositions were to be deciphered. Regarding the complex circumpolar geology stable christalline shield rocks, active and ancient fold belts including magmatic and metamorphic rocks, sedimentary rocks and wide periglacial lowlands with permafrost provide a complete range of possible mineral combinations. Non- glaciated shelf regions mix the local input from a possible point source of a particular mineral combination with the whole shelf material and function as a sampler of the entire region draining to the shelf. To take this into account, a literature research was performed. Descriptions of outcropping lithologies and Arctic Ocean sediments were scanned for their mineral association. The analyses of glazigenic and shelf sediments yielded a close relationship between their mineral composition and the adjacent source region. The most striking difference between the circumpolar source regions is the extensive outcrop of carbonate rocks in the vicinity of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago and in N Greenland while siliciclastic sediments dominate the Siberian shelves. In the Siberian shelf region the eastern Kara Sea and the western Laptev Sea form a destinct region defined by high smectite, (clino-) pyroxene and plagioclase input. The source of this signal are the extensive outcrops of the Siberian trap basalt in the Putorana Plateau which is drained by the tributaries of the Yenissei and Khatanga. The eastern Laptev Sea and the East Siberian Sea can also be treated as one source region containing a feldspar, quartz, illite, mica, and chlorite asscciation combined with the trace minerals hornblende and epidote. Franz Josef Land provides a mineral composition rich in quartz and kaolinite. The diverse rock suite of the Svalbard archipelago distributes specific mineral compositions of highly metamorphic christalline rocks, dolomite-rich carbonate rocks and sedimentary rocks with a higher diagenetic potential manifested in stable newly built diagenetic minerals and high organic maturity. To reconstruct the last 30,000 years as an example of the transition between glacial and interglacial conditions a profile of sediment cores, recovered during the RV Polarstern" expedition ARK-VIIIl3 (ARCTIC '91), and additional sediment cores around Svalbard were investigated. Besides the mineralogy of different grain size fractions several additional sedimentological and organo-geochemical Parameterswere used. A detailed stratigraphic framework was achieved. By exploiting this data set changes in the mineral composition of the Eurasian Basin sediments can be related to climatic changes. Certain mineral compositions can even be associated with particular transport processes, e.g. the smectitel pyroxene association with sea ice transport from the eastern Kara Sea and the western Laptev Sea. Hence, it is possible to decipher the complex interplay between the influx of warm Atlantic waters into the Southwest of the Eurasian Basin, the waxing and waning of the Svalbard1Barents- Sea- and Kara-Sea-Ice-Sheets, the flooding of the Siberian shelf regions and the surface and deep water circulation. Until now the Arctic Ocean was assumed to be a rather stable System during the last 30,000 years which only switched from a completely ice covered situation during the glacial to seasonally Open waters during the interglacial. But this work using mineral assemblages of sediment cores in the vicinity of Svalbard revealed fast changes in the inflow of warm Atlantic water with the Westspitsbergen Current (< 1000 years), short periods of advances and retreats of the marine based Eurasian ice sheets (1000-3000 years), and short melting phases (400 years?). Deglaciation of the marine-based Eurasian and the land-based north American and Greenland ice sheets are not simultaneous. This thesis postulates that the Kara Sea Ice Sheet released an early meltwater signal prior to 15,000 14C years leading the Barents Sea Ice Sheet while the western land-based ice sheets are following later than 13,500 14C years. The northern Eurasian Basin records the shift between iceberg and sea-ice material derived from the Canadian Arctic Archipelago and N-Greenland and material transported by sea-ice and surface currents from the Siberian shelf region. The phasing of the deglaciation becomes very obvious using the dolomite and quartd phyllosilicate record. It is also supposed that the flooding of the Laptev Sea during the Holocene is manifested in a stepwise increase of sediment input at the Lomonosov Ridge between the Eurasian and Amerasian Basin. Depending on the strength of meltwater pulses from the adjacent ice sheets the Transpolar Drift can probably be relocated. These movements are traceable by the distribution of indicator minerals. Based on the outcome of this work the feasibility of bulk mineral determination can be qualified as excellent tool for paleoenvironmental reconstructions in the Arctic Ocean. The easy preparation and objective determination of bulk mineralogy provided by the QUAX software bears the potential to use this analyses as basic measuring method preceding more time consuming and highly specialised mineralogical investigations (e.g. clay mineralogy, heavy mineral determination).
Population growth, urban development, and increased commercial and industrial activity in the south-central Puget Lowlands of Washington State has led to an increased demand for groundwater. The Vashon till is a glacially consolidated, low-permeability unit comprising unstratified clay, silt, cobbles and boulders with ubiquitous coarse-grained lenses and is an extensive surficial unit throughout the south-central Puget Lowland. Thus, understanding the physical and hydrological characteristics – specifically, the hydraulic conductivity – of this unit is a necessary component of a groundwater model. This study provides (1) a record of the physical characteristics of Vashon till deposits within the study area; and (2) an estimate of the highest, lowest, and average value of saturated hydraulic conductivity based on the grain-size distribution of Vashon till samples collected from six field sites in the Puyallup River Watershed. Analysis shows that the average moisture content ranges between about 1 and 6%, average dry bulk density is about 2.20 g/cm3, and average porosity is about 17%. Grain-size distributions show that half of the samples analyzed are well graded, while the other half is poorly graded. Grain-size distributions also show an average d10 value of about 0.20 mm, and average ff values ≤ 16%, which are key values in estimating the saturated hydraulic conductivity of over-consolidated glacial deposits. Based on these observed values, the estimates of hydraulic conductivity range from a minimum of 0.02 m/d to a maximum of 1.38 m/d in within the general Vashon till.
Drought is a major constraint for rice production in the rainfed lowlands in Southeast Asia and Eastern India. The breeding programs for tainted lowland rice in these regions focus on adaptation to a range of drought conditions. However, a method of selection of drought tolerant genotypes has not been established and is considered to be one of the constraints faced by rice breeders. Drought response index (DRI) is based on grain yield adjusted for variation in potential yield and flowering date, and has been used recently, but its consistency among drought environments and hence its usefulness is not certain. In order to establish a selection method and subsequently to identify donor parents for drought resistance breeding, a series of experiments with 15 contrasting genotypes was conducted under well-watered and managed drought conditions at two sites for 5 years in Cambodia. Water level in the field was recorded and used to estimate the relative water level (WLREL) around flowering as an index of the severity of water deficit at the time of flowering for each entry. This was used to determine if DRI or yield reduction was due to drought tolerance or related to the amount of available water at flowering, i.e. drought escape. Grain yield reduction due to drought ranged from 12 to 46%. The drought occurred mainly during the reproductive phase, while four experiments had water stress from the early vegetative stage. There was significant variation for water availability around flowering among the nine experiments and this was associated with variation in mean yield reduction. Genotypic variation in DRI was consistent among most experiments, and genotypic mean DRI ranged from -0.54 to 0.47 (LSD 5% = 0.47). Genotypic variation in DRI was not related to WLREL around flowering in the nine environments. It is concluded that selection for DRI under drought conditions would allow breeders to identify donor lines with high drought tolerance as an important component of breeding better adapted varieties for the rainfed lowlands; two genotypes were identified with high DRI and low yield reduction and were subsequently used in the breeding program in Cambodia. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.