976 resultados para Load bearing walls


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS


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Objective The objective of this article is to present options of rehabilitation with dental implants in two cases of severely atrophic mandibles (<10 mm) after rigid internal fixation of fractures. Patients and method Two patients who sustained fractures in severely atrophic mandibles with less than 10 mm of bone height were treated by open reduction and internal fixation through a transcervical access. Internal fixation was obtained with 2.4-mm locking reconstruction plates. The first patient presented satisfactory bone height at the area between the mental foramens and after 2 years, received flapless guided implants in the anterior mandible and an immediate protocol prosthesis. The second patient received a tent pole iliac crest autogenous graft after 2 years of fracture treatment and immediate implants. After 5 months, a protocol prosthesis was installed in the second patient. Results In both cases, the internal fixation followed AO principles for load-bearing osteosynthesis. Both prosthetic devices were Branemark protocol prosthesis. The mandibular reconstruction plates were not removed. Both patients are rehabilitated without complications and satisfied with esthetic and functional results. Conclusion With the current techniques of internal fixation, grafting, and guided implants, the treatment of atrophic mandible fractures can achieve very good results, which were previously not possible.


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Alumina/alumina wear couple can lower the wear rates and thus metallic ion releasing on load bearing metallic implant materials. However, the low fracture toughness of ceramics is still a major concern. Therefore, the present study aims to process and to triboelectrochemically characterise the 5 and 10 vol.-%Al2O3 reinforced CoCrMo matrix composites. Corrosion and tribocorrosion behaviour of the composites were investigated in 8 g L−1 NaCl solution at body temperature. Corroded and worn surfaces were investigated by a field emission gun scanning electron microscope equipped with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. After tribocorrosion experiments, wear rates were calculated using a profilometer. Results suggest that Al2O3 particle addition decreased the tendency of CoCrMo alloy to corrosion under both static and tribocorrosion conditions. However, no significant influence on the corrosion and wear rates was observed in composites mainly due to increased porosity and insufficient matrix/reinforcement bonding.


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No-till has been used in many different regions of Brazil. However, depending on the location and intensity of machinery traffic, this has caused the problem of soil compaction and many producers are scarification the land as a solution to break through the layer that is restricting plant growth. The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of scarification (0.30 m) in the physical properties of a dystrophic Alfisol comparing the results with a non-scarified contiguous area; both were previously conducted using no-till. The density and pressure of pre-consolidation were sampled in two areas of non-tillage, one with chiseling (PDCE) and one without (PDSE) by using the UMAS -Mobile Soil Sampling Unit built by NEMPA – Agroforestry Machinery and Tire Testing Center/FCA / UNESP, Botucatu ,SP. The UMAS is equipped with GPS which allows the samples to be georeferenced. The samples were evaluated in the laboratory through the collection of standardized rings. Sampling was performed at a dimension of 15 x 50 m, with 160 rings being collected. The samples containing rings which were used in determining the density and also for testing the consolidometer, were collected from the layers of 0 to 0.10 m, 0.10 to 0.20 m, 0.20 to 0.30 0.30 to I 0.40 m. For the odometer test the undisturbed sample rings were used in obtaining the load bearing capacity of the soil. The soil management adopted provided a decrease in soil density using no-tillage with scarification depths from 0.0 to 0.10 0.10 to 0.20 m while the other depths did not show any decrease. The pre-consolidation pressure in combination with soil aggregate resistance identified that the management process PDCE within all layers was subjected to water content reliability regarding a greater load bearing capacity of the soil. For the PDSE that only was possible in the 0 to 0.10 m, showing greater consolidation of this layer.


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Per quanto riguarda le costruzioni in conglomerato cementizio armato gettato in opera, i sistemi strutturali più comunemente utilizzati sono quelli a telaio (con trasmissione di momento flettente), a setti portanti o una combinazione di entrambi. A partire dagli anni ’60, numerosissimi sono stati gli studi relativamente al comportamento sismico di strutture in c.a. a telaio. Lo stesso si può affermare per le costruzioni costituite da pareti miste a telai. In particolare, l’argomento della progettazione sismica di tali tipologie di edifici ha sempre riguardato soprattutto gli edifici alti nei quali, evidentemente, l’impiego delle pareti avveniva allo scopo di limitarne la elevata deformabilità. Il comportamento sismico di strutture realizzate interamente a pareti portanti in c.a. è stato meno studiato negli anni, nonostante si sia osservato che edifici realizzati mediante tali sistemi strutturali abbiano mostrato, in generale, pregevoli risorse di resistenza nei confronti di terremoti anche di elevata intensità. Negli ultimi 10 anni, l’ingegneria sismica si sta incentrando sull’approfondimento delle risorse di tipologie costruttive di cui si è sempre fatto largo uso in passato (tipicamente nei paesi dell’Europa continentale, in America latina, negli USA e anche in Italia), ma delle quali mancavano adeguate conoscenze scientifiche relativamente al loro comportamento in zona sismica. Tali tipologie riguardano sostanzialmente sistemi strutturali interamente costituiti da pareti portanti in c.a. per edifici di modesta altezza, usualmente utilizzati in un’edilizia caratterizzata da ridotti costi di realizzazione (fabbricati per abitazioni civili e/o uffici). Obiettivo “generale” del lavoro di ricerca qui presentato è lo studio del comportamento sismico di strutture realizzate interamente a setti portanti in c.a. e di modesta altezza (edilizia caratterizzata da ridotti costi di realizzazione). In particolare, le pareti che si intendono qui studiare sono caratterizzate da basse percentuali geometriche di armatura e sono realizzate secondo la tecnologia del cassero a perdere. A conoscenza dello scrivente, non sono mai stati realizzati, fino ad oggi, studi sperimentali ed analitici allo scopo di determinare il comportamento sismico di tali sistemi strutturali, mentre è ben noto il loro comportamento statico. In dettaglio, questo lavoro di ricerca ha il duplice scopo di: • ottenere un sistema strutturale caratterizzato da elevate prestazioni sismiche; • mettere a punto strumenti applicativi (congruenti e compatibili con le vigenti normative e dunque immediatamente utilizzabili dai progettisti) per la progettazione sismica dei pannelli portanti in c.a. oggetto del presente studio. Al fine di studiare il comportamento sismico e di individuare gli strumenti pratici per la progettazione, la ricerca è stata organizzata come segue: • identificazione delle caratteristiche delle strutture studiate, mediante lo sviluppo/specializzazione di opportune formulazioni analitiche; • progettazione, supervisione, ed interpretazione di una estesa campagna di prove sperimentali eseguita su pareti portanti in c.a. in vera grandezza, al fine di verificarne l’efficace comportamento sotto carico ciclico; • sviluppo di semplici indicazioni (regole) progettuali relativamente alle strutture a pareti in c.a. studiate, al fine di ottenere le caratteristiche prestazionali desiderate. I risultati delle prove sperimentali hanno mostrato di essere in accordo con le previsioni analitiche, a conferma della validità degli strumenti di predizione del comportamento di tali pannelli. Le elevatissime prestazioni riscontrate sia in termini di resistenza che in termini di duttilità hanno evidenziato come le strutture studiate, così messe a punto, abbiano manifestato un comportamento sismico più che soddisfacente.


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Three structural typologies has been evaluated based on the nonlinear dynamic analysis (i.e. Newmark's methods for MDFs: average acceleration method with Modified Newton-Raphson iteration). Those structural typologies differ each other only for the infills presence and placement. In particular, with the term BARE FRAME: the model of the structure has two identical frames, arranged in parallel. This model constitutes the base for the generation of the other two typologies, through the addition of non-bearing walls. Whereas with the term INFILLED FRAME: the model is achieved by adding twelve infill panels, all placed in the same frame. Finally with the term PILOTIS: the model has been generated to represent structures where the first floor has no walls. Therefore the infills are positioned in only one frame in its three upper floors. All three models have been subjected to ten accelerograms using the software DRAIN 2000.


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We investigate the statics and dynamics of a glassy,non-entangled, short bead-spring polymer melt with moleculardynamics simulations. Temperature ranges from slightlyabove the mode-coupling critical temperature to the liquidregime where features of a glassy liquid are absent. Ouraim is to work out the polymer specific effects on therelaxation and particle correlation. We find the intra-chain static structure unaffected bytemperature, it depends only on the distance of monomersalong the backbone. In contrast, the distinct inter-chainstructure shows pronounced site-dependence effects at thelength-scales of the chain and the nearest neighbordistance. There, we also find the strongest temperaturedependence which drives the glass transition. Both the siteaveraged coupling of the monomer and center of mass (CM) andthe CM-CM coupling are weak and presumably not responsiblefor a peak in the coherent relaxation time at the chain'slength scale. Chains rather emerge as soft, easilyinterpenetrating objects. Three particle correlations arewell reproduced by the convolution approximation with theexception of model dependent deviations. In the spatially heterogeneous dynamics of our system weidentify highly mobile monomers which tend to follow eachother in one-dimensional paths forming ``strings''. Thesestrings have an exponential length distribution and aregenerally short compared to the chain length. Thus, arelaxation mechanism in which neighboring mobile monomersmove along the backbone of the chain seems unlikely.However, the correlation of bonded neighbors is enhanced. When liquids are confined between two surfaces in relativesliding motion kinetic friction is observed. We study ageneric model setup by molecular dynamics simulations for awide range of sliding speeds, temperatures, loads, andlubricant coverings for simple and molecular fluids. Instabilities in the particle trajectories are identified asthe origin of kinetic friction. They lead to high particlevelocities of fluid atoms which are gradually dissipatedresulting in a friction force. In commensurate systemsfluid atoms follow continuous trajectories for sub-monolayercoverings and consequently, friction vanishes at low slidingspeeds. For incommensurate systems the velocity probabilitydistribution exhibits approximately exponential tails. Weconnect this velocity distribution to the kinetic frictionforce which reaches a constant value at low sliding speeds. This approach agrees well with the friction obtaineddirectly from simulations and explains Amontons' law on themicroscopic level. Molecular bonds in commensurate systemslead to incommensurate behavior, but do not change thequalitative behavior of incommensurate systems. However,crossed chains form stable load bearing asperities whichstrongly increase friction.


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This work is dedicated to the study of damaging phenomena involving reinforced concrete structures and masonry buildings and the consequences in terms of structural performances decay. In the Italian context there are many examples of structures that have already exceeded their service life, considering not only the ancient buildings but also infrastructures and R/C buildings that today are operating from more than 50th years. Climate change which is subject to the entire planet, with changing in seasonal weather and increasing in environmental pollution, is not excluded could have a harmful influence on the rate of building materials decay previously deemed as durables. If the aggressive input changes very fast, for example in a few decades, then it can also change the response of a construction material considered so far durable; in this way the knowledge about the art of good build, consolidated over the centuries, is thwarted. Hence this study is focused on the possibility to define the residual capacity for vertical or seismic loads for structures that are already at the limit of their service life, or for which is impossible to define a service life. The problem in an analysis of this kind, and that is what makes this research different from the main studies avaibles in the literature, is to keep in correlation – in a not so expensive computationally way – issues such as: - dangerous environmental inputs adequately simulated; - environmental conditions favorable to the spread of pollutants and development of the degradation reactions (decay’s speed); - link between environmental degradation and residual bearing capacity A more realistic assessment of materials residual performances that constitute the structure allows to leave the actual system for the residual load-bearing capacity estimation in which all factors are simply considered through the use of a safety factor on the materials properties.


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I crescenti volumi di traffico che interessano le pavimentazioni stradali causano sollecitazioni tensionali di notevole entità che provocano danni permanenti alla sovrastruttura. Tali danni ne riducono la vita utile e comportano elevati costi di manutenzione. Il conglomerato bituminoso è un materiale multifase composto da inerti, bitume e vuoti d'aria. Le proprietà fisiche e le prestazioni della miscela dipendono dalle caratteristiche dell'aggregato, del legante e dalla loro interazione. L’approccio tradizionalmente utilizzato per la modellazione numerica del conglomerato bituminoso si basa su uno studio macroscopico della sua risposta meccanica attraverso modelli costitutivi al continuo che, per loro natura, non considerano la mutua interazione tra le fasi eterogenee che lo compongono ed utilizzano schematizzazioni omogenee equivalenti. Nell’ottica di un’evoluzione di tali metodologie è necessario superare questa semplificazione, considerando il carattere discreto del sistema ed adottando un approccio di tipo microscopico, che consenta di rappresentare i reali processi fisico-meccanici dai quali dipende la risposta macroscopica d’insieme. Nel presente lavoro, dopo una rassegna generale dei principali metodi numerici tradizionalmente impiegati per lo studio del conglomerato bituminoso, viene approfondita la teoria degli Elementi Discreti Particellari (DEM-P), che schematizza il materiale granulare come un insieme di particelle indipendenti che interagiscono tra loro nei punti di reciproco contatto secondo appropriate leggi costitutive. Viene valutata l’influenza della forma e delle dimensioni dell’aggregato sulle caratteristiche macroscopiche (tensione deviatorica massima) e microscopiche (forze di contatto normali e tangenziali, numero di contatti, indice dei vuoti, porosità, addensamento, angolo di attrito interno) della miscela. Ciò è reso possibile dal confronto tra risultati numerici e sperimentali di test triassiali condotti su provini costituiti da tre diverse miscele formate da sfere ed elementi di forma generica.


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Compliant mechanisms with evenly distributed stresses have better load-bearing ability and larger range of motion than mechanisms with compliance and stresses lumped at flexural hinges. In this paper, we present a metric to quantify how uniformly the strain energy of deformation and thus the stresses are distributed throughout the mechanism topology. The resulting metric is used to optimize cross-sections of conceptual compliant topologies leading to designs with maximal stress distribution. This optimization framework is demonstrated for both single-port mechanisms and single-input single-output mechanisms. It is observed that the optimized designs have lower stresses than their nonoptimized counterparts, which implies an ability for single-port mechanisms to store larger strain energy, and single-input single-output mechanisms to perform larger output work before failure.


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The use of metal implants in dental and orthopedic surgery is continuously expanding and highly successful. While today longevity and load-bearing capacity of the implants fulfill the expectations of the patients, acceleration of osseointegration would be of particular benefit to shorten the period of convalescence. To further clarify the options to accelerate the kinetics of osseointegration, within this study, the osteogenic properties of structurally identical surfaces with different metal coatings were investigated. To assess the development and function of primary human osteoblasts on metal surfaces, cell viability, differentiation, and gene expression were determined. Titanium surfaces were used as positive, and surfaces coated with gold were used as negative controls. Little differences in the cellular parameters tested for were found when the cells were grown on titanium discs sputter coated with titanium, zirconium, niobium, tantalum, gold, and chromium. Cell number, activity of cell layer-associated alkaline phosphatase (ALP), and levels of transcripts encoding COL1A1 and BGLAP did not vary significantly in dependence of the surface chemistry. Treatment of the cell cultures with 1,25(OH)2 D3 /Dex, however, significantly increased ALP activity and BGLAP messenger RNA levels. The data demonstrate that the metal layer coated onto the titanium discs exerted little modulatory effects on cell behavior. It is suggested that the microenvironment regulated by the peri-implant tissues is more effective in regulating the tissue response than is the material of the implant itself.


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The "gold standard" for treatment of intervertebral disc herniations and degenerated discs is still spinal fusion, corresponding to the saying "no disc - no pain". Mechanical prostheses, which are currently implanted, do only have medium outcome success and have relatively high re-operation rates. Here, we discuss some of the biological intervertebral disc replacement approaches, which can be subdivided into at least two classes in accordance to the two different tissue types, the nucleus pulposus (NP) and the annulus fibrosus (AF). On the side of NP replacement hydrogels have been extensively tested in vitro and in vivo. However, these gels are usually a trade-off between cell biocompatibility and load-bearing capacity, hydrogels which fulfill both are still lacking. On the side of AF repair much less is known and the question of the anchoring of implants is still to be addressed. New hope for cell therapy comes from developmental biology investigations on the existence of intervertebral disc progenitor cells, which would be an ideal cell source for cell therapy. Also notochordal cells (remnants of the embryonic notochord) have been recently pushed back into focus since these cells have regenerative potential and can activate disc cells. Growth factor treatment and molecular therapies could be less problematic. The biological solutions for NP and AF replacement are still more fiction than fact. However, tissue engineering just scratched the tip of the iceberg, more satisfying solutions are yet to be added to the biomedical pipeline.


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A comparative study has been made of human and great ape molar tooth enamel. Nanoindentation techniques are used to map profiles of elastic modulus and hardness across sections from the enamel–dentin junction to the outer tooth surface. The measured data profiles overlap between species, suggesting a degree of commonality in material properties. Using established deformation and fracture relations, critical loads to produce function-threatening damage in the enamel of each species are calculated for characteristic tooth sizes and enamel thicknesses. The results suggest that differences in load-bearing capacity of molar teeth in primates are less a function of underlying material properties than of morphology.


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The large, bunodont postcanine teeth in living sea otters (Enhydra lutris) have been likened to those of certain fossil hominins, particularly the ’robust’ australopiths (genus Paranthropus). We examine this evolutionary convergence by conducting fracture experiments on extracted molar teeth of sea otters and modern humans (Homo sapiens) to determine how load-bearing capacity relates to tooth morphology and enamel material properties. In situ optical microscopy and x-ray imaging during simulated occlusal loading reveal the nature of the fracture patterns. Explicit fracture relations are used to analyze the data and to extrapolate the results from humans to earlier hominins. It is shown that the molar teeth of sea otters have considerably thinner enamel than those of humans, making sea otter molars more susceptible to certain kinds of fractures. At the same time, the base diameter of sea otter first molars is larger, diminishing the fracture susceptibility in a compensatory manner. We also conduct nanoindentation tests to map out elastic modulus and hardness of sea otter and human molars through a section thickness, and microindentation tests to measure toughness. We find that while sea otter enamel is just as stiff elastically as human enamel, it is a little softer and tougher. The role of these material factors in the capacity of dentition to resist fracture and deformation is considered. From such comparisons, we argue that early hominin species like Paranthropus most likely consumed hard food objects with substantially higher biting forces than those exerted by modern humans.