993 resultados para Lipid transport


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The increased use of trickle or drip irrigation is seen as one way of helping to improve the sustainability of irrigation systems around the world. However, soil water and solute transport properties and soil profile characteristics are often not adequately incorporated in the design and management of trickle systems. In this paper, we describe results of a simulation study designed to highlight the impacts of soil properties on water and solute transport from buried trickle emitters. The analysis addresses the influence of soil hydraulic properties, soil layering, trickle discharge rate, irrigation frequency, and timing of nutrient application on wetting patterns and solute distribution. We show that (1) trickle irrigation can improve plant water availability in medium and low permeability fine-textured soils, providing that design and management are adapted to account for their soil hydraulic properties, (2) in highly permeable coarse-textured soils, water and nutrients move quickly downwards from the emitter, making it difficult to wet the near surface zone if emitters are buried too deep, and (3) changing the fertigation strategy for highly permeable coarse-textured soils to apply nutrients at the beginning of an irrigation cycle can maintain larger amounts of nutrient near to and above the emitter, thereby making them less susceptible to leaching losses. The results demonstrate the need to account for differences in soil hydraulic properties and solute transport when designing irrigation and fertigation management strategies. Failure to do this will result in inefficient systems and lost opportunities for reducing the negative environmental impacts of irrigation.


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Almeida E. S. de, Haddad E. A. and Hewings G. J. D. Transport-regional equity issue revisited, Regional Studies. The objective of this paper is to analyse the relationship between transport and regional equity in Minas Gerais, Brazil. Furthermore, the existence of a trade-off between economic performance and regional equity is investigated as well. To do so, the paper develops a spatial computable general equilibrium model based on Brocker and Schneider`s approach of 2002 to implement comparative static analysis, explicitly incorporating iceberg transportation costs. Four activities are modelled, namely production, final demand, transportation and exports. Two production factors are assumed: labour and other factors. The model has 12 domestic regions and three external regions. Four counterfactual experiments are developed based on decreases in transportation costs due to a `distance shortening`. The main findings indicate that if the transport infrastructure improvement is focused only among poor regions, the promotion of regional equity is insignificant. If the transport infrastructure improvement links are concentrated among rich regions, there is an increase in regional income inequalities. However, if the improvements are targeted to the roads linking poor regions and rich ones, there is greater promotion of regional equity. The same result will occur when improvements are made to all road links of the state. [image omitted] Almeida E. S. de, Haddad E. A. et Hewings G. J. D. La question du rapport entre le transport et l`equilibre regional vue sous un jour nouveau, Regional Studies. Cet article cherche a analyser le rapport entre le transport et l`equilibre regional en Minas Gerais au Bresil. En outre, on examine la presence d`un echange entre la performance economoique et l`equilibre regional. Pour le faire, on construit un modele geographique de l`equilibre general a utiliser sur ordinateur fonde sur l`approche de Brockner et Schneider en 2002 afin de mettre en oeuvre une analyse statique comparative qui comprend explicitement les frais de transport iceberg. On modelise quatre activites, a savoir, la production, la demande finale, le transport et l`exportation. On fait deux suppositions quant aux facteurs de production: la main-d`oevre et d`autres facteurs. Le modele embrasse douze regions internes et trois regions externes. On fait quatre experiences paradoxales fondees sur la baisse des frais de transport due a une `reduction des distances`. Les principaux resultats indiquent que si l`amelioration de l`equipement de transport ne porte que sur les regions defavorisees, la promotion de l`equilibre regional s`avere negligeable. Si l`amelioration de l`equipement de transport focalise les regions riches, il s`avere un creusement des ecarts des revenus regionaux. Cependant, si les ameliorations ciblent les routes qui relient les regions defavorisees aux regions riches, il s`avere une plus grande promotion de l`equilibre regional. Il en va de meme pour la situation ou on a apporte des amenagements a toutes les liaisons routieres de l`etat. Modele geographique de l`equilibre general a utiliser sur ordinateur Equilibre regional Peformance economique Frais de transport Almeida E. S. de, Haddad E. A. und Hewings G. J. D. Die Wiederaufnahme der Frage von Verkehrswesen im Verhaltnis zu regionaler Fairness, Regional Studies. Dieser Aufsatz beabsichtigt, die Beziehung zwischen Verkehrswesen und regionaler Fairness in Minas Gerais (Brasilien) zu analysieren und zugleich auch das Vorkommen von Einbussen entweder bei wirtschaftlicher Leistung der regionaler Fairness zu untersuchen. Zu diesem Zwecke wird ein auf dem Ansatz von Brocker und Schneider (2002) aufbauendes raumliches komputables allgemeines Gleichgewichtsmodell entwickelt, um vergleichende statistische Analysen durchzufuhren, wobei verborgene `Eisberg`-Transportkosten ausdrucklich berucksichtigt werden. Es werden vier Unternehmenstatigk eiten aufgefuhrt: Herstellung, Nachfrage, Transportwesen und Exporte, und zwei Produktionsfaktoren vorausgesetzt: Arbeitskrafte und andere Faktoren. Das Modell umfasst zwolf Inlandsregionen und drei externe Regionen. Es werden vier gegensatzliche Experimente entwickelt, die auf einer Abnahme der Transportkosten infolge einer `Verkurzung der Entfernungen` beruhen. Die Hauptbefunde weisen darauf hin, dass die Forderung regionaler Fairness unbedeutend bleibt, wenn die Verbesserungen der Transportinfrastruktur sich nur auf minderbemittelte Regionen konzentrieren; werden die Verbesserungen der Verbindungen der Transportinfrastruktur in wohlhabenden Regionen durchgefuhrt, so nehmen regionale Einkommensunterschiede zu. Wenn die Verbesserungen jedoch auf Strassen abzielen, die wohlhabende Regionen mit weniger bemittelten verbinden, wird regionale Fairness starker gefordert. Das gleiche Ergebnis wird sich einstellen, wenn Verbesserungen an allen Strassenverbindungen des Staates vorgenommen werden. Raumliches, komputables, allgemeines Gleichgewichtsmodell Regionale Fairness Wirtschaftsleistung Transportkosten Almeida E. S. de, Haddad E. A. y Hewings G. J. D. Revisando el tema de la igualdad del transporte en las regiones, Regional Studies. El objetivo de este documento es analizar la relacion entre el transporte y la igualdad regional en Minas Gerais, Brasil. Asimismo investigamos la existencia de una compensacion entre el rendimiento economico y la igualdad regional. Para ello desarrollamos un modelo de equilibrio general computable y espacial basado en el enfoque de Brocker y Schneider en 2002 para hacer un analisis estatico y comparativo, explicitamente incorporando los costes ocultos de transporte. Se modelan cuatro actividades: la produccion, la demanda final, el transporte y las exportaciones. Suponemos que existen dos factores de produccion: mano de obra y otros factores. En este modelo, existen doce regiones internas y tres regiones externas. Desarrollamos cuatro experimentos contrafactuales basados en la disminucion de los costes de transporte debido a una `acortamiento de las distancias`. Los principales resultados indican que si la mejora de la infraestructura del transporte se centra solo entre las regiones mas pobres, el fomento de la igualdad regional es insignificante. Si los enlaces de la mejora de la infraestructura del transporte se concentran en las regiones ricas, aumentan las desigualdades de ingresos regionales. Sin embargo, si se mejoran los enlaces de carreteras entre las regiones pobres y ricas, se fomenta mejor la igualdad regional. El mismo resultado ocurre cuando se mejoran los enlaces de todas las carreteras del estado. Modelo de equilibrio general computable y espacial Igualdad regional Rendimiento economico Costes de transporte.


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In this work we report the interaction effects of the local anesthetic dibucaine (DBC) with lipid patches in model membranes by Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM). Supported lipid bilayers (egg phosphatidylcholine, EPC and dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine, DMPQ were prepared by fusion of unilamellar vesicles on mica and imaged in aqueous media. The AFM images show irregularly distributed and sized EPC patches on mica. On the other hand DMPC formation presents extensive bilayer regions on top of which multibilayer patches are formed. In the presence of DBC we observed a progressive disruption of these patches, but for DMPC bilayers this process occurred more slowly than for EPC. In both cases, phase images show the formation of small structures on the bilayer surface suggesting an effect on the elastic properties of the bilayers when DBC is present. Dynamic surface tension and dilatational surface elasticity measurements of EPC and DMPC monolayers in the presence of DBC by the pendant drop technique were also performed, in order to elucidate these results. The curve of lipid monolayer elasticity versus DBC concentration, for both EPC and DMPC cases, shows a maximum for the surface elasticity modulus at the same concentration where we observed the disruption of the bilayer by AFM. Our results suggest that changes in the local curvature of the bilayer induced by DBC could explain the anesthetic action in membranes. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Gangliosides are complex glycosphingolipids that are important in many biological processes. The present study investigated the role of gangliosides in the organization of lipid rafts in RBL-2H3 mast cells and in the modulation of mast cell degranulation via Fc epsilon RI. The role of gangliosides was examined using two ganglioside deficient cell lines (B6A4A2III-E5 and B6A4C1III-D1) as well as the parent cell line (RBL-2H3). All three cell lines examined express Fc epsilon RI, Lyn, Syk and LAT. However, only in RBL-2H3 cells were Fc epsilon RI, LAT and alpha-galactosyl derivatives of ganglioside GD(1b) mobilized to lipid raft domains following Fc epsilon RI stimulation. The inhibition of glycosphingolipid synthesis in RBL-2H3 cells also resulted in a decrease in the release of beta-hexosaminidase activity after Fc epsilon RI activation. The two mutant cell lines have a reduced release of beta-hexosaminidase activity after Fc epsilon RI stimulation, but not after exposure to calcium ionophore. These results indicate that the alpha-galactosyl derivatives of ganglioside GD(1b) are important in the initial events of Fc epsilon RI signaling upstream of Ca(2+) influx. Since the initial signaling events occur in lipid rafts and in the mutant cell lines the rafts are disorganized, these results also suggest that these gangliosides contribute to the correct assembly of lipid rafts and are essential for mast cell activation via Fc epsilon RI. (c) 2008 Published by Elsevier Inc.


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In this work, we describe the characterization of the complex [Fe(tpy-NH2)(2)](PF6)(2) (tpy-NH2 = bis[4`-(3-aminophenyl)-2, 2`:6`,2 ``-terpyridine]. The complex was oxidatively electropolymerized on glassy.-carbon electrodes in CH3CN/0.1 M tetraethylammonium perchlorate (TEAP) to generate polymer films that exhibit reversible oxidative electrochemical behavior in a wide potential range (0.0-1.6 V), as well as high conductivity and stability/durability. In situ spectrocyclic voltammetry of this modified electrode was carried out on a photodiode array spectrophotometer attached to a potentiostat, which provided UV-Vis absorption spectra of the redox species during the potential sweep. We determined charge transport parameters as a function of time and thickness of the modified electrode, and the results showed that poly-[[Fe(tpy-NH2)(2)](2+)](n) can be made to exhibit three regimes of charge transport behavior by manipulation of the film thickness and the experimental time-scale. Morphological characterization of the film was provided by atomic force microscopy. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Bovine testicular hyalurphidase (BT-HAase), a tetrameric enzyme responsible for randomly hyaluronic acid, catalytic hydrolysis, was successfully immobilized on Langmuir- Blodgett films prepared with the sodium salt of dihexadacylphosphoric acid, (DHP-Zn(II)) ending with dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine, DPPC. Data of protein, adsorption at the air-liquid interface by means of pendant drop shipe analysis and interaction of the protein with Langmuir monolayers of DPPC, using a Langmuir trough, have provided information. about the conditions to be used in the protein immobilization. The dynamic surface pressure curves obtained from pendant drop experiments for the enzyme in buffer solutions indicate that, within the range of concentration investigated in this study, the enzyme exhibits the largest induction time at 5 mu g L(-1) attributed to diffusion processes. Nevertheless, it seems that, at this concentration, the most probable conformation should be the one which occupies the smallest area at pi -> 0. The surface pressure (pi) area curves obtained for BT-HAase and mixed DPPC- BT-HAase monolayers reveal the presence of the enzyme at the air-lipid interface up to 45 mN m(-1). Tests of enzymatic activity, using hyaluronic acid, HA, as the substrate, showed an increase of activity compared to the homogeneous medium. A simplified model of protein insertion into the lipid matrix is used to explain the obtained results.


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This article addresses the interactions of the synthetic antimicrobial peptide dermaseptin 01 (GLWSTIKQKGKEAAIAAA-KAAGQAALGAL-NH(2), DS 01) with phospholipid (PL) monolayers comprising (i) a lipid-rich extract of Leishmania amazonensis (LRE-La), (ii) zwitterionic PL (dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine, DPPC), and (iii) negatively charged PL (dipalmitoylphosphatidylglycerol, DPPG). The degree of interaction of DS 01 with the different biomembrane models was quantified from equilibrium and dynamic liquid-air interface parameters. At low peptide concentrations, interactions between DS 01 and zwitterionic PL, as well as with the LRE-La monolayers were very weak, whereas with negatively charged PLs the interactions were stronger. For peptide concentrations above 1 mu g/ml, a considerable expansion of negatively charged monolayers occurred. In the case of DPPC, it was possible to return to the original lipid area in the condensed phase, suggesting that the peptide was expelled from the monolayer. However, in the case of DPPG, the average area per lipid molecule in the presence of DS 01 was higher than pure PLs even at high surface pressures, suggesting that at least part of DS 01 remained incorporated in the monolayer. For the LRE-La monolayers, DS 01 also remained in the monolayer. This is the first report on the antiparasitic activity of AMPs using Langmuir monolayers of a natural lipid extract from L. amazonensis. Copyright (C) 2011 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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An Adobe (R) animation is presented for use in undergraduate Biochemistry courses, illustrating the mechanism of Na(+) and K(+) translocation coupled to ATP hydrolysis by the (Na, K)-ATPase, a P(2c)-type ATPase, or ATP-powered ion pump that actively translocates cations across plasma membranes. The enzyme is also known as an E(1)/E(2)-ATPase as it undergoes conformational changes between the E(1) and E(2) forms during the pumping cycle, altering the affinity and accessibility of the transmembrane ion-binding sites. The animation is based on Horisberger`s scheme that incorporates the most recent significant findings to have improved our understanding of the (Na, K)-ATPase structure function relationship. The movements of the various domains within the (Na, K)-ATPase alpha-subunit illustrate the conformational changes that occur during Na(+) and K(+) translocation across the membrane and emphasize involvement of the actuator, nucleotide, and phosphorylation domains, that is, the ""core engine"" of the pump, with respect to ATP binding, cation transport, and ADP and P(i) release.


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Lipid microspheres (LM) are excellent drug delivery or vaccines adjuvant systems and are relatively stable. The aim of this work is to develop and characterize a system that is able to encapsulate and present antigenic membrane proteins from Leishmania amazonensis. Membrane proteins are important for vaccine`s formulation because these proteins come in contact with the host cell first, triggering the cell mediated immune response. This is a useful tool to avoid or inactivate the parasite invasion. The LM are constituted by soybean oil (SO), dipalmitoylphosphatidilcholine (DPPC), cholesterol and solubilized protein extract (SPE). The particles formed presented an average diameter of 200 run, low polydispersion and good stability for a period of 30 days, according to dynamic light scattering assays. Isopycnic density gradient centrifugation of LM-protein showed that proteins and lipids floated in the sucrose gradient (5-50%w/v) suggesting that the LM-protein preparation was homogeneous and that the proteins are interacting with the system. The results show that 85% of SPE proteins were encapsulated in the LM. Studies of cellular viability of murine peritoneal macrophages show that our system does not present cytotoxic effect for the macrophages and still stimulates their NO production (which makes its application as a vaccine adjuvant possible). LM-protein loaded with antigenic membrane proteins from L. amazonensis seems to be a promising vaccine system for immunization against leishmaniasis. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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PURPOSE: Many guidelines advocate measurement of total or low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL), high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL), and triglycerides (TG) to determine treatment recommendations for preventing coronary heart disease (CHD) and cardiovascular disease (CVD). This analysis is a comparison of lipid variables as predictors of cardiovascular disease. METHODS: Hazard ratios for coronary and cardiovascular deaths by fourths of total cholesterol (TC), LDL, HDL, TG, non-HDL, TC/HDL, and TG/HDL values, and for a one standard deviation change in these variables, were derived in an individual participant data meta-analysis of 32 cohort studies conducted in the Asia-Pacific region. The predictive value of each lipid variable was assessed using the likelihood ratio statistic. RESULTS: Adjusting for confounders and regression dilution, each lipid variable had a positive (negative for HDL) log-linear association with fatal CHD and CVD. Individuals in the highest fourth of each lipid variable had approximately twice the risk of CHD compared with those with lowest levels. TG and HDL were each better predictors of CHD and CVD risk compared with TC alone, with test statistics similar to TC/HDL and TG/HDL ratios. Calculated LDL was a relatively poor predictor. CONCLUSIONS: While LDL reduction remains the main target of intervention for lipid-lowering, these data support the potential use of TG or lipid ratios for CHD risk prediction. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Background: The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of a contraceptive pill containing ethinylestradiol (30 mcg) and drospirenone (3 mg) in a continuous regimen on lipid, carbohydrate and coagulation parameters. Study Design: This open, prospective, randomized study included 78 participants (mean age 27.8 years) who were randomized into two groups to use the pill continuously for 168 days or for six 28-day cycles with a 7-day hormone-free interval between cycles. Markers of lipid, carbohydrate and coagulation profiles were measured prior to initiation and after the 6 months of pill use. Results: No statistically significant differences were found between the two contraceptive regimens with respect to carbohydrate or lipid profiles or in the parameters related to coagulation. Conclusions: The contraceptive combination of ethinylestradiol and drospirenone used in a continuous regimen was associated with metabolic alterations similar to those found during the traditional cyclic regimen of oral contraceptive use. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Background Differences between women and men have been documented for both diagnostic testing and treatment in cardiology. This analysis evaluates whether low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) success rates according to current guidelines and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) levels differ by gender in the L-TAP 2 population. Methods Patients aged >= 20 years with dyslipidemia on stable lipid-lowering therapy were assessed in 9 countries between September 2006 and April 2007. Low-density lipoprotein cholesterol goal attainment by cardiovascular risk level and region and determinants of low HDL-C were compared between genders. Results Of 9,955 patients (45.3% women) evaluated, women had a significantly lower overall LDL-C success rate than men (71.5% vs 73.7%, P = .014), due entirely to the difference in the high-risk/coronary heart disease (CHD) group (LDL-C goal <100 mg/dL, 62.6% vs 70.6%, P < .0001) Among CHD patients with >= 2 additional risk factors, only 26.7% of women and 31.5% of men (P = .021) attained the optional LDL-C goal of <70 mg/dL. High-density lipoprotein cholesterol was <50 mg/dL in 32.2% of women and <40 mg/dL in 26.8% of men (P < .0001), including 38.2% of women and 29.8% of men in the high risk/CHD group (P < .0001). Predictors of low HDL-C in women included diabetes, smoking, waist circumference, and hypertension. Conclusions Cholesterol treatment has, improved substantially since the original L-TAP a decade ago, when only 39% of women attained their LDL-C goal. However, high-risk women are undertreated compared to men, and a substantial opportunity remains to reduce their cardiovascular risk. (Am Heart J 2009; 158:860-6.)


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Background-Information about physicians` adherence to cholesterol management guidelines remains scant. The present survey updates our knowledge of lipid management worldwide. Methods and Results-Lipid levels were determined at enrollment in dyslipidemic adult patients on stable lipid-lowering therapy in 9 countries. The primary end point was the success rate, defined as the proportion of patients achieving appropriate low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) goals for their given risk. The mean age of the 9955 evaluable patients was 62 +/- 12 years; 54% were male. Coronary disease and diabetes mellitus had been diagnosed in 30% and 31%, respectively, and 14% were current smokers. Current treatment consisted of a statin in 75%. The proportion of patients achieving LDL-C goals according to relevant national guidelines ranged from 47% to 84% across countries. In low-, moderate-, and high-risk groups, mean LDL-C was 119, 109, and 91 mg/dL and mean high-density lipoprotein cholesterol was 62, 49, and 50 mg/dL, respectively. The success rate for LDL-C goal achievement was 86% in low-, 74% in moderate-, and 67% in high-risk patients (73% overall). However, among coronary heart disease patients with >= 2 risk factors, only 30% attained the optional LDL-C goal of < 70 mg/dL. In the entire cohort, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol was < 40 mg/dL in 19%, 40 to 60 mg/dL in 55%, and > 60 mg/dL in 26% of patients. Conclusions-Although there is room for improvement, particularly in very-high-risk patients, these results indicate that lipid-lowering therapy is being applied much more successfully than it was a decade ago. (Circulation. 2009; 120: 28-34.)


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This paper presents field measurements and numerical simulations of groundwater dynamics in the intertidal zone of a sandy meso-tidal beach. The study, focusing on vertical hydraulic gradients and pore water salinities, reveals that tides and waves provide important forcing mechanisms for flow and salt transport in the nearshore aquifer. Such forcing, interacting with the beach morphology, enhances the exchange between the aquifer and ocean. The spatial and temporal variations of vertical hydraulic gradients demonstrate the complexity and dynamic nature of the processes and the extent of mixing between fresh groundwater and seawater in a subterranean estuary''. These results provide evidence of a potentially important reaction zone in the nearshore aquifer driven by oceanic oscillations. Land-derived contaminants may undergo important biogeochemical transformations in this zone prior to discharge.