269 resultados para Lied
ešer ḥibbēr avî ... Hirš ...
von Max G. Löwenstamm
Digitalisat der Ausg. [Hamburg], [1714/15]
von A. Bernstein
hrsg. von der Bundesleitung des Blau-Weiß, Bund für Jüdisches Jugendwandern in Deutschland. Musikalisch bearb. von Leo Kopf
Ausw. Arr. [[Elektronische Ressource]]
words and music by A. Goldfaden. For piano arr. by J. M. Rumshisky
words by Felix Schreiber [[Elektronische Ressource]]
music by J. M. Rumshisky. Words by A. Shorr
Welsch (Projektbearbeiter): Aufruf zum bedingungslosen, blutigen Kampf gegen alle Fürsten und gekrönten Häupter. Äußerer Anlaß sind die blutigen Auseinandersetzungen zwischen Arbeitern und Bürgerwehr in Berlin (16. Oktober 1848), bei denen 12 Menschen getötet wurden
William Harvey's discovery of the circulation of the blood is often described as a product of the Scientific Revolution of the Seventeenth Century. Modern research has, however, shown thatHarvey followed the Aristotelian research tradition and thus tried to reveal the purpose of the organs through examination of various animals. His publication of 1628 has to be read as an argument of natural philosophy, or, more precisely, as a series of linked observations, experiments and philosophical reasonings from which the existence of circulation has to be deduced as a logical consequence. Harvey did not consider experiments as superior to philosophical reasoning nor intended he to create a new system of medicine. He believed in the vitality of the heart and the blood and rejected Francis Bacon's empirism and the mechanistic rationalism of Descartes. Harvey's contribution and originality lied less in his single observations and experiments but in the manner how he linked them with critical reasoning and how he accepted, presented and defended the ensuing radical findings.
hrsg. von S. Blumenau
ed. and publ. by M. Goldstein ...
by A. Goldfaden. Arr. [for] violin by H. A. Russotta
by A. Goldfaden. Arr. [for] violin by H. A. Russotta [2]