914 resultados para Leite fermantado Microbiologia
Objetivou-se avaliar o efeito de teores crescentes de PB na MS total da dieta (11,5; 13,0; 14,5 e 16,0%) sobre os consumos e a digestibilidade total dos nutrientes e a produção e composição do leite de vacas leiteiras no terço inicial da lactação. O experimento foi constituído de quatro períodos experimentais de 15 dias, sete para adaptação dos animais à dieta e oito para coleta de dados. Foram utilizadas oito vacas, manejadas em cochos individuais, distribuídas em dois quadrados latinos balanceados 4 × 4. Utilizou-se concentrado à base de farelo de algodão e fubá de milho (40%) e, como volumoso, cana-de-açúcar corrigida com 1% de uréia + sulfato de amônio (9:1), na proporção de 60% (% MS). Os consumos médios diários de nutrientes, exceto EE e CNF, diferiram à medida que os teores de PB da dieta aumentaram. Os teores de PB na dieta não afetaram os coeficientes de digestibilidade aparente total dos nutrientes. A produção de leite corrigida ou não para 3,5% de gordura e seus componentes (gordura, PB e lactose), expressa em g/dia, e o nitrogênio uréico no leite (NUL) tiveram efeito linear crescente, enquanto a eficiência de utilização de N sofreu efeito linear negativo dos teores de PB da dieta. A dieta com 16% PB resultou em valores numericamente maiores de consumo e produção do leite e de seus componentes se comparada às dietas com menores teores de PB.
Mediante exames semanais de palpação retal em 72 vacas leiteiras até o 42°dia pós-parto (p.p.) e dosagens de progesterona através do radioimunoensaio (RIE) e do enzimimunoensaio (EIE) até o 72° dia p.p., verificou-se que 9,7% dos animais portavam cistos foliculares, 6,9% tiveram aciclia completa, 6,9% tinham corpo lúteo persistente ou cisto luteínico, 22,2% foram acometidos de endometrite e 6,9% possuíam endometrite associada com cistos foliculares. Os cistos foliculares tiveram lugar, em média, no 29 ± 8,1° dia p.p., ao passo que o primeiro pico de progesterona ocorreu no 56,4 ± 7,8°dia p.p. Casos de cistos luteínicos ou corpo lúteo persistente ocorreram somente após o 42° dia p.p. Manobras obstétricas indevidas por ocasião do parto podem elevar em muito a incidência de endometrite num dado rebanho.
Three strains of Staphylococcus aureus, 73 coagulase negative Staphylococcus and 28 Escherichia coli strains,isolated from water samples from 10 dairy farms, were tested for ''in vitro'' sensitivity to antibiotics and chemotherapeutics. The results showed that all samples isolated presented resistance to at least one active drug tested. The percentage of S. aureus, coagulase negative Staphylococcus and E. coli strains that exhibited resistance to the three active drugs were 100.00%, 84.93% and 71.43%, respectively. These results are important mainly due to the role of water as a vehicle for transmission of mastitis bacterial agents during the milking process.
Forty seven strains of mycobacteria (35 strains isolated from clinical specimens and 12 reference strains) were analyzed for mycobactin and mycolate production by thin-layer chromatography (TLC). Different growth conditions had little or no effect on the production of individual mycobactins and the reproducibility of mycobactin Rf values. Mycolate profiles of isolated strains were compared with those of reference strains. Clinical isolates belonging to the same species showed the same profiles. The combined evaluation of mycobacterial products by TLC allowed the identification of pathogenic and opportunist cultivable mycobacteria. on routine examination, the analysis of mycobactin and mycolate production constitutes an adequate procedure for the characterization and identification of myobacteria.
From January to October of 1995, somatic cell countings were accomplished in 2,218 milk samples collected from 67 quarters of 17 lactating cows at the initial, middle and final stages of lactation, in the morning and evening milkings. The highest means of cell countings were observed among the milk samples collected at the Final stage of lactation 15.652cell/ml), in the winter (5.358cell/ml) and the afternoon milking (5.199cell/ml). The differences observed amongst the cell countings in samples obtained at the different stages of lactation and the morning and afternoon milkings were statistically significant (P < 0.0001). In contrast differences observed amongst the seasons of the year, showed to be non-significant at the level of 5% probability. Higher occurrence of samples with cell countings superior to 500,000cell/ml was verified at the final stage of lactation (34.9%), in the winter (23.6%) and the afternoon milking (21.3%). These findings show the influence of physiologic and management factors (stage of Lactation and milking time) on milk cell concentrations.
The incidence of tuberculosis and other infections by mycobacteria was analyzed in 559 patients admitted to the Tisiology Section of the Special Health Care Unit of Araraquara (SESA). Mycobacteria were isolated from 78 individuals out of this total. Among these patients, 15 were also HIV positive. The occurrence of isolated species was: M. tuberculosis: 69 patients; M. avium-intracellulare: 5 patients; M. fortuitum: 2 patients; M. chelonae: 1 patient; and M. simiae 1 patient. The latter was for the first time isolated from humans in Brazil. In most cases, non tubercular mycobacteria (NTM) were found in the HIV positive patients.
In a machine milking system in which calves were not present, oxytocin concentration (OT), cortisol release (CORT), milk yield and residual milk were evaluated for cows of three genetic groups: 1/2Gir x 1/2Holstein (n=6, genetic group F2), 1/4Gir x 3/4Holstein (n=6, genetic group F3) and Holstein (n=6, genetic group H). Group H had higher milk yield than groups F2 and F3, whereas OT was similar among groups. The increase in OT during milk-ing was greater for H and F3 than for F2. Residual milk for F2 was' higher than for F3 and H. The CORT for F2 was higher than for cows of the other two genetic groups. Cows from F2 and F3 were more stressed than H cows during machine milking, but the Gir x Holstein groups did release suffficient OT to induce an effective milk letdown response.
O objetivo do presente trabalho foi estudar os efeitos de diferentes tempos de processamento (duas, quatro e seis horas) e temperaturas (50°C, 65°C e 80°C) em dois substratos: farinha do grão integral de soja e farelo de soja. Para obtenção do resíduo, utilizou-se uma máquina de aço inoxidável com termostato para controle de temperatura e agitador constante. O delineamento estatístico utilizado na análise dos dados foi inteiramente casualizado, segundo o esquema fatorial 3 x 3 x 2 com duas repetições. Concluiu-se que os tratamentos não apresentaram diferenças marcantes na composição química e mineral do resíduo. O teor de proteína no resíduo do farelo foi 3,5% superior ao teor do farelo que lhe deu origem, o contrário ocorreu com o resíduo da farinha que foi 9,8% inferior. O teor de extrato etéreo no resíduo da farinha, aproximou-se bastante do teor da farinha do grão integral (21,41%) e no resíduo do farelo foi ligeiramente inferior.
Twenty six Salmonella isolates of different serotypes were found in samples of fresh water. All 26 strains were checked for the presence of plasmids. Plasmids were found in eleven isolates. Four of the plasmid-containing strains and two of the plasmid-free strains were tested for invasiveness in mice. At least in the case of S. typhimurium, it seems reasonable to link virulence with plasmid harbouring.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The objective of this study was to evaluate two grazing intervals (IG) for elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum Schum cv. Cameroon) pasture: one variable, determined by the entry of animals to the paddocks when 95% of active photosynthetic radiation was intercepted by the sward, and fixed 26-day grazing interval. Eight dairy cows were used, averaging 124 days lactation, 516 kg body weight and 17.5 kg daily milk production at the beginning of the trial. The experimental period was 80 days divided into four sub-periods of 20 days each. Data were analyzed in a cross-over design. The grazing frequencies did not influence milk production and composition, plasma urea nitrogen, body condition score and variations in body weight. However, the stocking rate and milk production per hectare were higher for pasture with interval of grazing determined by 95% of active photosynthetic radiation. Thus grazing frequency defined in variable intervals by sward interception of active photosynthetic radiation result in higher milk production per area unit.
Calla lily (Zantedeschia aethiopica) is appreciated as cut flower and for the composition of gardens. However, many pathogens affect this species. By the traditional method of propagation, some units of new seedlings can only be produced annually. Tissue culture allows fast large-scale clonal propagation and provides healthy uniform plants. During the in vitro process, type and concentration of growth regulator could affect the growth of seedlings. Thus, the aim of this work was to determine sucrose and GA(3) concentrations to increase the efficiency of the in vitro multiplication of calla lily. After 60 days, the length of the above ground part and the roots, the number of sprouts, roots and leaves, above ground part and root fresh weight of seedlings were evaluated. The experimental design was entirely randomized with four replications. It was necessary the addition of 60.5 g L-1 sucrose associated to 5 mg L-1 GA(3) to obtain hight sprouts number. For higher length of the above ground part the addition of 45.3 g L-1 sucrose and 10 mg L-1 GA(3) was enough. Better results in the root length and number of roots were observed only in the sucrose presence, in concentrations in the range of 51.13 - 56.5 g L-1.
Milk can be an important spreading vehicle of pathogenic agents mainly for young children who are an important group of milk consumers. 135 milk samples (77 of raw milk and 58 of pasteurized milk) were analysed in order to verify the number of heterotrophic bacteria, of Staphylococcus aureus and of total coliforms, as well as to determine presence of Salmonella, Shigella, enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) and enteroinvasive Escherichia coli (EIEC). The results were negative for Salmonella, Shigella and EIEC. EPEC serotypes 0:28, 0:111 and 0:55 were isolated in 4 of raw milk samples. The heterotrophic bacteria was found in counts over 30.000 UFC/mL in 91%, 25% and 68,75% respectively of raw milk, milk grade B and grade C. Counts over 30.000 coliforms/mL were found in 70,13%, 6,25% and 6,24% of the raw milk, B and C, respectively. 32,40% of the raw milk had counts of S. aureus over 3.000 UFC/mL.