1000 resultados para Leite - contaminação


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Resumo: O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da interação entre sistemas produtivos e estações do ano sobre a qualidade química e microbiológica do leite bovino, além de propor um índice de potencial nutracêutico do perfil de ácidos graxos do leite. Três propriedades foram avaliadas mensalmente, durante as diferentes estações do ano, em quatro graus de especialização dos sistemas de produção: altamente especializado, especializado, semiespecializado e não especializado. Os sistemas de produção e as estações do ano interferem de forma conjunta no perfil de ácidos graxos e, de forma isolada, na qualidade química e microbiológica do leite. As maiores contagens de células somáticas e os menores conteúdos de proteína foram observados no verão, e o grau de especialização das unidades produtivas esteve indiretamente relacionado à contagem bacteriana total no leite. No inverno, sistemas não especializados produziram leite com o melhor índice nutracêutico, que apresentaram os maiores teores de ácidos graxos poli-insaturados, ácido rumênico (CLA, 18:2n7-c9,t11) e ácido t10,c12-octadecadienoico (CLA, 18:2n6-t10,c12).


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Este trabalho teve como objetivo desenvolver a tecnologia de conservação do extrato hidrossolúvel de babaçu baseado na pasteurização e na refrigeração. O extrato hidrossolúvel extraído da amêndoa de babaçu, também conhecido no Norte e Nordeste do Brasil como "leite" de babaçu, é um líquido branco ou levemente amarelado, de sabor e aroma muito semelhantes ao do leite de coco comum. O leite de babaçu extraído através de prensagem foi peneirado, pré-aquecido, adicionado de estabilizante carboximetilcelulose e homogeneizado em liquificador industrial. O leite de babaçu homogeneizado foi dividido em duas porções, adicionando-se em uma destas 0,4 % de metabissulfito de sódio, 0,4 % de sorbato de potássio e 0,01 % de ácido cítrico, e outra foi mantida sem conservantes (controle). Os leites sem e com conservantes foram envasados em garrafas de vidro e pasteurizados em banho-maria à temperatura de 90ºC por 30 minutos, resfriados à temperatura ambiente e mantidos sob refrigeração a 5ºC, durante 60 dias. As formulações foram caracterizadas físico-quimicamente quanto ao pH, sólidos solúveis (oBrix), acidez, açúcares totais e redutores, umidade, cinzas, gorduras e proteínas. Durante o armazenamento, a cada 15 dias, foram realizadas análises físico-químicas (pH, acidez total titulável e atividade de água), colorimétricas e microbiológicas. Os resultados mostram que houve pouca variação nos parâmetros físico-químicos; entretanto, microbiologicamente o leite de babaçu apresentou crescimento microbiano a partir dos 30 dias, atingindo valores elevados, acima dos padrões microbiológicos estabelecidos pela legislação, após os 60 dias de armazenamento.


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As múltiplas características distintas do leite materno e do leite de vaca fazem com que o esvaziamento gástrico seja mais rápido após ingestão do primeiro. Esta rapidez do esvaziamento gástrico pode estar associada ao esvaziamento da vesícula biliar, também mais rápido. O objetivo do trabalho foi determinar se há diferença na velocidade de esvaziamento da vesícula biliar, por método ultra-sonográfico, após ingestão de leite materno e leite de vaca. Estudamos 47 crianças menores de dois anos, 22 após uma refeição com leite materno e 25 após uma refeição com leite de vaca. A vesícula biliar foi medida após um período de quatro a seis horas de jejum e uma hora após uma refeição (leite materno ou leite de vaca), e a contração da vesícula biliar foi avaliada, em porcentagem, pela diferença de volume da vesícula biliar entre as duas medidas e expressa em porcentagem do volume inicial. As medianas das porcentagens do volume inicial para as crianças alimentadas com leite materno e leite de vaca foram, respectivamente, 92,25% e 53,8%, diferença estatisticamente significativa. Portanto, a contração da vesícula biliar após uma refeição com leite de vaca é muito mais lenta do que aquela após uma refeição com leite materno.


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This paper reviews the history of Hg contamination in Brazil by characterizing and quantifying two major sources of Hg emissions to the environment: industrial sources and gold mining. Industry was responsible for nearly 100% of total Hg emissions from the late 1940's to the early 1970's, when efficient control policies were enforced, leading to a decrease in emissions. Gold mining, on the other hand was nearly insignificant as a Hg source up to the late 1970's, but presently is responsible for over 80% of total emissions. Presently, over 115 tons of Hg are released into the atmosphere in Brazil annually. Nearly 78 tons come from gold mining operations, 12 tons come from chlor-alkali industry and 25 tons come from all other industrial uses. Inputs to soils and waters however, are still unknown, due to lack of detailed data base. However, emissions from diffuse sources rather than well studied classical industrial sources are probably responsible for the major inputs of mercury to these compartments.


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The most common difficulties which occur in trace analysis are those which involve contamination, mainly when the measurement is at very low concentration of ubiquitous elements as aluminium. The worst situation is when a separation step is necessary, because it requires extra-manipulations of the sample. This article describes the degree of contamination and its control for the aluminium trace analysis in dialysis solutions, when aluminium content of about 15 µg/l must be determinated.


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Mercury kept in a garage of a residencial building in Rio de Janeiro was accidentally released and caused local (environmental and human) contamination. The concentration of mercury in indoor air of the most critical site reached 15.5 mg/m³. Outdoor air samples showed concentrations ranging from 0.37 to 6.6 mg/m³ . Seventy five per cent of the urine samples collected from 22 residents in the contaminated building showed levels of mercury higher than those observed in non exposed individuals (>6.9 mg/L); in 30% of these samples, the concentration was higher than 20 mg/L. These values show a high level of human contamination and the final consequences were not so serious owing to the quick action taken by one of the residents.


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Several hundreds of artificial radionuclides are produced as the result of human activities, such as the applications of nuclear reactors and particle accelerators, testing of nuclear weapons and nuclear accidents. Many of these radionuclides are short-lived and decay quickly after their production, but some of them are longer-lived and are released into the environment. From the radiological point of view the most important radionuclides are cesium-137, strontium-90 and plutonium-239, due to their chemical and nuclear characteristics. The two first radioisotopes present long half life (30 and 28 years), high fission yields and chemical behaviour similar to potassium and calcium, respectively. No stable element exists for plutonium-239, that presents high radiotoxicity, long half-life (24000 years) and some marine organisms accumulate plutonium at high levels. The radionuclides introduced into marine environment undergo various physical, chemical and biological processes taking place in the sea. These processes may be due to physical dispersion or complicated chemical and biological interactions of the radionuclides with inorganic and organic suspend matter, variety of living organisms, bottom sediments, etc. The behaviour of radionuclides in the sea depends primarily on their chemical properties, but it may also be influenced by properties of interacting matrices and other environmental factors. The major route of radiation exposure of man to artificial radionuclides occuring in the marine environment is through ingestion of radiologically contamined marine organisms. This paper summarizes the main sources of contamination in the marine environment and presents an overview covering the oceanic distribution of anthropogenic radionuclides in the FAO regions. A great number of measurements of artificial radionuclides have been carried out on various marine environmental samples in different oceans over the world, being cesium-137 the most widely measured radionuclide. Radionuclide concentrations vary from region to region, according to the specific sources of contamination. In some regions, such as the Irish Sea, the Baltic Sea and the Black Sea, the concentrations depend on the inputs due to discharges from reprocessing facilities and from Chernobyl accident. In Brazil, the artificial radioactivity is low and corresponds to typical deposition values due to fallout for the Southern Hemisphere.


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In order to evaluate the chromium contamination from tannery discharges into rivers in the State of Minas Gerais, samples of water and suspended material were collected and submitted to chemical analysis. The total content of chromium in the samples was measured by flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Water samples were analysed by standard addition method, while chromium concentration in suspended materials was determined by calibration curves. Localities investigated were Ipatinga, Matias Barbosa, Dores de Campo, Ressaquinha, Ubá and Juiz de Fora. Samples from a not-industrialized area were also analysed to obtain regional background values. Metal inputs were related to effluent discharges into the rivers. Suspended material transported Cr downriver. Chromium concentration in river water exceeded 656 times the value of the Brazilian Environmental Standards, while its concentration in suspended material ranged from 15 to 11066 µg g-1.


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A fast and direct method for the determination of Cr in milk and cane sugar suspensions using graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry with Zeeman-effect background correction is described. No sample pre-treatment was necessary, minimizing the risk of contamination. The concentration of chromium in cane sugar was evaluated using Cr reference solutions prepared in 1% v/v HNO3 solution. The milk samples were introduced into the furnace with a mixture of amines for avoiding the autosampler blockage and foaming of milk. Chromium determination in milk was based on the standard additions method (SAM). The limit of detection and characteristic mass for cane sugar sample (30 muL) were 0,13 ng/ml and 4,3 pg, and for milk sample (10 muL) were 0,23 ng/ml and 7,8 pg, respectively. The graphite tube lifetime was 300 firings for sugar-cane sample and 100 firings for milk sample. The heating program was implemented in 68 s.


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Selenium is both essential and toxic to man and animals, depending on the concentration and the ingested form. Most fruits and vegetables are poor sources of selenium, but coconut can be a good selenium source. Samples were suspended (1 + 4 v/v) in a mixture of tertiary amines soluble in water (10% v/v CFA-C). This simple sample treatment avoided contamination and decreased the analysis time. The standard additions method was adopted for quantification. The action of the autosampler was improved by the presence of the amines mixture in the suspension. A Varian model AA-800 atomic absorption spectrometer equipped with a graphite furnace and a GTA 100 autosampler was used for selenium determination in coconut water and coconut milk. Background correction was performed by means of the Zeeman effect. Pyrolytically coated graphite tubes were employed. Using Pd as chemical modifier, the pyrolysis and the atomization temperatures were set at 1400 and 2200ºC, respectively. For six samples, the selenium concentration in coconut water varied from 6.5 to 21.0 mug L-1 and in coconut milk from 24.2 to 25.1 mug L-1. The accuracy of the proposed method was evaluated by an addition-recovery experiment and all recovered values are in the 99.5-102.3% range. The main advantage of the proposed method is that it can be directly applied without sample decomposition.


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Polycyclic aromatic hydrocabons (PAHs) and their nitroderivatives (NPAHs) are ubiquitous in the environment and they are produced in several industrial and combustion processes. Some of these compounds are potent carcinogens/mutagens and their determination in biological samples is an important step for exposure control. A review of the analytical methodologies used for the determination of PAHs and their metabolites in biological samples is presented.


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A preliminary analyses of the possible contamination of superficial and underground water by the active ingredients of the pesticide products used in the surroundings of the urban area of Primavera do Leste, Mato Grosso, Brazil, was carried out. A description of the study region and of its environmental characteristics, which can favor the contamination of the local aquatic environment, was presented. The EPA screening criteria, the groundwater ubiquity score (GUS) and the criteria proposed by Goss were used to evaluate which pesticides might contaminate the local waters. Among the active ingredients studied, several present risks to the local aquatic environment.


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A critical review of the most relevant analytical methodologies for quality and authenticity control of dairy products and foods containing milk proteins is presented. Chromatographic, electrophoretic and immunological methods are used for: detection of cow's milk in ewe and goat milks, detection of whey added to milk, detection of caseins and/or whey proteins in non-lactic foods and study compounds resulting from milk proteins degradation. Techniques based on polimerase chain reaction are also suitable for detection of cow's milk on cheeses of ewe and goat milks.


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Probably one of the most difficult and challenging aspects of measuring trace metals in natural waters is to avoid contamination during sampling, manipulation and analysis. This work discusses how to avoid contamination using simple procedures, and considers alternative methods to purify deionised water and low grade reagents to enable accurate determination of trace metals in natural waters in a common laboratory. Measurements were performed by cathodic stripping voltammetry and copper was used as a model metal to test the procedures. It was possible to evaluate copper speciation in natural waters even when total dissolved copper concentration was as low as 1.5 nmol L-1. The methods' accuracy was confirmed by analysis of certified seawater.


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DDT and others organochlorine insecticides are very persistent substances. Clinical symptoms of intoxication have been reported in humans, although the main problem concerning such substances is bioaccumulation and biomagnification along throphic chains, leading to contamination of top predators and humans after them. In this review these characteristics are described, as well as some aspects of the control of vector borne diseases, like leishmaniasis and malaria, which were until recently, controlled by the health authorities using DDT.