963 resultados para Lefschetz-Hopf Theorem
"UILU-ENG 79-1706."
Caption title.
Preface signed: William Chauvenet.
The concept of biperfect (noncocommutative) weak Hopf algebras is introduced and their properties are discussed. A new type of quasi-bicrossed products is constructed by means of weak Hopf skew-pairs of the weak Hopf algebras which are generalizations of the Hopf pairs introduced by Takeuchi. As a special case, the quantum double of a finite dimensional biperfect (noncocommutative) weak Hopf algebra is built. Examples of quantum doubles from a Clifford monoid as well as a noncommutative and noncocommutative weak Hopf algebra are given, generalizing quantum doubles from a group and a noncommutative and noncocommutative Hopf algebra, respectively. Moreover, some characterizations of quantum doubles of finite dimensional biperfect weak Hopf algebras are obtained. (C) 2004 American Institute of Physics.
Cox's theorem states that, under certain assumptions, any measure of belief is isomorphic to a probability measure. This theorem, although intended as a justification of the subjectivist interpretation of probability theory, is sometimes presented as an argument for more controversial theses. Of particular interest is the thesis that the only coherent means of representing uncertainty is via the probability calculus. In this paper I examine the logical assumptions of Cox's theorem and I show how these impinge on the philosophical conclusions thought to be supported by the theorem. I show that the more controversial thesis is not supported by Cox's theorem. (C) 2003 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
We provide an axiomatisation of the Timed Interval Calculus, a set-theoretic notation for expressing properties of time intervals. We implement the axiomatisation in the Ergo theorem prover in order to allow the machine-checked proof of laws for reasoning about predicates expressed using interval operators. These laws can be then used in the machine-assisted verification of real-time applications.
Using suitable coupled Navier-Stokes Equations for an incompressible Newtonian fluid we investigate the linear and non-linear steady state solutions for both a homogeneously and a laterally heated fluid with finite Prandtl Number (Pr=7) in the vertical orientation of the channel. Both models are studied within the Large Aspect Ratio narrow-gap and under constant flux conditions with the channel closed. We use direct numerics to identify the linear stability criterion in parametric terms as a function of Grashof Number (Gr) and streamwise infinitesimal perturbation wavenumber (making use of the generalised Squire’s Theorem). We find higher harmonic solutions at lower wavenumbers with a resonance of 1:3exist, for both of the heating models considered. We proceed to identify 2D secondary steady state solutions, which bifurcate from the laminar state. Our studies show that 2D solutions are found not to exist in certain regions of the pure manifold, where we find that 1:3 resonant mode 2D solutions exist, for low wavenumber perturbations. For the homogeneously heated fluid, we notice a jump phenomenon existing between the pure and resonant mode secondary solutions for very specific wavenumbers .We attempt to verify whether mixed mode solutions are present for this model by considering the laterally heated model with the same geometry. We find mixed mode solutions for the laterally heated model showing that a bridge exists between the pure and 1:3 resonant mode 2D solutions, of which some are stationary and some travelling. Further, we show that for the homogeneously heated fluid that the 2D solutions bifurcate in hopf bifurcations and there exists a manifold where the 2D solutions are stable to Eckhaus criterion, within this manifold we proceed to identify 3D tertiary solutions and find that the stability for said 3D bifurcations is not phase locked to the 2D state. For the homogeneously heated model we identify a closed loop within the neutral stability curve for higher perturbation wavenumubers and analyse the nature of the multiple 2D bifurcations around this loop for identical wavenumber and find that a temperature inversion occurs within this loop. We conclude that for a homogeneously heated fluid it is possible to have abrup ttransitions between the pure and resonant 2D solutions, and that for the laterally heated model there exist a transient bifurcation via mixed mode solutions.
A new class of binary constant weight codes is presented. We establish new lower bound and exact values on A(n1 +n2; 2(a1 +a2); n2) ≥ min {M1;M2}+1, if A(n1; 2a1; a1 +b1) = M1 and A(n2; 2b2; a2 +b2) = M2, in particular, A(30; 16; 15) = 16 and A(33; 18; 15) = 11.
In 2000 A. Alesina and M. Galuzzi presented Vincent’s theorem “from a modern point of view” along with two new bisection methods derived from it, B and C. Their profound understanding of Vincent’s theorem is responsible for simplicity — the characteristic property of these two methods. In this paper we compare the performance of these two new bisection methods — i.e. the time they take, as well as the number of intervals they examine in order to isolate the real roots of polynomials — against that of the well-known Vincent-Collins-Akritas method, which is the first bisection method derived from Vincent’s theorem back in 1976. Experimental results indicate that REL, the fastest implementation of the Vincent-Collins-Akritas method, is still the fastest of the three bisection methods, but the number of intervals it examines is almost the same as that of B. Therefore, further research on speeding up B while preserving its simplicity looks promising.
Pólya’s fundamental enumeration theorem and some results from Williamson’s generalized setup of it are proved in terms of Schur- Macdonald’s theory (S-MT) of “invariant matrices”. Given a permutation group W ≤ Sd and a one-dimensional character χ of W , the polynomial functor Fχ corresponding via S-MT to the induced monomial representation Uχ = ind|Sdv/W (χ) of Sd , is studied. It turns out that the characteristic ch(Fχ ) is the weighted inventory of some set J(χ) of W -orbits in the integer-valued hypercube [0, ∞)d . The elements of J(χ) can be distinguished among all W -orbits by a maximum property. The identity ch(Fχ ) = ch(Uχ ) of both characteristics is a consequence of S-MT, and is equivalent to a result of Williamson. Pólya’s theorem can be obtained from the above identity by the specialization χ = 1W , where 1W is the unit character of W.