994 resultados para Leached Nitrate


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Stable isotope ratios of nitrate preserved in deep ice cores are expected to provide unique and valuable information regarding paleoatmospheric processes. However, due to the post-depositional loss of nitrate in snow, this information may be erased or significantly modified by physical or photochemical processes before preservation in ice. We investigated the role of solar UV photolysis in the post-depositional modification of nitrate mass and stable isotoperatios at Dome C, Antarctica, during the austral summer of 2011/2012. Two 30 cm snow pits were filled with homogenized drifted snow from the vicinity of the base. One of these pits was covered with a plexiglass plate that transmits solar UV radiation, while the other was covered with a different plexiglass plate having a low UV transmittance. Samples were then collected from each pit at a 2–5 cm depth resolution and a 10-day frequency. At the end of the season, acomparable nitrate mass loss was observed in both pits for the top-level samples (0–7 cm) attributed to mixing with the surrounding snow. After excluding samples impacted by the mixing process, we derived an average apparent nitrogen isotopic fractionation (15" app/of role in driving the isotopic fractionation of nitrate in snow.We have estimated a purely photolytic nitrogen isotopic fractionation (15"photo) of -55.8 12.0 ‰ from the difference in the derived apparent isotopic ractionations of the two experimental fields, as both pits were exposed to similar physical processes except exposure to solar UV. This value is in close agreement with the 15" photo value of -47.9 6.8 ‰ derived in a laboratory experiment simulated for Dome C conditions (Berhanu et al., 2014). We have also observed an insensitivity of 15" with depth in the snowpack under the given experimental setup. This is due to the uniform attenuation of incoming solar UV by snow, as 15" is strongly dependent on the spectral distribution of the incoming light flux. Together with earlier work, the results presented here represent a strong body of evidence that solar UV photolysis is the most relevant post-depositional process modifying the stable isotope ratios of snow nitrate at low-accumulation sites, where many deep ice cores are drilled. Nevertheless, modeling the loss of nitrate in snow is still required before a robust interpretation of ice core records can be provided.


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The accurate electron density distribution and magnetic properties of two metal-organic polymeric magnets, the quasi-one-dimensional (1D) Cu(pyz)(NO3)2 and the quasi-two-dimensional (2D) [Cu(pyz)2(NO3)]NO3·H2O, have been investigated by high-resolution single-crystal X-ray diffraction and density functional theory calculations on the whole periodic systems and on selected fragments. Topological analyses, based on quantum theory of atoms in molecules, enabled the characterization of possible magnetic exchange pathways and the establishment of relationships between the electron (charge and spin) densities and the exchange-coupling constants. In both compounds, the experimentally observed antiferromagnetic coupling can be quantitatively explained by the Cu-Cu superexchange pathway mediated by the pyrazine bridging ligands, via a σ-type interaction. From topological analyses of experimental charge-density data, we show for the first time that the pyrazine tilt angle does not play a role in determining the strength of the magnetic interaction. Taken in combination with molecular orbital analysis and spin density calculations, we find a synergistic relationship between spin delocalization and spin polarization mechanisms and that both determine the bulk magnetic behavior of these Cu(II)-pyz coordination polymers.


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The induction of activity of the enzyme nitrate reductase (NR, EC, in needles of Norway spruce (Picea abies[L.] Karst.) by nitrogen dioxide (NO2) was studied under laboratory and field conditions. In fumigation chambers an increase in nitrate reductase activity (NRA) was detected 4 h after the start of the NO2 treatment. During the first 2 days with 100 µg NO2 m−3, NRA reached a constant level and did not change during the following 4 days. At the same level of NO2, NRA was lower in needles from trees grown on NPK-fertilized soil than on non-fertilized soil. After the transfer of spruce trees from fertilized soil to NPK-rich nutrient solution, NRA was transiently increased. This effect was assigned to root injuries causing nitrate transport to the shoot and subsequent induction of NRA. Neither trees on fertilized soil nor trees transferred to NPK-poor nutrient solution had increased NRA unless NO2 was provided. The NO2 gradient in the vicinity of a highway was used to test the long-term effect of elevated levels of NO2 on needle NRA of potted and field-grown spruce trees. Compared with less polluted sites, permanently increased NRAs were detected when NO2 concentrations were above 20 µg m−3. Controls of field measurements some 10 years after the introduction of catalytic converters in cars showed no significant change neither in NO2 levels nor in the decreasing NRA of spruce needles with the distance from the highway.


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Summary Potato cells (Solanum tuberosum L.), cultivated in original Murashige-Skoog (MS) medium for 5 days were subsequently transferred into {MS} media containing nitrate or ammonium as sole inorganic N source and incubated under anoxia for 24 h. With regard to lipid stability, these cells behaved differently. Although lipid hydrolysis occurred in both cases by the same mechanism, nitrate was able to postpone free fatty acid release for about 6 h compared with ammonium within the 24 h anoxia treatment. The increased membrane lipid stability of nitrate-treated cells under anoxia was correlated with a higher nitrate reduction capability and an improved energy status.


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Nitrate reductase in Escherichia coli is a membrane-bound anaerobic enzyme that is repressed by oxygen and induced by nitrate. The genetic organization of the structural genes for the two larger subunits of nitrate reductase ((alpha) and (beta)) was determined by immunoprecipitation analysis of the formation of these proteins in nitrate reductase-deficient mutants resulting from transposon Tn5 mutagenesis. The results suggested that the genes encoding the (alpha) and (beta) subunits (narG and H) were arranged in an operon with transcription in the direction promoter(--->)(alpha)(--->)(beta). Segments of the chromosome containing the Tn5 inserts from several of the mutants were cloned into plasmid pBR322 and the positions of the transposons determined by restriction mapping. The Tn5 insertion sites were localized on two contiguous EcoRI fragments spanning about 6.6 kilobases of DNA. The narI gene (proposed to encode the (gamma) subunit) was positioned immediately downstream from the (beta)-gene (narH) by Southern analysis of Tn10 insertions into the narI locus. A Tn10 insertion into the narK locus, proposed to encode a nitrate-sensitive repressor of other anaerobic enzymes, was located about 1.5 kilobases upstream from the narGHI operon promoter. The narL locus, proposed to encode a nitrate-sensitive positive regulator of the narGHI operon and known to be genetically linked to the other nar genes, was demonstrated to lie outside a 19.3-kilobase region of the chromosome which encompasses the other nar genes. The physical limit of the narGHI promoter was defined by studying the effect of Tn5 insertions into a hybrid plasmid containing the functional operon. The points of origin of the coding regions for the (alpha) and (beta) genes were deduced by alignment of the chromosomal map of Tn5 insertion sites with the sizes of (alpha) and (beta) subunit fragments produced by plasmids carrying these Tn5 inserts in the nar operon. The coding region for the (alpha) subunit (143,000 daltons) begins about 250 nucleotides downstream from the deduced limit of the promoter region and includes about 4.0 kilobases of DNA; the region encoding (beta) (60,000 daltons) lies immediately downstream from the (alpha)-gene and is approximately 1.6 kilobases in length. The adjacent region encoding the (gamma) subunit (19,000 daltons) is approximately 0.5 kilobase in length. ^


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Anion exchange membranes (AEMs) are a potential method for determining the plant available N status of soils; however, their capacity for use with turfgrass has not been researched extensively. The main objective of this experiment was to determine the relationship between soil nitrate desorbed from AEMs and growth response and quality of turfgrass managed as a residential lawn. Two field experiments were conducted with a bluegrass-ryegrass-fescue mixture receiving four rates of N fertilizer (0, 98, 196, and 392 kg N ha(-1) yr(-1)) with clippings returned or removed. The soils at the two sites were a Paxton fine sandy loam (coarse-loamy, mixed, active, mesic Oxyaquic Dystrudepts) and a variant of a Hinckley gravelly sandy loam (sandy-skeletal, mixed, mesic Typic Udorthents). Anion exchange membranes were inserted into plots and exchanged weekly during the growing seasons of 1998 and 1999. Nitrate-N was desorbed from AEMs and quantified. As N fertilization rates increased, desorbed NO3-N increased. The relationship of desorbed NO3-N from AEMs to clipping yield and turfgrass quality was characterized using quadratic response plateau (QRP) and Cate-Nelson models (C-Ns). Critical levels of desorbed NO3-N ranged from 0.86 to 8.0 microgram cm(-2) d(-1) for relative dry matter yield (DMY) and from 2.3 to 12 microgram cm(-2) d(-1) for turfgrass quality depending upon experimental treatment. Anion exchange membranes show promise of indicating the critical levels of soil NO3-N desorbed from AEMs necessary to achieve maximum turfgrass quality and yield without overapplication of N.


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Nutrient leaching studies are expensive and require expertise in water collection and analyses. Less expensive or easier methods that estimate leaching losses would be desirable. The objective of this study was to determine if anion-exchange membranes (AEMs) and reflectance meters could predict nitrate (NO3-N) leaching losses from a cool-season lawn turf. A two-year field study used an established 90% Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis L.)-10% creeping red fescue (Festuca rubra L.) turf that received 0 to 98 kg N ha-1 month-1, from May through November. Soil monolith lysimeters collected leachate that was analyzed for NO3-N concentration. Soil NO3-N was estimated with AEMs. Spectral reflectance measurements of the turf were obtained with chlorophyll and chroma meters. No significant (p > 0.05) increase in percolate flow-weighted NO3-N concentration (FWC) or mass loss occurred when AEM desorbed soil NO3-N was below 0.84 µg cm-2 d-1. A linear increase in FWC and mass loss (p < 0.0001) occurred, however, when AEM soil NO3-N was above this value. The maximum contaminant level (MCL) for drinking water (10 mg L-1 NO3-N) was reached with an AEM soil NO3-N value of 1.6 µg cm-2 d-1. Maximum meter readings were obtained when AEM soil NO3 N reached or exceeded 2.3 µg cm-2 d-1. As chlorophyll index and hue angle (greenness) increased, there was an increased probability of exceeding the NO3-N MCL. These data suggest that AEMs and reflectance meters can serve as tools to predict NO3-N leaching losses from cool-season lawn turf, and to provide objective guides for N fertilization.


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Fall season fertilization is a widely recommended practice for turfgrass. Fertilizer applied in the fall, however, may be subject to substantial leaching losses. A field study was conducted in Connecticut to determine the timing effects of fall fertilization on nitrate N (NO3-N) leaching, turf color, shoot density, and root mass of a 90% Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis L.), 10% creeping red fescue (Festuca rubra L.) lawn. Treatments consisted of the date of fall fertilization: 15 September, 15 October, 15 November, 15 December, or control which received no fall fertilizer. Percolate water was collected weekly with soil monolith lysimeters. Mean log10 NO3-N concentrations in percolate were higher for fall fertilized treatments than for the control. Mean NO3-N mass collected in percolate water was linearly related to the date of fertilizer application, with higher NO3-N loss for later application dates. Applying fall fertilizer improved turf color and density but there were no differences in color or density among applications made between 15 October and 15 December. These findings suggest that the current recommendation of applying N in mid- to late November in southern New England may not be compatible with water quality goals.


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Desirable nitrogen (N) management practices for turfgrass supply sufficient N for high quality turf while limiting excess soil N. Previous studies suggested the potential of anion exchange membranes (AEMs) for predicting turfgrass color, quality, or yield. However, these studies suggested a wide range of critical soil nitrate-nitrogen (NO3-N) values across sample dates. A field experiment, in randomized complete block design with treatments consisting of nine N application rates, was conducted on a mixed species cool-season turfgrass lawn across two growing seasons. Every 2 wk from May to October, turfgrass color was assessed with three different reflectance meters, and soil NO3-N was measured with in situ AEMs. Cate-Nelson models were developed comparing relative reflectance value and yield to AEM desorbed soil NO3-N pooled across all sample dates. These models predicted critical AEM soil NO3-N values from 0. 45 to 1.4 micro g cm-2 d-1. Turf had a low probability of further positive response to AEM soil NO3-N greater than these critical values. These results suggest that soil NO3-N critical values from AEMs may be applicable across sample dates and years and may serve to guide N fertilization to limit excess soil NO3-N.


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Ideal nitrogen (N) management for turfgrass supplies sufficient N for high-quality turf without increasing N leaching losses. A greenhouse study was conducted during two 27-week periods to determine if in situ anion exchange membranes (AEMs) could predict nitrate (NO3-N) leaching from a Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis) turf grown on intact soil columns. Treatments consisted of 16 rates of N fertilizer application, from 0 to 98 kg N ha-1 mo-1. Percolate water was collected weekly and analysed for NO3-N. Mean flow-weighted NO3-N concentration and cumulative mass in percolate were exponentially related (pseudo-R2=0.995 and 0.994, respectively) to AEM desorbed soil NO3-N, with a percolate concentration below 10 mg NO3-N L-1 corresponding to an AEM soil NO3-N value of 2.9 micro g cm-2 d-1. Apparent N recovery by turf ranged from 28 to 40% of applied N, with a maximum corresponding to 4.7 micro g cm-2 d-1 AEM soil NO3-N. Turf colour, growth, and chlorophyll index increased with increasing AEM soil NO3-N, but these increases occurred at the expense of increases in NO3-N leaching losses. These results suggest that AEMs might serve as a tool for predicting NO3-N leaching losses from turf.


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Various N fertilizer sources are available for lawn turf. Few field studies, however, have determined the losses of nitrate (NO3-N) from lawns receiving different formulations of N fertilizers. The objectives of this study were to determine the differences in NO3-N leaching losses among various N fertilizer sources and to ascertain when losses were most likely to occur. The field experiment was set out in a completely random design on a turf typical of the lawns in southern New England. Treatments consisted of four fertilizer sources with fast- and slow-release N formulations: (i) ammonium nitrate (AN), (ii) polymer-coated sulfur-coated urea (PCSCU), (iii) organic product, and (iv) a nonfertilized control. The experiment was conducted across three years and fertilized to supply a total of 147 kg N ha-1 yr-1. Percolate was collected with zero-tension lysimeters. Flow-weighted NO3-N concentrations were 4.6, 0.57, 0.31, and 0.18 mg L-1 for AN, PCSCU, organic, and the control, respectively. After correcting for control losses, average annual NO3-N leaching losses as a percentage of N applied were 16.8% for AN, 1.7% for PCSCU, and 0.6% for organic. Results indicate that NO3-N leaching losses from lawn turf in southern New England occur primarily during the late fall through the early spring. To reduce the threat of NO3-N leaching losses, lawn turf fertilizers should be formulated with a larger percentage of slow-release N than soluble N.