1000 resultados para Lacordaire, Henri-Dominique (1802-1861)
Collection : Collection de documents inédits sur l'histoire de France
Collection : Collection de documents inédits sur l'histoire de France
Unabiara, a new genus of Heteropsini Lacordaire, 1869 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae). Unabiara gen. nov. is proposed to include Callideriphus collaris Philippi & Philippi, 1864 (type species); provisionally it is maintained in Heteropsini Lacordaire, 1869. Unabiara collaris (Philippi & Philippi, 1864) new combination, is redescribed and illustrated, including the mouth pieces, endosternites, wing venation and male and female terminalia.
Searching and handling time of Chrysoperla externa (Hagen, 1861) (Neuroptera, Chrysopidae) larvae fed on Uroleucon ambrosiae (Thomas, 1878) (Hemiptera, Aphididae). The objective of this research was to determine the searching and handling times of three larval instars of C. externa fed on U. ambrosiae at densities of 30, 40 and 50 per vial, with the feeding of the larvae at the preceding instars being U. ambrosiae nymphs or Sitotroga cerealella (Olivier, 1819) eggs. The larvae were maintained at 25 ± 2 ºC, 70 ± 10% RH and a 14-h photophase. A completely randomized design in a 6 x 3 factorial scheme with 12 replicates was adopted. The shortest searching time was found for the 2nd and 3rd instar larvae of C. externa, and this parameter was variable depending on the feeding given to the larvae previously. The handling time was similar for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd instar larvae. The longest searching time was found at an aphid density of 30, as compared to densities of 40 and 50 prey, with which there were no significant differences. Prey density did not have any influence on handling time.
Feeding potential of Chrysoperla externa (Hagen) (Neuroptera, Chrysopidae) in different densities of Uroleucon ambrosiae (Thomas) (Hemiptera, Aphididae). The feeding potential of 2nd and 3rd instar larvae of Chrysoperla externa (Hagen, 1861) in relation to different densities of 30, 40 and 50 nymphs of Uroleucon ambrosiae (Thomas, 1878) at 3rd and 4th instars was evaluated. The treatments were individualized into 2.5 cm in diameter and 8.5 cm tall flat bottom glass vials and maintained in a controlled environmental chamber at 25±2 ºC temperature, 70±10% RH and 14 h photophase. A completely randomized experimental design with 10 replications was used. The consumption of the prey nymphs by the predator larvae was evaluated after 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 and 24 h from the beginning of the experiment and at every subsequent 24 h period until 2nd instar larvae molted or 3rd instar larvae pupated. Results have shown that for 2nd instar larvae, during the 1 h to 24 h period, there was a decreasing prey consumption at the 30 and 40 prey densities. However an increase in the consumption at the 50 prey density was observed. After this period, C. externa larvae presented a progressive increase on nymphs consumption as a function of the prey density. The same occurred with de 3rd instar predator larvae in all treatments. When daily mean consumption was evaluated the predator/prey ratio was 1:23, 1:27 and 1:33 for 2nd instar larvae and 1:27, 1:33 and 1:41 for 3rd instar larvae at 30, 40 and 50 nymph densities, respectively.
A new species of Xylocopa Latreille, 1802, and notes on Xylocopa transitoria Pérez and X. mordax Smith (Hymenoptera, Apoidea). Xylocopa (Neoxylocopa) orthogonaspis sp. nov. (Brazil, Amazonas) is described. It is a remarkable species from the Amazonian Region easily recognized by the strong and sharp right angle between upper and posterior portions of the scutellum; the wings are slightly brown with a brassy hue and a little vinaceous apex. Some notes to separate Xylocopa (N.) orthogonaspis sp. nov. from X. (N.) transitoria Pérez, 1901, and X. (N.) mordax Smith, 1874, are given. Xylocopa (N.) submordax Cockerell, 1935, on the other hand, is considered as a new synonym of X. (N.) transitoria Pérez, 1901.
The genus Physopleurus Lacordaire, 1869 = Basitoxus (Parabasitoxus) Fragoso & Monné, 1995 syn. nov. is revised and redefined based on new characters. The following species are treated (in sequence that appear in the presented key): Physopleurus exiguus sp. nov. (Bolivia and Brazil), P. crassidens (Bates, 1869), P. longiscapus Lameere, 1912, P. rugosus (Gahan, 1894), P. tritomicros Lameere, 1912, P. seripierriae sp. nov. (Brazil, Mato Grosso), P. dohrnii Lacordaire, 1869, P. villardi (Lameere, 1902) = Aplagiognathus guatemalensis Casey, 1912 syn. nov., P. amazonicus (Fragoso & Monné, 1995) comb. nov., and. P. maillei (Audinet-Serville, 1832) comb. nov. The latter two species formerly in Basitoxus (Parabasitoxus) Fragoso & Monné, 1995. Illustrations of Basitoxus megacephalus (Germar, 1824) are included to allow comparisons with Physopleurus species. Key to species of Physopleurus is added.
Collection : Le livre national ; n° 321-324