834 resultados para Kvarken Archipelago


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The text studies the deep-sea red clays in the East-Central Pacific ocean (Tahiti-Touamotou Archipelago), their authigenic formation, transport and diagenetic character in particular through their composition in REE.


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Acknowledgements This study was part of the Tursiops Project of the Dolphin Research Centre of Caprera, La Maddalena. Financial and logistical support was provided by the Centro Turistico Studentesco (CTS) and by the National Park of the Archipelago de La Maddalena. We thank the Natural Reserve of Bocche di Bonifacio for the support provided during data collection. The authors thank the numerous volunteers of the Caprera Dolphin Research Centre and especially Marco Ferraro, Mirko Ugo, Angela Pira and Maurizio Piras whose assistance during field observation and skills as a boat driver were invaluable.


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Petrological and geochemical data obtained on Neogene magmatism restricted to a deep fault in Andree Land at Spitsbergen Island, which was related to the overall restyling of the Arctic territory at 25-20 Ma, indicate that the derivation of the Neogene magmas was significantly affected by the continental pyroxenite mantle. The Neogene basalts are noted for a radiogenic isotopic composition of Pb (207Pb/204Pb= 15.5-15.55, 206Pb/204Pb = 18.4-18.6, 208Pb/204Pb = 38.4-38.6) and Sr (87Sr/86Sr = 0.7038-0.7048) at low 143Nd/144Nd = 0.5129. Melts of this type are the extremely enriched end member of the isotopic mixing of a depleted and enriched sources and determine a geochemical trend that passes through the compositions of alkaline magmas from Quaternary volcanoes at Spitsbergen and weakly enriched tholeiites of the Knipovich Ridge, which started to develop simultaneously with the onset of Neogene magmatism in the western part of Spitsbergen. The composition of the liquidus olivine (which is rich in NiO) indicates that melting occurred in the olivine-free mantle. Our data thus testify that a significant role in the genesis of the Neogene magmas was played by continental pyroxenite mantle.


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Despite its central role in religious life of the region, the sculptural tradition of the Southern Chilean Chiloé Archipelago, ranging from the 17th century to the present day, has been vastly understudied. Isidoro Vázquez de Acuña’s 1994 volume Santeria de Chiloe: ensayo y catastro remains the only catalogue of Chilote sculpture. Though the author includes photographs of a vast array of works, he does not attempt to place the sculptures within a chronology, or consider their place within the greater Latin American context. My thesis will place this group of works within a chronological and geographical context that reaches from the 16th century to the present day, connected to the artistic traditions of regions as far afield as Paraguay and Lima. I will first consider the works brought to the Archipelago by religious orders – the Jesuits and Franciscans – as well as influences on artistic style and religious culture throughout the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries. I will focus in particular on three works generally considered to be from the 17th and 18th centuries – the Virgin of Loreto at Achao, the Saint Michael at Castro, and the Jesus Nazareno of Caguach – using visual analysis and sifting through generations of primary and secondary sources to determine from where and when these sculptures came. With this investigation as a foundation, I will consider how they inspired vernacular sculptural expression and trace ‘family trees’ of vernacular works based on these precedents. Vernacular artistic traditions are often viewed as derivative and lacking in skill, but Chilote sculptors in fact engaged with a variety of outside influences and experimented with different sculptural styles. I will conclude by considering which aspects of these styles Chilote artists chose to incorporate into their own work, alter or exclude, artistic decisions that shed light on the Archipelago’s religious and cultural fabric.


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East Lake, located at Cape Bounty (Melville Island, Canadian High Arctic), was mapped using a high-resolution swath bathymetric sonar and a 12 kHz sub-bottom profiler, allowing for the first time the imaging of widespread occurrence of mass movement deposits (MMDs) in a Canadian High Arctic Lake. Mass movements occurred mostly on steep slopes located away from deltaic sedimentation. The marine to lacustrine transition in the sediment favours the generation of mass movements where the underlying massive mud appears to act as a gliding surface for the overlying varved deposits. Based on acoustic stratigraphy, we have identified at least two distinct events that triggered failures in the lake during the last 2000 years. The synchronicity of multiple failures and their widespread distribution suggest a seismic origin that could be related to the nearby Gustaf-Lougheed Arch seismic zone. Further sedimentological investigations on the MMDs are however required to confirm their age and origin.


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[EN] Nesting beach surveys are the most widely implemented monitoring tool in use by the global sea turtle community and are an important component of a comprehensive program to assess and monitor the status of sea turtle populations. These assessments are necessary to evaluate the effects of recovery and conservation activities that are being implemented at all life history stages. Monitoring techniques employed on nesting beaches range from highly structured standardized sampling to “snapshots” of nesting activity within a nesting season. Very long-term nest counts data (more than twenty years) were analyzed for some turtle populations.


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[EN] Different kinds of physical anomalies are frequently observed in any sea turtle breeding population. Nesting beaches are an excellent place to study the injuries and defects that occur in adult females. The archipelago of Cape Verde is situated about 500 km of Senegal, West Africa. Boavista is the eastern most island and may constitute the most important nesting area for the loggerhead turtle in the archipelago. The studies conducted from 1998 to 2004 indicate that Cape Verde might account for one of the most important loggerheads populations in the eastern Atlantic. The nesting females in Boavista were surveyed during the 2004 season, in order to (1) know the health status of the population (2) determine the effects of physical anomalies on nesting behaviour and (3) determine the possible origin of the injuries observed.


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[EN] Sea turtles bury their eggs in the sand of the beach, where they incuba te. After a period of approximately two months, hatchlings break the eggshell and remain inside the chamber for three to seven days (Hays & Speakman, 1993). Then they leave the nest and emerge to the surface of the beach, going quickly towards the surf, to begin their pelagic and developmental stage (e.g., López-Jurado & Andreu, 1998). Hatchlings usually do not emerge from the nest as a single group. They emerge in groups at different moments, resulting in more than one emergence per nest during sorne days (Whitherington et al.,4 1990; Hays et al., 1992; Peters et al., 1994).


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[EN] Nesting beach surveys are the most widely implemented monitoring tool in use by the global sea turtle community and are an important component of a comprehensive program to assess and monitor the status of sea turtle populations. These assessments are necessary to evaluate the effects of recovery and conservation activities that are being implemented at all life history stages. Monitoring techniques employed on nesting beaches range from highly structured standardized sampling to “snapshots” of nesting activity within a nesting season. Very long-term nest counts data (more than twenty years) were analyzed for some turtle populations.


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[EN] Different kinds of physical anomalies are frequently observed in any sea turtle breeding population. Nesting beaches are an excellent place to study the injuries and defects that occur in adult females. The archipelago of Cape Verde is situated about 500 km of Senegal, West Africa. Boavista is the eastern most island and may constitute the most important nesting area for the loggerhead turtle in the archipelago. The studies conducted from 1998 to 2004 indicate that Cape Verde might account for one of the most important loggerheads populations in the eastern Atlantic. The nesting females in Boavista were surveyed during the 2004 season, in order to (1) know the health status of the population (2) determine the effects of physical anomalies on nesting behaviour and (3) determine the possible origin of the injuries observed.


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The Archipelago of Bijagos in Guinea-Bissau is currently subject to numerous external impacts affecting their secular equilibrium. The islands were never contemplated by the colonial development, with the exception of two modest ports in Bubaque and Bolama. The latter place was the capital of the country from 1913 to 1941. The archipelago has attracted increasing interest on the part of economic agents, most of which are incompatible with the guarantee of sustainable development. There has been a general impoverishment as regards the preservation of marine resources, particularly with regard to the internal demographic pressure from a population that has doubled since 1981 and due to other external factors related to the neighboring and subsequent migration depletion of resources not renewable. The article analyzes the main vulnerabilities that the archipelago is currently facing and how natural resources have been preserved. The article follows an interdisciplinary approach between different areas of knowledge especially in projects involving both different academic fields (biology, ecology, geography, anthropology and history), for the nonscientific practices that include actors and institutions.