958 resultados para Justice, Administration of.


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Purpose: the objective of the present investigation was to determine implantation and pregnancy rates in patients undergoing ICSI and treated with beta(2)-adrenergic agonists, considering the uterine-relaxing action of these agents.Methods: A total of 225 women undergoing ICSI at the Center for Human Reproduction, Sinha Junqueira Maternity Foundation, entered the study. Patient participation in each group was random, by drawing lots, using a randomization table previously elaborated for the study (2:2:1). The group I (90 women) received 10 mg of terbutaline daily for 15 days starting on the day of oocyte retrieval; group II (90 women) received 20 mg of ritodrine daily during the same period of time as group I; group III (45 patients) received no treatment and was used as control. The evaluation was interrupted in 3 patients of group I and in 30 patients of group II because of a high incidence of side effects.Results: Pregnancy, implantation, and miscarriage rates were not significantly different (p>0.05) between the three groups: 29.88%, 13.25%, and 26.9% for group I; 33.33%, 17.5%, and 10.0% for group II; 28.88%, 15.07%, and 15.38% for group III, respectively.Conclusions: the results of this study do not support the routine use of beta(2)-adrenergic agonists during the peri-implantation period in assisted reproductive technology cycles.


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Background: The effects of gonadotrophin-releasing hormone agonist (GnRH-a) administered in the luteal phase remains controversial. This meta-analysis aimed to evaluate the effect of the administration of a single-dose of GnRH-a in the luteal phase on ICSI clinical outcomes.Methods: The research strategy included the online search of databases. Only randomized studies were included. The outcomes analyzed were implantation rate, clinical pregnancy rate (CPR) per transfer and ongoing pregnancy rate. The fixed effects model was used for odds ratio. In all trials, a single dose of GnRH-a was administered at day 5/6 after ICSI procedures.Results: All cycles presented statistically significantly higher rates of implantation (P < 0.0001), CPR per transfer (P = 0.006) and ongoing pregnancy (P = 0.02) in the group that received luteal-phase GnRH-a administration than in the control group (without luteal-phase-GnRH-a administration). When meta-analysis was carried out only in trials that had used long GnRH-a ovarian stimulation protocol, CPR per transfer (P = 0.06) and ongoing pregnancy (P = 0.23) rates were not significantly different between the groups, but implantation rate was significant higher (P = 0.02) in the group that received luteal-phase-GnRH-a administration. on the other hand, the results from trials that had used GnRH antagonist multi-dose ovarian stimulation protocol showed statistically significantly higher implantation (P = 0.0002), CPR per transfer (P = 0.04) and ongoing pregnancy rate (P = 0.04) in the luteal-phaseGnRH- a administration group. The majority of the results presented heterogeneity.Conclusions: These findings demonstrate that the luteal-phase single-dose GnRH-a administration can increase implantation rate in all cycles and CPR per transfer and ongoing pregnancy rate in cycles with GnRH antagonist ovarian stimulation protocol. Nevertheless, by considering the heterogeneity between the trials, it seems premature to recommend the use of GnRH-a in the luteal phase. Additional randomized controlled trials are necessary before evidence-based recommendations can be provided.


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Aim. To establish a protocol for the early introduction of inhaled nitric oxide (iNO) therapy in children with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) and to assess its acute and sustained effects on oxygenation and ventilator settings.Patients and Methods. Ten children with ARDS, aged 1 to 132 months (median, 11 months), with arterial saturation of oxygen <88% while receiving a fraction of inspired oxygen (FiO(2)) 0.6 and a positive end-expiratory pressure of greater than or equal to 10 cm H2O were included in the study. The acute response to iNO was assessed in a 4-hour dose-response test, and positive response was defined as an increase in the PaO2/FiO(2) ratio of 10 mmHg above baseline values. Conventional therapy was not changed during the test. In the following days, patients who had shown positive response continued to receive the lowest iNO dose. Hemodynamics, PaO2/FiO(2), oxygenation index, gas exchange, and methemoglobin levels were obtained when needed. Inhaled nitric oxide withdrawal followed predetermined rules.Results. At the end of the 4-hour test, all the children showed significant improvement in the PaO2/FiO(2) ratio (63.6%) and the oxygenation index (44.9%) compared with the baseline values. Prolonged treatment was associated with improvement in oxygenation, so that FiO(2) and peak inspiratory pressure could be quickly and significantly reduced., No toxicity from methemoglobin or nitrogen dioxide was observed.Conclusion. Administration of iNO to children is safe. iNO causes rapid and sustained improvement in oxygenation without adverse effects. Ventilator settings can safely be reduced during iNO treatment.


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A prostaglandina F2a pode ser usada em caes para aumentar o volume do ejaculado em casos de inseminação artificial, criopreservação seminal ou biotecnologias de reprodução. Os efeitos colaterais após a administração da PGF2a, como taquicardia, salivação, emese, diarréia e convulsões geralmente são relacionadas com a dose utilizada. Esse trabalho objetiva relatar a ocorrência de hepatite tóxica aguda após a administração de PGF2a em um cão, e discutir a importância de se utilizar essa droga com cautela nessa espécie.


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The circumventricular structures and the lateral hypothalamus (LH) have been shown to be important for the central action of angiotensin II (ANGII) on water and electrolyte regulation. Several anatomical findings have demonstrated neural connection between circumventricular structures and the LH, the present experiments were conducted to investigate the role of the alpha-adrenergic antagonists and agonistic injected into the LH on the water intake, sodium and potassium excretion elicited by injections of ANGII into the lateral ventricle (LV), the water intake was measured every 30 min over a period of 120 min. The sodium, potassium and urinary volume were measured over a period of 120 min in water-loaded rats. The injection of ANGII into the LV increased the water intake, which was reduced by previous injection of clonidine (an alpha-2-adrenergic agonist) into the LH. The injection of yohimbine (an alpha-2-adrenergic antagonist) and prazosin (an alpha-l-adrenergic antagonist) into the LH, which was done before injecting ANGII into the LV, also reduced the water intake induced by ANGII. The injection of ANGII into the LV reduced the sodium, potassium and urinary volume. Previous treatment with clonidine attenuated the action of ANGII in reducing the sodium, potassium and urinary volume, whereas previous treatment with yohimbine attenuated the effects of ANGII but with less intensity than that caused by clonidine. Previous treatment with prazosin increased the inhibitory effects of ANGII in those parameters. The injection of yohimbine and prazosin, which was done before the injection of clonidine, attenuated the effect of clonidine on the ANGII mechanism. The results of this study led us to postulate that when alpha-2-adrenergic receptors are blocked, the clonidine may act on the imidazoline receptors to produce its effects on the ANGII mechanism. We may also conclude that the LH is involved with circumventricular structures, which present excitatory and inhibitory mechanisms. Such mechanisms are responsible for regulating the renal excretion of sodium, potassium and water, (C) 2000 Elsevier B.V.


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No intuito de avaliar o tempo necessário para redução dos valores de OPG visando identificar o início de atuação dos anti-helmínticos, cinco grupos de novilhos, naturalmente infectados por nematódeos gastrintestinais foram tratados com moxidectina, ivermectina, fosfato de levamisol e sulfóxido de albendazol. O levamisol promoveu redução no número de ovos de nematódeos eliminados nas fezes (R-OPG) de 97,4% 24 horas após a aplicação, a moxidectina de 98,3% após 36 horas, e o sulfóxido de albendazol de 95,9% após 36 horas. Foi registrada a presença de Cooperia spp. e Haemonchus spp. com resistência a ivermectina. A contagem de OPG realizada aos sete dias pós-tratamento apresentou resultados similares aos obtidos nas contagens realizadas 10 e 14 dias após a aplicação dos anti-helmínticos avaliados, demonstrando que o intervalo adequado entre o tratamento anti-helmíntico e o exame para verificar a redução do OPG pode ser de 7 dias.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Inflammatory bowel diseases are characterized by a chronic clinical course of relapse and remission associated with self-destructive inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. Active extracts from plants have emerged as natural potential candidates for its treatment. Abarema cochliacarpos (Gomes) Barneby & Grimes, Fabaceae (Barbatimão), is a native medicinal plant in to Brazil. Previously we have demonstrated in an acute colitis model a marked protective effect of a butanolic extract, so we decided to assess its anti-inflammatory effect in a chronic ulcerative colitis model induced by trinitrobenzensulfonic acid (TNBS). Abarema cochliacarpos (150 mg/day, v.o.) was administered for fourteen consecutive days. This treatment decreased significantly macroscopic damage as compared with TNBS. Histological analysis showed that the extract improved the microscopic structure. Myeloperoxidase activity (MPO) was significantly decreased. Study of cytokines showed that TNF-α was diminished and IL-10 level was increased after Abarema cochliacarpos treatment. In order to elucidate inflammatory mechanisms, expression of cyclooxygenase (COX)-2 and nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) were studied showing a significant downregulation. In addition, there was reduction in the JNK and p-38 activation. Finally, IκB degradation was blocked by Abarema cochliacarpos treatment being consistent with an up-regulation of the NF-kappaB-binding activity. These results reinforce the anti-inflammatory effects described previously suggesting that Abarema cochliacarpos could provide a source for the search for new anti-inflammatory compounds useful in ulcerative colitis treatment.


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OBJECTIVE: ,,,,,Previous studies have demonstrated a relationship between brain oxidative stress and cardiovascular regulation. We evaluated the effects of central catalase inhibition on cardiovascular responses in spontaneously hypertensive rats exposed to sidestream cigarette smoke. ,,,, ,,,, ,,,,,METHODS: ,,,,,Male Wistar Kyoto (WKY) rats and spontaneously hypertensive rats (SH) (16 weeks old) were implanted with a stainless steel guide cannula leading into the fourth cerebral ventricle (4th V). The femoral artery and vein were cannulated for arterial pressure and heart rate measurement and drug infusion, respectively. The rats were exposed to sidestream cigarette smoke for 180 minutes/day, 5 days/week for 3 weeks (CO: 100-300 ppm). The baroreflex was tested using a pressor dose of phenylephrine (8 μg/kg, bolus) and a depressor dose of sodium nitroprusside (50 μg/kg, bolus). Cardiovascular responses were evaluated before and 5, 15, 30 and 60 minutes after injection of a catalase inhibitor (3-amino-1,2,4-triazole, 0.001 g/100 μL) into the 4th V. ,,,, ,,,, ,,,,,RESULTS: ,,,,,Vehicle administration into the 4th V did not affect the cardiovascular response, whereas administration of the central catalase inhibitor increased the basal HR and attenuated the bradycardic peak (p<0.05) to a greater extent in WKY rats exposed to sidestream cigarette smoke than in WKY rats exposed to fresh air. However, in spontaneously hypertensive rats, the effect of the catalase inhibitor treatment was stronger in the fresh air condition (p<0.05). ,,,, ,,,, ,,,,,CONCLUSION: ,,,,,Administration of a catalase inhibitor into the 4th V combined with exposure to sidestream cigarette smoke has a stronger effect in WKY rats than in SH rats.


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We investigated the role of alpha-adrenergic antagonists and clonidine injected into the medial septal area (MSA) on water intake and the decrease in Na+, K+ and urine elicited by ANGII injection into the third ventricle (3rdV). Male Holtzman rats with stainless steel cannulas implanted into the 3rdV and MSA were used. ANGII (12 nmol/µl) increased water intake (12.5 ± 1.7 ml/120 min). Clonidine (20 nmol/µl) injected into the MSA reduced the ANGII-induced water intake (2.9 ± 0.5 ml/120 min). Pretreatment with 80 nmol/µl yohimbine or prazosin into the MSA also reduced the ANGII-induced water intake (3.0 ± 0.4 and 3.1 ± 0.2 ml/120 min, respectively). Yohimbine + prazosin + clonidine injected into the MSA abolished the ANGII-induced water intake (0.2 ± 0.1 and 0.2 ± 0.1 ml/120 min, respectively). ANGII reduced Na+ (23 ± 7 µEq/120 min), K+ (27 ± 3 µEq/120 min) and urine volume (4.3 ± 0.9 ml/120 min). Clonidine increased the parameters above. Clonidine injected into the MSA abolished the inhibitory effect of ANGII on urinary sodium. Yohimbine injected into the MSA also abolished the inhibitory effects of ANGII. Yohimbine + clonidine attenuated the inhibitory effects of ANGII. Prazosin injected into the MSA did not cause changes in ANGII responses. Prazosin + clonidine attenuated the inhibitory effects of ANGII. The results showed that MSA injections of alpha1- and alpha2-antagonists decreased ANGII-induced water intake, and abolished the Na+, K+ and urine decrease induced by ANGII into the 3rdV. These findings suggest the involvement of septal alpha1- and alpha2-adrenergic receptors in water intake and electrolyte and urine excretion induced by central ANGII.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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PURPOSE:To assess whether late introduction of a specific COX-2 inhibitor (Meloxicam) can treat and/or prevent the progression of tumors in the stomach of rats submitted to duodenogastric reflux. METHODS: Seventy five male Wistar rats, weighing 150 grams, were submitted to the induction of duodenogastric reflux through the pylorus. At 36 weeks of follow-up were established three experimental groups: DGR36 sacrificed immediately, DGR54 and DGR54MLX both sacrificed at 54th week of follow-up . The animals of the latter group were fed with a rat chow premixed with Meloxicam (2.0 mg/ kg feed; 0.3 mg / kg bw / day) and the other two with standard rat chow. The lesions found in the pyloric mucosa and gastrojejunal anastomosis were analyzed macroscopically and histologically. For statistical analysis was adjusted a generalized linear model assuming a binomial distribution with LOGIT link function. RESULTS: No significant differences were found when comparing the incidences of benign tumor lesions (Adenomatous Hyperplasia), p=0.4915, or malignant (Mucinous Adenocarcinoma), p=0.2731, among groups. CONCLUSION: Late introduction of specific COX-2 inhibitor (Meloxicam) did not treat and was not able to prevent the progression of tumoral lesions induced by duodenogastric reflux in the rat stomachs.