975 resultados para Jet fuel


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The vaporization characteristics of pendant droplets of various chemical compositions (like conventional fuels, alternative fuels and nanosuspensions) subjected to convective heating in a laminar air jet have been analyzed. Different heating conditions were achieved by controlling the air temperature and velocity fields around the droplet. A hybrid timescale has been proposed which incorporates the effects of latent heat of vaporization, saturation vapor pressure and thermal diffusivity. This timescale in essence encapsulates the different parameters that influence the droplet vaporization rate. The analysis further permits the evaluation of the effect of various parameters such as surrounding temperature, Reynolds number, far-field vapor presence, impurity content and agglomeration dynamics (nanosuspensions) in the droplet. Flow visualization has been carried out to understand the role of internal recirculation on the vaporization rate. The visualization indicates the presence of a single vortex cell within the droplet on account of the rotation and oscillation of the droplet due to aerodynamic load. External heating induced agglomeration in nanofluids leads to morphological changes during the vaporization process. These morphological changes and alteration in vaporization behavior have been assessed using high speed imaging of the diameter regression and Scanning Electron Microscopy images of the resultant precipitate. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The high efficiency of fuel-cell-powered electric vehicles makes them a potentially viable option for future transportation. Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells (PEFCs) are most promising among various fuel cells for electric traction due to their quick start-up and low-temperature operation. In recent years, the performance of PEFCs has reached the acceptable level both for automotive and stationary applications and efforts are now being expended in increasing their durability, which remains a major concern in their commercialization. To make PEFCs meet automotive targets an understanding of the factors affecting the stability of carbon support and platinum catalyst is critical. Alloying platinum (Pt) with first-row transition metals such as cobalt (Co) is reported to facilitate both higher degree of crystallinity and enhanced activity in relation to pristine Pt. But a major challenge for the application of Pt-transition metal alloys in PEFCs is to improve the stability of these binary catalysts. Dissolution of the non-precious metal in the acidic environment could alleviate the activity of the catalysts and hence cell performance. The use of graphitic carbon as cathode-catalyst support enhances the long-term stability of Pt and its alloys in relation to non-graphitic carbon as the former exhibits higher resistance to carbon corrosion in relation to the latter in PEFC cathodes during accelerated-stress test (AST). Changes in electrochemical surface area (ESA), cell performance and charge-transfer resistance are monitored during AST through cyclic voltammetry, cell polarization and impedance measurements, respectively. Studies on catalytic electrodes with X-ray diffraction, Raman spectroscopy and transmission electron microscopy reflect that graphitic carbon-support resists carbon corrosion and helps mitigating aggregation of Pt and Pt3Co catalyst particles. (C) 2012 The Electrochemical Society. DOI: 10.1149/2.051301jes] All rights reserved.


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Pre-vaporization and pre-mixing are the two main features of LPP type of combustor that operate on liquid fuels. The pre-vaporization length scale is one of its most important design parameters. In this study, the goal is to put forward a simulation based correlation for fuel vaporization performance as a function of dimensionless parameters for crossflow type of injections. Two types of fuels are studied here: jet-A and one of its potential biofuel substitutes, RME. Different sets of spray simulations are considered for crossflow type of injections. Correlations are provided for both jet-A and RME's vaporization performance as a function of non-dimensional inlet air temperature, fuel/air momentum flux ratio and normalized spray traverse distance. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We report the room temperature cell performance of alkaline direct methanol fuel cells (ADMFCs) with nitrogen-doped carbon nanotubes (NCNTs) as cathode materials. NCNTs show excellent oxygen reduction reaction activity and methanol tolerance in alkaline medium. The open-circuit-voltage (OCV) as well as the power density of ADMFCs first increases and then saturates with NCNT loading. Similarly, the OCV initially increases and reaches saturation with the increase in the concentration of methanol feed stock. Overall, NCNTs exhibit excellent catalytic activity and stability with respect to Pt based cathodes.


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This paper deals with the study of a submerged jet for the suction of unwanted fluid. This submerged jet is caused by the fluid coming out from a source. The presence of a sink in front of this source facilitates the suction of the fluid depending upon the source and sink flow rates, the axial and lateral separations of the source and sink, and the angle between the axes of the source and sink. The main purpose is the determination of the sink flow rate for 100% removal of the source fluid as a function of these parameters. The experiments have been carried using a source nozzle 6 mm in diameter and two sizes for the sink pipe diameter: 10 mm and 20 mm. The main diagnostics used are flow visualization using dye and particle image velocimetry (PIV). The dependence of the required suction flow rate to obtain 100% effectiveness on the suction tube diameter and angle is relatively weak compared to the lateral separation. DOI: 10.1115/1.4007266]


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Organic-inorganic hybrid membranes are prepared from Nafion and acid functionalized aluminosilicate with varying structures and surface areas. Acid-functionalized mesostructured aluminosilicate with cellular foam framework (Al-MSU-F type) of surface area 463 m(2) g(-1), acid-functionalized aluminosilicate molecular sieves (Al-HMS type) of surface area 651 m(2) g(-1) and acid-functionalized mesostructured aluminosilicate with hexagonal network (Al-MCM-41 type) of surface area 799 m(2) g(-1) have been employed as potential filler materials to form hybrid membranes with Nafion. The structural behavior, water uptake, ion-exchange capacity, proton conductivity and methanol permeability of the hybrid membranes are extensively investigated. Direct methanol fuel cells (DMFCs) with Al-HMS-Nafion and Al-MCM-41-Nafion hybrid membranes deliver respective peak power-densities of 170 mW cm(-2) and 246 mW cm(-2), while a peak power-density of only 48 mW cm(-2) is obtained for the DMFC employing pristine recast-Nafion membrane under identical operating conditions. The unique properties associated with hybrid membranes could be exclusively attributed to the presence of pendant sulfonic-acid groups in the filler materials, which provide proton-conducting pathways between the filler and matrix in the hybrid membranes, and facilitate proton transport with adequate balance between proton conductivity and methanol permeability. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The paper addresses experiments and modeling studies on the use of producer gas, a bio-derived low energy content fuel in a spark-ignited engine. Producer gas, generated in situ, has thermo-physical properties different from those of fossil fuel(s). Experiments on naturally aspirated and turbo-charged engine operation and subsequent analysis of the cylinder pressure traces reveal significant differences in the heat release pattern within the cylinder compared with a typical fossil fuel. The heat release patterns for gasoline and producer gas compare well in the initial 50% but beyond this, producer gas combustion tends to be sluggish leading to an overall increase in the combustion duration. This is rather unexpected considering that producer gas with nearly 20% hydrogen has higher flame speeds than gasoline. The influence of hydrogen on the initial flame kernel development period and the combustion duration and hence on the overall heat release pattern is addressed. The significant deviations in the heat release profiles between conventional fuels and producer gas necessitates the estimation of producer gas-specific Wiebe coefficients. The experimental heat release profiles are used for estimating the Wiebe coefficients. Experimental evidence of lower fuel conversion efficiency based on the chemical and thermal analysis of the engine exhaust gas is used to arrive at the Wiebe coefficients. The efficiency factor a is found to be 2.4 while the shape factor m is estimated at 0.7 for 2% to 90% burn duration. The standard Wiebe coefficients for conventional fuels and fuel-specific coefficients for producer gas are used in a zero D model to predict the performance of a 6-cylinder gas engine under naturally aspirated and turbo-charged conditions. While simulation results with standard Wiebe coefficients result in excessive deviations from the experimental results, excellent match is observed when producer gas-specific coefficients are used. Predictions using the same coefficients on a 3-cylinder gas engine having different geometry and compression ratio(s) indicate close match with the experimental traces highlighting the versatility of the coefficients.


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A composite of mesoporous carbon (MC) with poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) (PEDOT) is studied as catalyst support for platinum nanoparticles. The durability of commercial Pt/carbon and Pt/MC-PEDOT as cathode catalyst is investigated by invoking air-fuel boundary at the anode side so as to foster carbon corrosion at the cathode side of a polymer electrolyte fuel cell (PEFC). Pt/MC-PEDOT shows higher resistance to carbon corrosion in relation to Pt/C. Electrochemical techniques such as cyclic voltammetry (CV) and impedance measurements are used to evaluate the extent of degradation in the catalyst layer. It is surmised that the resistance of MC-PEDOT as catalyst support toward electrochemical oxidation makes Pt/MC-PEDOT a suitable and stable cathode catalyst for PEFCs.


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The flow produced by a rigid symmetric NACA0015 airfoil purely pitching at a fixed location in quiescent fluid (the limiting case of infinite Strouhal number) is studied using visualizations and particle image velocimetry. A weak jet is generated whose inclination changes continually with time. This meandering is observed to be random and independent of the initial conditions, over a wide range of pitching parameters. (C) 2013 American Institute of Physics.


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Ever increasing energy requirements, environmental concerns and energy security needs are strongly influencing engine researchers to consider renewable biofuels as alternatives to fossil fuels. Spray process being important in IC engine combustion, existing literature on various biofuel sprays is reviewed and summarized. Both experimental and computational research findings are reviewed in a detailed manner for compression ignition (CI) engine sprays and briefly for spark ignition (SI) engine sprays. The physics of basic atomization process of sprays from various injectors is included to highlight the most recent research findings followed by discussion highlighting the effect of physico-chemical properties on spray atomization for both biofuels and fossil fuels. Biodiesel sprays are found to penetrate faster and haw narrow spray plume angle and larger droplet sizes compared to diesel. Results of analytical and computational models are shown to be useful in shedding light on the actual process of atomization. However, further studies on understanding primary atomization and the effect of fuel properties on primary atomization are required. As far as secondary atomization is concerned, changes in regimes are observed to occur at higher air-jet velocities for biodiesel compared to those of diesel. Evaporating sprays revealed that the liquid length is longer for biodiesel. Pure plant oil sprays with potential use in CI engines may require alternative injector technology due to slower breakup as compared to diesel. Application of ethanol to gasoline engines may be feasible without any modifications to port fuel injection (PFI) engines. More studies are required on the application of alternative fuels to high pressure sprays used in Gasoline Direct Injection (GDI) engines.


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In this paper, we present the molecular density distribution measurement in turbulent nitrogen jet (Re approximate to 3 x 10(3)), using acetone as molecular tracer. The tracer was seeded in the nitrogen jet by purging through the liquid acetone at ambient temperature. Planar laser sheet of 266 nm wavelength from frequency quadrupled, Q-switched, Nd:YAG laser was used as an excitation source. Emitted fluorescence images of jet flow field were recorded on CMOS camera. The dependence of planar laser induced fluorescence (PLIF) intensity on acetone vapor density was used to convert PLIF image of nitrogen jet into the density image on pixel-by-pixel basis. Instantaneous quantitative density image of nitrogen jet, seeded with acetone, was obtained. The arrowhead-shaped coherent turbulent structures were observed in the present work. It was found that coherent structures were non-overlapping with separate boundaries. Breaking of coherent structures into turbulence was clearly observed above four times jet width.


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Determining the spin and the parity quantum numbers of the recently discovered Higgs-like boson at the LHC is a matter of great importance. In this Letter, we consider the possibility of using the kinematics of the tagging jets in Higgs production via the vector boson fusion (VBF) process to test the tensor structure of the Higgs-vector boson (HVV) interaction and to determine the spin and CP properties of the observed resonance. We show that an anomalous HVV vertex, in particular its explicit momentum dependence, drastically affects the rapidity between the two scattered quarks and their transverse momenta and, hence, the acceptance of the kinematical cuts that allow to select the VBF topology. The sensitivity of these observables to different spin-parity assignments, including the dependence on the LHC center of mass energy, are evaluated. In addition, we show that in associated Higgs production with a vector boson some kinematical variables, such as the invariant mass of the system and the transverse momenta of the two bosons and their separation in rapidity, are also sensitive to the spin-parity assignments of the Higgs-like boson.


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The present work involves a computational study of soot (chosen as a scalar which is a primary pollutant source) formation and transport in a laminar acetylene diffusion flame perturbed by a convecting line vortex. The topology of soot contours resulting from flame vortex interactions has been investigated. More soot was produced when vortex was introduced from the air side in comparison to the fuel side. Also, the soot topography was spatially more diffuse in the case of air side vortex. The computational model was found to be in good agreement with the experimental work previously reported in the literature. The computational simulation enabled a study of various parameters like temperature, equivalence ratio and temperature gradient affecting the soot production and transport. Temperatures were found to be higher in the case of air side vortex in contrast to the fuel side one. In case of fuel side vortex, abundance of fuel in the vortex core resulted in fuel-rich combustion zone in the core and a more discrete soot topography. Besides, the overall soot production was observed to be low in the fuel side vortex. However, for the air side vortex, air abundance in the core resulted in higher temperatures and greater soot production. Probability density functions (PDFs) have been introduced to investigate the spatiotemporal variation of soot yield and transport and their dependence on temperature and acetylene concentration from statistical view point. In addition, the effect of flame curvature on soot production is also studied. The regions convex to fuel stream side witnessed thicker soot layer. All numerical simulations have been carried out on Fluent 6.3.26. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Heat and mass transfer studies in a calandria based reactor is quite complex both due to geometry and due to the complex mixing flow. It is challenging to devise optimum operating conditions with efficient but safe working range for such a complex configuration. Numerical study known to be very effective is taken up for investigation. In the present study a 3D RANS code with turbulence model has been used to compute the flow fields and to get the heat transfer characteristics to understand certain design parameters of engineering importance. The angle of injection and of the coolant liquid has a large effect on the heat transfer within the reactor.