969 resultados para Intubação Gastrointestinal
CONTEXTO E OBJETIVO: Associações significativas entre cirurgia do abdome superior e eventos pulmonares do período perioperatório foram investigadas em pacientes com condições pulmonares pré-operatórias submetidos a anestesia geral. TIPO DE ESTUDO E LOCAL: Estudo retrospectivo cujos dados foram retirados de banco de dados obtidos prospectivamente de forma protocolada, de 1 de janeiro de 1999 a 31 de dezembro de 2004, em hospital universitário terciário. MÉTODOS: Estudados 3107 pacientes com mais de 11 anos, American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) I, II, III, com cirurgia de abdome superior sob anestesia geral, enviados à sala de recuperação. Condições pré-operatórias analisadas por regressão logística foram: idade, sexo, estado físico ASA, insuficiência cardíaca congestiva, asma, doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica, insuficiência respiratória e hábito de fumar. Os resultados estudados, ou variáveis dependentes, incluíram eventos intra- e pós-operatórios: broncoespasmo, hipoxemia, hipercapnia, intubação prolongada e secreção de vias aéreas. RESULTADOS: Dos 3.107 pacientes: 1.540 eram homens, 1.649 mulheres, tinham média de 48 anos, 1088 ASA I, 1402 ASA II, 617 ASA III, com insuficiência cardíaca havia 80, asma, 82, doença pulmonar obstrutiva, 122, insuficiência respiratória, 21, hábito de fumar, 428. Pela regressão logística, sexo feminino (p < 0.001), idade maior que 70 anos (p < 0.01), hábito de fumar (p < 0.001) e doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica (p < 0.02) influenciaram significativamente o desenvolvimento de eventos pulmonares, principalmente hipoxemia e broncospasmo, em ambos os períodos, mas não nos mesmos pacientes. Asma e insuficiência cardíaca não se associaram com eventos pulmonares na sala de recuperação. CONCLUSÃO: em cirurgia do abdome superior sob anestesia geral, sexo feminino, idade maior que 70 anos, hábito de fumar e doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica foram fatores de risco independentes para a ocorrência de eventos pulmonares intra- e pós-operatórios.
Purpose: To investigate the combined effects of reflux of duodenal contents through the pylorus and treatment with N-methyl-N'-nitro-nitrosoguanidine ( MNNG) on the development of lesions in the glandular stomach, at the gastrojejunal anastomosis and in the forestomach of rats. Methods: Eighty Male Wistar rats were divided into 4 groups: G1: MNNG + Reflux, G2: Reflux, G3: MNNG and G4: Gastrostomy. MNNG was given in the drinking water ( 100 mg/ml) for 12 weeks and then two groups ( G1 and G2) were submitted to a gastrojejunal anastomosis followed by section of the afferent loop and suture of both stumps to allow reflux of duodenal contents through the pylorus. The animals were sacrificed 18 and 36 weeks after surgery. The lesions obtained in the antral mucosa, at the gastrojejunal anastomosis and in the forestomach were analysed histologically. Results: Duodenal reflux induced proliferative lesions at both glandular and squamous mucosa of the stomach. In the antrum, adenomatous hyperplasia (AH) was observed in 20% and 50% of the animals at the 18(th) and 36(th) weeks respectively. Aditionally 85% of the animals presented AH at the gastrojejunal anastomosis and 60% developed squamous hyperplasia at the squamous portion of the stomach. MNNG treatment plus duodenal reflux enhanced the development of malignant tumors at both glandular and squamous mucosa, since there were 30% of antral adenocarcinomas and 45% of squamous carcinomas at the 18th week and the frequency of these malignant tumors rose to 50% in the antrum and 65% in the squamous mucosa at the 36th week. Conclusion: The reflux of duodenal contents through the pylorus enhanced the development of proliferative lesions, benign and malignant, in the glandular stomach and in the forestomach of rats.
Objectives: The aim of the study was to investigate the histopathological lesions in the upper gastrointestinal mucosa associated with Helicobacter pylori infection in children with nonulcer dyspepsia.Methods: A cross-sectional case-control study was performed on 185 Brazilian children and adolescents (4-17 years, mean 9.5 +/- 2.7 years), 63.2% girls, submitted to upper gastrointestinal endoscopy. The histopathological lesions of the esophageal and gastric mucosa were analyzed in biopsy samples.Results: H pylori infection was identified in 96 children (51.8%). Moderate to severe chronic active gastritis was present in antrum (70.5%) and corpus (45.2%), with higher grading in antrum than in corpus (P<0.05). The topographic distribution of inflammation was pangastritis (61.9%), followed by antral (32.1%) and corpus (5.9%). H pylori density was higher in antrum than in corpus. Intestinal metaplasia was not found in the H pylori-infected group, nor was significant gastric atrophy. The scores for esophagitis were significantly higher (P<0.05) in the noninfected group (1.4 +/- 0.8) than in the H pylori-infected group (1.07 +/- 0.9), with significant negative correlation (r = 0.29; P<0.05) with the scores of gastric inflammation.Conclusions: The prevalence of H pylori infection was high among children with dyspepsia and associated with moderate/severe degrees of gastric inflammation. The high scores of esophagitis in the noninfected group point to 2 distinct groups of pathological conditions sharing similar clinical patterns.
The oral administration is a common route in the drug therapy and the solid pharmaceutical forms are widely used. Although much about the performance of these formulations can be learned from in vitro studies using conventional methods, evaluation in vivo is essential in product development. The knowledge of the gastrointestinal transit and how the physiological variables can interfere with the disintegration and drug absorption is a prerequisite for development of dosage forms. The aim of this work was to employing the ac biosusceptometry (ACB) to monitoring magnetic tablets in the human gastrointestinal tract and to obtain the magnetic images of the disintegration process in the colonic region. The ac biosusceptometry showed accuracy in the quantification of the gastric residence time, the intestinal transit time and the disintegration time (DT) of the magnetic formulations in the human gastrointestinal tract. Moreover, ac biosusceptometry is a non-invasive technique, radiation-free and harmless to the volunteers, as well as an important research tool in the pharmaceutical, pharmacological and physiological investigations. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Purpose. To employ the AC Biosusceptometry (ACB) technique to evaluate in vitro and in vivo characteristics of enteric coated magnetic hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC) capsules and to image the disintegration process.Materials and Methods. HPMC capsules filled with ferrite (MnFe2O4) and coated with Eudragit (R) were evaluated using USP XXII method and administered to fasted volunteers. Single and multisensor ACB systems were used to characterize the gastrointestinal (GI) motility and to determine gastric residence time (GRT), small intestinal transit time (SITT) and orocaecal transit time (OCTT). Mean disintegration time (t (50)) was quantified from 50% increase of pixels in the imaging area.Results. In vitro and in vivo performance of the magnetic HPMC capsules as well as the disintegration process were monitored using ACB systems. The mean disintegration time (t (50)) calculated for in vitro was 25 +/- 5 min and for in vivo was 13 +/- 5 min. In vivo also were determined mean values for GRT (55 +/- 19 min), SITT (185 +/- 82 min) and OCTT (240 +/- 88 min).Conclusions. AC Biosusceptometry is a non-invasive technique originally proposed to monitoring pharmaceutical dosage forms orally administered and to image the disintegration process.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Granulomas são lesões bilaterais e pediculadas das apófises vocais. Etiologias: intubação, refluxo, traumatismos, fonotraumatismo e idiopática. OBJETIVO: Analisar aspectos clínicos e morfológicos dos granulomas de intubação. MATERIAL E MÉTODOS: Estudo retrospectivo dos pacientes submetidos à microcirurgia por granulomas de intubação, atendidos na Instituição onde foi realizado, a partir de 2002. Analisaram-se: idade, sexo, indicação e tempo da intubação, sintomas, laudos de videolaringoscopia e número de biópsia. Realizou-se estudo histológico em todos os casos e de microscopia eletrônica em três deles. RESULTADOS: 10 pacientes (7 F e 3 M), idade entre 2 anos e 72 anos e tempo de intubação entre 4 horas e 21 dias. Rouquidão foi o principal sintoma. A histologia mostrou hiperplasia epitelial, intenso inflamação importante no corion e proliferação vascular. Na MEV observou-se epitélio escamoso com escassa descamação. À MET, junções intercelulares alargadas e desmossomos alterados. No corion havia lagos sanguíneos, intensa inflamação, e fibroblastos com alterações estruturais como núcleos irregulares e cisternas dilatadas. CONCLUSÕES: Granulomas pós-intubação aparecem em qualquer idade, mesmo em intubação por curto período, e causam rouquidão precocemente. As principais alterações morfológicas são observadas no corion, como proliferação vascular, inflamação e alterações estruturais em fibroblastos indicando disfunção e dano celular.
Among athletes strenuous exercise, dehydration and gastric emptying (GE) delay are the main causes of gastrointestinal (GI) complaints, whereas gut ischemia is the main cause of their nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain and (blood) diarrhea. Additionally any factor that limits sweat evaporation, such as a hot and humid environment and/or body dehydration, has profound effects on muscle glycogen depletion and risk for heat illness. A serious underperfusion of the gut often leads to mucosal damage and enhanced permeability so as to hide blood loss, microbiota invasion (or endotoxemia) and food-born allergen absorption (with anaphylaxis). The goal of exercise rehydration is to intake more fluid orally than what is being lost in sweat. Sports drinks provide the addition of sodium and carbohydrates to assist with intestinal absorption of water and muscle-glycogen replenishment, respectively. However GE is proportionally slowed by carbohydrate-rich (hyperosmolar) solutions. on the other hand, in order to prevent hyponatremia, avoiding overhydration is recommended. Caregiver's responsibility would be to inform athletes about potential dangers of drinking too much water and also advise them to refrain from using hypertonic fluid replacements.
Purpose of reviewPhysical exercise can be both beneficial and harmful for the gastrointestinal tract in a dose-effect relationship between its intensity and health. Mild-to-moderate intensity exercises play a protective role against colon cancer, diverticular disease, cholelithiasis and constipation, whereas acute strenuous exercise may provoke heartburn, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea and even gastrointestinal bleeding. This review focuses on mechanisms involved in those symptoms and their associations with type of exercises in humans.Recent findingsOne quarter to one half of elite athletes are hampered by the gastrointestinal symptoms that may deter them from participation in training and competitive events. Vigorous exercise-induced gastrointestinal symptoms are often attributed to altered motility, mechanical factor or altered neuroimmunoendocrine secretions. Training, lifestyle modifications, meal composition, adequate hydration and avoidance of excessive use of some medications are the recommendations.SummaryStrenuous exercise and dehydrated states would be the causes of gastrointestinal symptoms referred by 70% of the athletes. Gut ischemia would be the main cause of nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain and (bloody) diarrhea. The frequency is almost twice as high during running than during other endurance sports as cycling or swimming and 1.5-3.0 times higher in the elite athletes than the recreational exercisers.
Approximately 10% of patients with gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GIST) develop other neoplasms, either synchronously or metachronously. In this report we describe coexistence of a gastrointestinal stromal tumor and a hepatic perivascular epithelioid cell tumor (PEComa) in a 51-year-old woman with no evidence of tuberous sclerosis. A subcapsular hepatic nodule (0.8 cm in diameter) was found during surgery for symptomatic gastric neoplasm (15 cm in diameter) arising from the lesser curvature. Both tumors revealed histomorphological and immunohistochemical features confirming a diagnosis of a small incidental hepatic PEComa and a high risky extramural gastric GIST, respectively. The patient remained disease-free 25 mo after surgery with no evidence of tumor recurrence or new neoplasms. To our knowledge, this is the first report of PEComa in a patient with GIST. Hepatic lesions detected synchronously or metachronously in patients with GISTs may represent histogenetically distinct lesions and should be sampled to confirm or exclude metastatic GISTs. (C) 2008 WJG. All rights reserved.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
A study was conducted to assess the breed resistance against nematode infections in Santa Ines, Ile de France and Suffolk male lambs over a 9-month period in São Paulo state, Brazil. Lambs were born during the winter (year 2000) and were weaned at 2 months of age. The animals were then housed and treated with anthelmintics to eliminate natural infections by gastrointestinal nematodes. In late October 2000, lambs were placed in a paddock, where they stayed until August of the following year. Fecal and blood samples were taken from each animal every 2 weeks. on the same day, a pasture sample was collected to determine the number of infective larvae on the herbage. To prevent deaths, individual treatment with anthelmintics was provided to lambs with fecal egg counts (FEC) higher than 4000 eggs per gram (EPG) or with a packed cell volume (PCV) lower than 21%. In August 2001, all animals were slaughtered and the worms present in samples of the gastrointestinal contents were identified and counted. Most of the Suffolk and Ile de France sheep received three to six anthelmintic treatments over a period of 7 months, while most of the Santa Ines were not treated. Reductions in PCV and plasma protein values associated with high FEC and worm burdens were recorded, particularly, in Suffolk and Ile de France lambs. Haemonchus contortus and Oesophagostomum columbianum burdens and number of nodular lesions caused in the large intestine by O. columbianum larvae were significantly lower in Santa Ines sheep. All three breeds showed similar Trichostrongylus colubriformis worm burdens. The relative resistance of Santa Ines young male sheep was superior to that of Suffolk and Ile de France sheep. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Amostras fecais de cabritos machos e fêmeas, de diferentes raças e com até uma ano de idade, foram examinadas para determinação do número de ovos e oocistos por grama de fezes (OPG e OoPG, respectivamente) e coprocultura para identificação genérica dos nematódeos. Ovos de helmintos e oocistos de Eimeria spp. foram observados em 93,06% (188/202) e 77,22% (156/202) das amostras, respectivamente. Pelas coproculturas, foram identificados os gêneros Cooperia em 11,88% (24/202), Haemonchus em 51,98% (105/202), Oesophagostomum em 9,4% (19/202), Strongyloides em 5,94 (12/202) e Trichostrongylus em 20,79% (42/202) das amostras. As espécies de Eimeria encontradas foram E. alijevi em 25,24% (51/202), E. arloingi em 7,42% (15/202), E. caprina em 2,97% (6/202), E. caprovina em 10,39% (21/202), E. christenseni em 4,45% (9/202), E. joklchijevi em 11,38% (23/202), E. hirci em 9,4% (19/202) e E. ninakohlyakimovae em 28,71% (58/202) das amostras. Dentre os parasitas gastrintestinais, houve predominância do gênero Haemonchus e de duas espécies de Eimeria: E. ninakohlyakimovae e E. alijevi.