984 resultados para Intrapulmonary Tidal Volume Distribution


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BACKGROUND Risk factors promoting rhinovirus (RV) infections are inadequately described in healthy populations, especially infants. OBJECTIVES To determine the frequency of symptomatic and asymptomatic RV infections and identify possible risk factors from host and environment among otherwise healthy infants. METHODS In a prospective birth cohort, respiratory health was assessed in 41 term-born infants by weekly telephone interviews during the first year of life, and weekly nasal swabs were collected to determine RV prevalence. In a multilevel logistic regression model, associations between prevalence and respiratory symptoms during RV infections and host/environmental factors were determined. RESULTS 27% of nasal swabs in 41 infants tested positive for RVs. Risk factors for RV prevalence were autumn months (OR=1.71, p=0.01, 95% CI 1.13-2.61), outdoor temperatures between 5-10 °C (OR=2.33, p=0.001, 95% CI 1.41-3.86), older siblings (OR=2.60, p=0.001, 95% CI 1.50-4.51) and childcare attendance (OR=1.53, p=0.07, 95% CI 0.96-2.44). 51% of RV-positive samples were asymptomatic. Respiratory symptoms during RV infections were less likely during the first three months of life (OR=0.34, p=0.003, 95% CI 0.17-0.69) and in infants with atopic mothers (OR=0.44, p=0.008, 95% CI 0.24-0.80). Increased tidal volume (OR=1.67, p=0.03, 95% CI 1.04-2.68) and outdoor temperatures between 2-5 °C (OR=2.79, p=0.02, 95% CI 1.17-6.61) were associated with more symptoms. CONCLUSIONS RVs are highly prevalent during the first year of life, and most infections are asymptomatic. Frequency of RV infections is associated with environmental factors, while respiratory symptoms during RV infections are linked to host determinants like infant age, maternal atopy, or premorbid lung function.


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The potential for significant human populations to experience long-term inhalation of formaldehyde and reports of symptomatology due to this exposure has led to a considerable interest in the toxicologic assessment of risk from subchronic formaldehyde exposures using animal models. Since formaldehyde inhalation depresses certain respiratory parameters in addition to its other forms of toxicity, there is a potential for the alteration of the actual dose received by the exposed individual (and the resulting toxicity) due to this respiratory effect. The respiratory responses to formaldehyde inhalation and the subsequent pattern of deposition were therefore investigated in animals that had received subchronic exposure to the compound, and the potential for changes in the formaldehyde dose received due to long-term inhalation evaluated. Male Sprague-Dawley rats were exposed to either 0, 0.5, 3, or 15 ppm formaldehyde for 6 hours/day, 5 days/week for up to 6 months. The patterns of respiratory response, deposition and the compensation mechanisms involved were then determined in a series of formaldehyde test challenges to both the upper and to the lower respiratory tracts in separate groups of subchronically exposed animals and age-specific controls (four concentration groups, two time points). In both the control and pre-exposed animals, there was a characteristic recovery of respiratory parameters initially depressed by formaldehyde inhalation to at or approaching pre-exposure levels within 10 minutes of the initiation of exposure. Also, formaldehyde deposition was found to remain very high in the upper and lower tracts after long-term exposure. Therefore, there was probably little subsequent effect on the dose received by the exposed individual that was attributable to the repeated exposures. There was a diminished initial minute volume response in test challenges of both the upper and lower tracts of animals that had received at least 16 weeks of exposure to 15 ppm, with compensatory increases in tidal volume in the upper tract and respiratory rate in the lower tract. However, this dose-related effect was probably not relevant to human risk estimation because this formaldehyde dose is in excess of that experienced by human populations. ^


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Dentro da classe Reptilia, a ordem Testudines possui algumas características exclusivas, tais como a fusão das costelas e da coluna vertebral e a perda dos músculos intercostais, inviabilizando a ventilação costal. Além disso, as posições naturais que os Testudines exibem podem influenciar a mecânica ventilatória. O presente estudo teve como objetivo testar a influência do posicionamento do corpo sobre a mecânica ventilatória através da complacência estática e dinâmica e analisar através da respirometria aberta o padrão ventilatório e o custo metabólico da ventilação através da exposição em normóxia, hipóxia e hipercarbia em Trachemys scripta e Chelonoidis carbonarius. Os volumes pulmonares, complacência estática e dinâmica em C. carbonarius foram inferiores aos de T. scripta e outras espécies de Testudines já estudadas. Verificou-se também influência das posições sobre a mecânica ventilatória nas duas espécies, sendo a posição de membros e cabeça retraídos na carapaça apresentando os menores valores (p<0,05). Hipóxia e hipercarbia estimularam o aumento da ventilação nas duas espécies estudadas (p<0,05), sendo observadas maiores alterações da frequência ventilatória e volume corrente em C. carbonarius. Os valores de custo metabólico da ventilação foram baixos devido à uma diminuição no consumo de oxigênio em hipóxia e hipercarbia, indicando depressão metabólica em ambas as espécies ou então o método para calcular esse custo não ser ideal. Ao relacionar os dados de consumo de oxigênio com os de ventilação, verificou-se a possibilidade de shunt cardíaco esquerdo-direito. Será necessário calcular o trabalho mecânico da ventilação a fim de entender melhor a mecânica ventilatória nas duas espécies e posteriormente relacionar os dados de ventilação e custo metabólico da ventilação com os de trabalho mecânico.


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Apesar da utilização da ventilação mecânica protetora como estratégia para o tratamento da síndrome do desconforto respiratório agudo, ao menos um quarto dos pacientes com essa síndrome ainda apresentam redução na função pulmonar após 6 meses de seguimento. Não se sabe se esta redução está relacionada com a gravidade da síndrome ou associada com a forma de ventilar o paciente. Nosso objetivo neste trabalho foi avaliar a associação entre alterações funcionais e estruturais do pulmão com parâmetros de gravidade clínica e de ventilação mecânica. Foi realizada uma análise secundária dos dados obtidos em estudo randomizado e controlado que incluiu pacientes com síndrome do desconforto respiratório agudo moderada/grave, internados em seis unidades de terapia intensiva em um hospital terciário da cidade de São Paulo. Foram analisados dados de pacientes que tinham ao menos um teste de função pulmonar no seguimento. O teste funcional incluiu a medida da capacidade vital forçada, volumes pulmonares e a capacidade de difusão do monóxido de carbono após 1, 2 e 6 meses de seguimento. Foram considerados variáveis independentes o volume corrente, a pressão de distensão e a pressão positiva ao final da expiração (todos medidos após 24 horas da randomização) e um sistema de classificação de prognóstico (APACHE II), a relação PaO2/FIO2 e a complacência respiratória estática (todos medidos antes da randomização). Também foi realizada tomografia de alta resolução do tórax juntamente com os testes de função pulmonar, e posterior análise quantitativa das imagens. Na avaliação de 6 meses também foi realizado teste de caminhada de 6 minutos e um questionário de qualidade de vida (SF-36). Um total de 21 pacientes realizaram o teste de função pulmonar após 1 mês e 15 pacientes realizaram após 2 e 6 meses de seguimento. A capacidade vital forçada foi relacionada inversamente com a pressão de distensão na avaliação de 1, 2 e 6 meses (p < 0,01). A capacidade de difusão do monóxido de carbono relacionou-se inversamente com a pressão de distensão e com o APACHE II (ambos p < 0,01) na avaliação de 1 e 2 meses. Após 6 meses de seguimento, houve correlação inversa entre a pressão de distensão e a capacidade vital forçada independente do volume corrente, da pressão de platô e da complacência estática respiratória após ajustes (R2 = 0,51, p = 0,02). A pressão de distensão também se relacionou com o volume pulmonar total, a densidade pulmonar media e a porcentagem de volume pulmonar não aerado ou pobremente aerado medidos através da análise quantitativa da tomografia computadorizada de tórax realizada na avaliação de 6 meses. Também foi observada relação entre a qualidade de vida após 6 meses de seguimento e a pressão de distensão considerando o domínio estado geral de saúde. Nós concluímos que mesmo em pacientes ventilados com reduzido volume corrente e pressão de platô limitada, maiores valores de pressão de distensão relacionaram-se com menores valores de função pulmonar no seguimento de longo prazo


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The Sub-Numidian Tertiary stratigraphic record of the Tunisian Tell has been updated by means of 11 stratigraphic successions belonging to the Maghrebian Flysch Basin (N-African Margin) reconstructed in the Tunisian Numidian Zone and the Triassic Dome Zone. The Sub-Numidian successions studied range from the Paleocene to the Priabonian, representing a major change in the sedimentation from the latest Cretaceous onwards. The Sub-Numidian succession and the Numidian Formation are separated by an Intermediate interval located between two erosive surfaces (local paraconformities). The stratigraphic analysis has revealed diachronous contacts between distal slope to basinal sedimentary formation, allowing the identification of an Early Eocene Chouabine marker bed. The integrated biostratigraphic analysis made by means of planktonic foraminifera and calcareous nannoplankton updates the ages of the formations studied, proving younger than previously thought. The new definition of the Sub-Numidian stratigraphy enables a better correlation with equivalent successions widely outcropping along the Maghrebian, Betic, and southern Apennine Chains. The study proposes a new evolutionary tectonic/sedimentary model for this Tunisian sector of the Maghrebian Chain during the Paleogene after the Triassic–Cretaceous extensional regime. This paleogeographic reorganization is considered a consequence of the beginning of the tectonic inversion (from extensional to compressional), leading to the end of the preorogenic sedimentation. Our results suggest a non-tabular stratigraphy (marked by lateral changes of lithofacies, variable thicknesses, and the presence of diachronous boundaries) providing significant elements for a re-evaluation of active petroleum systems on the quality, volume, distribution, timing of oil generation, and on the migration and accumulation of the oil.


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Objective: To investigate the effect of standing with assistance of the tilt table on ventilatory parameters and arterial blood gases in intensive care patients. Design: Consecutive sample. Setting: Tertiary referral hospital. Participants: Fifteen adult patients who had been intubated and mechanically ventilated for more than 5 days (3 subjects successfully weaned, 12 subjects being weaned). Intervention: Passive tilting to 70degrees from the horizontal for 5 minutes using a tilt table. Main Outcome Measures: Minute ventilation (VE), tidal volume (VT), respiratory rate, and arterial partial pressure of oxygen (Pao(2)) and carbon dioxide (Paco(2)). Results: Standing in the tilted position for 5 minutes produced significant increases in VE (P


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Background and objective: There are no data about the influence of anaesthetics on cardiovascular variables during pressure support ventilation of the lungs through the laryngeal mask airway. We compared propofol, sevoflurane and isoflurane for maintenance of anaesthesia with the ProSeal (R) laryngeal mask airway during pressure support ventilation. Methods: Sixty healthy adults undergoing peripheral musculo-skeletal surgery were randomized for maintenance with sevoflurane end-tidal 29%, isoflurane end-tidal 1.1% or propofol 6 mg kg(-1) h(-1) in oxygen 33% and air. Pressure support ventilation comprised positive end-expiratory pressure set at 5 cmH(2)O, and pressure support set 5 cmH(2)O above positive end-expiratory pressure. Pressure support was initiated when inspiration produced a 2 cmH(2)O reduction in airway pressure. A blinded observer recorded cardiorespiratory variables (heart rate, mean blood pressure, oxygen saturation, air-way occlusion pressure, respiratory rate, expired tidal volume, expired minute volume and end-tidal CO2), adverse events and emergence times. Results: Respiratory rate and minute volume were 10-21% lower, and end-tidal CO2 6-11% higher with the propofol group compared with the sevoflurane or isoflurane groups, but otherwise cardiorespiratory variables were similar among groups. No adverse events occurred in any group. Emergence times were longer with the propofol group compared with the sevoflurane or isoflurane groups (10 vs. 7 vs. 7 min). Conclusion: Lung ventilation is less effective and emergence times are longer with propofol than sevoflurane or isoflurane for maintenance of anaesthesia during pressure support ventilation with the ProSeal (R) laryngeal mask airway. However, these differences are small and of doubtful clinical importance.


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A steady state mathematical model for co-current spray drying was developed for sugar-rich foods with the application of the glass transition temperature concept. Maltodextrin-sucrose solution was used as a sugar-rich food model. The model included mass, heat and momentum balances for a single droplet drying as well as temperature and humidity profile of the drying medium. A log-normal volume distribution of the droplets was generated at the exit of the rotary atomizer. This generation created a certain number of bins to form a system of non-linear first-order differential equations as a function of the axial distance of the drying chamber. The model was used to calculate the changes of droplet diameter, density, temperature, moisture content and velocity in association with the change of air properties along the axial distance. The difference between the outlet air temperature and the glass transition temperature of the final products (AT) was considered as an indicator of stickiness of the particles in spray drying process. The calculated and experimental AT values were close, indicating successful validation of the model. (c) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Passive tilting increases ventilation in healthy subjects; however, controversy surrounds the proposed mechanism. This study is aimed to evaluate the possible mechanism for changes to ventilation following passive head-up tilt (HUT) and active standing by comparison of a range of ventilatory, metabolic and mechanical parameters. Ventilatory parameters (V (T), V (E), V (E)/VO2, V (E)/VCO2, f and PetCO(2)), functional residual capacity (FRC), respiratory mechanics with impulse oscillometry; oxygen consumption (VO2) and carbon dioxide production (VCO2) were measured in 20 healthy male subjects whilst supine, following HUT to 70 degrees and unsupported standing. Data were analysed using a linear mixed model. HUT to 70 degrees from supine increased minute ventilation (V (E)) (P < 0.001), tidal volume (V (T)) (P=0.001), ventilatory equivalent for O-2 (V (E)/VO2) (P=0.020) and the ventilatory equivalent for CO2 (V (E)/VCO2) (P < 0.001) with no change in f (P=0.488). HUT also increased FRC (P < 0.001) and respiratory system reactance (X5Hz) (P < 0.001) with reduced respiratory system resistance (R5Hz) (P=0.004) and end-tidal carbon dioxide (PetCO(2)) (P < 0.001) compared to supine. Standing increased V (E) (P < 0.001), V (T) (P < 0.001) and V (E)/VCO2 (P=0.020) with no change in respiratory rate (f) (P=0.065), V (E)/VO2 (P=0.543). Similar changes in FRC (P < 0.001), R5Hz (P=0.013), X5Hz (P < 0.001) and PetCO(2) (P < 0.001) compared to HUT were found. In contrast to HUT, standing increased VO2 (P=0.002) and VCO2 (P=0.048). The greater increase in V (E) in standing compared to HUT appears to be related to increased VO2 and VCO2 associated with increased muscle activity in the unsupported standing position. This has implications for exercise prescription and rehabilitation of critically ill patients who have reduced cardiovascular and respiratory reserve.


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Objective: It is usual that data collected from routine clinical care is sparse and unable to support the more complex pharmacokinetic (PK) models that may have been reported in previous rich data studies. Informative priors may be a pre-requisite for model development. The aim of this study was to estimate the population PK parameters of sirolimus using a fully Bayesian approach with informative priors. Methods: Informative priors including prior mean and precision of the prior mean were elicited from previous published studies using a meta-analytic technique. Precision of between-subject variability was determined by simulations from a Wishart distribution using MATLAB (version 6.5). Concentration-time data of sirolimus retrospectively collected from kidney transplant patients were analysed using WinBUGS (version 1.3). The candidate models were either one- or two-compartment with first order absorption and first order elimination. Model discrimination was based on computation of the posterior odds supporting the model. Results: A total of 315 concentration-time points were obtained from 25 patients. Most data were clustered at trough concentrations with range of 1.6 to 77 hours post-dose. Using informative priors, either a one- or two-compartment model could be used to describe the data. When a one-compartment model was applied, information was gained from the data for the value of apparent clearance (CL/F = 18.5 L/h), and apparent volume of distribution (V/F = 1406 L) but no information was gained about the absorption rate constant (ka). When a two-compartment model was fitted to the data, the data were informative about CL/F, apparent inter-compartmental clearance, and apparent volume of distribution of the peripheral compartment (13.2 L/h, 20.8 L/h, and 579 L, respectively). The posterior distribution of the volume distribution of central compartment and ka were the same as priors. The posterior odds for the two-compartment model was 8.1, indicating the data supported the two-compartment model. Conclusion: The use of informative priors supported the choice of a more complex and informative model that would otherwise have not been supported by the sparse data.


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This study investigated the effect of sleep position on breathing patterns of normal full term infants during quiet and active behavioral sleep states. Tidal volume, percent contribution of rib cage to tidal volume, and respiration rate were measured via respiratory inductive plethysmography (RIP) and pneumotachograph (PNT) in ten infants sleeping in supine versus right side-lying. Data was collected immediately following two consecutive feedings. Paired t tests and ANOVA comparisons showed no significant differences between the two postures (p $<$.05) in mean tidal volume (supine, M = 19.16, right side, M = 22.45), percent contribution of rib cage to tidal volume (supine, M = 30.55, right side M = 33.20), or respiration rate (supine, M = 49.13, right side, M = 49.37) during quiet sleep. Comparisons also showed no significant differences between the two postures (p $<$.05) in mean tidal volume (supine, M = 18.89, right side, M = 20.12), percent contribution of rib cage to tidal volume (supine, M = 6.43, right side, M = 6.97) or respiration rate (supine, M = 62.18, right side, M = 61.04) during active sleep. Therefore, no differences were found in the three respiratory variables measured between the supine and right side-lying positions. These findings suggest that infants may be positioned in either sleep position without detriment to respiratory function. This information may benefit occupational therapists and other health professionals involved in the education of parents on infant positioning and their respective advantages. ^


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This study evaluated the spirometry and respiratory static pressures in 17 young women, twice a week for three successive ovulatory menstrual cycles to determine if such variables changed across the menstrual, follicular, periovulatory, early-tomid luteal and late luteal phases. The factors phases of menstrual cycle and individual cycles had no significant effect on the spirometry variables except for peak expiratory flow (PEF) and respiratory static pressures. Significant weak positive correlations were found between the progesterone:estradiol ratio and PEF and between estrogen and tidal volume (r = 0.37), inspiratory time (r = 0.22), expiratory time (r = 0.19), maximal inspiratory pressure (r = 0.25) and maximal expiratory pressure (r = 0.20) and for progesterone and maximal inspiratory pressure (r = 0.32) during the early-to-mid luteal phase. Although most parameters of the spirometry results did not change during the menstrual cycle, the correlations observed between sexual hormones and respiratory control variables suggest a positive influence of sexual female hormones controlling the thoracic pump muscles in the luteal phase


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This study evaluated the spirometry and respiratory static pressures in 17 young women, twice a week for three successive ovulatory menstrual cycles to determine if such variables changed across the menstrual, follicular, periovulatory, early-tomid luteal and late luteal phases. The factors phases of menstrual cycle and individual cycles had no significant effect on the spirometry variables except for peak expiratory flow (PEF) and respiratory static pressures. Significant weak positive correlations were found between the progesterone:estradiol ratio and PEF and between estrogen and tidal volume (r = 0.37), inspiratory time (r = 0.22), expiratory time (r = 0.19), maximal inspiratory pressure (r = 0.25) and maximal expiratory pressure (r = 0.20) and for progesterone and maximal inspiratory pressure (r = 0.32) during the early-to-mid luteal phase. Although most parameters of the spirometry results did not change during the menstrual cycle, the correlations observed between sexual hormones and respiratory control variables suggest a positive influence of sexual female hormones controlling the thoracic pump muscles in the luteal phase


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Background. The value of respiratory variables as weaning predictors in the intensive care unit (ICU) is controversial. We evaluated the ability of tidal volume (Vtexp), respiratory rate ( f ), minute volume (MVexp), rapid shallow breathing index ( f/Vt), inspired–expired oxygen concentration difference [(I–E)O2], and end-tidal carbon dioxide concentration (PE′CO2) at the end of a weaning trial to predict early weaning outcomes. Methods. Seventy-three patients who required .24 h of mechanical ventilation were studied. A controlled pressure support weaning trial was undertaken until 5 cm H2O continuous positive airway pressure or predefined criteria were reached. The ability of data from the last 5 min of the trial to predict whether a predefined endpoint indicating discontinuation of ventilator support within the next 24 h was evaluated. Results. Pre-test probability for achieving the outcome was 44% in the cohort (n¼32). Non-achievers were older, had higher APACHE II and organ failure scores before the trial, and higher baseline arterial H+ concentrations. The Vt, MV, f, and f/Vt had no predictive power using a range of cut-off values or from receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis. The [I–E]O2 and PE′CO2 had weak discriminatory power [areaunder the ROC curve: [I–E]O2 0.64 (P¼0.03); PE′CO2 0.63 (P¼0.05)]. Using best cut-off values for [I–E]O2 of 5.6% and PE′CO2 of 5.1 kPa, positive and negative likelihood ratios were 2 and 0.5, respectively, which only changed the pre- to post-test probability by about 20%. Conclusions. In unselected ICU patients, respiratory variables predict early weaning from mechanical ventilation poorly.


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The benefits of prone position ventilation are well demonstrated in the severe forms of acute respiratory distress syndrome, but not in the milder forms. We investigated the effects of prone position on arterial blood gases, lung inflammation, and histology in an experimental mild acute lung injury (ALI) model. ALI was induced in Wistar rats by intraperitoneal Escherichia coli lipopolysaccharide (LPS, 5 mg/kg). After 24 h, the animals with PaO2/FIO2 between 200 and 300 mmHg were randomized into 2 groups: prone position (n = 6) and supine position (n = 6). Both groups were compared with a control group (n = 5) that was ventilated in the supine position. All of the groups were ventilated for 1 h with volume-controlled ventilation mode (tidal volume = 6 ml/kg, respiratory rate = 80 breaths/min, positive end-expiratory pressure = 5 cmH2O, inspired oxygen fraction = 1). Significantly higher lung injury scores were observed in the LPS-supine group compared to the LPS-prone and control groups (0.32 ± 0.03; 0.17 ± 0.03 and 0.13 ± 0.04, respectively) (p < 0.001), mainly due to a higher neutrophil infiltration level in the interstitial space and more proteinaceous debris that filled the airspaces. Similar differences were observed when the gravity-dependent lung regions and non-dependent lung regions were analyzed separately (p < 0.05). The BAL neutrophil content was also higher in the LPS-supine group compared to the LPS-prone and control groups (p < 0.05). There were no significant differences in the wet/dry ratio and gas exchange levels. In this experimental extrapulmonary mild ALI model, prone position ventilation for 1 h, when compared with supine position ventilation, was associated with lower lung inflammation and injury.